Abbildungen der Seite

containing 2078 scholars, of whom 888 are adults; besides these, 6 masters, on the circulatory system, inspect and controul 10 schools each; forming a total of 107 schools under the protection of the Society.

Sunday-schools have been established in the neighbourhood of each station where a fixed master is placed, to be under his care, and to be superintended by his daily scholars: by this means it is expected that between 60 and 100 new schools may be formed in the course of the ensuing year, with the small addition of 21. 12s. annual charge for each.

⚫ Schools are about to be formed in some of the jails; a large proportion of their inmates being acquainted with the Irish language only.

In the distribution of the Scriptures, the Society is assisted by the British and Foreign Bible Society: 1000 copies of the Irish Testament received from that Society have been divided into ten parts each; by which means 10,000 portions of the Scriptures are put into circulation. An important addition is making to the stock of Irish books, by the publication of the Scriptures in the Irish character, under the care of Mr. Thaddeus Connellan: the books of Genesis and Exodus have appeared.


We copy from a cotemporary publication the following extracts from the Sierra Leone Gazette, as illustrative of the civil and religious progress of the colony.

Sir Charles MacCarthy, the governor, arrived at Freetown, on his return from his visit home, on the 28th of November, and resumed without delay his active attention to the colony, in all its departments. On the Monday after his arrival, he rode to the Negro Towns of Kissey and Wellington; and, on Tuesday, to those of Gloucester, Regent, Bathurst, Leopold, and Charlotte. On these visits many gentlemen of the colony accompanied the Governor, who was every where received with the warmest affection. Of his reception at Gloucester and at Regent's Town, the following account is given in the Colonial Gazette:

"As the Governor approached Gloucester, the inhabitants, with their Rector, the Rev. H. During, at their head, greeted his Excellency on enter.

ing the town. As he advanced, he was met by the most affectionate cheers of welcome, and in a moment was surrounded by hundreds, eagerly striving to shake the band of their common father and benefactor. The worthy Rector afterwards collected his flock in the church, where they all joined in the national anthem of God save the king' in a manner truly affecting to every one present.

"Sir Charles and the party next moved on towards Regent's Town. On his Excellency's crossing the large stonebridge adjoining the town, he was met by a band of young school-girls, modestly and neatly attired, and decorated with flowers: the eldest girl supported a banner on which was exhibited,

"Fear God-Honour the king." 1 Peter, ii. 17.


Obey them that have the rule over
Heb. xiii. 17.

"God save the king.' 1 Sam. x. 24. "His Excellency remained among his affectionate Negroes for a considerable time, when their excellent Rector and Superintendant, the Rev. W. Johnson, led them in a body to the church, where they joined in hymns of thanksgiving to the Almighty.

"The version of the national anthem of God save the king,' used on these occasions, is a solemn offering of thanksgiving."

Sir Charles MacCarthy afterwards inspected the various establishments in the peninsula: the following is an account of his reception at Waterloo.

"As the path lay through a thick wood, the party had to grope their way in the dark indeed, so impenetrable was the barrier against light, that they could not distinguish one another, much less observe a small pocket compass with which one of the gentlemen was furnished. Led on by a Negro child six years old, the party moved forward throngh woods and wilds; and, what was worse, through mangrove swamps, which, occasionally taking them above the middle, made them think seriously of swimming, till about nine o'clock, when the noise of distant voices indicated their approach to Waterloo. A shout or two from the party soon set the inhabitauts in motion; and in a few seconds, the village and its environs were entirely illuminated with torches. His Excellency was actually borne on the shoulders of the crowd, from the point where he was met, to the house of

the Rev. Mr. Wilhelm, the Rector of Waterloo, Firing, shouting, huzzaing. singing, and clapping their hands (their strongest demonstrations of joy), did not cease for many hours.

"What a scene for the philanthro pist to contemplate! In the midst

of woods, in which, scarcely more than two years ago, existed the dens of the leopard, are now to be found the peace ful habitations of man-where, instead of the growl of the tiger and the howl of the hyena, the ear is saluted by the hum of the busy cottage, and the solemn peal of the missionary bell, summoning to the praise of their omnipotent Creator whole flocks of beings, on whom the light of the Gospel has lately been shed; and who, from a convic, tion of the spiritual change which has been wrought within them, are to be heard rending the air with hallelujahs, and with acclamations of gratitude to those generous individuals by whose agency they have been thus fostered and taught."

A new charter of the colony, was promulgated on the 28th of December. Under its operation, the different pos sessions of his majesty on the coast, from the twentieth north to the twen tieth south latitude, are consolidated into one distinct government, under the governor and the council of Sierra Leone. The due administration of justice, throughout the whole, is provided for, and suitable courts are established. The official returns, pub lisbed in the Sierra Leone Gazette, indicate growing prosperity in the com. mercial concerns of the colony. In the year 1821, thirty-two merchant vessels, of from 57 to 355 tons, had entered the port of Freetown. The invoice

value of the imports in 1821, was 105,0601.; being an increase of 38,3351. on those of 1820, In the export trade twenty-six vessels are employed, containing 6805 tons. The Sierra Leone Gazette remarks:

"The success of the system pursued, for some years past, in the internal management of this colony, has done away with prejudices the most inveterate; and its benignant influence rapidly extends over the barbarous nations adjoining our possessions on the coast. Even the Mohammedan powers of Foulal and of Massina eagerly court our countenance and connexion : their traders and messengers experience, in this colony, a probity and good faith hitherto unknown to them in transactions with White men; nor does a single native return from hence into the interior, without being, in some measure, divested of his prejudices; or without having imbibed a feeling in favour of our manners and institutions. In con sequence of this intercourse with the most distant tribes of the interior, a knowledge of this colony is acquired by them, which surprised our late travellers; the adventurous Dockard having heard, with astonishment, the name of MAC CARTHY pronounced with respect on the remote banks of the Niger.

"Our population gradually increases by the influx of natives from the neigh, bouring tribes; and, since the last census, the number of victims rescued by the squadron from slavery has been con siderable. Savage and uncultivated as these new colonists are on their ar rival, it appears surprising with what facility they acquire our language, and how soon they abandon their native customs."



SPAIN. The king closed the session of the Cortes in person, on Sunday the 30th of June. The speech, whatever might be the feelings of the speaker, was couched in highly constitutional language; and, among other topics, expressed great confidence that tranquillity would be soon restored in the disturbed districts. The tumulsuous proceedings which his majesty

witnessed during his procession to and from the hall, and on his return to his palace, were no very favourable comment on this part of the speech. On the following day, strong symp toms of dissatisfaction appeared in the barrack quarters of the royal guards; and on the 2d of June four battalions broke out into open mutiny against the constitutional government, in consequence, among other causes, of the

preference given to the national militia, and the understood intention of disbanding the royal guard. For several days the capital remained in a state of tumult and consteruation; till the royal guards, having made an attempt to possess themselves of it by force, met with a vigorous and unexpected resistance, and were at length overpowered by the constitutional troops, and forced to give up their positions. Many were killed, and numbers have been made prisoners. The permanent deputation of the Cortes, alarmed by the menacing appearances which took place, had convoked a special junta on the occasion; and it is stated that it urged the king to disarm his guards; but that he refused to do so, alleging that they were faithful to the public interest, and deserved not the accusation of being mutinous. The open violence, however, to which they had recourse almost immediately afterwards, has left no doubt remaining as to the hostile purposes which they entertained in respect to the new order of things. The defeat of their plans, and the consequent dissolution of their body, has of course left the king in the power of the Constitutionalists, who appear to have hitherto used their power with great moderation. The ministry are said to have resigned their situations, to which no other persons had yet been appointed. TURKEY.-The late massacre at Constantinople of eighty or ninety Christians, (we use lord Londonderry's statement,) ten or twelve of whom were Greek merchants, who were put to death in cold blood, under the pretext of their being hostages for the loyalty of the islanders of Scio, while it has awakened new sympathies in favour of the Greeks, has confirmed more than ever the indignation of Europe against the Turks, and made every humane mind increasingly desirous to witness a curtailment of their power of doing mischief. The impression which had widely gone abroad that these unhappy sufferers were under the guarantee of British protection, appears from the statements of lord Liverpool and lord Londonderry, in parliament, to have originated in misinformation. The British ambas sador had spontaneously employed his humane representations in their favour; but had no power, and had given no pledge, to secure them from mas. sacre. Lord Londonderry, with a diplomatic courtesy, which the Porte


but ill deserves, has denominated the occurrence 66 a calamity:" but we agree with lord Liverpool that it was "a flagitious act;" and we may add, that it was one among several of those late acts of the Ottoman government which, if they do not warrant the armed interference of the other powers of Europe, at least demand their prompt and energetic remonstrances, with a view, if possible, to secure the civilized world from the shock of such atrocities. The Turkish government appears to have availed itself of the first moment of relief from the terrors of a Muscovite invasion, to commence, with its characteristic ferocity, the work of murder and revenge. If Russia, as is alleged, has given up the Greek cause, she probably has done so, for a time, in deference to the wishes of the allied powers, waiting for some favourable conjuncture to come forward with more certainty of success, and with less risk of collision with those who are jealous of her interference, than might at present be the case. But, whatever may he the conduct of other powers, we should have been glad had our own neutrality exhibited a less rigid aspect in the eyes of the unhappy Greeks, who must be deeply stung with the apparently unfeeling neglect of the Christian governments of Europe. It is clear that there are, in the present case, circumstances which those governments would consider as justifying their interference in the internal affairs of other states. The conduct of the allied powers towards Naples is a proof of this. In the spirit of this precedent, they would surely be entitled to interfere for the protection of the people against the oppressions of their government, no less than for the protection of the government against the encroachments of the people. And having interfered for the latter purpose in the case of Naples, it would manifest an excess of fastidiousness to pretend that it would be unjust to restrain the Turkish government from trampling under foot the dearest rights of its subjects, and setting at nought every law, divine and human, for the gratification of its vindictive and relentless fury.--No news of any importance have arrived during the month, respecting the naval or military operations of the contending parties. The Schiah of Persia is said to be pressing on with a formidable army towards the Turkish frontier in Asia.



The pressure of distress in the afflicted districts of Ireland, though much alleviated by spontaneous benevolence and parliamentary grants, still continues very heavy, and is likely to remain so, at least till after the potatoe harvest. The harrowing details of poverty and famine have been so widely circulated, and have called forth such extensive sympathy, that it would be unnecessary for us to dwell upon particulars; especially as, in consequence of the king's letter, the cause has been very widely advocated from our pulpits, and from house to house, throughout the kingdom. Parliament has thought an Insurrection Act ne cessary for the peace of the disturbed districts of Ireland; and we fear the circumstances of the case render some such provision expedient; but we have again to lament, that no comprehensive measures of a prospective kind seem yet to have been matured, with a view to the permanent tranquillity, and for the moral and social improvement, of Ireland. The friends of that country ought not, however, to be discouraged from doing what may be actually in their power, be it little or much, for her welfare, because they may not be able at once to accomplish larger plans for the promotion of her civil, commercial, and ecclesiastical interests. But as every single step in this course, however inadequate to the full measure of her wants, is worth securing, we trust that they will be content to think and legislate for her, even if it be by small instalments, and not to reject or to defer any measure of allowed benefit, though it may fall far short of the exigency, under the plea that the whole system should at once be brought under investigation.

The chancellor of the exchequer has detailed his plan of finance for the year; but the intricacy of the accounts renders it difficult to convey to our readers a clear idea of their general results. We are glad to learn that measures are under consideration for simplifying the public accounts, and also for revising the cumbrous and unprofitable system of the sinking fund as now administered, with a view to some more rational and intelligible plan of proceeding. The chancellor of the exchequer appears to calculate on a surplus revenue of more than five millions for next year, and of nearly six millions for the year ending January 1824; at least of ten millions for

the two years. Mr. Ricardo, however, maintains that there is not at present an efficient sinking fund of more than about one million and a half. The chancellor's total estimate of expenditure for the year is 51,192,000l., and of income (including a loan of 7,500,000!. from the sinking fund), 54,253,000/. The greater part of the chancellor of the exchequer's resolutions were agreed to without a division: but on the lottery clause the house divided ; 74 for, and 34 against it. Mr. Vansittart's only argument in its favour was, that he wished those gentlemen who opposed it would point out some other method of raising 200,000l. as little oppressive or liable to excite discontent. We can scarcely believe that so wise and estimable a man was serious in the use of such an argument, which would apply just as well to the licensing of gambling houses, and even of brothels, as practised in some nations. When relieving the country, as was done lately, from two millions of taxes, it might, we conceive, have been practicable to have suppressed this fruitful source of vice and misery.

The Marriage Act Amendment Bill has been returned from the Lords to the Commons, with various alterations, which have been adopted. We have already promised to give an abstract of its provisions. Our clerical readers ought to procure the Act itself.

Mr. Wilberforce, on the 27th June, moved an Address to his majesty relative to the Slave Trade, which was unanimously agreed to. We have not forgotten our pledge to bring the whole subject, in no long time, before our readers; but we must shortly dismiss it for the present. The chief points of animadversion, by the speakers on the occasion, were the obstinacy of Portugal, the inhumanity and bad faith of the French government, and the unhappy jealousy which has hitherto prevented the United States of America from conceding a qualified right of mutual search. We earnestly recommend the consideration of this last topic to our American readers, who, we have the satisfaction to know, are very numerous throughout the Union. We are convinced that if they will make themselves masters of the question, they will come to the conclusion with us, that Great Britain, a country so notoriously jealous of her maritime privileges, can have no motive in urging this measure on the United States, but such as ought to

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Taise her far above unfriendly suspicion (even if there were room for it, which there is not), on the part of a nation who have rendered themselves dear to the friends of humanity and religion throughout the world, by their zealous efforts in this common cause,' and by stamping with its befitting name of PIRACY what the tardier measures of the old world have only yet branded with the ordinary designation of municipal crime.

The following is the Address voted by the House.

"Resolved, nemiae contradicente, That an humble address be presented to his majesty, to represent to his majesty that the deep interest which this house has so long taken, and still continues to take, in the Abolition of the Slave Trade, has led us to peruse with no little solicitude the papers relative to that subject, which by his majesty's commands were lately laid before us; nor could we forbear indulging a hope that his majesty's renewed representations and remon-. strances would have at length produced the desired effect of cansing the various governments by whose subjects the slave trade was still carried on, serious ly to consider the numerous and powerful obligations under which they lay, to co-operate with his majesty, heartily and efficiently, in order to put an end for ever to this enormous evil:

"But that we have learned with grief and shame, that with very few exceptions, every hope of this nature has been altogether frustrated, and that we are still compelled to witness the strange and humiliating spectacle of practices which are acknowledged to be made up of wickedness and cruelty by the very governments whose subjects are never theless carrying them on upon a great and continually increasing scale:

"That we observe, however, with satisfaction, that the powerful reasoning and continued expostulations of his majesty's government, enforced by the strong and persevering remonstrances of his majesty's ambassador at the court of the Netherlands, have at length produced an admission of the just construction of the treaty with that power:

"That we are glad to see that some of the abuses have been corrected which had prevailed in the conduct of the courts of mixed jurisdiction at Sierra Leone; but that experience has proved the necessity of altering that provision, which renders it necessary for the slaves to have been actually on ship board to

justify the condemnation of the vessel, and of allowing due weight to be given to that decisive proof of the object of the voyage, which is afforded by the peculiar mode of fitting and equipping slave-vessels :

"That it is some alleviation of the pain produced by the almost uniform tenour of these distressing accounts, to learn that the Cortes of Spain have subjected all who should be found concerned in slave-trading to a severe punishment; and that with this evidence of a just estimate of the guilt of the crime, we satisfied with a legal prohibition, but that cannot but hope that they will not rest they will provide the requisite means for carrying their law into execution :

"That we find with concern that the ually retiring from the trade, have been vessels of Portugal, so far from grad carrying it on with increased activity, more especially on that very part of the coast which is to the north of the Line, in direct violation of the treaty by which she had stipulated to confine her trade to the south of it: That we cannot but cherish the hope that the new Governzeal for enforcing a treaty which every ment of Portugal will manifest a warmer law, divine or human, binds her to ob


"That we have observed with no little pleasure the zeal for the Abolition of the Slave Trade that has been manifested by the commanders of the ships of war of the United States of America, employed on the coast of Africa, and the disposi tion they have shewn to co-operate with the officers of his majesty's navy for their common object; but that we are concerned to have perceived in the American Government no disposition to give up the objections it formerly urged against the establishment of a mutual right of examining each other's ships on the coast of Africa:-That we had hoped that the powerful arguments used · by a Committee of the House of Representatives in favour of this arrangement would have their just weight; more especially that which points out the difference, or rather contrariety, between this conventional and qualified system and the right of searching nen tral vessels, without any previous treaty, all, that the consideration so strongly as claimed and practised in war. Above enforced, that it is only by the establishment of some such system that the trade can ever be effectually abolished, would have induced the American Government to consent to it, when the object in question involves the rights and hap

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