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every advantage which the diversity of ground afforded him. At one time menacing his pursuers-at another, manœuvering to avoid a conflict; but on all occasions sustaining that confidence amongst his men, which rendered them insensible to their own weakness. He would halt at intervals his wearied companions, to take breath; and in the face of the enemy amuse them with humorous and sarcastic observations on the order and discipline of the "valourous dragoons!" who uniformly reined back the moment he presented the unerring Shelmalier.

from the scene of action; and it must be presumed that this post was considered of importance, as orders were given to retain it throughout the day. On removal of the British dragoons, the brigade-major replaced them by a squadron of yeoman cavalry; and in conformity with his duty, and the command of his superior, the requisite disposals were made for maintaining the position. The officer now in command had a stake in the country, and it must consequently be inferred, a more than ordinary interest in its internal security. But it is to be feared that, like many of these civil aspirants to military fame, he had not contemplated the casualties of the field, when vested with the enviable appointment of captain commandant of a young men's corps. He was a gentleman, however, respectable in his station-though better suited for social enjoyment than martial toils. The position which this officer had hitherto maintained in peace ful security, was now to be disputed by a daring foe. It lay in the direct line in which Doyle was advancing, and an encounter appeared to be inevitable. But it was not the interest of the latter to provoke a conflict; for his troop, however efficient in the morning, could now scarcely number forty toil-worn men, while the slender stock of ammunition was inadequate for the supply of the enfeebled force. There was no time, however, now for parley or retreat. The parties, as if by instinctive movement, had more closely approached; and the cavalry, not many paces in advance of their opponents, presented a formidable array-well appointed, fresh, and apparently ardent for action. Doyle halted his little band, and arranged his men for the onset. They cheered! such was their uniform custom commencing an attack; it was the cheer of men determined "to do or die." The cavalry, unaccustomed to the loud huzza for the charge, broke from their ranks, and the Wexford men, with accelerated movement, pursued their march. But the honor of the corps was committed; and the orders of the district officer had been conveyed in language too intelligible to be trifled with. Again the squadron formed, and with a good show of courage, followed up in the enemy's line of retreat, continuing, as they advanced, to discharge their pistols with little reserve, and as little effect. Meantime a few shots of well directed musketry from the Although the number of those who perretreating ranks, served to check the ardourished has never been accurately ascertained, of the pursuers. Doyle availed himself of we can, nevertheless, contemplate-from the

"So far, by his firmness and address, Doyle had kept the enemy at bay. But wearied by the persevering annoyance to which he was momentarily exposed; and sensible, moreover, from the exhausted condition of his men-that in a little time they would be unable to sustain a serious assault, he at once resolved to put an end to the pursuit. In a loud and determined tone of voice, he commanded a halt! Then, extending his line in single file, he faced round to the enemy, who had drawn up, not a hundred paces in the rear. This unexpected manoeuvre produced a considerable sensation on both sides. Doyle seized the "lucky moment," and stepping forward in the front of his division, levelled his long Shelmalier musket on the shoulder of a gigantic Wexfordian, who rested on one knee, to afford greater facility to the trusty marksman. Then, taking a cool and deliberate aim at the commander of the cavalry corps, who, under the range of the deadly instrument, seemed as if spell-bound to the spot,-"I have him, my boys!" he exclaimed "steady, my sons! and with the blessing of heaven, the scarlets shall smoke in their saddles !" The fearful denunciation was scarcely uttered, when a quick and retrograde movement of the squadron left Doyle an undisputed passage to the long desired rendezvous for the night.

"So long as any section of the Wexford forces held together, their courage and discipline rendered them formidable opponents: whilst under every disaster, they evinced an energy of mind characteristic of the spirit that prompted them to their daring enterprise. Individual sufferings were great, but sustained with a manly firmness which seemed to render the unfortunate superior to the ills of his condition.

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monuments of mortality, still discernible | some friendly hand has endeavoured to rethroughout the district-the fate of many trace them. victims. Of those lonely and widely scattered graves, we have already passed several, but they are more frequently to be met with by the rustic in his labours of the field, or by the pedestrian traveller, as at intervals they cross his path, eliciting his simple but solemn "requiescat," in pious memento of the spirit that is fled.

"In some places are to be traced little verdant mounds of earth, which, from their first formation, the plough has never furrowed. In others, small cairns or tumuli, composed of grey field stones, collected from the surface of the gravelly soil; and over which a light covering of moss has extended, presenting, on a superficial view, an antique appearance, more resembling the production of by-gone ages, than of modern times.Several of these have from time to time been levelled, or removed, either to make way for agricultural improvement, or to obliterate remembrances of the past. But the grassy mound, and moss covered cairn, are still monuments of popular respect, and designated to this hour, in the native language of the country. "Wia condogh Wexfordagh,""The Wexford man's grave!"

In directing my attention to some of these humble sepulchres, my companion, in feeling language, adverted to the fate of those unfortunate men who, when separated from the armed body of their companions, sought for temporary security in the fields of standing corn, where many closed a toil-worn existence; and many, by hunger and privation, rendered reckless of life, quitted the place of their concealment to meet a less lingering doom.

"From yonder dilapidated towers," said he, "on the east-once a splendid monument of national pride-the early seat of liberal science, and the practical school of moral virtue,* down to the bleak ruins of Michelstown castle on the west, there is scarcely an intervening mile of ground that does not record a scene of suffering or disaster. There, amongst the unlettered tombs that meet your eye, you perceive one more conspicuous than the rest, from the rude attempt of some rustic sculptor to delineate a horseman, on the surface of a huge unwrought stone at the head of the grave. The lines, however, have been so superficially marked, that little now remains of the original character, though it is evident that

The ancient Abbey and Collegiate edifice, near the beautiful village of Slane, on the river Boyne,

"The subject of this singular mark of respect was a young man, whose fate excited, at the time, a more than ordinary feeling of sympathy throughout our neighbourhood. He was in the division of the mounted men, but his horse failing, he had the misfortune, in common with others, to be left behind. Young, active, and robust, he was successful in evading the vigilance of his pursuers, and for a time lay concealed in the vicinity of a respectable farm-house, the good family of which took a lively interest in his preservation. But there was one still more ardent than the rest, who seemed particularly devoted to his safety. The daughter of his hospitable host perceived, it is said, in their young and interesting guest, qualities and acquirements beyond his apparent condition. And though brief the period of his sojourn, it afforded a moment for the mutual avowal of feelings which the conscious heart of either perhaps had needed no avowal to disclose.

"The stranger was captured by a scouring party of yeomanry dragoons. His lively and preposessing appearance seemed to have produced in their ranks a sentiment less hostile than might have been anticipated from the general conduct of those who were now to be arbiters of his fate. They did not give way to these barbarous taunts—or those rude and brutal bursts of exultation, with which, on similar occasions, the unfortunate captive was often greeted; and notwithstanding the two-fold crime of Rebel and Wexfordian, a desire was evinced by several individuals of the party, if not for the preservation of the prisoner's life, at least for a temporary suspension of his punishment. It was therefore determined that he should not be debarred whatever possible advantage a trial might afford him: and with this view the corps generally agreed to convey their prisoner to Chamberstown Hill, where a turbulent species of mock military tribunal was then awarding judgment on the devoted heads of those who had not already been disposed of in a more summary manner.

"The prisoner, confident that his doom was decreed, seemed little to regard by what mode or procedure the thread of his life was to be severed. He was too well aware of his situation to indulge in hopes of mercy from any tribunal military or civil, however he might have expected from a feeling of christian charity in the breasts of others, a momentary respite to reflect on the awful

change between time and eternity! The troop was now on its march, and with the unfortunate victim placed behind the saddle of a dragoon, had proceeded but a short way, when the sergeant in command reined back his horse, and without any previous intimation of his diabolical design, addressed the prisoner. "Come, sir," said he, "we have other duties to attend to, we can no longer be encumbered with you," and presenting his pistol, he added "Open your breast." "And here it is!" exclaimed the dauntless fellow, baring his bosom, "and as true a breast as ever bled for Ireland!" A bullet from the assassin's pistol pierced his heart!

"The person behind whom the prisoner was mounted in the yeomanry ranks is yet living. I have known him for many years. He then was, and still is, amongst the first class of extensive and independent land-holders of his district. And in the Barony of Morgallion, or any other Barony in Meath, there does not exist a man of higher integrity and moral worth. The circumstance which I have narrated nearly cost this gentleman his life; and had not the shock produced by the wanton and barbarous act unnerved him at the moment, the assassin in all probability had followed his victim. And yet the perpetrator of this foul deed, and of others scarcely less atrocious, was permitted, strange as at this day it may appear, to retain his rank and station in the corps, unpunished and unreprimanded by his superiors."

Our next object of mournful interest was Chamberstown Hill. "Here" observed my friend," was the seat of that memorable tribunal-whether under the sanction of authority, or self constituted, we shall not now stop to enquire-before which so many of our unfortunate fellow mortals were consigned to death; and transferred with less ceremony to the executioner, than the vender of cattle tells over the number of his beeves to the purchaser.

"It was a refinement on cruelty, and a wanton aggravation of his sufferings, to debar the prisoner on the awful verge of eternity, the spiritual consolation which religion imparts.

"The Rev. Mr. Mulligan was at that time the pastor of this parish (Rathkenny); and, prompt at the call of humanity, he hastened to the scene of suffering. But here the charitable divine had to encounter every species of that rude and repulsive treatment, which it required the humility of the Christian and the zeal of the mis

sionary to endure. The armed rabble that surrounded the scaffold was comprised of an infantry corps of yeomanry of the lowest character and grade-the passive instruments of an officious superior, who appeared on this occasion to exercise, in his own proper person, the several duties appertaining to the functions of a "military court."

"It was interesting to witness amongst the crowd of prisoners, who now only awaited the more formal announcement of their fate, the apparent diversity of human feeling, in a general uniformity of human suffering-the calm composure of some, the lighter carriage of others, but the fortitude. and firmness of all. And when the mind seemed to be most deeply impressed with those sentiments, which the awful moment was so well calculated to excite, a lively sally of native humour would often betray that elasticity of soul, so easy of excitement, and characteristic of our countrymen. "It was a bad job for me," exclaimed a county Meath peasant-one of the few who were supposed to have fallen in with the Wexford line-"It was an unfortunate job for me, to leave my wife and children this morning, and be hanged before sunset." "Unfortunate!" replied a Wexford convict, scarcely able to stand erect from the fatigues and privations he had encountered-"unfortunate! why, man, you should be proud to be allowed the honour of dying for your country, when you have done so little to deserve it."

"If the brutal haste displayed in the execution of the prisoners, was yet more dreadful to their feelings than the announcement of the sentence under which they were about to suffer, those feelings at times were scarcely less outraged by the gratuitous insults offered to the mild minister of their religion. Whilst the patient divine bore with Christian meekness the taunts and ribaldries with which he was assailed, his humble penitent could not always regard with equal composure the insulting treatment of his unoffending priest; but by a simple word, or more impressive look, would often betray the indignant feelings which he was at little pains to conceal. "Don't mind him, your reverence," exclaimed a hardy Wexfordian, roused by the repeated imprecations of the petulant commander, d-n you, dispatch and be gone;' and while the daring culprit alternately eyed the minister of peace with a soothing look of most compassionate respect, and the unfeeling dispenser of his own fate with a dark scowl

of defiance, he emphatically added, "Don't mind him, your reverence; he is only a yeomanry! And now, boys," turning to the guard that surrounded the scaffold, "help me up; and this"-presenting a small prayer book, which he held open in his hand "this for any of you who can read, and has charity to pray for the soul of a Wexfordman. As he attempted to mount the unsteady and rudely formed scaffold, "God help me," he said, with a playful smile, "I'm not half so active as I used to be. But no shame for that! We had the rough as well as the smooth before us, and not an idle day since the battle of Ross. Well! as I was true to the cause, may God speed my soul !"

"The "military court" continued to pursue the work of death; and whilst the labours of that tribunal were increased by the introduction of fresh victims, its duties were occasionally relieved by the promptness of the patroles, in the less ceremonious disposal of the prisoners. From the search of corn fields and the adjacent thickets, the local yeomanry proceeded to the investment of private dwellings, of which it could hardly be supposed that any suspicion should be entertained. But the parsonage house had afforded them a victim; and another roof might give shelter to the fugitive rebel, though the master of the mansion were untainted as the benevolent divine. Away then the party rode, direct to the house of Mr. O- -n, a respectable Protestant gentleman of the neighbourhood; and, whether having received in formation, or acting on anything more than mere suspicion, it matters not; but, with a confident air of authority, they demanded that the fugitive rebels, of whom they were in pursuit, should instantly be placed at their disposal. Mr. On was a man of much personal worth of humane disposition and scrupulous honor; and he candidly admitted that he had afforded relief to three unfortunate men who had thrown themselves on his protection; but added, that however opposed his sentiments were to the political views which they had maintained, he had neither com

*It may be inferred that the guard was deficient in one or other of these qualities, for the book was subsequently deposited with a pious inhabitant in the adjoining parish (Castletown,) I saw it in the good man's possession. It was a "double manual;" on the title page was written in a fair and legible hand, "Peter Hoare," and on the unprinted leaf to the left was recorded the date of his marriage, and

the birth of two of his children.

promised his duty to society, nor his allegiance to the crown. He found it vain, however, to parley with men on the scent of blood; and the objects of his humane solicitude became the captives of the sanguinary patrol. Many moments had not intervened when the design of the party became too palpable to be mistaken. The prisoners, placed in front of the line, cast a silent but expressive look on their humane benefactor, and with apparent resignation awaited their fate. "Hold!" exclaimed On, "do you think that I will suffer these men to be murdered at my door, to whom I have afforded the shelter of my roof? No! if it must be, take them to head quarters, and there exhibit your charge against them; that is your duty, and remember! I hold you to it." The bold and decisive character of gentleman, together with his influential station in the neighbourhood, so far produced a salutary restraint as to impede, for the moment, the sanguinary deed about to be perpetrated; and the discomfited party, with the respited victims, proceeded on their route. But, when no longer awed by the presence of the man who had marred their morning sport, the nefarious band murdered their prisoners on the way.


"Enough of these melancholy relationsWould that with the actors of those sanguinary scenes, the remembrance had also passed away. But though the homicide and the victim are no longer before us, some silent memorial almost hourly meets our view, recalling, unbidden to the mind, direful recollections of the past. A few miles north-east of where we stood, and rising over the waters of the Boyne-are the dense plantations of Dowth; where under their green wood shelter, the Wexford leaders received such of their scattered forces as had the fortune to reach the appointed rendezvous of the night. Thence, at dawn of morning, they marched for the plains of Kildare.

"I have already observed, that the garrisons of Drogheda and Slane were not far distant from the post which the Wexford troops occupied during the night. From these points they encountered no annoyof the British general commanding the ance; nor did Navan-the head quarters midland district,-offer any serious impediment to their march. They pursued their route in good order, and leaving Meath with all its disastrous occurrences behind them, they entered with encreasing confidence the metropolitan county. A few

hours now would have secured their retreat, and placed them under the protection of Aylmer's lines.

"Hitherto they had struggled against the many ills incidental to their daring enterprise. But this once formidable force, which only the day before had contended for victory with some of the best disciplined troops of Britain, was now reduced in numbers, worn with fatigue and nearly defenceless in ammunition. Onward, however, they pursued their course; till within ten miles of Dublin they encountered a division of the royal army.

"The engagement was short, but decisive. The Wexford band was routed, and their leaders separated in the conflict, after which those gallant chieftains were fated never again to meet. Fitzgerald with some of the scattered troops regained Aylmer's lines.

-'s subsequent fortunes afford a melancholy passage in the page of history, with which, unhappily, his countrymen are too familiar. Thus ended the narrative of my friend; and with this, the limited space allowed me, compels me for the present, to conclude.


A youth and maiden were betrothed-a young and happy pair ;

He was of noble generous mind, and she surpassing fair:

Their path of life seemed strewed with flowers of fairest, brightest bloom;
Alas! that such a morn of life should end in storm and gloom.

I saw her at the altar-an old man by her side;

In calm despairing misery she vowed to be his bride.

Yet she'd not forget her lover, though wide seas between them rolled

Then what has caused this misery?-A father's love of Gold!

I knew a man so old, death had already marked his prey;

He gloated o'er rich heaps of coin that all around him lay.
A former benefactor craved a mite from his rich store;
The old man tottered down to drive the beggar from his door.
Yet, time was, when he would have wept to see affliction's tear :
When he'd but little for himself, that little he would share;
Though now that he has boundless wealth, so callous and so cold.
And what has caused this wondrous change?-That wonder-worker-Gold!
Within a dungeon cell was one, fettered and ghastly pale,
Whose haggard brow was never more to feel the fresh'ning gale
That on his native hills had played amongst his flowing hair,

Ere deeds of fearful crime had brought him, all unpitied, there.

He'd made a mother husbandless, and from her infants snatched

The father's care, that should have o'er their helpless childhood watched;
And now the scaffold soon his closing hour was to behold.

And what made him a murderer ?-Again-the love of Gold!

There was a gallant stately ship, in all her sails arrayed

To catch the light and buoyant breeze that through her rigging strayed:
Joy beamed in every face around-they thought of home and friends:

When lo! a sail appears in view-their dream of pleasure ends.

They saw the pirate's blood-red flag come sweeping o'er the wave,

And north, or south, or east, or west, there was not one to save.

But one of all the crew remained, the dark tale to unfold.

And what has caused this crime and blood ?-Once more!-the thirst for Gold!

The wretched sons of Africa bend 'neath the driver's rod,

And bow, and cringe, and tremble at the petty tyrant's nod.

Dost note yon man of bearing proud, though mark'd with slavery's brand?

He was a much loved prince when he was in his native land;

Now-torn from subjects, kindred, friends, he thus is lashed to toil:
And why?-His colour's black, and he was born on negro soil!

And thus men by their fellow-men are chained, and bought, and sold;
All, all this mighty wrong is done for Gold-accursed Gold !

Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, the God of Israel said:-
Saith Man-I love myself and gold-the pain be on my head.
And thus the wretched futile thing-the being of an hour,
Can dare the retribution of his mighty Maker's power:
And centr'ng all his feeling on that one sole object-self,
Lets covetousness rule his life, and seeks no good but pelf;
And death must clasp his energies within his icy fold,

Ere fades the passion of his heart, which ever grasps at Gold.

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