Abbildungen der Seite

ART. XVI.-Rudiments of Mineralogy, designed for young persons, &c. By Mary Anne Venning. pp. 167. London: Harvey and Darton. 1830.

MISS VENNING is by no means an unimportant member of that very distinguished and, we are happy to add, now numerous class of our fair countrywomen who have accomplished, and are doing so much to smoothen the path of scientific knowledge to the means of acquisition possessed by the tender youth of both sexes. The department she has chosen is certainly very far from being that which requires the least labour and ingenuity in rendering it simple and intelligible, so unaccountably pertinacious are our scientific men in retaining their partiality for derivatives from the dead languages. Difficult, however, as the task is, Miss Venning has done a great deal towards its execution, and by that peculiar mode of instruction which is made to assume the disguise of recreation, she has rendered the whole mysteries of the mineral kingdom capable of being appreciated by a child. The figures are numerous and well done.

ART. XVII. Observations on an Article in the last number of the Edinburgh Review, on the Public Schools of England.-Eton. B. Etonpp. 32.


THIS is a sensible defence of Eton school, against some sweeping charges which have lately appeared against it. The author is not a blind idol of Alma mater, but admits some of its glaring imperfections, wishes them to be removed, but ultimately he places the institution in a very different light from that in which the reviewer would have us regard it.

ART. XVIII.-Narrative of a Residence in Algiers: Biographical Sketches of the Dey and his Ministers, &c. By Signor Pananti, with Notes by E. Blacquiere. Second Edition. 4to. London: Colburn and Bentley.

THE interest which the French expedition to Algiers confers upon that place at the present moment, justifies us in calling the attention of our readers to this valuable publication, which will afford every facility towards the easy understanding of the progress which the French have made in their attack on that strong hold of barbarism.

ART. XIX.-The Senate: a Poem. 12mo. Part I.-The Lords. London: pp. 43. Bull. 1830.

FORCIBLE and harmonious numbers, that savour of the classic times of our poetry, distinguish this clever little piece. We should really like to see the author expand his wings in a sphere where his flights may not be restrained by the Usher of the Black Rod..



Connected with Literature, Science, and the Fine Arts.

His Majesty prorogued the Parliament on the 23d ultimo in person, when he delivered a speech characterized by a frank and cordial spirit. In uttering the following paragraph, all witnesses agree that his Majesty expressed himself with the energy of a sincere and resolute mind :While I declare, on this solemn occasion, my fixed intention to main

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tain, to the utmost of my power, the Protestant reformed religion established by law, let me at the same time express my earnest hope, that the animosities which have prevailed on account of religious distinctions may be forgotten; and that the decision of parliament with respect to those distinctions having been irrevocably pronounced, my faithful subjects will unite with me in advancing the great object contemplated by the legislature, and in promoting that spirit of domestic concord and peace, which constitutes the surest basis of our national strength and happiness.'

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The model of a very curious improvement on the suspension rail way, now exhibited at Charing Cross. The inventor, Mr. Dick, informs us, that the advantages of his discovery are these, the rail way being carried in a given direction, the land under it may be cultivated as usual. The expense will not amount to half that of constructing a rail way on the ground;--the velocity for mail carriages may be expected to be about 50 or 60 miles an hour, and for vans and waggons 20 or 30 miles an hour; so that we may expect one of these days to find Brighton about as near as Chelsea now is to London.

A very just impression is now entertained by the prescribing part of the medical profession, that many drugs and preparations, particularly those of great energy, are very much adulterated, so as to interfere very considerably with the management of disease. An Edinburgh physician positively states, that out of twenty-four specimens of hydriodate of potash, (a medicine of great value,) two only were pure. Some of the others were only half the real article.

On the fifth of July the Swiss Diet opened, when the president made a speech, from which we gather that Switzerland is still the country of simple happiness. He says, "our country continues to enjoy in tranquillity and liberty, its unostentatious happiness. Much has been effected for the schools and the establishments for public education. Brotherly associations, founded on the principle of mutual assistance, without desire of gain, secure to the industrious citizen and farmer, their property, whilst they afford consolation and relief to the aged and infirm, to the widow and orphan. Our workmen subsist on an economical use of the fruits of their daily labours. In spite of our limited resources, economy and management enable us to undertake works conducive to the general good. Charity alleviates misfortunes, under whatever form they may exist. The two churches (Catholic and Protestant) in friendly neighbourhood, zealously inculcate those precepts of the divine revelation which contain eternal truths, and are the only solid basis of all good."

On the same day, (July 5,) Hushein, Dey of Algiers, ceased to reign, that city having surrendered to the French arms. Among the captives delivered to the conqueror, were some who had been nearly thirty years in captivity. They were horribly mutilated by the barbarians, who made them endure dreadful torments.

In a report recently received from Captain Stirling, governor of the Swan River Colony, he states that it was much inconvenienced by the number of emigrants that had flocked to it. Persons, he said, came to Swan River without having the mental enterprise or physical strength requisite to overcome the difficulties which oppose every new settlement. Instead, therefore," says the Captain, "of encouraging emigration to this quarter, discourage it, for the parties who come out are only likely to find the distress aggravated, under which they may be suffering at home."

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A carriage road is now being made over Mount St. Gothard, so that the expense of conveying a carriage over that mountain, which used to be twenty pounds, will now be reasonable.

Mr. Haydon, the artist, a short time since, applied for his discharge from the Insolvent Debtors' Court. His application was granted after a full hearing, the Court being of opinion that no blame was attachable to him for not being able to satisfy his creditors.

Dr. Siebold, the celebrated naturalist, has returned to Antwerp, after having spent a toilsome time at Japan in search of plants. He brings home 118 chests of specimens, which are said to possess extraordinary medicinal virtues.

The number of insane persons in England and Wales, according to the last parliamentary return, is 9239, to which should be added the numbers in public or private asylums, which amount to 3466 more. The whole number, then, including those of the Army and Navy, makes a total of 13,665.

Oxford, 25th July.-GOLD MEDALS.-English prose." On the necessity of Moral Courage in the Conduct of Life." Palmer.-Latin verse. "Pharos Edystonia." Fellowes.-SILVER MEDALS. "T. Quinctii Oratio ad Populum Romanum." Gunner." Lord Erskine's Speech upon the Prosecution of the Age of Reason."

Mr. Britton has announced a Dictionary of the Architecture, and Archoology of the middle ages.

The following suggestions just issued by the Parliamentary Committee on the state of the working classes, are of such importance as to impose it on all persons having the means of publicity, as a duty to disseminate them.

"Your committee now proceed to state an outline of the plan they have considered, which they think may be gradually introduced so as to lessen the evils arising from the fluctuation of employment in manufacturing districts, viz.:

"That societies should be formed in manufacturing districts, called Employment Fund Societies, of which workmen of any trades or employments might become members.

"That the management of the society and its funds should be directed, according to the rules, by such a committee or such persons as the members should elect.

"That each member, whilst in work, should contribute weekly or monthly a certain amount to the society.

"That if a member discontinue his payments for two months he shall be allowed, on paying a forfeit, to take his place again without loss; and so with an increased amount of forfeits for suspensions of payments for three, four, or five months, That six months' suspension forfeits to the society his share of its funds.

"That illness, with a certificate satisfactory to the committee, shall be a good excuse for the suspension of payments; and such a person shall incur no forfeit on resuming them.

"That the amount of contributions of each person shall stand in his name, and shall not be drawn out, except during his want of employment. "That during want of work, each member shall have a right to such weekly (or daily) allowance as may be fixed by the rules, and which will continue till his share of the fund is exhausted.

"That no such payment shall take place when it can be proved to the


committee that he can then earn one third (or any other proportion agreed upon) more than the fixed allowance.

"That when the share standing in a member's name shall amount to (say two) years' contributions, he may be at liberty to suspend his contributions, and be a free member; but should it be brought below that amount, he is to resume them.

"That when a member's share at the annual meeting amounts to (say three) years' contributions, he may, on notice, withdraw one half, and resume his contributions; and so in the following years, a cautionary balance of a year and half's contribution, at least, always remaining as a fund for his use.

"That on the death of any member, his share shall be paid to his family or representatives, except a certain portion to be deducted for the general fund of the society.

"That a member changing his place of residence, shall be permitted to transmit his share of the fund to any similar society established in or near the place he is going to.

"That the funds of the society shall be vested in government securities through the medium of a savings' bank,

"That once or twice a year, a meeting or audit of accounts shall take place, when the amount arising from forfeits, deaths, interest, &c., shall be cast up, and the whole divided in proportion to the share then standing in each member's name, and such dividend shall be added to his share. "That any member may pay his contributions in a lump beforehand. "That any member may have a single, double, or treble share, contributing in like proportion, being entitled to receive on each accordingly; and having one, two, or three votes, as the case may be.

"That the society shall have all the legal facilities and privileges (applicable to their case) which are given to Benefit Societies and Savings' Banks, conferred upon them by act of Parliament."

Recent accounts from Sicily inform us of the destruction of eight villages, by a terrific eruption of Mount Etna.

New editions of Erpenius's Arabic and Michaelis's Syriac Grammars have issued from the press of the Propoganda at Rome. The editor is probably our countryman, Dr. Wiseman.

A very curious work is speedily to be published. It is an English translation, by Sir A. Croke, of a Latin poem, addressed to Robert of Normandy, on the Preservation of Health.

A Geographical and Topographical work on the Canadas, and the other British North American Provinces, with extensive Maps, by Lieut.-Col. Bauchette, the Surveyor-General of Lower Canada, is, we understand, now in the press, and the maps under the hands of eminent engravers. This is the second work that will have been produced by the same author on the topography of those colonies. The first (dedicated, by special permission, to his late Majesty when Prince Regent) was published in 1815, and is to this day considered a work of high authority.

Lady Morgan has just committed to the press her new work on "France in 1829-30," containing the substance of her journal kept during her late residence in that country, comprising remarks on its present most interesting and momentous state, its society, politics, literature, arts, its eminent and celebrated persons of both sexes, with the striking changes which have taken place in all within the last fourteen years, and which


render the France of 1829-30 another than the France of 1816, when Lady Morgan produced her first work on the same subject. Editions are to be published simultaneously in London and Paris.

Mr. Trimmer, a practical agriculturist, gives us, from his own observations, the following account of the French shepherd and his dogs :

'Intelligent, faithful, and diligent, he watches his sheep day and night; never absent from them, he is part and parcel of his flock. By day he patiently tends them, to pick over the scanty stubbles in the open fieldstate of the country, amidst the numerous small intermixed properties, whilst his light well-trained dogs are employed for useful, not abusive purposes. Of these he has generally three, an old, a middle-aged, and a young one in training. The old dog takes his station, lying down with a watchful eye over any trespassers, whilst the middle-aged and active dog frequently canters to and fro, at the extreme boundaries between the patches of lucern, or clover, as if kept in motion by clock-work, silent in tongue, and the whelp is either held in a string, or keeps close to his master's heels, to obey him. If he wants to examine the sheep, his steady dogs gather them together, whilst he walks in the midst of them. When he wishes to remove them from place to place, they follow him obediently, whilst he, perhaps, holds an ashen bough in his hand, with which at other times he occasionally feeds them, and the dogs walk silently behind, or even as I have frequently seen them, close to his heels, at the head of the sheep, without alarming them. His nightly residence is a small cot, drawn upon wheels, under which his dogs lie, to give him alarm in case of the wolf's approach. From this he rises almost at midnight, to change the fold! The reason assigned for it is, that half the day's fold is sufficient for the land. A far better, I believe, would be, that it is all they can allow it. Mid-day and mid-night are the times spoken of for changing the fold, but two o'clock in the afternoon, and the same hour again in the morning, is, I believe, the usual practice. The sheep are brought out very early, folded in the middle of the day, and again taken to feed till dusk in the evening, which on those dry arable soils, and even hot climate, is not prejudicial to them, as the folds are set out at large.'

Several French naturalists accompanied the expedition to Algiers, to render as far as possible the triumphs of war subservient to the arts of peace. IN THE PRESS. The Heiress of Bruges.-Midsummer Medley.-Separation.-Life of George the Fourth.-Treatise on Pulmonary Consumption. -Munro's Correspondence.-Travels to the Seat of War in the East.History of the Netherlands.-Northcote's Conversations.-Irish Pulpit (second series). The Martyr of Prusa.-Finnelly on the Law of Elections. -Illustrations of the Bible, by Mr. Martin.-The Alexandrians.-Sir William Betham on the Dignities, &c. of Parliament.-Chattaway's Sketch of the Damnonii.-Dr. Hunter on Harrowgate Springs.-A History of the County Palatine of Lancaster, by Edward Baines, Esq., author of the "History of George the Third." and of the "Topography of Lancashire," &c. In monthly parts.-No. I. of Views in India, from Sketches by Captain Robert Elliot, R.N. Each Number will contain three highly-finished engravings, with descriptive letter-press.-Dr. Jamieson has nearly ready for publication, The Elements of Algebra, comprising Simple and Quadratic Equations, designed as an Introduction to Bland's Algebraitical Problems. A Key to the above is also in the press, in which the Solutions to all the Questions will be worked at full length.

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