Leo. How gone? Leo. Apollo's angry, and the heav'ns themselves Do strike at my injustice. - How now, there? [Her. faints. Paul. This news is mortal to the Queen: look down, And fee what death is doing. Lco. Take her hence; Her heart is but o'er-charg'd; she will recover. [Exeunt Paulina and ladies with Hermione. I have too much believ'd mine own fufpicion: New woo my Queen, recall the good Camillo; SCENE felr ? er. Paul. W Break too. O, cut my lace, left my heart, cracking it, Lord. What fit is this, good lady ? Paul. What studied torments, Tyrant, haft for me ? What wheels ? racks ? fires? what flaying? boiling? burning In leads, or oils? what old, or newer, torture : 'To taste of thy most worst. Thy Tyranny - That thou betray'dst Polixenes, 'twas nothing; for't N Not dropt down yet. F4 Lord. Lord. The higher Powers forbid ! Paul. I say, she's dead: I'll swear't: if word, nor oath, Prevail not, go and fee: if you can bring Heat outwardly, or breath within, I'll serve you Leo. Go on, go on: Thou canst not speak too much; I have deserv'd All tongues to talk their bitterest. Lord. Say no more; Howe'er the business goes, you have made fault Paul. I am forry for't. All faults I make, when I shall come to know them, I do repent: alas, I've shew'd too much The rashness of a woman; he is touch'd To th' noble heart. What's gone, and what's past help, Should be past grief. Do not receive affliction Let me be punish'd, that have minded you Of what you should forget. Now, good my liege, Sir, royal Sir, forgive a foolish woman; The love I bore your Queen-lo, fool again! I'll speak of her no more, nor of your children: I'll not remember you of my own lord, Who is lost too. Take you your patience to you, And I'll fay nothing. Leo. Thou didst speak but well, When most the truth; which I receive much better Than to be pitied of thee. Pr'ythee, bring me One Grave shall be for both. Upon them shall Our shame perpetual; once a day I'll visit en The Chapel where they lie, and tears, shed there, ran Shall be my recreation. So long as nature earn Will bear up with this exercise, so long Set I daily vow to use it. Come, and lead me p To these forrows. es, SCENE VI. [Exeunt. alt コ Changes to Bohemia. A defart Country; the Sea at a Ant. little Distance. Enter Antigonus with a Child, and a Mariner. HOU art perfect then, our ship hath touch'd THOU upon The defarts of Bohemia ? Mar. Ay, my lord; and fear, - We've landed in ill time: the skies look grimly, And threaten present blusters. In my confcience, The heav'ns with that we have in hand are angry, And frown upon's. Ant. Their facred wills be done! get thee aboard, Look to thy bark, I'll not be long before I call upon thee. Mar. Make your best haste, and go not Of pray, that keep upon't. Ant. Go thou away. I'll follow instantly. Mar. I'm glad at heart To be fo rid o'th' business. Ant. Come, poor babe; [Exit. I have heard, but not believ'd, the spirits of the dead May walk again; if such thing be, thy mother So fill'd, and so becoming; in pure white robes, 1 Laying down the child. There lie, and there thy character: there these, Which may, if fortune please, both breed thee, pretty one, And ftill rest thine. The storm begins; Poor wretch, That for thy mother's fault art thus expos'd But |