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[Various circumstances have combined of late years to make M. Guizot an object of curiosity in politics and in literature, perhaps a good deal beyond his merits as a man of original genius. Nor is such a preference altogether unjust or unreasonable. In the complicated influences of modern European existence, every distinguished man plays a two-fold part-as himself a constituent member of society, and also as the representative of others. Whatever some may think of M. Guizot's rank in the former capacity, no one can deny his importance in the latter, or be blind to the genuine force of character, and honesty of purpose, which have won for him the warm support of so many, and the unfeigned respect of all. Previous to forming a judgment for ourselves of such a man's life and labours, it is desirable to know what his countrymen think of him. We have, therefore, much pleasure in presenting to our readers the following sketch, taken from a very clever work, now publishing in Paris, entitled-" Galerie des Contemporaines Illustres, par un homme de rien," which we cordially recommend to all our readers. It is very cheap; and for those who have any skill in physiognomy, the illustrative portraits are still more amusing and instructive than the accompanying biographies.-ED.]

On the 8th of April, 1794, three days after the bloody victory of Robespierre over Danton, Camille Desmoulins, and the members of the Comité de Clemence, the scaffold was raised at Nîmes for a distinguished lawyer, suspected of opposition to the will of the terrible triumvirate; and the home of one of the most respectable families in the country was made desolate. A wife, in despair, implored heaven for strength to bear the stroke which made her a widow and her two children orphans. The eldest, hardly seven years old, wore already the serious and meditative expression of matured reason. Misfortune is like a hot-bed: those who are reared in it grow old before their time; this child, who knew no childhood, was François Pierre Guillaume Guizot.

Born a Protestant, on the the 4th of October, 1787, under the rule of an iniquitous legislation, which refused to his parents a legal union, to himself a name and a place in society, Guizot saw the revolution at one blow restore him to his position as a Frenchman, and make him pay for this benefit with the blood of his father. These circumstances may have given rise to the equal antipathy of the statesman for democratic governments and absolute monarchies.

After this fatal catastrophe Madame Guizot quitted the town which contained such cruel associations, and retired to Geneva to seek consolation among her family, and a solid education for her children. Young Guizot threw himself into his studies with

avidity. Books were his only enjoyment, and at the end of four years the scholar had read, in the originals, Thucydides and Demosthenes, Cicero and Tacitus, Dante and Alfieri, Schiller and Goethe, Gibbon and Shakespeare. His two last years in college were specially devoted to historical and philosophical studies, the latter of which offered to him the most powerful attractions. His mind, gifted by nature with a particular character of logical force exaggerated almost to sternness, had full opportunity of being developed in the bosom of this little Genevese republic, which has preserved to this day some of the learned and inflexible physiognomy of its patron, John Calvin.

In 1805, after seeing his studies crowned with the most brilliant success, Guizot came to Paris to attend his terms; the school of law had disappeared in the midst of the revolutionary confusion, and there were some private establishments formed then to supply the want; but he was not satisfied with what he considered an incomplete course of instruction, and resolved on seeking knowledge from books in solitude. Both proud and poor, austere and ambitious, the young man found himself thrown into a world of intrigue, licentiousness, and frivolity. period from the directory to the empire, like all epochs of transition, is of no one character. The social current violently driven back by the revolution, had not yet entirely regained its course, and old ideas were only beginning to rise again from the terrible


the journal, to make himself known, the generous stranger came at length to receive the thanks he so well deserved, and five years afterwards Mademoiselle de Meulan became Madame Guizot.

shock which had thrown them to the ground. |jectures. Entreated, through the means of Some superior minds were trying to cast in a different mould the new society which was springing from the ruins of the old; but the mass of the people, for a long time intoxicated with sensual indulgence, only thought of enjoying the few days of repose which they feared would end too soon. Hence this character of general excitement and relaxation of manners, which reminds us of the most flourishing time of the regency.

The rigid and serious nature of the Genevese scholar saved him from contagion. The first year of his sojourn in Paris was for Guizot a year of sorrow and isolation. He retired within himself, like every man who feels himself possessed of powers without having an object on which to exercise them. The following year he was attached as preceptor to the house of Mr. Stapfer, ex-minister from Switzerland, where he met with a reception almost paternal, and sources of philosophic knowledge to direct and stimulate his intellectual developement. These new connexions admitted him to the salon of M. Suard, where all the beaux esprits of the day used to assemble, and it was there that he saw, for the first time, the woman who was to exercise over his destiny so noble and so happy an influence.

The circumstance which brought on the marriage of Guizot was romantic enough, and is very generally known. Mlle. Pauline de Meulan, born of a distinguished family, but ruined by the revolution, was obliged to find resources in the excellent education which she had acquired in better times, and to support her family she entered into the hard and laborious work of writing for the public journals. At one time, when engaged in editing the Publiciste, she was attacked with a serious illness, brought on by too much work, and was at once deprived of her only means of obtaining a livelihood. When reduced almost to extremities, she received an anonymous letter, entreating her to tranquillize her mind, and offering to fill her place until she recovered her health again. This letter was accompanied by an article, the style of which, by a refinement of delicacy and tact, was exactly similar to her own. Mademoiselle de Meulan accepted the article, signed it, and received others regularly until the end of her convalescence. Profoundly touched by this proceeding, she did not hesitate to speak of the adventure openly at the soirées of M. Suard, thinking little of the pale, serious young man, who listened to her gravely while she was expressing all sorts of con


During these five years Guizot occupied himself with various literary labours. 1809 he published his first work, the "Dic tionnaire des Synonymes," the introduction of which, a philosophical essay on the peculiar character of the French language, reveals already the spirit of method and precision which distinguishes him to this day. Then came the "Vies des Poètes Français;" the translation of Gibbon, enriched with historical notes of the highest interest; and, lastly, the translation of a work by Rehfus, "L'Espagne en 1808," published also about this time.

Whatever may be the intrinsic merits of these first productions, all of which were written before the age of twenty-five, others more important have since made them be forgotten.

In 1812, Guizot became connected with the University by M. de Fontane's naming him as assistant professor of history for the faculty of literature; and a little after he obtained sole possession of the chair of modern history, where he has left such glorious recollections. Here, too, was the commencement of his intimacy with another mind of the same stamp, M. Royer Collard, professor of the history of philosophy.

This first part of the life of Guizot was purely literary. Attempts have been made to represent him as engaged in secret plots and cabals for the return of the Bourbons; but there is no fact to justify these assertions. Through his wife, and through his literary tastes, Guizot was connected with a certain class, who, throughout the rudeness of the empire, had preserved much of the elegance. and good taste of the past aristocracy; a sort of philosophical polish was the order of the day among the literati of this class, whom Napoleon designated generally as ideologues. They certainly effected a good deal in ideology,* but very little in politics; and we know besides, that the admired pen of Chateaubriand, entirely devoted to the subject, was not able to revive the recollection of the Bourbons in the hearts of a generation which had not witnessed their fall.

The events of 1814 found Guizot in his native town, Nîmes, where he had gone to

* Which we may translate abstract principles.

visit his mother, after a long absence. On | His first political pamphlet "Du Gouvernehis return, thanks to the active friendship of ment Representatif et de l'état actuel de la M. Royer Collard, he was chosen by the France," which he published as a refutation Abbé de Montesquieu, then Minister of the of a work of M. de Vitrolles, gave the meaInterior, to fill, under him, the functions of sure of his ideas on government, and placed chief secretary. him at once in the ranks of the constitutional royalist minority.

This is Guizot's first step in his political career. Although placed in a position apparently secondary, his undoubted talents enabled him to exert a manifest influence over the administrative measures of the day. The partisans of the liberal cause reproached him especially for having, conjointly with M. Royer Collard, Director-General of Publication, prepared that severe law against the press, which was presented to the Chambers of 1814, by M. de Montesquieu, and for having taken place in the Comité de Censure beside M. de Frayssinous. On the other hand, the ultra-royalist faction were indig nant at seeing a bourgeois, a professor, a Protestant, brought into the ministry beside an abbé belonging to the court, and speaking of constitutional equality, of the balance of powers, and trying to conciliate monarchical ideas with the new interests created by the revolution. In the eyes of one party he went too far, of the other not far enough. The return from Elba put an end to this difficult position.

After the departure of the Bourbons, Guizot resumed his functions at the faculty of letters; and two months later, when Napoleon's fall became evident to all, he was sent by the constitutional royalists to Ghent, as his friends say, to plead the cause of the charter with Louis XVIII., and to insist on the absolute necessity of dismissing from public affairs M. de Blacas, considered as chief of the party belonging to the ancien régime. That such was indeed the mission of M. Guizot appears proved by the fact, that a month afterwards, on his return into France, Louis dismissed M. de Blacas, and published the proclamation of Cambray, in which he acknowledged the faults of his government, and added new guarantees to the charter.

It is well known what violent disputes agitated the Chamber of 1815, composed of such heterogeneous elements, where the majority, more royalist than the king, opposed constantly all proper measures which might rally the nation again round the dynasty of the Bourbons. Guizot occupied then the place of secretary-general in the ministry of justice, under M. de Barbè Marbois, and in yielding much, too much perhaps, to the exigencies of the victorious party, he tried as much as he could to stop the encroaching spirit of the partisans of absolute royalty.

The movement of reaction which was caused by the assassination of the Duke de Berri is not forgotten. The Decazes ministry fell, and the most staunch supporters of the constitutional party were dismissed from affairs. M.M. Royer Collard, Camille Jordan, De Barante, went out of the council of state; Guizot went with them, and from this epoch, until 1828, his political life was nothing but a perpetual combat against the tendencies of the Villèle ministry. At the same time that the national interests of France were supported in the Chambers by eloquent defenders, Guizot, too young yet to mount the tribune, supported the same cause by his writings, which met with universal success. In one he defends the Decazes system, overthrown as revolutionary by the other party; in another he discusses the cause of these conspiracies, which seem to him insidiously fomented by agents of the administration, for the purpose of overthrowing constitutional institutions; besides, in his work-" Sur la Peine de mort en matière politique," without pretending to exclude entirely from penal laws the punishment of death, even for political offences, he proves, in his grave and elevated style, that it is the interest of power to keep sheathed a terrible weapon, which transforms into a persecutor him that wields it, and into a martyr whomever it strikes.

There is one of his political essays which, in many respects, appears worthy of special notice. In his treatise " Des Moyens d' opposition et de gouvernement dans l'état actuel de la France," Guizot, showing completely and without disguise his political ideas, gives at once the explanation of his past conduct, and the secret of his future. His is not an ordinary opposition; he defends public liberty, but he defends it in a way peculiar to himself; he stands alone, and is not more severe towards those whom he opposes than those who fight with him; the reverse of other politicians, who, for the most part, are purely negative and disapproving, he is eminently affirmative and constituent-he never lays his hand on the evil without at once pointing out the remedy.

At the height of his struggle with the ministry, Guizot developed, in his professor's

chair, in the midst of the plaudits of a young and numerous audience, the different phases of representative government in Europe, since the Roman empire. The ministry revenged themselves on the professor for the attacks of the pamphleteer; his course was interdicted in 1825. Retiring again into private life, after having passed through high public offices, Guizot was poor, but he could write. Renouncing the burning questions| of the moment, he undertook a series of great historical works, which his biographer may safely praise, as his merit as a historian has never been contradicted. Then were successively published the "Collection des Memoires relatifs a la Revolution d'Angleterre:" the two first volumes of the history of this revolution; the " Collection des Memoires relatifs a l'Ancienne Histoire de France;" and lastly, essays on the history of France. At the same time this indefatiga-him minister, pro tempore, of public inble spirit published historical essays on Shakespeare and on Calvin, a translation of the works of the English dramatist, and a great number of political papers inserted in the "Revue Française."

live, but government insisted on dying. The 27th of July, 1830, he drew up the protestation of the deputies against the ordinances; a protestation more respectful than hostile, the form of which displays a conservative spirit, fearing rather than desiring a revolution. The existing powers judged it seditious, the people found it weak and timid; events proved that the people were right.

The quiet home of Guizot was thus become the seat of knowledge and literature, when, in 1827, he lost the companion of his studies, whose strong reason and moral force supported him through the agitations of his career. There is something both austere and tender in the last letter from the wife to her husband, and to her son who soon followed her to the grave. Born a Catholic, Madame Guizot became Protestant on the bed of death; and her husband soothed her last agonies by reading, with his grave and solemn voice, one of the most beautiful sermons of Bossuet, the funeral oration of the Queen of England.

In the assembly of the twenty-ninth, at Lafitte's, when every one was abandoning himself to the joys of triumph, Guizot, always exclusively pre-occupied with the imminent necessity of systematizing the revolution, rose up the first, and insisted strongly on the urgency of constituting, without delay, a municipal commission, which should be occupied specially with the re-establishment and preservation of order. On the thirtieth this commission nominated

struction. On the thirty-first he read a paper in the Chamber, on the proclamation conferring on the Duke of Orleans the Lieutenantcy-General of the kingdom. In the days which preceded the ceremony of the ninth of August, Guizot, whose activity in organization had placed him in the most difficult post at the time, that of Minister of the Interior, devoted himself both to the general re-composition of the body of functionaries and to the revision of the charter. In a few days 76 prefects, 176 sub-prefects, 38 secretaries-general, were changed and replaced. In the project of the new charter, he tried in vain to bring down to twenty-five the age required in order to be a deputy : the majority rejected this measure.

The first ministry of July, created in the midst of enthusiasm, was as ephemeral as the movement of the three days. Personal Some time afterwards Guizot became one disagreements, forgotten at first in the imof the most active members of the society-portance of the time and the common inte"Aide-toi le ciel t'aidera," the object of which was to defend by all lawful means the independence of elections against the influences of power.

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The Villèle ministry fell; that of Martignac restored Guizot to his chair and to the chosen class which surrounded him with so much sympathy. Some time before the accession of the Polignac ministry, he voted for the address of the 221, adding to his vote these severe words:-"Truth," he said, "finds it hard enough to penetrate into the cabinet of kings; let us not send it there pale and trembling; let it be as impossible to mistake it as to doubt the loyalty of our sentiments."

Guizot wanted to force the government to

rest, were again awakened when they began to think of consolidating the work so rapidly accomplished. The impetus was too strong yet for it to be possible to direct it-the principle of order should yield to the principle of liberty; Guizot retired.

The history of the Lafitte cabinet is well known; after its dissolution on the thirteenth of March, the conservative element, at first crushed down, rose up again, powerful, imperious, in the person of Casimir Perier. For the first time since July, a resolute and permanent majority formed in the Chambers. This parliamentary body, until then. undisciplined and confused, divided itself into three distinct parties, manoeuvering together under the hand of the impetuous mi

nister; the left wing, composed of an important part of the liberal opposition to the restoration brought over to the new monarchy, was commanded by Thiers, the brilliant deserter from the Lafitte party; the right wing, composed of the former constitutional royalists, was under the orders of Guizot; as to the centre, an aggregation of the undecided and irresolute of every regime, it found, for the first time, in M. Dupin, the most eccentric and most obstinate of men, a chief obedient to order and ardent for the fight.

Aided by this triple phalanx, the ministry of the 13th March, was able to move onwards-to resist the opposition in the interior of the Chambers, conquer the insurrection in the streets, force the gates of Ancona, and consolidate the system of July, in saving it from the exaggeration of its principle.

After the death of Casimir Perier, his generals disputed the command for some time; at length the right and left wings coalesced: MM. Guizot and Thiers joined hands, and the ministry of October, 1832, was formed. If we only consider Guizot as the Minister of Public Instruction, amongst all the labours of his department, there is one glorious act that the parties most hostile to the statesman have received with unanimous approbation. The grand law of June, 1833, on primary education, conceived, prepared, defended and executed by Guizot, shall remain to the future one of the most noble creations of our time. The principle of popular education adopted and proclaimed by the revolution of '89, but stopped in its progress by the social changes of the last fifty years, received its entire accomplishment under the ministry of M. Guizot. Twelve hundred communes, that is to say, the quarter of France, until then deprived of that early education which makes honest men and good citizens, now saw erected beside the clergyman's house, the modest school, where the child of the poor man receives the knowledge which is to support him through the rude trials of after life. The detailed instructions addressed by Guizot to the prefects, the rectors, the mayors, the commissioners of examination, would fill volumes. The finest of these is the circular which he sent to all the teachers of the communes of France. In these few pages there is, perhaps, as much true eloquence, as much poetry of style and thought, as in the most beautiful works of the age. With what touching familiarity the minister stretches out his hand to the obscure village schoolmaster;

how he raises him in the eyes of all, but especially in his own; how he impresses him with the importance of his mission; he is his colleague, his equal, for each in his own sphere concurs in promoting the glory and the tranquillity of the country. And then with what paternal solicitude, from the interior of his cabinet, the statesman enters into the most minute details respecting the relations of the teacher to the children, their parents, the mayor, and the pastor. "No sectarianism or party in school," he writes, "the teacher ought to rise above the passing quarrels that disturb society. Faith in Providence, the sanctity of his duties, submission to paternal authority, the respect due to the laws-to the prince-to the common rights; such are the sentiments which he must endeavour to develope."

Is there a page of romance more touching than the following simple sketch of the teacher's painful duties, and the consolations which he must find in himself? "There is no fortune to make, no fame to acquire in the painful obligations which the teacher has to accomplish. Destined to see his life pass away in a monotonous labour, sometimes even to meet with injustice or ignorant ingratitude, he must often be cast down if he did not derive his strength and his courage from a higher source than the prospect of an immediate and purely personal interest. profound conviction of the moral importance of his labours must support and cheer him ; the pleasure of having served man, and secretly contributed to the public good, is the noble reward which his conscience alone can give. It is his glory to pretend to nothing beyond his obscure and laborious condition, to make daily sacrifices hardly noticed by those who profit by them; to labour, in fine, for man, and wait his recompence from God."

Compare these lines, of almost patriarchal meekness, with the pitiless words of M. Guizot before the insurgents; hear him thundering from the tribune against the corrupt tail of the revolution; see him reading Bossuet at the death-bed of his wife, or stoically throwing the first handful of clay on the coffin of his son, and say is there not something strange and powerful in this individual, in whom we find united the fire of Luther, the mildness of Melancthon, the impassibility of Epictetus, the simplicity of Fenelon, and the inflexible severity of Richelieu.

After an existence of four years, the cabinet of October was dissolved from two causes, one exterior, the other interior. The

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