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fluence on the brave and generous Jeannotte's determination,) under the unusual and extreme position in which prisoners were placed by the prevalence of an unnatural and nnrecognised system of warfare, the fulfilment of promises made-a parole given in a word might be, (and you will see it was the opinion of the army,) looked upon as only within a limited extent binding. Add to these considerations, and many others of the same kind, which I shall not take the trouble of teasing you and myself, by enumerating this first, and most paramount one that, in setting us free then, as he had done on a vague contingency, he exposed himself not only to the loss of rank-but of life; and, perhaps, very nearly as immediately as ours was destined to be sacrificed, had he brought us to quarters. Let all this, I say, be duly appreciated, and where again is the man worthy of the name, who could have the shaming courage to say, he owed him but little-who had so nobly, so disinterestedly, nay, self-sacrificingly done thus, much for us. Phaugh! I could-pardon the expression-'tis between ourselves-I could almost spit upon such a fellow!"

The brave old soldier's lips curled with an expression of withering contempt; his eye lighted up and flashed. I thought it necessary to say, in deprecation of the burst, (and fearing, I must confess, he might now wander further away from the story,)" that I had no sentiment of the kind-far from itthat the whole was a supposition of his own. "Yes, yes, I know-I feel you have notat your age the heart is yet warm and impulsive. I touched on the subject, because I once or twice encountered cold, selfish pickers of reasons and motives, who hinted their thoughts out to the effect-I soon silenced them. I hate the whole race; though would you suppose it? I am believed to belong to it-well, I admire people's penetration-but to return.

"We at length turned away, slowly advancing for a long time, in mute unbroken silence, one of unaccountable heaviness, perhaps even melancholy might be more the the word, considering the altered situation we stood in but a few minutes before in view of seemingly inevitable death-now released, and on the way to join our friends, and share in the joy of their success. But so I have almost constantly found it to happen to myself as well as to others, in nearly every one of the critical extremities, my span of struggling experience has been, (thank heaven if I have made profit on't) abundantly agitated by-imminence of dan

ger, excessive distress and suffering, are more easily borne than is generally imagined. There is a sort of elastic rebound in the human heart, (come it from instinct of selflove, of vanity, or of that courage of despair the most timid make often proof of, 'twere very useless to examine,) which urges at such moments, in presence of the world— to bear up-to be braced for the worst, and dare it. A happy turn of fortune chancing, particularly as in the present case, precisely when least looked forward to, lays hold on one unprepared, and unnerved-the revulsion is overwhelming, and for a while, no consciousness of safety-of deliverance from misfortune-even of enjoyment, suffices well to enable one to resist the temporary influence of the depression. So we deeply experienced, in this instance, one of the many I have had occasion to draw the remark from.


By and by, however, different feelings as well as new incidents came to direct and remove us from this dull confusion, or rather prostration of thought and sense; I wish I could have it to say, that among the former, that of a thankfulness uttered in a prayer to Providence was foremost. I have already confessed my faults of bold presuming youth-the less again said on the matter, the more agreeable to my conscience, which, mind you-nevertheless, has kept good note of this, and most other points it erred in."

"The sun-('twas already past noon) shone brilliantly out, and we were comforted by its warmth nearly for the first time for many weeks thus gladdening us; under its influence, and that of a sweeping wind that rose, the heavy vapour accumulated in sluggish masses over the lower parts of the valley, here quickly dispersed. As we emerged out of it, we could feel the invigorating breath of a fresher and drier air-the trees and green shrubs swayed about under the breeze were dashing away the sad-looking drops their leaves had been hanging withto our imagination, as we passed but a while ago, like tears-there was something in all this-(the sensation inwardly stirred us) to enliven and rejoice. But better, far better, and more vividly still, did we start into the full sentiment of joyful existence, and the luxury of hope, when, according as we neared our own flag, we could descry more distinctly at every step, when we had attained the same level of ground they occupied (the firing of musketry and artillery having nowise slackened meantime) well formed and posted lines of foot and horse, bearing uni

forms familiar, and now so doubly dear to our eyes, the foremost of which were advancing with an inspiring shout, in which with our wicked voices we enthusiastically joined. "Praised be heaven"! we added in the same breath, they are charging, let's on-who knows-we may be in time'!

"We hurried forward towards the near ranks, among which we recognized nearest to us, with what springing delight you may well judge, our own regiment or rather, the shattered squadron or so of it, that had survived our late day of slaughter. They had been ordered, I heard afterwards, with much repining on the part both of officers and men, to this post, as being inefficient from fatigue and loss, to take a more active part in the engagement.

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Long before we reached the line of videttes, we had been perceived, and a party detached to meet and question us. Scarcely had we halted within speaking distance, and the usual challenges passed, when spite of the ordinary observances of discipline, the cry, the wondering exclamation, "tis Merinhac, 'tis Juvigny!-alive still," burst with glad shout from our comrade in command, and was in various tones of surprise, incredulity and pleasure, re-echoed by all. We were known to, and knew almost every one in the corps, composed as I have said for the greater part of young men of the better order. Merinhac and de Juvigny-impossible by what miracle? We were immediately surrounded-all distinctions of rank and order being for the moment forgotten and seized, and pulled, and embraced, and felicitated almost to suffocation. When the movement, dear and gratifying to us, had subsided, and there was a possibility of answering each other, the questions began anew. You ask by what miracle,' I replied, "tis a miracle-you are perfectly right in calling it so-one you will scarcely believe when I tell it you; meantime pray let's move on to join. I am impatient to report myself and fellow sufferer to our excellent colonel, and ask permission to share in the charge.' Here I was informed of the interdict laid op us. 'Sorry for it, very sorry; as much as you, I should have liked to have had another touching of blades to the hilt, and deeper if I could, before lying downwith those rascally cannibals; but I forget, I should not speak thus hardly of them, they are not all so bad-no, by Jove! far from that.' A look of yet greater astonishment encountered me-I did not notice it. Yes, they have something good in them, more-sapredienne! I regret to be obliged

to say so-than many of ours.' The amaze redoubled; they appeared as if they thought me unsettled in my wits; Juvigny's countenance, which was stared at too, testified concurrence in my assertions. You may gape, and gaze, and be astounded, but when I tell you, (this is the marvel that I knew you would not give credit to)-that if you behold us here in safety, rescued three times, I may say, from death either by fatigue and pain, and exhaustion, or assassination in cold blood-we are indebted for it to two individuals of their number; one of whom, moreover, not twenty minutes since, at risk and peril of life, released, and put us on the way to come up with you here.' A murmur, half still of derisive dubiousness, half of admiring wonderment, followed my words. Gentlemen,' I cried, I am not accustomed to have the accuracy of what I state called in question; if you think fit however in the strangeness of the occurrence to do solook at the equipment of the horses we ride-you will know them in an instant to belong to the enemy;' and I added, stopping short, and turning round, (they followed my motions) we were now on the highest ridges of the eminence; and the clearing of the weather enabled us to command an extensive view downwards-cast your eyes attentively below there, and you will perhaps distinguish the escort that guarded us so far.'

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The sun was still bright, the fog quite dispelled; and almost immediately as I had made an end of speaking, a few seconds, close glance gave us glimpse of those we sought to see; we could tolerably plainly perceive they had dismounted, and, bridle in hand, were making an effort to ascend sideways the face of the steep towards the right.

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May they succeed," was my inward wish, and now no doubt that of many of my companions, almost every one, (I must say that of them) as ardent in their good will, when as here stirred into it by a generous act-as in their hate to the Republic and Republicans.

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"De Merinhac-my dear De Merinhac !— we did not mean to doubt-not a moment to doubt your word, but the thing is so extraordinary, so out of the way, miraculous-do pray tell how it could possibly happen ?" "Miraculous or not, it is the fact, and should lead us another time (however we detest their principles) to think better of those we are combatting; and yet more strongly teach us a lesson, though a tardy one, in humanity, against which we, as they, have hitherto, so deeply sinned."

"I shortly related what had passed. Interest-pity-horror, but above all adiniration, grew as I spoke. At the conclusion, an universal buzz broke forth:- Fine fellow! by Heaven, noble fellow!' for his sake and the Vivandiere's, the ruffians do deserve quarter."

"I did not fail, you can easily imagine, to encourage the latter feeling, both on the present occasion and every other that afterwards presented itself; and I had the satisfaction (I shall here anticipate a little) in some days to find, from my exertions in making known and commenting on the circumstances, that there existed in our corps, as well as in several others, a tacit, if not exactly prescribed, understanding, that prisoners were to be made when and where they might offer themselves. So much for the effects of a single great and good example.


"By this time we had reached the head of the regiment (let me call it so still, I can't bear to recollect what a shadow it had become). Here we were surrounded, congratulated, and pressed in friendly arms, as before, with stricter attention, however, to military decorum. Our worthy colonel nearly wept as he welcomed us. After a few words of deep kindness, he ordered us to take place to right front of the first troop; "your own now," he added, "gentlemen;" (of our former one, alas! but five men remained,) it is yours by right of seniority, and of what you have done. I put you there besides," he continu ed, in a most affectionate tone, "because you have need of compensation for the sufferings you have gone through; and that that you will find in seeing those who inflicted them rightly punished; even now they are well nigh routed and crushed."

"We bowed, and took the allotted posts, whence we had quickly the promised gratification of beholding the total discomfiture of the whole division of the republican forces, which, after an unsuccessful attempt to rally, tumultuously retreated, leaving the greater part of their luggage, ammunition, and some arms in our hands. This feeling was not unalloyed by the regret and annoyance we all had at not being allowed even to take part in the subsequent pursuit ; a movement which, however, for one consolation, it soon became necessary to check, as evening was closing in, and the grounds the enemy was constrained to throw itself into as before, broken and marshy along the flat line of country, were quite untenable for our cavalry, and without its help, the infantry was too small in numbers to permit the hopes of a safe and effectual advance.

"By nightfall we occupied the town they had been driven from-where that very morning my fellow prisoner and myself had had our sentence passed. Aye!--and an additional chancing of the usual ups-and-downs and fortunes of war-our quarters were poined out at the principal gate, and we occupied the identical guard-room we had passed, under such different circumstances, the preceding night in-still reeking with the abominable fumes of their tobacco, their rum, and kirchenwasser, and garlic.

"Some hours before day, news arrived of the successful issue of the corresponding attempt that had been made at the other point I have told you of. A free communication between the two was soon established, so that nothing could be more complete than the advantage gained-laboriously-strugglingly; with great loss, it must be confessed-but still gained.

"I must not forget to add, that we both on the occasion of these two, our days of all days of hard lot--received the cross of Saint Louis, and were promoted, Juvigny to a lieutenancy, and I to be commandant-chef d' escadron-perhaps rewards might have been worse earned.

"It would be as useless for my purpose, as tiresome to you, to dwell at length on the detail of the next few day's operations, while we continued to hold the lines we had succeeded in making ourselves masters of. I have already told as much of our marchings and counter-marchings as may give a tolerable idea of what description of campaigning was then and there between us. The time passed in slight ineffective skirmishing on either side, each party awaiting anxiously the coming of a fresh reinforcement, which might enable it to make a decisive final movement. More than a week was spent thus-we had received promise of speedy succour, and were in active preparation for asssuming the offensive as soon as it should arrive. They evidently, it could be concluded as well from their general attitude and system of manoeuvering, as from the very necessities of the position they occupied, were unavoidably and absolutely in the same case. These moments of delay and expectation of "something going on"-" something to be done"-every one who has been even for a short period in active service knows are peculiarly dull and gloom-stirring. We endeavoured, and not wholly in vain, to render them less so by various means and appliances set on foot, and followed up (the usual happening) with the greater zest and zeal, because of the instants

of enjoyment so snatched no one could be certain how brief and transitory they might be. Youth and its buoyant recklessness was ours, and even in the very face and aspect of the most serious danger, often prompted us, through pleasure and through folly, to seize on even the semblance of a present good, however fleeting and unreal, lest ill might come before that shadow could be grasped. Then we dined-we drank-we gamed,above all we danced-" nationalism" (as 'tis the fashion to say now a-days) did not quit us there the dames and maidens of the town had no reason to complain of lack of gallantry or delicate attentiveness on our part; it was, on the contrary, only a contest among us who should do most in the research to please them, and cater for their amusement. Among the number of devices hit upon with this intent, was that of private thearicals, and to it we set with might and main, organizing casts-distributing characterspounding into head long speeches-dressing, decorating, and all the etceteras of the grave occupation, as though no enemy was crouching in wait nearly within gunshot, ready, in the midst of our antics perhaps, to dash upon us and make unpleasant realities of them. Do not at all wonder at it-such, I repeat, was our heedless quicksilver character-one that never abandoned us to the last and worst through all the miseries and heart-torturings of that fatal time. To sport and be gay unto death and in death, seemed the axiom and principle of our existence as it then was. How many errors, how many crimes, how much waste of life, and energy, and bravery, even unavailing even, it would seem, foredoomed to perish -might have been spared! if-but let me not croak, I should rather hasten to make an end of my weary tale. The circumstances which occurred more particularly as concerned me, for I was leader of the fun-to stay this new feverish fancy of ours exactly as it had attained its height, are precisely such as naturally furnish me with an opportunity of doing so.

"I was a good deal intimate, (acquaintance springs up with ready quickness under pressure of change and peril) in one family of wealthy burghers-quite the good class-representatives of a worthy, sterling old race we meet with, I regret to say, no longer honest as virtuous, and unpretending as both. I had rendered them by chance some slight service by avoiding their inconvenience in the allotment of quarters for our men, and they were thankful. I frequently supped

with them and stayed late-sometimes alone sometimes in company with one or two brother officers. The night I am going to speak of, I went and returned alone, having remained chatting and playing much beyond the usual hour of retiring. My way lay through the suburbs, nearest skirting the republican outposts, which they overhung so that a tolerable view of what was passing along the line, could thence be at all times commanded in clear weather. The moon was up-the sky and air frosty and sparklingit had becoine easy to watch and distinguish every movement that might be going on in the camp. Curiosity, natural enough you will admit, and perhaps the impulse of a little excitement, as I, in turn, must allow, prompted me often to look long and closely. The good Dame Köhler and her three charming girls of daughters, not to mention Meinherr Köhler himself, who was a full, staunch, and never-flinching bottle-man, had managed to ply me with a slight portion more Heimer," than the exact rules of the service, well interpreted, would sanction; and, perhaps, than I would have ventured on, but that the influence of so many smiling, good-willing, and wishing faces is hard to be resisted, particularly when the wine is the rarest of rare "Heimer."

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"Well, I went on musing, peeping, and spying from one instant to another, getting steadier at every step (recollect I have not said, nor mean to insinuate, that I was positively unsteady); merely I had a very little passed the point where the two principles are at loggerheads (the right one soon predominated). What with the cooling touch of the night wind-what with the attentively serious occupation I made for myself, of looking over and inspecting, with searching eye, every perceptible stir and hum of the evening;-one is often (at least in one's own opinion) particularly clear-sighted in such cases :-however, my young friend, I do not recommend-far from that, to you or to any fresh enterer into the world's stage and struggle, this means of keeping a sharp look out.

"I saw nothing, though I gazed long;all was motionless and quiet, with the exception of the occasional relief of sentinels, and so forth. On arriving afterwards, as quickly as I could, at quarters, I had reason, I found, to regret, and that deeply, the delay.

"My trooper (the one that replaced in my service poor Comtois,) met me eagerly on the small open space before the guardhouse. "Commandant," he said, "I am very sorry to see you so late; there has been

entrance had created. Weariness, sleep, and anxiety, were on her, and she had some difficulty in contending against them, when I came thus suddenly to rouse her.

one here to ask for you-on business-bu- | ing from the kind of disturbance my abrupt siness of life and death: the person says she wont speak to any one but yourself." "She ?-who?-what do you mean?' "I don't exactly know. She insisted on staying 'till she saw you. I put her into your room there within, and locked it; she would taste neither meat, nor drink, though I offered her both only wants to see yon. Methinks she's of the "blues," though well wrapped up you know best, Commandant, you have your own secrets.”

"A thought flashed, as it well might, into
my mind.'
Did she name any one, or

say why she wanted me?'
"Yes, I think heard something about a
Charles-Charlotte, or Jeannotte, or-

"Devil and damnation,'-I believe I uncontrollably burst out with-'tis-can be no one else than the Vivandiere, come to tell me that my rescuer, my brave, and generous rescuer is, perhaps, himself in the danger he saved me from!

"What's the matter, Captain ?-beg pardon, Commandant. Why, you are quite odd, out of sorts,-excuse me,- to night, -the guard will turn out if you roar so, -the girl,—and right good looking she is, talked of you, and showed me your diamond ring,I thought I did for the best in letting her stay, however,—

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""You may well ask the question, Captain Merinhac, how I did manage. I have done it, that is enough; and I am here, to free you, perhaps,-I don't know,—from a pain that would hang heavy for ever on your heart; for I believe it, though an aristocrat's, good and true. I know more of you than you think; and he too,?

"As she spoke these words brokenly and interruptedly, but with a tone of natural passionate vehemence that was irresistibly moveing, her eye dilated-her heart heaved ;there was a change in all her person that seemed at once to raise her from the humble being that she was, to a position commanding respect, even from those least inclined to grant it.

"I was, you can easily presume, from what I have told had preceded, more than I wish now to confess, startled and damped, or as it is sometimes said in trite language, "struck all of a heap,"- -He? Who ? Jeannotte ?"

"Yes, he, Charles, the young brother of my heart and hope, condemned to be shot to-morrow, for- -for-suffering you and your youth of a Cornet to escape. Icame,-I'm come to tell you!'

""Tis she, 'tis she, I am sure,- -out of the way-I'm late,-I'm perhaps dishonoured. A curse on you!-quick!' snatching a key, which he held in his hand, and leaving the poor fellow half stupified,and it was nothing strange, that he should be so, at my violence,-he, only in his simple good naturedness, thinking there was an intrigue in question. I rushed with most unmilitary, and, I must confess, unofficerlike precipitation, through the ranges of pallet-beds occupied by the men, who, half asleep, half awake, stared at me stupidly as I passed. I opened the inner room appro--Trugot,-Faillebois,priated to my use, and there, as I expected, found myself in presence of a female, who started up as I entered; and whom, in spite of her deep cloaking disguise, I could not for a fraction of a second fail to recognize as the worthy, well-souled young creature whose prompt accents of kindness, more, perhaps, than the help she was able to give, had done us so much service when we most stood in need of it.

"The shock, though expected and foreseen as it had been, unsettled, nay, overpowered, me for a few minutes; and then-so quickly, in times when we scarcely know what impulse is most rife, does one impresssion combat with another-restored me to the full possession of whatever degree of judgment and sense I may, perchance, have had claim to.

"Your brother-my preserver-your brother!-condemned to die for me,-No, no-it shall not be,— -I say trooper, there

""Tis you, I thought, I was sure of it,-what's the matter?-how did you come here?-Charles-Jeannotte,

"Such were the exclamations that broke hastily from my lips, while she was recover

"She placed her hands on my lips,-I knew I was right,-I knew- -I did not mistake when I thought you had a heart,— silence-don't stir,- -what can you do ?'

"What can I do ?-Deliver myself up with my companion; I know him-he will not flinch,-nor I- -what can I do? Will it be enough, though ?'

"She sat down, and a few tears gleamed in her eye, the only ones that had been yet there. No, not enough,—you have said it,-neglect of duty, disobedience of orders, -the very suspicion of having some personal interest or connection in all, weigh against him. He is marked as being of your class,

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