Dramatis Perfonæ. KING John. Prince Henry, Son to the King. Arthur, Duke of Bretagne, and Nephew to the King. Pembroke, Effex, Salisbury, Hubert, Bigot, English Lords. Faulconbridge, Bastard-Son to Richard the First. Robert Faulconbridge, suppos'd Brother to the Baslard. James Gurney, Servant to the Lady Faulconbridge. Peter of Pomfret, a Prophet. Philip, King of France. Lewis, the Dauphin. Arch-Duke of Austria. Cardinal Pandulpho, the Pope's Legate. Melun, a French Lord. Chatilion, Ambassador from France to King John. Elinor, Queen-Mother of England. Blanch, Daughter to Alphonso King of Castile, and Niece to King John. Lady Faulconbridge, Mother to the Bastard, and Robert Faulconbridge. Citizens of Angiers, Heralds, Executioners, Messengers, Soldiers, and other Attendants. The SCENE, fometimes in England, and fometimes in France. THE *The LIFE and DEATH of KING JOHN. H ACT I. SCENE I. The Court of England. Enter King John, Queen Elinor, Pembroke, Effex, and Salisbury, with Chatilion. King JOHN. NOW, fay, Chatilion, what would France with us? Chat. Thus, after greeting, speaks the King of In my behaviour, to the Majesty, The borrow'd Majesty of England here. Eli. A strange beginning; borrow'd Majesty! Of thy deceased brother Geffrey's fon, * The troublesome Reign of King John was written in two Parts, by W. Shakespear and W. Rowley, and printed 1611. But the present Play is entirely different, and infinitely fuperior to it. Mr. Pope. K. John. K. John. What follows, if we disallow of this? Chat. The proud controul of fierce and bloody war, T' inforce these rights fo forcibly with-held. K. John. Here have we war for war, and blood for blood, Controulment for controulment; so answer France. Chat. Then take my King's defiance from my mouth, The farthest limit of my embassy. K. John. Bear mine to him, and so depart in peace. Be thou as lightning in the eyes of France, For ere thou canst report, I will be there, The thunder of my cannon shall be heard. So, hence! be thou the trumpet of our wrath, And fullen presage of your own decay. An honourable conduct let him have, Pembroke, look to't; farewel, Chatilion. [Exeunt Chat. and Pem. Eli. What now, my fon, have I not ever said, How that ambitious Constance would not cease, Till the had kindled France and all the world, Upon the right and party of her fon ? This might have been prevented, and made whole With very easy arguments of love; Which now the manage of two kingdoms must With fearful, bloody, issue arbitrate. K. John. Our ftrong poffeffion, and our right for us Eli. Your strong poffeffion much more than your right, Or else it must go wrong with you and me; K. John. Let them approach. Our abbies and our priories shall pay This expedition's charge What men are you? SCENE |