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HACIENDA OF PALESTINE, O., December 12, 1850. Brother Campbell: I have come to the conclusion that I will neither patronize priest nor paper, that is not strictly anti-slavery. Your position to American Slavery I very much dislike. (1) I suppose you must be aware, that our brethren generally on the Western Reserve, and particu larly in this section of it, also disagree with you on this subject. (2) I know of many that would take the Harbinger, did they consider you orthodox on the doctrine of human rights. (3) I understand you to teach that one man may hold property in his fellow-man, by physical force; or, in other words, make merchandize of him. (4) I also further understand you to teach, that a minister of the gospel may be a slave-holder, and that that should be no bar to christian union and communion. This platform I think you will not deny, and I regard it as very heretical. (5) I most sincerely believe American slave-holders to be the vilest thieves and hypocrites that ever lived. I regard the ancient Pharisees altogether better than our southern slave-holders; (6) and if I am correctly informed, our breth ren generally in the slave States are slave-holders, and that you fellowship them as christian brethren. I think this altogether wrong. (7) Every slave-holder that has crept into the church, that, after proper admonition, should refuse to let the captive go free, should be dealt with, in my humble opinion, as we would with a horse-thief, or any other notorious villain. I regard the slave-holder or master (and I believe the terms to be synonimous) to be as much worse than a horse-thief, as I regard a man to be better than a horse or a sheep.

I take it for granted that, from your silence, you are in favor of the recent Fugitive Slave Law passed by Congress; and if I had no other objection than this, I would not take your paper; and whether you are or are not, I would not take, read, nor patronise any paper, religious or political, whose Editor did not lift up his voice and his pen against such a fiendish and ungodly statute. And he must go farther, he must denounce the govern

(1) Not more than I dislike yours.

(2) And so do they with Paul.

(3) So would many sceptics, if I flattered their errors. But I have not yet learned to flatter men to subscribe, nor to flatter them to continue.

(4) I cannot give any man eyes to see, nor ears to hear. If, then, you cannot understand what I have said, I fear I could not, on those subjects, make you understand any thing that I might say.

(5) So do many slave-holders regard Abolitionists But what do these "sincere beliefs" and opinions prove?

(6) And so think they of modern Abolitionists.

(7) And so think they of those who fellowship Abolitionists.

Now, what do all these dogmatic assertions prove? or whom do they convince, propitiate, or reconcile? There is neither argument nor morality, neither humanity nor religion, in thus treating the subject.

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A. C.

ment that would have the brazen effrontry, in the noon of the 19th century, to enact a law that so directly conflicts with every precept of both the Old and New Testament Scriptures. Very respectfully, JOHN KIRK.

Friend Kirk: I wish you were emancipated from the tyranny of opinionism. Were I to form my opinion of you from this communication, I would say that you are a very good miniature Pope. You are infallibly right, and every one that differs from you is infallibly wrong. You would annihilate the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of Christ's own Kingdom, under the frenzied impulse of a perverted mind, to carry out your notions of political rights and wrongs. You would place us all under a law as tyrannical as that by which a Salem witch was tried some hundred years ago-who, manage the case as she might, must infallibly lose her life. If, on attempting to cross a river on a rope she fell, she was drowned; but if she succeeded in making the shore, she was convicted of witchcraft, and condemned to die the death of a witch.

If I remain silent, I must be condemned as unworthy to be read; and if I should reprove your mode of resisting the laws of the United States, and call it rebellion, I must fall under the doom of your excommunication. When, then, you assume the Pope, I will act the Protestant, and deny your authority thus to put to torture, because I presume to think and speak without either your frown or your smile before my eyes. If you please, you may examine my remarks upon the "Fugitive Slave Law," and read the following article from Elder Samuel Church, of Pittsburgh.

A. C.

"I exhort, therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men. For kings, and for all that are in authority, that we may live a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty."-1 Tim., ii. 1-2.

Brother Campbell: The above direction of the Apostle Paul, is peculiarly appropriate at the present time. God has blessed us above every other nation on the globe. We have long been united, happy, peaceful, and prosperous. History fails to furnish a parallel to the United States, in the excellence of its political institutions and the rapidity of its march to national greatness. Clouds, however, begin to darken our skies. To whom shall we look for all that is requisite to preserve us safe, and carry us unharmed through the impending storm? To Him who is the governor among the nations. It strikes me that the perpetuity of our Union, internal peace, and political institutions, must be exceedingly dear to every man who loves

his kind. If I know myself, I would be willing to purchase them for my children with my life. What a privilege, then, to be not only permitted, but positively commanded, to pray for all in authority! If God tells us to pray for any thing, it is conclusive proof that he means to grant our request. Could I speak to every sincere christian throughout our country, I would say, Brother, Sister, pray for our President and his constitutional advisers (his Cabinet;) pray for our National Legislature; pray for the Governors of the several States, and our State Legislatures. Let us wrestle with God in our closets-in our families-in our prayer meetings, and more public assemblies on the Lord's day. Let us be fervent and importunate. No one can sufficiently deprecate the unheard of evils which must inevitably result from a disunion of the States. I contemplate the results of such an experiment with dismay and horror. Its train of evils to all parties-north and south, bond and free-cannot be anticipated. Some one may say I am weak: well, be it so, if to be strong means to think on such things with composure. There are those, no doubt-and I could weep when I admit they are numerous-both north and south, who have permitted themselves to become, I must say, demented on this subject. They even desire this catastrophe. Let us pray for them.

Bro. Campbell, permit me to say to you, that I think you ought to speak out on this subject, and urge the brethren every where to their duty at this crisis. A word from you would do a great deal. For my part, as long as I live I will not cease, in private and in public, to pray for my country. You will join me, I know. May the Lord have mercy on us all! SAMUEL CHURCH.


BETHANY COLLEGE still grows in public favor, as appears from the annual catalogues. In the College Proper, as well as in the Primary Department, we have, this year, more than a proportional advance, both in the number and character of our students. Still, we have reason to complain that the college is much wanting in funds, and in that sort of patronage which would enable it to be useful, in any just proportion, to the wants of society. The same Faculty could instruct, as well, twice the number in attendance; and could have many more in attendance, had we funds equal to the calls upon us for aid, or for a reduction of the prices of tuition. Our brethren are numerous, and, in the aggregate number, we think, as wealthy as any other community in the country. And were the value and importance of this institution to the cause of public

advancement, and especially to our own community, as well understood by our brotherhood as it is by us, and our fellow-citizens of other denominations, they could not possibly but arise, like one man, and place it on a footing with other institutions, and in a capacity to exert its full influence upon society at large.

Kentucky has undertaken the endowment of the Chair of Sacred History, and has almost accomplished it. Indiana, also, though erecting a North-Western University, has consented to endow the Chair of Ancient Languages in Bethany College, simultaneously with her own institution. She regards Bethany College as belonging to no State-as the property of the United States, of the brotherhood every where, in Europe and America. Indeed, scholarships have been taken in Great Britain, as well as in this country.

But this work goes forward too languidly, too slowly-not as stocks are taken in banks, railroads, and other wordly enterprizes for worldly wealth. But it is long since the children of this world, in their affairs, were wiser, more active and enterprising, than the children of light. Friends of God and man, of wisdom, learning, and piety, why is it so? Our zealous, talented, eloquent, and devoted brother, O. Kane, agent for the North-Western University in Indiana, is also agent for Bethany College and for the Millennial Harbinger, to obtain subscribers and collect our dues on all accounts. We would commend him to all our brethren and friends in Indiana, if they did not know him better than we do. A. C.


SUNDRY Communications, demanding our attention to the Fugitive Slave Law, received since writing the article on that subject in the present number, have come to hand. Important resolutions on the part of our brotherhood, touching their duties in this crisis, received too late for insertion in the present number, are lying on our table.

The crisis is a serious one-a solemn one in our country. Our brethren shall be heard, and we will give them our opinion in all candor and godly sincerity. In this great crisis in human affairs, "He that walks slowly walks surely, but he that hasteth in his movements erreth." So said Solomon, and we, of course, endorse for the King of Israel, dead or alive.

Conscience is not a safe guide in human affairs; but an enlight

ened conscience always is. Let every reader be cautious how he reads this last sentence.

We are a free people-a constitutional, law-abiding people. We are United States-the wonder, the admiration of the world; a bright example; the brightest and the best on time's colored chart ever given of a rational, moral, law-abiding, self-governing community. Let us, then, calmly, deliberately, with perfect self-posses. sion; in homage to the supremacy of the law, the Bible, conscience, and the Supreme Judge and Governor of the world, so conduct ourselves as never after to reproach ourselves. And if we cannot all subscribe the law of '93, as the immortal Washington did, let us show good reason for our course, and a due respect to those who dissent from us, and we shall then, doubtless, ride the storm, control the waves, and finally anchor in a sure and safe haven.

WESTERN RESERVE ECLECTIC INSTITUTE.-This Academy, located in Hiram, Portage county, Ohio, has commenced its career under auspicious circumstances. It has some ninety pupils. Bro. A. S. Hayden, so well known in Ohio, under whose presidency this institute has commenced, will, no doubt, employ all his powers in making it a popular and useful institution to its friends.

Bro. Thomas Munnell, A. B., of Bethany College, teaches the languages, and other branches of learning. From his attainments, great energy, and good didactic powers, associated with Bro. Hayden, we augur that his labors in that institution will be most acceptable to its friends and the public.

CHURCH EDIFICE IN WASHINGTON CITY.-We call the attention of the whole christian brotherhood to the astounding fact, that we have not a single place of public worship in Washington City, the great metropolis of this great nation. A few disciples are there, meeting in private rooms-a noble little band, truly-but without much of this world's goods. The public interest felt in having a fair hearing in the great centre, by prominent persons from all the States of this confederacy, annually in attendance at the seat of government, is certainly such as to elicit one quarter of a dollar from every member of every church in the Union. Let, then, the elders of every particular church forward to this office, in conformity with the wishes of the brethren who have originated this grand and good work, addressed to me, a sum equal to twenty-five cents for every SERIES IV.-VOL. I.


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