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influence over the policy of all the Mahratta | most favourable opportunity for the comcourts; and at the moment when an ener- plete establishment of the interests of the getic unison of nationality was most needed, British power in the Mahratta empire. The their distractions invited the ever-ready inter- continuance of the contest between Holkar ference of the stranger. and Scindiah will probably weaken the power and impair the resources of both, and afford the British government an opportunity of interposing its influence and mediation."

In accordance with the policy they had for some time pursued, the English sought in the progress of their aggressions, to enlist the cupidity or gratify the resentment of neighbouring princes in the destruction of each appointed victim. This had been the case in both the combinations against Tippoo Saib; the Nizam had played jackal throughout, and fared as jackals usually do, what had been given him in the first Polandition of Mysore being taken from him in the second.* The Paishwah was reluctantly dragged into the war against Tippoo; and so little did his interests or wishes coincide with the rapacious views of the Company, that after the fall of Seringapatam, Lord Wellesley deemed it prudent to offer a large share of the spoil to him and Scindiah, both of whom "explicitly rejected it. The unfriendly, if not hostile, disposition thus manifested towards the British Government," + served as a pretext "for active measures of self-protection and defence," a phrase which in the glossary of conquest, may be taken as the ordinary synonym of crouching for the spring.

Towards the end of 1802, the animosities of Holkar and Scindiah had reached their height. Each had a powerful army in the field; and the dominions of the Paishwah were the threatened scene of their ill-fated contention, as the object of it was the attainment of a predominant influence over the imbecile durbar of Poonah. In December the Governor-General wrote to the secret committee of the Company, that "the increased distractions in the Mahratta states constituted a crisis of affairs favourable to the success of their negociations."§ He proceeds to detail the instructions given by him to the British resident at Poonah, the helplessness of their worthy friend and much to be compassionated ally the Paishwah, hemmed in on all sides by violent and selfish rivals, who forgot all notions of justice and generosity in the pursuit of their own views; which "crisis of affairs," adds the Most Noble Governor-General, " appears to me the

Secretary Edmonstone's secret instructions to Colonel Close.-Marquis Wellesley's Despatches,

vol. 3, No. 2.

Gurwood, vol. 1, p. 88.

The capital of the Paishwah.

Influence and mediation-what are they? Patience, friend, and you will hear, and from the very best authority. Meanwhile the Marquis adds to the foregoing,"No reasonable apprehension exists that the progress of this system of policy will be obstructed, either by the union of the contending parties, or the decisive success of either chieftain." Oh, when will nations read with learning eyes, the warning such avowals give of the secret of the conqueror's power-the mystery of their own undoing. Self-undone ! self-undone! it is the same wail that the night wind hears round the crumbling tombs of Greece and Carthage, and the still green graves of Italy and Poland. When will the fury of party and the storm of selfishness listen to the chuckle of cold calculating despotism, as it broods over its purpose, and bides its time, and waits till mutual injury and exhaustion have placed both and all within its grasp? They will never hear the warning. Ye, who tolerate their struggle, and suffer them to betray you by their infatuation-ye, the many, the multitude, the people-ye have no interest in the fatal squabble of factions that trample on you, that riot on your patience; but ye have an interest, vital as the breath that is in you-anxious as the dying prayer that your children may live free-abiding as the root of the hills that shelter you-in disbelieving that party will ever hear, in time for your salvation, the whispering menace of the foe!

The resident at Poonah was desired to inform the Paishwah that the British government were exceedingly desirous of interposing in his behalf, upon certain stipulations. The principal of these were, the admission of a permanent subsidiary force into his dominions, and the assignment of a certain extent of territory for their support. In other words, they offered to secure him against the intrigues of his native rivals, if he would confide his kingdom to their custody. Helpless as his position was, the unfortunate chief revolted at this degrading offer, and vainly endeavoured to avoid, by negotiation, the miserable alternative of choosing between masters. But Lord Wellesley was

Marquis Wellesley's Despatches, vol. 3, No.2. not a man to be turned from his purpose by

any degree upon the power of another, naturally tends to increase; as a sense of security derived from the support of a foreign power, produces a relaxation of vigilance and caution." He concludes by saying,-"require from the Paishwah an obligation to expel from his dominions, the subjects of any European state with which we may hereafter be at war."*

the finesse of a weak and wavering court; still less were his generous efforts for the rescue of an ally, to be frustrated by the unwillingness of the party whose protection was professedly sought. Large bodies of troops were put in motion, and in a few months a powerful army of observation was collected on the northern frontier. The terms above-mentioned were eagerly pressed upon the Paishwah; he was Such were the confidential instructions of even recommended to provide for his per- the government at Calcutta to their envoy sonal safety by flight from his capital, and at the court of Poonah. In the month of strongly urged to select Bombay as his October following, Colonel Close informed place of refuge. The despatch which con- the Governor-General that the weakness of tains these interesting statements was ac- the Paishwah had at length induced him to companied by a paper, to which it refers, accept the terms proposed; and the subwherein the conduct of the Paishwah, for sidiary treaty was thereupon concluded, some years, is recounted ;-how," in 1798, whereby it was solemnly declared that the alhe preferred danger and independence to a liance and engagement so entered into, was more intimate connexion with the British "meant for the preservation, permanent prospower, which could not be formed on princi- perity, and honour of the Paishwah's governples calculated to secure to him the constant ment!" A large portion of the valuable proprotection of their arms, without at the same vince of Guzerat was ceded absolutely to the time establishing their ascendency in the Company, for the pay of the six battalions Mahratta empire;"-how the Paishwah had who were to form this guard of honour; and refused to enter into subsidiary engagements Lord Wellesley, in a letter to Lord Castleon former occasions, and what a hostile dis- reagh in the following year, boasts that the position this manifested ;-how the "infer- revenue of the province thus assigned, after ence to be deduced from these considera-paying the troops, "would leave a considetions was, that, until irresistibly compelled rable balance to the account of the Comby the exigency of his affairs, to have pany."+ All which, when duly remitted to recourse to the assistance of the Company, England, was obviously for the " permanent the Paishwah would never be induced to en- prosperity and honour of the Paishwah's goter into any engagements, which, in his ap-vernment." prehension, would afford to the British go- On the success of Holkar's army, over vernment, the means of acquiring an ascen- the combined forces of the Paishwah and dency in the Mahratta empire ;"-how it was Scindiah, on 25th October, 1802, the Paish"his object to avoid that controul and ascen-wah had fled to Bassein, where the abovedancy which it was their interest to establish-how the Paishwah was aware that the permanent establishment of a British force in the vicinity of Poonah, would immediately place him in some degree of dependence; and how he, therefore, had proposed that the subsidiary force should be retained within the province ceded to the company for their support.' This stipulation was acceded to; but Secretary Edmonstone proceeds confidentially to detail how such an arrangement, inasmuch as it gave their ally "the benefit of their support, without his becoming subject to them," could never be thought of as a final measure. But, he adds, that "subsidizing a British force, even under the limitations which the Paishwah annexed, must immediately place him in some degree of dependence upon the British power; that the dependence of a state in

* Marquis Wellesley's Despatches, vol. 3, No. 2.

mentioned subsidiary treaty was signed. British honour now required the peremptory restoration of his Highness-their new vassal. A case for armed intervention had arrived; and General Wellesley was directed to demand, and, if necessary, to enforce the immediate retreat of both the rival armies. That of Scindiah had been powerfully increased by the junction of the Rajah of Berar, an indolent and usually pacific chief, whose indignation and apprehensions had been roused into activity by the treaty of Bassein. The pro-consular style in which this was commanded appears to have been deliberately chosen. A high and imperious tone of dictation, could they once browbeat the Mahratta chieftains into bearing it, would soon

* Marquis Wellesley's Despatches, vol. 2, No. 3. Marquis Wellesley's Despatches, vol. 3, No. 23, 20th April, 1803.

Mill, book 6, chap. xi.

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work their ends. Hence no parley would | able to break, or rather to prevent the conbe listened to; no concessions proffered to federacy against the Paishwah; but Scinavert hostilities, would be received. The diah's conduct requires punishment; and I object was publicly to degrade the Mahratta therefore wish you to use every effort to presovereigns in the eyes of their subjects, or pare your army to strike an effectual blow, to force them into war. The chiefs desired in the course of next month. I wish you neither, and repeatedly offered to leave the to understand, that I consider the reduction naming of the day to the English general, of Scindiah's power to be an important obon which if he undertook to withdraw his ject." Again, on the 18th July, he urges troops from the frontier, they would engage the expediency of making an active effort to do likewise. On the 1st of August they against Scindiah, and Berar; for the Paishwrote to the English commander-" by the wah is ours," and in an approving note on blessing of God, both armies are to this mo- Lake's plan of operations, he says,-" If ment on their own territory, and no aggres- these objects be obtained previously to the sion or excesses have been committed. To month of October, the Mahratta power will satisfy your mind and to dispel your alarms, be extinct."+ it has been resolved that the armies now en- Concessions of territory were now decamped here shall retire towards Burham-manded of Scindiah and the Rajah of Berar, pore, on condition that the armies of the as the only price of peace with the offended English and the Nizam shall commence majesty of Calcutta; and upon refusal, in their retreat on the same date."* On the the month of August, General Wellesley in6th of August, General Wellesley replied vaded the dominions of Dowlut Rao, and that "this proposition was unreasonable quickly overran the fertile province of and inadmissible, and that they must stand Ahmednegur. It was forthwith treated as the consequences of the measures which he a conquered country, and its revenues apfound himself obliged to adopt."+ propriated by the victors. †

At the same time Colonel Collins was directed to inform Scindiah, that unless he gave satisfactory pledges of remaining neutral in the struggle, war would be declared against him. He replied, that he had received numerous solicitations from the Paishwah to advance to his support; and while disclaiming any hostile intentions towards the Company, he declared that he could not recognise the treaty of Bassein(whereby the Paishwah had become the vassal of England)-until the other chiefs of the empire had been consulted thereon. Meanwhile the Paishwah had been been restored to his capital, on the 13th May, without bloodshed; his dominions were free of all invaders; and thus the only excuse for war on the part of the British was taken away.§

The excuse was gone, but the motive still remained. On 8th July, Lord Wellesley wrote to General Lake, the commander-inchief of the " army of observation," that although the pretences had vanished, on which it had been originally collected upon the Mahratta frontier, the opportunity was too good to be lost. "The despatches from Colonel Collins satisfy me that we shall be

Gurwood, vol. 1, p. 276. + Idem.

Letter of Colonel Collins to the Governor General, 29th May, 1803.-Marquis Wellesley's Despatches, vol. 3, No. 37.

§ Mill, book 6, cap. xi.

We had almost forgotten to observe, that the entire of the previous transactions, both diplomatic and military, had been taken on account of the Nizam. The Paishwah's territory adjoined his; they had long been allies and friends; and the English had taken all this trouble merely to oblige the court of Hyderabad. § Whether they ever went through the formality of consulting him at any stage of the proceedings, does not indeed very distinctly appear; but they took care to give his troops ample employment during the struggle that ensued. Highness's name, however, was not included in the proclamation issued by General Wellesley, on taking possession of Ahmednegur; though the expediency of making him compensation out of some other slice of the Mahratta spoil was suggested for consideration.


Amongst the numerous pretences which were set up in justification of the war, none was dilated on with more eloquence, than the policy of breaking up the French corps in Scindiah's service. M. Perron was described as being at the head of a highly disciplined force, officered by Europeans, and capable, as it was dimly intimated, of infinite and overwhelming expansion. The

* Despatches, vol. 3, No. 44.
† Idem, No. 47.

Gurwood, vol. 1 p. 320.
The capital of the Nizam.
Gurwood, vol. 1, p. 329.

soner of different Mahratta powers, was now thought worth purchasing by the British; and they were ready to get possession of his person by bribery or force, or through the happy combination of both.

To his honour it must, however, be recorded, that Perron resisted the temptation. He bravely defended Alighur, his principal place of strength, to the last, and till its capture had cost the assailants many hundred lives. But finding, after some time, that his resources were unequal to the conflict, and that Scindiah had already named his successor, he agreed to lay down his arms, receiving no consideration whatsoever from the victors, stipulating for personal safety alone, and without transferring to the enemies of his ungrateful master "the smallest portion of the resources with which he was entrusted."*

apologists of the war well knew, that so long as they could make this string of enmity to France vibrate in the public ear of England, all enquiry or examination into the real state of the case would be unheard. But the truth cannot be intercepted in its appeal to the judgment seat of history; and, in the present instance, the facts come with more than ordinary clearness and certainty. Sir Philip Francis, the able and fearless impugner of Warren Hastings, stated in the House of Commons, during the debate upon Lord Wellesley's administration, 5th April, 1805, that there were altogether but twelve French officers in the Mahratta service at the period in question; that the troops under their command were hardly distinguishable from other native corps; that Scindiah was jealous to the last degree of Perron's talents and authority, and had not concealed his aversion for a considerable time previous After the battle of Delhi, on the 11th to the war; that, in consequence of this feel- September, 1803, the British General ening, Perron had long felt his position inse- tered the once haughty city of Tamerlane. cure, though entrusted with the government When ushered into the presence of Shah of Delhi, and that he was anxiously awaiting Alum, "he found the unfortunate emperor, a fair occasion of abandoning the service of oppressed by the accumulated calamities of Dowlut Rao finally, that the English ru- old age, degraded authority, extreme polers in India were well aware of all these verty, and loss of sight, seated under a small circumstances. The anti-Gallican frenzy tattered canopy,-the remnant of his royal would of course believe no word of this when state, with every external appearance of uttered; the farce was played out with ap- the misery of his condition." Such are plause, and the tragedy too. But after thirty Lord Wellesley's own graphic words, to years have sped their flight, forth comes which he subsequently adds a description of the authentic version of the Marquis Wel- the popularity the English had acquired lesley's Despatches, during his Pachalic of "by delivering the unfortunate and aged emHindustan; and there we find, that before a peror, and the royal house of Timour, from sword was drawn, his Excellency instructed misery, degradation, and bondage." "Who General Lake to bribe Perron, if possible, would not imagine," says Mill," upon hearinto deserting his employer, for that he was ing this language of the English ruler, that aware of his desire to quit Scindiah's service. he was about to restore His Imperial MaAnd inasmuch as it was probable that Per-jesty, whom his subjects were anxious to see ron might prefer "to dispose of his power delivered from a state of bondage, to his lost to a French purchaser, Lake was empowered to conclude any agreement for the security of M. Perron's personal interests, accompanied by any reasonable remuneration from the British government, which should induce him to deliver up the whole of his military resources, together with his territorial possessions, and the person of the Moghul, and of the heir apparent, into Lake's hands."* For, by a singular succession of incidents, the unfortunate emperor Shah Alum had been committed to the guardianship-in other words, to the custody of this soldier of fortune. The fallen prince, after having been by turns the pri

* Letter from the Governor General to General Lake, April, 1803.

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authority and territories? Not an atom of this. The English were to restore no territory. Even that which they were now taking from Scindiah, and of which, by Scindiah, the emperor had but lately been robbed, the English were to keep to themselves. They were to keep His Imperial Majesty,' still degraded from all sovereign power,-still in bondage as much as ever. The very words of the Governor-General are, that only so much regard should be paid to the comfort of 'His Majesty and family, as was consistent with the due security of their persons,'-in other words,-their imprisonment."+

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The memorable battes of Assye, on the 23rd September, and of Argaum, on the 29th November following, virtually put an end to the struggle.

miserable Paishwah, in December, 1803, by which the province he had recently ceded was exchanged for another worth £170,000 more per annum.*


Scindiah was now fain to sue for peace, and he agreed to cede Baroach, Ahmednegur, Delhi, and Agra, territories embracing 22,000 square miles, and yielding an annual income of upwards of a million and a half sterling.* The other chieftains followed his example, and purchased a cessation of hostilities, by alienating portions of their respective territories. From the Rajah of Berar, Cuttack, and Balasore, 10,000 square miles in extent, were accepted.+ These treaties were concluded in December, 1803, "the terms being dictated by General Wellesley." Writing to his brother the Governor-General, on the subject of that with Berar, he says, "The cessions are made to the British government and its allies; and I have drawn it in this manner in order that your Excellency may have an opportunity of disposing of them hereafter, in such manner as you may think proper. * The ceded portions are the finest and most valuable parts of the Rajah's territory. The revenues are computed at one crore of rupees-(about a million sterling.) I should have demanded a sum of money, but I believe the Rajah is as poor as the other "Several of the principal powers have alMahratta chieftains."§ The treaty with ready received a subsidiary force; there is Scindiah was framed in a similar way, he little doubt that most of the others will foltells the Governor-General, for similar rea- low their example; and whenever they subsons. He declares that Scindiah is so re-mit to receive a subsidiary force to be conduced as to be hardly able to maintain himself; and that therefore the exactions from him are less in proportion, than those from Bhoonslah. But he is bound to receive a subsidiary force from the Company, and permanently to maintain them. Finally, a supplemental treaty was executed with the

Thus ended the first Mahratta war, in which the East India Company acquired a greater augmentation of territory than their ambition had ever before ventured to grasp. "We are now," says Munro, "complete masters of India, and nothing can shake our power, if we take proper measures to confirm it. The most essential is a military arrangement for the whole of our possessions. Our armies ought to be increased. * * The revenues of our new acquisitions, and the increase of revenue in our old dominions, would more than counterbalance the additional expense."+ This at least is honest; there is is no silly affectation of believing that the people were, or could become acquiescent or indifferent under the yoke. What has been won by violence must be kept by force, or it cannot be kept at all. And that public order, founded upon *violence and maintained by violence, should be consistent with itself, let us tax the people for their degradation; and that we may make by the transaction money as well as fame, let us turn the screw of exaction tighter than it was before.

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stantly stationed in their dominions, they have in fact lost their independence. They are influenced by the British government in India; they become accustomed to its superiority; they sink into the rank of tributaries; and their territories, on the failure of heirs, or perhaps sooner, will form provinces of the British Empire."+

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