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471 Turkish rule. Eastern Roumelia was made subject to the Ch.32 rule of a Christian Governor-General. The independence of the Montenegrins was recognised. Roumania and Servia 1848 received their independence. Bosnia and Herzegovina to became Austrian provinces. Russia received Bessarabia, also 1880. Batoum, Kars, and Ardahan, in Asia. The Russians would Disdoubtless have prosecuted their conquest to Constantinople berBut that city was protected by the other European powers, ment of and the Russian Emperor, Alexander II., was forced to yield, key. against the wishes of his subjects. The settlement of the Eastern Question was delayed, and will be delayed until another great European war shall determine whether Constantinople shall remain under the protection of the Great Powers, or fall into the possession of Russia, which is resolved Ruson having an outlet to the Mediterranean from the Black Sea. Policy. The Emperor Alexander, although an absolute sovereign, ruling a population of eighty-five millions, spread over nine millions of square miles—a territory of greater extent than all Europe, is not so great a tyrant as his predecessor, Nicholas, and has been disposed to grant many privileges to his subjects. The press has been open for political discussion, and has openly demanded the education of the people. Forty-eight millions of serfs have been emancipated, a reform Emanhas been effected in the administration of justice, and judicial cipaproceedings are public. District and Provincial Assemblies Serfs. have received the privilege of regulating local affairs. Flogging in the army has been discontinued. Railways and Other other internal improvements have been made. But the Russian peasantry are still uneducated, and only the rich have the benefit of schools. Constitutional liberty is unknown in Russia. All branches of the Legislature, the judiciary, the executive and ecclesiastical power, centre in the Emperor. He has an annual personal income of two and a half millions of pounds. His army numbers seven hundred and fifty thousand in time of peace, and in war a million and a quarter, besides an army of one hundred and fifty thousand Cossacks.

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Ch.32 The expenses of the Empire are eighty millions sterling annually. Its resources are enormous, although undeveloped, 1848 for lack of railway and water communication. Russia is still to a semi-barbarous Empire, but its progress has been wonderful 1880. within fifty years. With such a great territory to govern it Extent would seem that the policy of Emperors would be to develop of the resources of the nation and avoid entangling wars, which keep the Government in financial difficulties. The development of these resources seems to make it necessary that Russia should have the command of important ports in the Pacific Ocean, as well as in the Baltic and Black Seas, and perhaps on the Mediterranean, and resistance to these claims must entail gigantic wars. All things considered, the Russian Empire is now, in a military point of view, the most formidable in the world, and the policy of the other nations of Europe seems to be that of resisting its encroachments.


No notice has been taken in this History of the rise and United progress of that new Republic across the Atlantic, which States. now numbers fifty millions of people, except so far as its history is connected with European politics. The limits of this work only have prevented the review of so important a chapter in the development of modern civilization, for the history of the United States is identified with the history of the Anglo-Saxon race, which, for influence, wealth and intelligence combined, is now the foremost on the face of the earth.

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Victor Hugo's

REFERENCES.-Towle's "History of France." 'History of a Crime." Cockrane's "National Constituent Assembly." Dixon's "Free Russia." Flitridge's "Paris Commune." Hesekiel's "Life of Bismarck," "Life of Cavour," "Life of Pius IX." "Russia before and after the War," by the author of "Society in St. Petersburg."

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LOUIS XVI. † 1793.

CHARLES IV. Ab. 1808.

Charles, or FERDINAND V. LOUIS PHILIPPE. Anthony, Duke

Don Carlos.

LOUIS XVIII. † 1825. CHARLES X. (Abd.) † 1836.

of Montpensier.

CHARLES IV., King of Naples. +1759. FERDINAND IV. † 1825. FRANCIS. + 1830.

Louis Philip (Egalité).

† 1796.

Philip, Duke of Orleans. + 1710. Philip (Regent). † 1723.

Louis, Duke of Orleans. † 1752.

Louis Philip, D. of Orleans. † 1785.

Louisa Maria, Duchess of Bourbon.

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Louis Joseph. † 1789. LOUIS XVII. † 1795. Louis, Duke of Angoulême.

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+ Denotes date of decease.



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+ Denotes date of decease.

Mary. Albert. decease,



EUROPEAN SOCIETY IN THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. What was the distinguishing characteristic of the fifteenth century? What influences had been bequeathed by preceding centuries? Describe generally the character of the scholastic philosophy.

In what respect did the influences of the fifteenth century singularly differ from those of our own times?

Name some of the great men of the fourteenth century who had sought to revive literature and the arts.

What influence had this revival on popular liberty?

How did it affect architectural taste?

Mention the three great discoveries of the fifteenth century.

When was gunpowder first used in battle?

What social effect did this discovery produce?

Name the inventors of the art of printing in moveable type, and state

the general result on society.

When and by whom was America discovered?

What great invention led to it?

What gave the first great impulse to the cities of Italy?

Describe the character of these cities in the fifteenth century.
Mention some of the signs of advance in material prosperity.
Name some of the great painters of this period.

When was St. Peter's at Rome commenced and finished?

What discovery led to the establishment of a school of civil law?

Name some of the most celebrated poets and scholars of this and the

preceding century.

What was the character of the University of Paris at this time?

Was civilization widely diffused at this period?

Mention the characteristics of a Christian civilization.

What great social evils depressed this age?

Describe the feudal system of the Middle Ages.

What changes had it by this time undergone?

Describe the social position of peasants at this period.
What circumstances had brought them to this state?
What was the severest burden in the lot of a serf?

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