Abbildungen der Seite

Bonaparte (Napoleon), establishment of
the power of, 94, 95-causes of his se-
cret unpopularity, 95-his abdication,
99-returns to France from Elba, 105
--his unpopularity, ib. 106.
Bonaparte (Napoleon), the younger, de-
sign of the Austrian court in educating
him, 202-his character, 203-anec-
dotes of his childhood, 204-his acqui-
sition of the German language, 205-
anecdotes of his conduct towards his
tutors, 205, 206-expedient resorted to
for mitigating his abhorrence of fiction,
206-his conduct on hearing of his
father's death, 207-his enthusiastic
attachment to military studies, 208-
political lectures given to him by Prince
Metternich, 209-his views towards the
throne of France, 211-appreciation of
his own position, 212-first appearance
in society, 213-appointed a lieutenant-
general, 213-rapid decline of his
health, 214- his death, ib.-strong re-
semblance to his father, 215.
Books, list of, published on the continent

from October to December, 1832, 256,
et seq.-from January to March, 1833,
540, et seq.

Bourbon government, causes of its over-
throw in France in 1830, 91-obser-
vations on the first restoration of, 99,
100-and on their second restoration,
106, 107.


Campomorto, account of the farm of, 44,


Capital, absurd outcry against the tyranny
of, exposed, 221.

Carlos (Don), misrepresentations of histo-

rians relative to the death of, 455, 456
---abstract of the evidence relating to it,

Carolina, probable results of the dispute
between, and the general government
of the United States, 236, 237.
Charitable foundations at Rome, notice of,
57, 58, of England, 218, 219.
Charles IX., King of France, letter of, re-
lating to the massacre of St. Bartholo-
mew, 465.

Charles X., King of France, causes of his
expulsion, 91.

Cherokee Indians, remarks on the conduct

of the American government towards,
23, 24-notice of the inventor of the
Cherokee alphabet, 26.

Civil courts of the Roman states, and
their jurisdiction, 51.

Clergy at Rome, revenues of, 62, 63.

Cobbett (William), on the miseries of an
English member of parliament, 197,
note-key to his opposition to Jewish
emancipation, 449.

Colours of plants, causes of, 365, 366.
Copper, British, increased export of, un-
der the free trade system, 154, 155.
Corporations, municipal, origin of, in Den-
mark, 138.

Cotta (Baron), biographical notice of,

Cotton manufactures, British, proofs of the
increased export of, under the free
trade system, 156.

Crimes, increase of, in the Roman states,
53-number of criminals tried there in
two years, 57.

Crops, physiological principles for the
rotation of, 381.


Danes, character of, in the thirteenth
century, 128, and in 1627, 470, 471.
Deaths, number of, in the Papal States,
42, 43.

De Candolle (A. P.) Physiologie Végétale,
334-plan of his work, 335-outline
of his theory of the properties of the
tissue, of which the elementary organs
of plants are composed, $57-and of
his examination of the three vital pro-
perties admitted in the animal king-
dom, which have been supposed to
exist also in the vegetable, 338-outline
of his theory of nutrition, 339-347-
progress made in the animal growth of
a plant in each of the four seasons,
348-abstract of his theory of repro-
duction, by the fructification of a plant,
349358 by the subdivision of
plants, 358, 359-origin of species of
plants, 359, 360, 361-the law of
symmetry observable in plants which
are allied in natural affinity, 361-364
-on the constant descent of the root,
and ascent of the stem, 364, 365-
on the sleep of plants, and the
causes of their different colours, 365,
366 individuality of plants, 367
-duration and age of trees, 368-
371-abstract of his theory of vegeta-
ble epireology, 372-376-on the pro-
cess employed by nature in healing the
wounds of trees, 377-379-effects of
poisons on the vegetable structure,
379, 380--his principles for regulating
the rotation of crops, 381.
Decazes, Duc, wise policy of the ministry
of, 115-118.


Denmark, sketch of the ancient history
of, 133-reign of Valdemar I. ib.--.
change in the constitution 134-code
of laws framed under Valdemar II.
135-origin of the feudal noblesse, 136
-powers of the nation, 137-adminis-
tration of justice, ib.-changes in the
constitution made by King Abel, 138
-origin of municipal corporations, ib.
-heads of the capitulation signed by
King Erik Glipping, 139, 140-de-
scription of, in 1627, 469-471-Li-
terary intelligence from, 238. 528.
Deputy, miseries of, described, 195–199.
Diderot (Denis), Mémoires et Oeuvres de,
261-defects of the various editions of
his works, 264, 265-character of Na-
igeon's memoir of him, 265, 266—
and of his daughter's memoir, 267-
anecdotes of the early years of Dide-
rot, 268, 269-efforts of the Jesuits to
prevail on him to enter their order,
269-goes to Paris and studies in the
college d'Harcourt, 270 abandons
himself to literature, 271-his priva
tions, 272, 273-composes sermons for
his support, 273-accepts and relin-
quishes a tutorship, ib.-little encou-
ragement given to literature in France
at this time, 275-falls in love and
marries, 275-277-admirable conduct
of his wife, 277-whom he sends to his
parents, ib. their reception of her,
278-his base conduct towards her, ib.
notice of his translations, 279-pub-
lishes his Interpretation de la Nature,
ib.-projects the Encyclopédie, ib.-
notices of his associates, D'Alembert,
283-Rousseau, 284-Grimm, 285-
Helvetius, 286-Marmontel, Galiani,
and d'Holbach, 287-suppression of
the Encyclopédie, 290-which is taken
off by Louis XV. in consequence of a
foolish accident, 290, 291-alterations
made in it by the bookseller Le Breton,
292-Diderot's visits to Baron d'Hol-
bach, 292, 293-the society formed
there, 293, 294-sells his library to the
Empress Catherine, 296-visits her at
Petersburg, 297-his last illness and
death, 298, 229-estimate of his intel-
lectual powers, 299-301-Diderot, a
proselytising atheist, 301-remarks on
his atheism, 302-305-his loose opi-
nions on marriage, 305, 306—his con-
versational talents, 309-facility of
composition, ib. 310-remarks on his
works, 310-312.

D'Israeli's "Genius of Judaism," notice
of, 443-on the causes operating

against the conversion of the Jews by
external agency, 451.

Douville (J. B.), detection of the false-
hoods in his Travels, by M. Lacor-
daire, 240-246-notice of his Trente
Mois de ma Vie, &c. 519-contradiction
in his account of his residence at Rio
de Janeiro, 520, 521-and of his Afri-
can travels, 521-524-biographical
account of his earlier years, 524, 525
-his adventures in London, under
the assumed name of Le Comte, 525,
526-observations on the reclamation
of M. Jomard relative to his voyage,
526, 527.

Drouineau (Gustave), Le Manuscrit Vert,
435-remarks on, 436-440.
Durer (Albert), Reliquien, 73—character
of, ib.-observations on the work, 79——
notice of his family, 80-anecdotes
of the early life of Durer, 81-bis
marriage to a vixen, 82-extracts from
his letters to Pirkheimer, 83-is elect-
ed a member of the municipal council
of Nuremberg, 84-anecdote of the
Emperor Maximilian, ib.-extracts from
his diary of a journey into the Nether-
lands, 85-88-his death, 88-tribute
to his memory by Pirkheimer, ib. 89,


East India Company, noble efforts of, to
promote the study of oriental litera-
ture in England, the course of study
prescribed at Haileybury College, 330
and in India, by promoting education
among the natives, 330, 331-and by
their patronage of learned men, 331.
Education in the Roman States, account
of 64-in England, remarks on, 175,
176 and in India, 330, 331.
Election of Members of Parliament, ob-
servations of an Italian exile on, 180-
comparison of the systems of direct
and indirect election, 180, 181.
Elizabeth (Queen), letter of, to Henry
IV. King of France, 467, 468.
England, causes of the misrepresentations
of, by foreigners, 171, 172-charitable
and benevolent institutions of, 218,
219-vindication of the high customs
duties in, from the charges of Prussia,
403, 404--description of the manners
and customs of the English 1551, 471,


Erik Glipping, King of Denmark,
changes made by, in the constitution
of that country, 139, 140.
Exports, British, proofs of the great in-

crease of, under the new system of Free
Trade, 148-tables of the different
parts of the world to which such in-
creased exportation has taken place,
152, note.

Eyriès (M.), explanations due from, re-
specting Douville's Voyage, 526.


France, literary intelligence from, 248-
250-528-530-present state of lite-
rature in, 183-187-improvement in
the police at Rome accomplished by the
French, 55-various representations of
the late revolution, made by our con
servatives and by the friends of liberty,
90-reason why the Bourbon govern-
ment could no longer continue in France,
91-conduct of Louis XVIII. and his
brother during the revolution, 93, 94
-frustration of their hopes on the 18th
Fructidor, and establishment of the
power of Napoleon, 94, 95-causes of
his secret unpopularity, 95—the resto-
ration of the Bourbons not at first
contemplated by the Allies, 96--though
designed by Talleyrand, 97-proof
that the Bourbons were not imposed on
France by foreign armies, 97, 98-ab-
dication of Napoleon, 99-first resto-
ration of the Bourbons, the work of
Talleyrand, in which the people ac-
quiesced, 99-100-unpopular mea-
sures of the Count d'Artois, 100, 101
-imprudent conduct of Louis XVIII.
on his arrival, 101, 102-his situation
at that crisis, ib.-character of the
royalists by whom he was surround-
ed, 103-disgust excited in the French
nation by their conduct, ib. 104-vio-
lation of the charter, ib.-general dis-
satisfaction in France, ib. 105-return
of Napoleon, ib.-his unpopularity, ib.
106-second restoration of the Bour-
bons, ib. 107-conduct of Fouché and
Talleyrand, ib.-calamitous events of
its first year, ib.-massacrers of the
south acquitted by the courts of justice,
108-activity of the royalist committees,
ib,-remarks on the execution of Marshal
Ney, 109-sufferings of France from
the invading armies, ib.-resignation of
Talleyrand and the other ministers,
110-evacuation of France, by the
forces of the Allies, ib.-character of
the newly elected Chambre Introuv-
able,' ib. 111-its first measures, ib.

112-proceedings with regard to the
law of elections, ib.-its rejection by
the chamber of peers, 113-efforts of
the chamber of deputies to enrich the
French church-establishment, ib. 114—
dissolution of the chamber by Louis
XVIII., 115-salutary measures adopt-
ed under the influence of Decazes, ib.
116-further alterations proposed in
law of elections, ib.-effects of the
rupture of Decazes with the liberals,
117, 118-and of the assassination of
the Duc de Berry, 119, 120-charac-
ter of the 172 newly elected mem-
bers of the Chamber of Deputies, 120
-and of the ministry of the Duc de
Richelieu, 121-intrigues and mancu-
vres of the Jesuits, ib.-and of their
emissaries, ib. 122-triumph of the
ministry in 1823, 123-death of Louis
XVIII., 124-character of him, and
of his reign, ib. 127-Religious prospects
of France, 229-observations on the
state of religious feeling in France,

Free-Trade :-proof of the benefits of, in
the increase of the foreign trade of
Great Britain, 145-table of imports
between 1820 and 1831, ib.-observa-
tions on it, 144, 145-proof that such
increase is an increase of value, 147,
148 examination of the denial in
the petition from Worcester, that in
purchasing the manufactures of other
countries, we occasion the sale of an
equal amount of our own, 149-obser-
vations on Mr. Robinson's speech in
behalf of it, 150-table of the differ-
ent parts of the world with which the in-
crease of imports and exports has taken
place, 152, note-observations on Colo-
nel Torrens's argument on the necessity
of reciprocity, ib.-and on the asser-
tion that the whole evil of low prices
arises from the export of goods to fo-
reign countries, which is required to
pay for the goods imported under the
altered system, ib. 154-particularly
with reference to metals, ib. 156-cot-
ton goods, earthenware, glass, and pa-
pers, 156-silk, 157-observations on
the statements and resolutions of the
silk manufacturers, ib.-163-vindica-
tion of the results of free-trade from
the charges of having caused a fall in
prices, profits, and wages, 164-169-
the retention of duties for revenue de-
fended, ib. 170.
Fructification of plants, different periods
of, described, 349-358.


[blocks in formation]

Hammer (M. Von), notice of his casti-
gation of Professor Schlegel, 328, 329
critical notice of his Persian transla-
tion of Marcus Antoninus's meditations,
518, 519.

Helvetius, the philosopher, a rigid game-
preserver, 286.

Henry IV. king of France, reproof of, by
Queen Elizabeth, 467, 468.
Hinton's (Howard) history and topography
of the United States of North America,
notice of, 4, note *.

Hugo (Victor), Le Roi s'amuse, a Drama,
216-remarks on its alleged immorality,
216-its character, 217-on its prohi-
bition by the French government, 217.
Hume (David), anecdote of, 301.


Imports, foreign, into Great Britain, be-
tween 1820 and 1831, table of, 143-
remarks thereon, 144, 145-proofs that
the increase of such imports is an in-
crease of value, 147, 148.
Indians, remarks on the conduct of the
American government towards, 19-
23-particularly the Cherokees, 23, 24
efforts made for educating the Indian
chiefs, 25, 26.

Inquisition at Rome, notice of, 52, 53.
Iron, British, increased export of, under
the free trade system, 154, 155.
Isabel, Queen of Spain, abstract of evi-

dence showing that she was not ena-
moured of her step-son, 458, 459-her
death, 462, 463.

Italian revolutionists, remarks on, 473,

Italy, literary intelligence from, 251-

253-533, 534.

Jesuits and their emissaries, intrigues of,
in France, 121, 122-their great merit
as instructors of youth, 269.
Jomard, (M.), disclaimer of, respecting
M. Douville, 525, 526.

Jones (Sir William), on the discourage-
ments attending the study of oriental
literature, 326.

Judaism, modern, difference of, from the
institutions of Moses, 443-sketch of
its rise and progress as distinguished
from Mosaism, 444, 445-decay and
revival of the Jewish schools in the
east, and their revival in Spain, 445—
persecution of the Jews by Romanists,
446-change wrought in their behalf
by the Reformation, 446-history of
the attempt made by the Pelham ad-
ministration, to naturalize the Jews,
447-anecdotes of scenes that took
place on the passing of the Bill, 449---
-repeal of the Bill, ib.-withdrawal of
Mr. Grant's Bill for the Emancipation
of the Jews, 450-causes operating
against the conversion of the Jews by
external agency, 451-on the efforts of
the society for converting the Jews,
451, 452.

Justice, administration of in the Roman
States, 49-52-ancient, in Denmark,

[blocks in formation]

Lacordaire (Theodore), his detection of
Douville's frauds in his pretended tra-
vels, 240-246-results of this, 519-

Lacretelle (Charles), Histoire de France
depuis la Restauration, 89—his qualifi-
cations, as an historian, 91, 92. See

La Martine, valedictory ode by, to the
academy of Marseilles, 189-192.
Legations, papal, observations on the go-
vernment of, 65, 66-and on the cor-
respondence between the pope and
Austria, concerning them, 69-72.
Leonora, Queen of France, daily allow-
ance of eatables to, 469.

Liberty, an Irish radical's notion of, 448.

Licinius Stolo, account of the three Ro-
gations proposed by him and his col-
league, 415-422-futile opposition
of the patricians to them, 423, 424-
his rogations eventually passed, 425,
426-was himself fined for transgress-
ing his own law, 431.
Literary Intelligence from Denmark, 238
-528-France, 240 — 250-528
530-Germany, 250- 530-533-
Italy, 251-253-533, 534-Russia,
534-Spain, ib.—Oriental literature,

Literature, observations on the present
state of, in France, 183-187.
London Co-operative Society, observations
on the tenets broached at the meetings

of, 221.

Louis XVIII.,conduct of, during the French
Revolution, 93, 94-causes of his secret
unpopularity, 95-his imprudent con-
duct on his arrival, after his first resto-
ration, 101, 102-violation of the
charter, and its effects, 104, 105-his
second restoration, 106, 107-sketch
of his reign, 107-123-his death, 124
-survey of his character and govern-
ment, 124-127.


Malaria, causes of, in the Roman states,
34, 35, 36, note t-its progress, 36--
especially in the city of Rome, 37, 38
-suggestions for checking it, 36, 37.
Manufactures, British, of brass and cop-
per, increased exportation of, under
the free trade system, 155-also of
cotton, earthenware, and paper, 156.
Marabas, an ancent Armenian historian,
notice of, 511.

Marcus Antoninus's Meditations, transla-
tion of, into Persian, critical notice of,
518, 519.

Mary, Queen of Scots, letter of, to the
Duke of Guise, after her condemnation,
466, 467.

Massacre of St. Bartholomew, rejoicings

of Philip II. on account of, 464, 465
-letter of Charles IX. relating to it,


Maximilian, emperor, anecdote of, 84.
Mechanics' Institutions, observations on
the good effects of, 220.
Mendicity, efforts made for the suppres

sion of, at Rome, 59-and generally
over the Continet, 219, 220.
Mechitarist Monastery of St. Lazzaro, ac-
count of, 509, 510.

Mischna of the Jews, notice of, 445.
Miseries of a French deputy, described,
195-199-and of an English member
of parliament, 197, note.
Montbel (M. de), Memoires du Duc de
Reichstadt, 201-character of his work,

Monte di Pieta at Rome, account of, 58.
Moon, researches of M. Arago on the sup-

posed influence of, on rain, 503, 504→
nature of its action on the atmosphere,
504-507—on the putrefaction of ani-
mal substances, 407-and on the com-
plexion, 507, 508.

Moses Chorenensis or Chorenabyi, a learned
Armenian, notice of, 511, 512.
Murat (Achille), Esquisse des Etats-Unis de
l'Amerique, 1,-anecdotes of the author,
2-character of his work, S-his de-
scription of the New England States, 5
-remarks thereon, ib. 6-his descrip-
tion of the Southern States, 6—remarks
on it, 7, 8-his character of the West-
ern States, 8-and of the principles of
the American Union, 9-his sophistical
vindication of slavery, 10-12-re-
marks thereon, 12-and on the capa-
city of negroes, 13—his plan for abo-
lishing slavery, 14-observations on it,
ib. 15-and on his representation of the
state of religion in the United States,
15-his rapturous description of a
practising barrister there, 16-remarks
on it, 17-his account of the American
army and riflemen, 18.
Munster (Earl of), laudable exertions of,
in the cause of Oriental literature, 333,


New England States, description of, 5.
Ney (Marshal), observations on the exe-
cution of, 109.

Niebuhr (B. G.), Roman History, Vol.
III. 406-justness of his views, 406,
407-his censure of the falsehoods of
some historians, 407, 408-remarks on
the alleged political cause of his death,
409, 410-the real cause of his early
dissolution, 410-design and contents
of his third volume, 411-453--434-
tribute of the Rev. Dr. Arnold to the
value of his history, 434-his vindica-
tion of Niebuhr from the charge of
scepticism, 435. See Rome (ancient).
Noblesse, origin of, in Denmark, 136.
Nodier (Charles), Euvres de, 181-cha-
racter of them, 199, 200.

Nutrition of plants, several stages of, 339


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