JahrbuchQuelle & Meyer, 1969 Vols. for 1964- include Shakespeare-Bibliographie. |
Im Buch
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Seite 199
... Goethe shaped his interpretation so that it would suit the personality of his novel's hero but that he did not ... Goethe could have arrived at a concept of Hamlet's character so distant from our own ? One possible answer is that ...
... Goethe shaped his interpretation so that it would suit the personality of his novel's hero but that he did not ... Goethe could have arrived at a concept of Hamlet's character so distant from our own ? One possible answer is that ...
Seite 200
... Goethe made his initial acquaintance with Shakespeare by reading the selections in William Dodd's Beauties of Shakespeare . Even though Dodd's extracts were in English it is very likely that Goethe read his first complete plays of ...
... Goethe made his initial acquaintance with Shakespeare by reading the selections in William Dodd's Beauties of Shakespeare . Even though Dodd's extracts were in English it is very likely that Goethe read his first complete plays of ...
Seite 307
... Goethe erkannt worden . Charakteri- stisch für Goethes Bearbeitungen Shakespearescher Dramen sei die " Eigen- art ihrer Disproportion " ( Szenenstreichungen , Personenreduktionen , Spielort- kontraktionen ) . Die Englandreise Hamlets ...
... Goethe erkannt worden . Charakteri- stisch für Goethes Bearbeitungen Shakespearescher Dramen sei die " Eigen- art ihrer Disproportion " ( Szenenstreichungen , Personenreduktionen , Spielort- kontraktionen ) . Die Englandreise Hamlets ...
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Armado Aufführung Ausdruck Baudissin beiden Beispiel besonders bewußt Bild Blankvers Bochum Bühne Charakter Commedia dell'arte Cordelia Coriolanus daughter dramatischen Dramen Edgar elisabethanischen englischen Erich Fried ersten Euphuismus Falstaff father Figur first Fritz Lichtenhahn Gebärde Gestalt gibt give Gloucester Goethe goldene Welt Goneril good großen Hamlet Hamlet's Handlung hath heart heißt Henry Holofernes interpretation Kent King Lear Komödie Komposita Kompositum König Lear läßt lichen life line love Macbeth made make mean mother muß Narr Night Ophelia Othello Pedanten play plays plot-echoes Polonius Prosa Rede Regan rhetorischen rhythmischen Rhythmus Richard Rolle Romeo Romeo und Julia scene Schauspieler schen Schlegel schließlich Schluß seems Shake Shakespeare Shakespeare's Shakespeareschen speare Spiel Sprache sprachlichen Stil Stück Szene T. S. Eliot take Text Theater theatralischen think thou time Timon Tragödie translation true Übersetzung unserer Verfasser Vers Verse viel Wahnsinn Weise Werk wieder Wieland Wieland's Wilhelm William Shakespeare Wirklichkeit Wolfgang Clemen work Wort