Abbildungen der Seite

liberal and frequent grants of English and foreign tracts. To the friends of that noble Institution it will be gratifying to learn that the silent messengers of mercy have often proved to seamen a means of religious and undying advantage.

Another department of labour within the Port of London relates to the


Of the Boys' School the Master writes:

"The number admitted the past year is seventy-five; forty-six have left, some of whom have been removed by death, others have left the locality, and several are filling situations. The number on the books is 102; average attendance, eighty.

"The progress of the children has given their parents general satisfaction, to which they have borne pleasing testimony. Of the 102 in attendance, about sixty read well, nearly the whole of the others can read easy lessons; forty-one write in copy-books, the remainder on slates; seventy are in arithmetic, in various stages of progress, from numeration to mensuration. Their studies consist of writing, reading and spelling, mental and slate arithmetic, geography, history, drawing, English grammar and composition. Collective lessons on various subjects are also given daily.

"A provision for the very poor is quite a desideratum, for I find that the trifling sum of twopence per week for each child (some parents having three or four whom they wish to educate) amounts to more than they can afford; and often, for want of employment, the poor children are allowed to wander the streets, instead of being at school; some of the parents are so strictly honest, that when I have desired them to send their children as usual, they have scrupled, fearing they should not be able to pay."

The Mistress of the Girls' School says:

"The general improvement of the children living in such a depraved locality, in habits of cleanliness, neatness, honesty, forbearance, and truth, are pleasing evidences that their moral and religious education is producing much good, and that the seed sown will, under the Divine blessing, sink deep in the hearts of some whose fruit will be seen after many days.

"The girls are instructed in the study of history, geography, grammar, reading, writing, spelling, and arithmetic; they also receive simultaneous lessons on objects and manufactures. The Scriptures are daily read and explained to the whole school, and a portion committed to memory. They are also taught the best methods of cutting out and repairing clothes, with servants' duties.

"The scholars on the books are eighty-seven, with an average attendance of sixty-two. Four of our number have been removed by death; the eldest, aged eight years, delighted to hear of the love of Jesus for little children during her short illness.

"It is also gratifying to know that the labour of past years has not been entirely lost. An old scholar, after an absence of five years (whose father, when commanding a vessel, was lost at sea), visited the school, expressed her gratitude for the instruction she had received, and has become a collector for the funds of your Society."


Is also established at the Sailors' Church. The number of children taught therein has been 189.


The Rev. C. Von Bülow has been somewhat interrupted in his labours by the state of his health during the past months. An extract or two from his journal will show the extent and usefulness of his services.

"I have had conversations with Danes, Norwegians, and Swedes, on board ship, and at the appointed places of worship; one Dane seemed to understand and know the truth as it is in Jesus Christ, and told me there were a good number of people on the Island of Fyen who feared the Lord. At six services, from five to twentyfive have come; once, seven attended, of whom six were the captain and crew of one ship. At other times none have attended. At five appointed services, from ten to sixty German seamen have attended.

"The lodging-houses of the German emigrants and the foreign sailors have been duly attended to, and I have distributed tracts to seamen of all European nations; and when there has been opportunity, I have also endeavoured to set before them the truth; but I can seldom get any of them to come to the appointed services, and none among them, of the Southern nations, to purchase any part of the Holy Scriptures. Among the German emigrants, I have found some few who have had the good cause at heart, and have exerted themselves, endeavouring to get their countrymen to attend at my meetings. They are, with few exceptions, very desirous to get tracts, and receive them with many thanks.

"I have had several interesting cases on the Dreadnought, suffice it to mention one. A Danish mate, who, when I came down, endeavoured to raise himself, saying, 'Oh! I have longed for you to come-a German has told me about you; I am very ill, speak a word of God to me.' I did so, and endeavoured to set forth to him the grace and mercy of God in Christ Jesus, the Great Physician. He was very thankful and joyful, and he would scarcely let me leave him. I continued my instructions and exhortations and prayers with him, and sometimes there were several Norwegians and Danes assembled at his bedside. He has lately left, filled with gratitude and love towards God and man, wholly cured, to the surprise of all, but yet very weak. I sought and found him on a Danish ship, in the West India Docks, and gave him a New Testament, the book that he appreciated above all things, and had often, when I found him in the Dreadnought reading, called out, 'Oh, the blessed book! the blessed book!' Who is to repay you?' was his parting word; 'I cannot, but the Lord will.' A young German, and an old Hamburgher, and some of different other nations, have seemingly also profited by the opportunities afforded them; and to some I have given the New Testament, and others have bought it. Thus we hope that they will return to their respective countries renewed in soul and body, and tell of the goodness of the Lord."


The agent (Mr. E. Evans) has continued to labour among his countrymen with diligence and success. Many sailors evince a serious disposition; he states:

"On board of the S, we had a very interesting service; two sailors prayed; and at its close a very happy social meeting for Christian converse. One young sailor said that he had felt himself the very character that had been represented in my address, and that he was determined not to halt between two opinions any longer;

that through God's help he would follow Him. As there were some experienced Christian captains and men, he was much encouraged in the new course that he had undertaken to steer. On board of H, of N-, we had a crowded cabin of many praying men. This was one of the best attended and most lively meetings I have ever held in a cabin. The pious Captain N. was at his usual post, leading the singing. Three prayed; and after my address we had very pleasing conversation on Christian experience. After encouraging one another in the way we should go, we were, by one of the captains, commended, in a short but very expressive prayer, to the especial care of Him that hath his preserving eye watching us, and his willing ear awaiting our supplication. On board of S-, of N —, I had also a crowded meeting and deep attention from my audience, while addressing them from that blessed portion of the Word, 2 Cor. viii. 9. On board of my favourite vessel, H— of N-, again we had a full cabin; most excellent singing; three engaged in prayer; and almost all stayed back for further conversation in our social meeting.”


In addition to the labours of your missionaries in preaching on board and on shore, they visit the houses frequented by seamen. With comparatively few exceptions, these houses are receptacles of vice. Systematic and artfully prepared means are supplied for corrupting, robbing, and ruining our seamen. Among them, your missionaries labour. Much of their toil is attended with discouragements and opposition, but it is not altogether in vain. The Directors, however, despair of overtaking the moral degradation these houses are the occasion of perpetuating among seamen, unless they are enabled to counteract their many evils by providing model lodging-houses, by which means the present mischiefs shall be altogether escaped.


The labours of agents, supported in whole, or in part, by the funds of this Society, have been perseveringly and satisfactorily sustained in various parts of our seagirt isle.

On the Western Coast. In the last Report it was stated that a missionary would shortly enter upon his work on the Cornish coast. This has since been done; and the result has, so far, exceeded the expectations of the Directors. A flourishing Auxiliary has been established at


where the untiring zeal of Mr. Trotter has been crowned with signal instances of success. The sphere of his labours is directed to the mariners and fishermen who either reside in, or occasionally visit, this important commercial port. Speaking

of one of his services on the quay, in consequence of the vessel being too small to accommodate those who had assembled, he says:

"At the time of service, however, the vessel was far too small, so the meeting was held upon the quay. About 120 seamen were present, besides many of their wives and children. It was a glorious time; some hard hearts were melted into tenderness. It was rather wet, but they never moved, and one of the most profigate seamen among them began to yield before the force of truth. He held an umbrella over my head all the while I was preaching, to the no small joy and astonishment of those around; and every groan and sigh of penitence that came from his broken heart, and escaped from his mouth, was like flashes of holy fire among my hearers. I could not give up preaching, and these sons of the ocean stood like lambs, amidst several showers of rain, for about an hour and a half, listening with the most profound attention to words whereby they might be saved."

Besides the Port of Falmouth, your agent visits Penryn, Port Scatha, St. Mawes, Penzance, St. Ives, Hayle, Newlyn, and other towns along the coast.


The friends of seamen in this interesting locality are prepared to enlarge the operations of the Auxiliary. The Committee have resolved to employ a paid agent, whose whole time shall be devoted to the work; and, judging from the success with which hitherto it has been attended, the local Committee believe that their proposed plan of future action will secure a still greater amount of usefulness.

On the Eastern Coast, the agent at


has prosecuted his work. Among other instances of usefulness, he, in one of his reports, says,

"I have seen what kindness will do. of a Scotch vessel, the U—, of N

My Bethel flag was flying at the mast-head ; alongside was an Irish vessel. I went on board, conversed with the master and the crew, and offered them Scriptures for sale; but they all refused to purchase, being bigoted Roman Catholics. I tried to disarm them of prejudice, in the kindest way I could, and reasoned with the master nearly an hour, when he appeared quite another man. He then invited me into his cabin, where we talked freely of the things of God, of the state of Ireland, and the influence of the priests over the minds of the people. I invited him and his crew to attend our meeting, and five of them, with the master, came as they promised. Nor shall I easily forget the eagerness with which they listened, nor the sobs and sighs which heaved their swelling bosoms whilst I preached to them Jesus as the allsufficient and ever-present Saviour of sinners."


An Auxiliary was formed here, during the last month, under very encouraging circumstances. It is proposed by the local Committee to unite this rising port with Yarmouth in an effort to promote the spiritual welfare of the numerous seamen that visit this part of the coast.


will be included in the same effort.


The last report of this flourishing Auxiliary states, that"The object they have for some time had in view, of sustaining a sailors' missionary, whose whole time and energies should be devoted to the moral and religious welfare of the sailors of this port, has been happily realised to a good extent, in the success that has crowned their efforts during the past year. Our sailors and watermen have been cared for; their temporal and spiritual necessities have been ministered unto; your missionary has been sustained in his prudent and well-directed efforts; your Bethel Chapel has been well attended; and the important work of promoting the highest interests of the objects of your solicitude has been crowned with the blessing of heaven."


This inland port includes Wivenhoe and other places. Here, also, an Auxiliary was formed in April last, under most cheering prospects. It is the intention of the local Committee to hold Bethel services at cach of the fishing towns and villages which lie within the limits of the port. The Rev. T. W. Davids, the Rev. James Cameron, the Rev. John Longford, together with several influential gentlemen from each of their congregations, have cordially united in this effort.

On the Southern Coast.


Your agent reports, that since hoisting the Bethel Flag the attendance of sailors at the Chapel has increased. He says:"In my December visits, I found the captain and his family who were wrecked, mentioned in my last report. The captain said :-' I thank you for your attention

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