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" There is, betwixt that smile we would aspire to, That sweet aspect of princes, and their ruin, More pangs and fears than wars or women have ; And when he falls, he falls like Lucifer, }Never to hope again. "
The Plays of William Shakspeare: In Fifteen Volumes. With the Corrections ... - Seite 129
von William Shakespeare - 1793
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The Works of Mr. William Shakespear;: In Six Volumes. Adorn'd with Cuts, Band 4

William Shakespeare - 1709 - 560 Seiten
...• There is betwixt that fmile we would afpire te£ That fweet Afpeft of Princes, and rheir ruir, More pangs and fears than Wars or Women have: And when he falls, he falls like Lucifer, Never to hope again. Enter Cromwell ftanding amAzld. Why, how now Cram-well ? Crom. I have...
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The Works of Mr. William Shakespear;: In Six Volumes. Adorn'd with Cuts, Band 4

William Shakespeare - 1709 - 570 Seiten
...ï/77 There is betwixt that fmile we would alpire toi That fweet Aiped of Princes, and their ruin, More pangs and fears than Wars or Women have: And when he falls, he fills like Lucifer, Never to hope again. Enter Cromwell jlanding атлх}Д. Why, how now Cromwell...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare. In Ten Volumes: King Richard III ; King ...

William Shakespeare - 1773 - 482 Seiten
...favours! There is, betwixt that fmile we would afpire to, That fweet afpect of princes, and our ruin, ' More pangs and fears than wars or women have; And, when he falls, he falls like Lucifer, Never to hope again. — Enter Cromwell, amazedly. Why, how now, Cromwell ? Crotn. I have...
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A Concordance to Shakespeare: Suited to All the Editions, in which the ...

Andrew Becket - 1787 - 494 Seiten
...favours ! . There is, betwixt that fmile we would afpire to, That fweet afpect of princes, and our ruin, More pangs and fears than wars or women have ; And when he falls, he falls like Lucifer ; Never to hope again. Henry VIII. A. 3, S. 2. I will defpair, and be at enmity With cozening...
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The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare: In Ten Volumes: Collated ..., Band 7

William Shakespeare - 1790 - 614 Seiten
...favours! There is, betwixt that fmile we would afpire to, That fweet afpeci of princes, and their ruin 1 , More pangs and fears than wars or women have ; And when he falls, he falls like Lucifer 6 , Never to hope again.— Enter CROMWELL, amazedlj. Why, how now, Cromwell? Crom. I have...
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Shakspeare's Dramatic Works: With Explanatory Notes, Band 2

William Shakespeare - 1790 - 558 Seiten
...favours There js, betwixt that fmile we would afpire to, That fweet afpeft of princes, and our ruin, More pangs and fears than wars or women have And when he falls, he falls like Lucifer, Never to hope again.—— Enter Cnnnvell, amaxAdly* Why, how now, Cromwell ? Crun. I have...
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A Grammar, of the Hindoostanee Language,: Or Part Third of Volume ..., Band 2

John Borthwick Gilchrist - 1796 - 362 Seiten
...There is, betwixt that fmile we would afp ire to, ' That fweet alp с ¿I of Princes, and our ruin, More pangs and fears than wars or women have ; And when he falls, he falls like Lucifer, Never to hope again— Khcoiha a,e omdugee le ruhee.0. Yihee infan kee halut hy, je.og durukht...
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Works, Containing His Plays and Poems: To which is Added a Glossary, Band 4

William Shakespeare - 1797 - 678 Seiten
...favours I There is, betwixt that fmile we would afpire to, That fweet afpect of princes, and their ruin, More pangs and fears than wars or women have ; And when he falls, he falls like Lucifer, Never to hope again. — Enter CROMWELL, amazedly. "Why, how now, Cromwell ? CROM. I have...
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The Dramatic Writings of Will. Shakespeare: With Introductory ..., Band 1

William Shakespeare - 1798 - 478 Seiten
...favours ! There is, betwixt that fmile we would afpire to, That fweet afpeft of princes, and our ruin, More pangs and fears than wars or women have ; And when he falls, he falls like Lucifer, Never-to hope again. — Enter CROMWELL, anu:ztd!j. Why, how now, Cromwell ? Cnni. I have...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare ...: King Richard III. King Henry VIII ...

William Shakespeare - 1799 - 380 Seiten
...favours ! There is, betwixt that finile we would afpire to, That fweet afpeft of princes, and their ruin, More pangs and fears than wars or women have ; And when he falls, he falls like Lucifer, Never to hope again. — Enter CROMWELL, amazedfy. Why, how now, Cromwell ? Crom. I have no...
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