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It has been said, that in this country a foreign excommunication could not be noticed, and that a foreign country could not notice an excommunication by this country; and certainly that is true, for no laws can be made binding and compulsory beyond the country over which the authority making the law extends. The articles of religion, though confirmed by act of Parliament, only extend to this country, and to the subjects of this country. The discipline of the Church and its punishment by excommunication, can therefore only extend to this country: but all His Majesty's subjects, whether of the Church of England, or whether dissenting from that Church either as Papists or as any other description of Dissenters, are bound to consider an excommunicated person as an heathen and a publican, be the person himself of the Church of England, or be he of any other class or sect. This is the first description of persons put in association with persons unbaptized.

The next description is that of suicides: they are supposed to die in the commission of mortal sin, and in open contempt of their Saviour and of his precepts; to have renounced Christianity; to have unchristianized themselves; that is the view which the law takes of persons who are selfmurderers.

Then, taking the context of the law, putting unbaptized persons in association with excommunicated persons and with suicides, both of whom are considered as no longer Christians, it leads to the same construction as the general import of the words; namely, that burial is to be refused to those who are not Christians at all, and not to those who are baptized according to the forms of any particular Church.

Having thus considered the words in their general meaning, and as connected with the context of the law, it may not be improper, before the Court proceeds to what is next proposed, namely, the history of the law, to notice another rule of construction, which is this: That the general law is to be construed favourably, and that the exception is to be construed strictly. Here the general law is, that burial is to be refused to no person. This is the law, not only of

the English Church; it is the law, not only of all Christian Churches; but it seems to be the law of common humanity; and the limitation of such a law must be considered strictissimi juris.

It is with some degree of surprise, that the Court has heard the suggestion of there being no law to compel the clergy to bury Dissenters. This seems to be most strangely perverting, or rather inverting, all legal considerations. The question is not, - Is there any law expressly enjoining the Clergy to bury Dissenters; but, Does any law exclude Dissenters from burial? It is the duty of the parish minister to bury all persons dying within his parish, all Christians. The Canon was made to enforce the performance of that duty, and to punish the refusal of burial: nothing can be more large than the Canon is in this respect. It does not limit the duty to the burial of persons who are of the Church of England; he is to bury all persons that are brought to the Church, upon convenient warning being given to him. The Canon has the single exception, expressly of excommunicated persons. The Rubric adds the other express exceptions, of persons unbaptized and suicides. It is true that the Canon says they are to christen any child, and to bury any corpse; and hence it has been suggested, that the Canon means they are only to bury those who have been first christened according to the form of the Church but the Canon says no such thing, nor does the Rubric say any such thing; there is nothing of the sort to be found in any express law; nothing can be more general than the injunction to bury all persons, and all persons who are not specially excepted are entitled to that rite. Exceptions, then, being to be construed strictly, (for it is always to be presumed that if the lawgiver meant that his exception should be more extensive he would have expressed his intention in clear and distinct words); and exceptions not being to be extended by mere implication so to limit the general law, it would be necessary, in order to give to the exception the meaning which has been contended for in argument (namely, that of excepting all persons

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S. P. C. K.-YORK.

THE number of books and tracts issued under the authority of the York Diocesan Committee, from the depository, during the past year, was 12,309; including 580 Bibles, 269 Testaments, 1371 Common Prayer-books and Psalters, and 10,089 of the Society's other publications.

The sum remitted to the Society within the year, was 6521. 13s. 9d.; being 1371. 9s. 9d. for Donations and Annual Subscriptions, and 5151. 4s. for the sale of books. The collection at St. Michael-le-Belfrey's, after the Annual Sermon on behalf of the Society, preached in October by the Rev. Theophilus Barnes, was 10%. 15s. 2d. Nine new subscribers have this year been added to the Diocesan Committee, and three have been recommended to the Parent Society.

The remaining part of this Report is an able digest of the Society's Annual Report.


S. P. G.-YORK.

The York Diocesan Committee have here also made some interesting extracts from the Report of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, and inform us, that two names have been added to their list of Subscribers since last year. The Treasurer's account shews a trifling increase in their funds upon last year. The amount of receipts is 110. 4s. 11d.; expenditure, 110l. 3s. 9d.; leaving a balance of 1s. 2d. in the Treasurer's hands.

JOHN OVERTON, Treasurer.
Rev. W. L. PICKARD, M.A, Sec.


THE Annual General Meeting of the above Societies, was held in the Central School-room, Norwich, on the 2d of August, the Right Hon. and Rev. Lord Bayning in the chair.


The Report of the Diocesan Committee of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, which was read by the Rev. J. Brown, gave a gratifying account of the increasing sale of its publications in the district. During the year 1831, there were sold at the depôt in Norwich, 835, Bibles, 975 Testaments, 2067 Prayer-books, 382 Psalters, 19,514 bound books and tracts, and 430 books on the Supplemental Catalogue; making a total of 24,203, exclusive of School-cards, sold in parcels of less than a set. This displayed an increase of 242 Bibles, 138 Testaments, 332 Prayer-books, and 2,308 in the whole upon the sale of the preceding year. Ábout 921. more was received than in the year 1830, and the balance in the Treasurer's hands appeared to be above 1007. after the settlement of all demands. The stock of books on sale has been considerably increased of late, and nearly sixty new publications have been received into the depôt since Christmas last. 1224 Forms of Prayer for the late General Fast were sold, and a larger quantity would have found a ready sale. On this statement of the good effected, the Committee grounded an earnest appeal for additional subscriptions to the. Parent Society, to remunerate it in some measure for the heavy loss which has necessarily attended so large a sale.

The Report having been read, a benefaction of 50%. was voted to the Parent Society from the local fund of the Committee. They were also authorised to expend a sum not exceeding 10%. in promoting the circulation of the Saturday Magazine, which the Meeting agreed to recommend to the Clergy for distribution.


The Rev. S. Titlow reported, that during the past year, he had transmitted benefactions and annual subscriptions to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, to the amount of about 1207.


The Report of the National School Society, was read by the Rev. Edward Cole. It appeared, that throughout the past year, the Society's funds had enabled the Committee to answer every call which had been made upon them for assistance. In that period, two new Daily and five Sunday Schools have been established in the county, and admitted into union, affording instruction to about 545 children. Five masters and four mistresses have been trained in the Central Schools; and the Report strongly urged the importance of such a course, and stated the readiness of the Committee to make an allowance in all cases for that purpose. Supplies of books have been

voted to five new and five old established Schools, including 169 Testaments, 335 Prayer-books and Psalters, and 3517 elementary books. The sum of 28. has been voted to old established Schools, in addition to 3001. expended in permanent allowances. Highly favourable accounts have been received from the visitors in their respective deaneries. The Rev. W. Smith, Vicar of East Tuddenham, was elected one of the Secretaries, in the room of the late Rev. John Edwards, a zealous supporter of the Society, whose loss has occasioned A deep regret among its friends. resolution to this effect was entered in the proceedings.

The proceedings concluded with a vote of thanks to the noble chairman for his kind and zealous support of the Societies on that and many other occasions.

It is not unseasonable to mention, that the Report of the National School Society displayed two instances of Clerical liberality. In the former a young incumbent has built a Schoolroom in his parish, at an expense of 4001.; and, in the latter, a Clergyman has erected a building for the same purpose in a parish adjoining his own, and declined the aid of the Society, when offered. Without doubt many similar instances might be produced in opposition to the charge of inactivity brought against the Clergy.



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From which it appears, that for the year ending the 5th of April last, the expenditure exceeded the income by more than 1,240,000l.; and for the year ending July 5,by more than 1,263,000l. To meet this appalling deficiency, he took credit to himself for having reduced the expenditure 234,000l. annually, by diminishing the salaries of persons employed in the lower ranks of government service; and anticipated a farther reduction in the same line of employment, by which he hoped to effect an annual saving of an additional 100,000l. He also contemplated

er arrangements and reductions, by the adoption of which, the public

expenditure for the present year would not exceed 45,696,300l., making upon the whole a diminution of 2,162,1007. below that of the preceding one. He ascribed the fall of the preceding year's income below the estimation he had taken of it, to several causes no longer operating, or only operating with very diminished effect, and particularly the political excitement from the discussion of important public measures now disposed of. He anticipated an augmentation of the revenue, especially under those two important heads, Customs and Excise; and estimated that the present defalcation would then be reduced to about 400,000l. to meet which would be the subject of future consideration.

Various important bills have been past since our last retrospect :-among these, we record that for reforming the Irish Representation in the Commons House of Parliament; another, fixing the income of the lord chancellor at 14,000l. per annum; one for the payment of the Russian-Dutch loan;

one for abolishing thirteen useless or sinecure places in the Court of Chancery; one to secure a pension to the Speaker of the House of Commons, upon his retirement from his honourable but laborious duty, which he has now discharged for six parliaments; one to abolish the punishment of death for the crime of forgery, except where wills and powers of attorney to transfer bank stocks are the instruments forged, (the Directors of the Bank have publicly avowed that they did not desire this last exception); one to suppress party processions, and another to commute tithes in Ireland; and one for the relief of West India planters.

On the 16th of August, his Majesty, accompanied by his great officers of state, went to the House of Peers, and, having summoned the attendance of the Commons, after a speech from the throne, prorogued the parliament until the 16th of October next.

In this speech, the king thanked the house for their zeal and diligence in the discharge of their arduous duties through a session of extraordinary length, and adverted to the importance of the measures which had engaged their attention, particularly those con

nected with the representation of the Commons in parliament; lamented the continuance of the disturbed state of Ireland; reported the assurances of friendly feeling towards this country from foreign powers; regretted that the long-expected restoration of peaceable and amicable relations between the Netherlands and Belgium had not been realized; and expressed his hope, that whatever may be the issue of the contest now existing between the branches of the house of Braganza, that the general peace of Europe will not suffer from it. He thanked the Commons for the supplies voted, and promised the economical application of them; urged on the members of both houses the most careful attention to the preservation of domestic peace, and the promotion of the security of the country in the contentment and welfare of the people.

FRANCE. The court of Cassation having decided against the competency of a court martial to try and punish the offenders of the 5th and 6th of June last, one of these (Geoffry) who had been convicted before such a court, and appealed, and his sentence annulled upon that appeal, has been brought before the usual court, the assizes of the Seine, tried, and found guilty, and condemned to the gallies for ten years. The other rioters will be tried before the same court.

Napoleon's son, the Duke von Reichstadt, expired at Vienna on the 22d of July.

The internal state of France continues to be one of tumult and disorder. The Lyonnese have again required and received the interference of the military. The Vendeans are busily employed in getting in their harvest, which has given temporary repose to that province. The Duchess of Berri is believed to be still in that country, and that she will resume active operations as soon as the corn and vintage are received.

The Courts of St. Cloud and Brussels have met at Compeigne, where Louis Philippe received the King of Belgium with great state and magnificence. On the 9th of August, King Leopold received the hand of the Princess Louise, and after three days of very splendid rejoicing, the royal

bridegroom and his bride returned to Brussels; the King of the French and his Court, to Paris.

Central Europe continues to present the same symptoms of excitement and suspense as for some time past. A decree of the diet at Frankfort, issued under the influence of the courts of Berlin and Vienna, the object of which is to prevent innovation in Germany, has been received with general disgust, and has promoted the alarm and excitement which it was intended to repress or allay. The Kings of Bavaria and Wirtemberg have openly avowed their opposition to it, whilst the minor and popular States have manifested a similar though differently modified feeling; and in other States the people and their rulers are openly at variance on the subject.

The military attitude of the powers occupying this part of the world grows more warlike. Russia has assembled in Poland (whose desolate and devastated situation renders all apprehension of internal war ridiculous) a disposable force of 200,000 men, and is advancing them towards the western frontiers of that country. Prussia has a disposable force of 291,000 men, in the highest state of discipline, and admirably officered. We noticed before the military state of Austria; both these are drawing their armies towards the French frontiers. Prussia has 200,000 men in four camps, between the Oder and the Rhine; and both Prussia and Austria have called out part of the landwehr, or militia. The troops of France are ready for service, and the stores of warlike materials are continually accumulating. The diet of Switzerland have placed the troops of the confederation on the war establishment.

PORTUGAL.-The affairs of this kingdom remain as undecided as ever. We recorded in our last the landing of Dom Pedro and his passage of the Douro. It appears that he advanced as far as Perafiel, where he engaged the troops of Dom Miguel; the battle was obstinate, and continued during the whole day; the English and French battalions were completely victorious where they were engaged, but the remainder of Dom Pedro's army merely maintained their ground, and he finally

found it necessary to fall back on Oporto. He was followed, but not pursued, by the enemy, whose course was stopped by the Douro. At the date of the last advices, Dom Pedro was in quiet occupation of Oporto; and his enemies halting as quietly on the left bank of the river.

TURKEY.-The affairs of Turkey present a very diverse appearance according to the quarter to which we direct our attention. In Bosnia the arms of the Sultan have been every where victorious; the insurgent chiefs are every where subdued; and, in the Turkish sense of the word, peace reigns through all the Western Provinces of the Empire. On the side of Greece the contracting powers have thought an extension of the frontier from the Gulf of Arta to that of Volo necessary for the security of the new kingdom; and the Sultan has agreed to this extension, stipulating for the payment of forty millions of piastres as the price of his concession (2,400,0007. sterling). On the eastern side every thing is disastrous. The troops of Mehemet Ali, the Pacha of Egypt, are every where victorious; and the princes of the country are every where deserting the authority of the Sultan to place themselves in the ranks of his adversaries. Ibrahim, after his battle with the Pacha of Damascus, detached a large body of cavalry in pursuit of the latter, who fled towards that city. Her gates were immediately opened to the conqueror, whose march has since been directed to Aleppo, and of which he has been in possession, most probably, long ere this. The Sherilf of Mecca, who is considered as the prince of the Mussulman religion, on the commencement of hostilities bythe command of the Sultan, published his anathema against the Pacha of Egypt and his adherents. He has now recalled it, and offered to crown him as sovereign of that country. The most potent chief of the tribes of Lebanon has also joined Ibrahim, and sent his son as an hostage to his father Mehemet Ali. Ibrahim's army is stated to be 56,000 strong, including a fine body of cavalry and artillery. There is no force opposed to him sufficient to prevent his penetrating into Anatolia.

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