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destroyed cannot be fairly laid to its charge. | ranks has not raised them above such mean In England chartism has been put down by entertainments. the common law of the land; no curfew Again, the presence of an obnoxious edicts-no martial law-no Peterloo exhi- individual in a crowded levee,'-obnoxbitions. Spain, freed from Carlos and his Ca- ious from the opinions which he held, breras, is struggling, honestly we believe, and was seized upon as a lucky windfall, by successfully, we hope, for amended institu- peers, spiritual and temporal,-by the fortions. North America is perfectly quiet, mers of public opinion, daily, weekly, monthThe Governor-General, Lord Sydenham, ly, and quarterly-a molehill was made a has conciliated the good-will of all parties, mountain, for the express purpose of attachdespite of the efforts made to the contrary. ing a personal stigma to Lord Melbourne, and the prophecies hazarded, that his advent and consequently, bringing his government would be the ruin of the Canadas. And into disrepute in the eyes of the rigid righLord Palmerston's Egyptian policy, it is teous, and the rigid wise-Arcades ambo.* acknowledged on all hands, has been bril- Now, this presentation at court, of Mr. Owliantly supported in the Cabinet, and man- en, what was it at the worst? It is to be refully carried out in the field. membered that he was the personal friend of some of our greatest and best men. Surely it was nothing more than an indiscretion, an error of judgment on the part of Lord Melbourne, reprehensible, so far as shewing his carelessness, and his aversion to examine into

Those who accuse the Whigs of want of energy must wilfully overlook the campaign in India, the armaments in China, and their successes in Syria; promptitude and energy has distinguished them all.

Beaten from all these points of imperial policy, where do the Tories and the grumblers seek for weapons with which to assail ministers? In the scandal-loving propensities-the passions and the prejudices of mankind.

minor matters. "What he would highly, that would he easily," seems to be his Lordship's principle. This devil-may-care-ishness, so frequently exemplified in his unconcern when attacked in the Lords, and his sang froid when confessing his ignorance "Flectere si nequeo Superos, Acheronta movebo." would be admirable, perhaps, as indicative on any question, is really wonderful; it For the pandering to the first the tattling of of consummate coolness and self-possession, a few women, who, from sheer idleness gos- qualities so essential to a statesman, did it sipped about each other, as womankind will not imply an aversion to business, and a disgossip, was laid hold of and bruited abroad, like of details, highly reprehensible in one with the evidently malignant purpose of who wields the destinies of the empire. If inculpating the Queen in the eyes of her it cannot be got rid of, it should be managed people. For it was abundantly manifest with a little more discretion, it should not that the Queen was altogether guiltless in be obtruded so recklessly on the notice of the matter, and that the hope of gaining the public, lest that public should at length some political advantage, was the sole and be inclined to assent to the truth of Cicero's only cause which could have induced them maxim, "negligere quid de se quisque to drag her Majesty's name into the discus- sentiat, non solum arrogantis est, sed etiam sion at all. We will take the liberty of ex- omnino dissoluti." It is to be hoped that the pressing a wish that the ladies of the court publicity given to the affair of Mr. Owen, had learned a little more charity and con- and the wonderful magnitude into which it sideration than was exhibited on that occa- was puffed, has taught the careless premier sion, and of reminding them that without a lesson, which he will not readily forget. consideration and discretion, "a fair woman If so, good instead of evil will result from is like a jewel of gold in a swine's snout." this onset of Toryism. We admit the resemblance of the royal sage is rather coarse, its royalty, however, and its truth, must compensate for its coarseness. "The devil," says the Spanish proverb, "tempts all but the idle; the idle tempt the devil." The latter part of this sentence, we fear, may be considered fairly applicable to the ladies of all courts in all times. St. Paul too tells us that tattling is the effect of idleness. It is to be regretted that the education of women of the higher

By incessantly harping on such matters, and by unscrupulous exaggerations thereupon, a feeling was created in the public mind, expressive of dislike towards her Majesty's ministers, and hostile to that loyalty so characteristic of British subjects. The feeling once produced, was not for a moment suffered to flag; it was carefully fostered, and at the second point of attack an effort was made to

the rigid wise another,
Vide Baurns, the rigid righteous is a fool;

rouse the slumbering passions of the people into all the wildness and headlong virulence of party-spirit. For the furtherance of this second Acheronta-movebo plan, Jezabel M'Neile, Canterbury Bradshaw, Gladstone, the well-poisoning advocate, and the "too illustrious Dr. Philpots; that is to say, all that intolerance in any country, in any time, in any worship, has produced, most violent, most bitter, and most incorrigible," were let loose, and halloed on to the unsparing exercise of their peculiar talents. For food to the third,-for ministering to the prejudices of ages, especial care has been taken, amongst a variety of other things, to keep constantly before the Protestantism of Great Britain the astounding fact that two Roman Catholics hold subordinate offices in the administration, and that conse-quently, Emancipation must be repealed, or the Pope will, by and bye, send an emissary to Lambeth, and cause stakes to be re-erected in Smithfield. These weapons, from the incessant, dexterous, and unscrupulous use made of them, served to a certain extent, the purpose of the Tory leaders, who, in the back-ground themselves, with words of reprehension on their lips, now and then, when their " operations," becoming unguarded, waxed too furious, kept up a plausible appearance, and a shew of liberality, chuckling all the while at the game that was a foot, the boldness with which it was played, and the apparent success that attended it; and calculating what time might elapse ere they could come openly forward, and pocketting the winnings, riot unrestrained, as in the good old times, on the riches of a duped and swindled people.

The turmoil excited by these means was wearing itself out by its own violence, and there was every reason for hoping, that men's minds (these dirty tricks of Toryism having been seen through and despised) would have quietly settled down into that state of confidence which marked the nation on the accession of her Majesty; when an event occurred which again set in motion all the elements of discord that were rapidly subsiding. We allude to the defeat of ministers on the Jamaica question, and the three day's reign of Sir Robert Peel, brought about by radical disaffection consequent on the broaching the new doctrine of " finality." This doctrine it was that first really weakened ministers, by raising up a strong feeling of

The Journal des Debats, speaking of the discussion on Socialism, thus characterized the Bishop.

distrust amongst a very powerful body of their supporters throughout the kingdom; and with some shew of reason too.

We remember, when ministers conceived it necessary to make a stand, and erect this barrier of " finality" against the encroachment of the people, whom they, themselves, were among the first to teach how to use their power, how forcibly we were reminded of "Some that nourish up Young lions, till they grow so great they are afraid Themselves: they dare not grant at last For fear they should not satisfie." When Lord John and his chief, forgetting their early principles, set up this doctrine of finality," and talked about the evil consequences likely to ensure from the progress of radicalism and what they were pleased to call sedition and democracy; we wonder they were not haunted with the ghost* of the Roman Satirist's line.

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"Quis tulerit Gracchos de seditione querentes?"

However, they were speedily taught to feel the dangerous position they had assumed. Their quick-sighted opponents saw at once the advantages offered them from their ill-chosen step, and seized on the Jamaica question as their point of attack, hoping to turn to account the radical discontent which was openly expressed. They were not disappointed, the radicals voted with them, and the ministers resigned.

We have a few words of comment to offer on this petulant act. As history has been said to be philosophy teaching by example, we will adduce one of these philosophical examples for the benefit of all whom it may concern, in a parallel case, from the story of the Roman people.

The decemvirs had displeased the people -the people became discontented-the enemy took advantage of this discontent and marched against the city. The decemvirs called upon the people for assistance. The people rejoiced at this-they would not assist their rulers-they quietly suffered themselves to be beaten for the express purpose of punishing the decemvirs, although they thereby endangered the Common Weal-such conduct is now-a-days, pithily called "cutting off the nose to vex the face." Now for the parallel. ministry displeased the Radicals-the Radi


As there are ghosts of departed quantities; we suppose there may be a ghost of a line of a dead language.

cals openly express their discontent-the enemy, id est, the Tories, take advantage of this, and make a bold and united attack on ministers the Radicals rejoice at the prospect of revenge, at the opportunity of shewing their power, and, like the Roman people "hostibus belloque gratiam habuerunt:" this they nick-named acting according to principle. The ministry call upon them, in this crisis, for support against the common enemy. And again not satisfied with merely following in the footsteps of their prototypes, who were content with being passive, ("ne quid ductu aut auspiciis decemvirorum prospere gereretur, vinci se patiebantur.") our modern radicals, to shew their genius, improved upon the example set them, and went bodily over for the nonce, to the ranks of the enemy.

Now we think it indisputable that both the Roman people and the English radicals were wrong-although there are many things to excuse the former-the decemvirs were tyrants; they had subverted the laws; they had suspended the courts of justice, and had omitted for years to assemble the senate. We know of no competent excuse for the latter they were in the wrong, because they endangered interests of paramount importance, the well-being of their respective nations, for the gratification of party feelings and, in a degree, of private wrongs. But "vitam regit fortuna non sapientia." The Roman people after perilling the state obtained the destruction of the decemvirs. The Radicals after the fright of the three days, made the amende honorable, and obtained the opening of the ballot-a Normanby in the home office, and a Macauley at the council boardthus scotching if not killing the snake "finality." But we repeat they ventured too much, and we trust they will not again follow an example more honoured in the breach than in the observance."

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The moment these concessions were made to the demands of the Radicals, the opposition cried out inconsistency, Jim Crowism, &c. with what shew of reason or fairdealing, we will take leave to examine.

When Demades was accused of inconsistency in his public character, he replied, "I may have asserted things contrary to my former sentiments; but not any contrary. to the three interests of the Commonwealth." Now, either this is a sound excuse or it is not. If it is not, then are the Tory leaders, just as liable to the charges which are heaped so unsparingly on the Whigs, of inconsistency, yielding to the masses, &c. in the

affairs of Emancipation and the Orange Lodges. If it is a sound excuse, then perhaps it would be only fair play, that the Melbourne ministry should be allowed the benefit of it, as well as the Wellington.

We are bound to admit, however, that the excuse of Demades is not strictly applicable to the Tories, inasmuch as toryism has nothing to do with "the true interests of the Commonwealth." It is too entirely busied with the true interests of itself and the individuals composing it. And as these interests are ever the same power and pelf, we have a clue to its unchanging and unchangable disposition.

Immutable councils are the attribute of the godhead, and require for their formation and carrying out, omniscience and omnipotence. They belong not to us, they are not human. It is their superstition to imagine such a thing. Nothing can be truer as a political maxim, whatever Lord John, Sir Robert, or the Pope may imagine to the contrary, than the line

"Malum consilium est, quod mutari non potest."

These charges of being given to change, inconsistency and Jim Crowism, become passing strange, when we consider the principal source from whence they are derived― namely, the leading journal of the day; a journal, which, because of the bold and unscrupulous talent displayed therein, in defence of that party which it may choose for a con-si-der-a-tion, to uphold for a given time, we would advise to adopt the following motto:

"Nil desperandum Jimcro duce, auspice Jimcro." When Sir Robert Peel, the man who is always feeling his way, finding himself in Downing-street, (in consequence of radical petulance), and forgetting his systematic cautiousness, was unexpectedly check-mated, in his daring attack upon the Queen and her household, doubtless, it sorely repented him of the momentary abandonment of his groping tactics. But we suppose he was forced upon his mettle by his Tory backers, those "irritamenta malorum," and perhaps he wished himself to prove to the world, that

Prodigious actions may as well be done By weaver's issue as by prince's son.-Dryden. The flying leap over moderation and common sense, was taken quite in a "pindarick way." But, alas! he was tripped as many a better man was before him, and will be after him, by-a petticoat, and flung to the ditch which we fear he found "as hard as

though it had been paved with platonic | telling Bacchus, are just the very men to ladies' hearts*." make an open and candid disclosure of these motives and these designs. And this Mr. Bradshaw and his friends have done. "Tis useless to deny it.

All the world knows what great events, from little causes spring. Nevertheless, we trust we will stand excused for quoting one example, which we deem peculiarly apposite. Rabelais, in book v. chap. xxx. of his Mystical Romance, has the following. "I saw a Remora, a little fish, called Echineis by the Greeks, and near it a tall ship, that did not get a'head an inch, though she was in the offings with top and top gallants spread before the wind. I am somewhat inclined to believe, that 'twas the very numerical ship in which Periander the tyrant happened to be, when it was stopped by such a little fish in spite of wind and tide."

Marsyas dreamt that he had cut the throat of the tyrant Dionysius. Dionysius put him to death, alleging that he would never have dreamt of such a thing by night, if he had not thought of it by day. Now the tyrant may possibly have been in the wrong in his allegation, though a shrewd one. But we contend, that gentlemen, when "heated with wine," especially on public occasions, and in the presence of clergymen, when it is to be supposed that they could not get regularly fou," but just "a drappie in their ee," are not in the habit of giving utterance to sentiments which have not previously occupied their sober thoughts, in cooler hours.


For this good service, for it is a good service, to tell us of what our opponents are capable, and what their intentions are-the

Be blessings on the Remora and petticoat! After this tumble of the honourable member for Tamworth-this discomfited Periander-the whole pack of his followers running open mouthed upon the game; being so suddenly put out, licked their watering-chops, lost their temper, and set up a loud, and continuous howling. The Brad-liberal press should have been grateful. shaws and the Robys lifted up their voices in vehement denunciation of those who sit in high places; and the Canterbury divines holloed them on at the utmost pitch of their lungs.

Much has been written and said about these people and their pranks, we will venture to add a little more to the mass, chiefly because we are of opinion that a refresher to the memory, concerning that expose of Toryism, cannot be altogether useless at the present time.

The Tory press asserted that drunken gentlemen or as they more courteously phrased it, gentlemen "heated with wine," ought not, in fair play, to be considered the true exponents of the sentiments of their party. Perhaps not, if by the sentiments of their party, they meant those speciosa nomina, by means of which they hoped and hope, to impose on the good sense of the people. But if by the sentiments of their party be meant, the real, though concealed motives and designs which actuate that party, then do we contend, that gentlemen "heated with wine," when prudence and political craft have been knocked on the head, by truth

Instead of which, it has, we cannot but think, bestowed too much of its indignation and attention on the individual Mr. Bradshaw. He was by no means worthy of it, whatever his statements may have been. He should have been treated as Theodosius wrote to one of his prefects, to treat those who spoke amiss of his person or government: “Si id ex levitate processerit, contemnendum est; si ex insania, miseratione dignissimun; si ab injuria, remittendum.'

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But as we have said, the sentiments of Mr. Bradshaw and his friends, are of the utmost importance, as a beacon to guide us to,-what should be constantly kept before the public, just now-the Irish public especially-the true motives and designs of their party, viz: rage at being deprived of their ancient influence, and a determination to acquire it again by any means and at all hazards. Ireland they would re-conquer if they could-they should know, however, that the "alien" land, never was conquered, as a united country; as Ulster, Munster, Leinster, and Connaught, she never was, never can be conquered-failing that, they will disfranchise her if possible. The masses whom they cannot put down by corn-laws and nine shillings per week, wages, they HUNTSMAN.-No hurt my lord, I hope? ORSAMES.-What? Dost think my horse and would cut down, by a summary process,

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which is styled "upholding the majesty of the laws." And the Queen, God bless her -whom they cannot manage, they would depose. They have not hesitated to express something like a willingness,


Hærentem capiti multa cum laude coronam.

In a letter written some two hundred years ago, by the author of "a ballad on a wedding," giving an account to a friend of the Scottish business in Charles the First's time, there is a paragraph, admirably illustrative of the present Tory quarrel with the Queen and court. Here it is, verbatim et literatim. "If you will have my opinion, I think their quarrel to the King, is that they may have to the sun; he doth not warm and visit them as much as others. God and nature have placed them in the shade, and they are angry with the King of England for it. To conclude, this is the case. The great and wise Husbandman, hath planted the beasts in the out-fields, and they would break hedges to come into the garden. This is the belief of your humble servant, &c."

Now the Tories of the present day after being forcibly driven from " the garden," in which they for a very long time, committed unheard of devastations; after being excluded for a series of years, during which they have been nursing their wrath and husbanding their energies, have at length girded up their loins for a grand attack on "the hedge," which has been specially erected for their exclusion by Lords Grey and Russell.

Lord Stanley in the van, with his registration bill-hook in his hand, lays about him most lustily, cutting, hacking, and hewing away; seemingly determined "vi et armis, and with malice a forethought," as the lawyers say, to open a passage sufficient for the admission of himself and his hungry expectants, made ravenous by a ten years fast; and burglariously to take possession of the good things within. He cares not a doit, if by so doing he cuts up root and branch, "the stakes in the hedge" which an entire kingdom possesses, and which are paraphrastically termed amongst politicians the "elective franchise."

No doubt his lordship intends this as another practical lesson to Ireland, his first being the coercion bill; in furtherance, no doubt, of his philanthropic intentions with regard to her, viz:-"That she must be taught to fear, before she can be permitted to love."

To return from whence we have digressed, viz:—the true motives and designs of the

Tory party, mentioned above. These motives and these designs, prematurely divulged, during the soreness created by the disappointment of May, 1839, have ever since been carefully kept in abeyance; until a favourable opportunity should offer for their being put into execution. This opportunity they seem to think has arrived, and they are determined to make the best of it; knowing that

"Opportunity to statesmen, is as the just degree Of heat to chymists-it perfects all the work." Chartism and what they term the " growing ascendancy of Popery," have prepared the way before them-have placed a powerful instrument in their hands, to be wielded in the brickbat and bludgeon style. It is the cry of " property and Protestantism in danger"-the most powerful that could well be imagined for influencing Englishmen.

There is nothing which makes an Englishman so furious and obstinate, as the belief that his pocket is in danger. For his pocket he will risk his head any day-for his head he will not so readily risk his pocket. Once set the cry agoing, and from constant repetition and ceaseless dinning into his ears, John Bull at last begins to believe there is something in it. Then he is ready to do anything against those, who he is told are lying in wait to rob him, and for those, who using him as the monkey used the cat's paw, wheedle him into a belief that they are his friends, that they alone can preserve him from "battle, murder, and sudden death." When in addition to this, all his hereditary prejudices are taken into account, sucked in with his mother's milk, against Pope and Popery-the wild Irish

-Bloody Mary and Smithfield fires; it is not too much to say, that the most lamentable effects may be anticipated to the liberal cause, from this raw-head-and-bloody-bones cry of "property and Protestantism in danger."

Nothing, we think, can be more certain than that Sir Robert Peel looks confidently forward, as much so as a man of his wary temperament can, to the speedy resumption of office. All things seem tending to this -with the exception of the Queen, and therefore has she been denounced and threatened with the fate of a James. Ireland is not so much a hindrance to the resumption of office, as it would be an obstacle to the long retention of it. The murmurings of the Radicals-the madness of the chartists, who have so recklessly played into the hands of the Tories-the church agita

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