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followed by the Orlando Furioso of Ariosto.

Mr. Berhard Barton will soon publish a new volume of poems, under the title of Napoleon, and other Poems.

Me. C. H. Hall has in the press, Memoirs of the Life and Reign of Charles the Second; including many letters of that monarch and his friends, never before published.

Charles and Eugenia, or the Paternal Benediction, from the French of Mde. de Renneville, will shorily be published.

A System of Analytic Geometry, by the Rev. Dionysius Lardner, A. M. of the University of Dublin, and Member of the Royal Irish Academy.--This work will contain Part the Ist. A complete System of Conic Sections, proved by the application of the principles of Algebra, according to the method of Des Cartes. Also the Theory of Curves of the higher order, with the application of the Differential and Integral Calculus to them.-The second Part will contain the principles by which the properties of Curved Surfaces may be investigated by the same method, and the investigation of the figures and properties of Curved Surfaces of the second order.

In the press, Observations on the Influence of Manners upon the Health of the Human Race; more particularly as it regards Females in the higher and middle classes of society. By R. Palin, M. D. of Newport, Salop. 1 vol. demy 8vo.

Mr. J. H. Brady has in the press, A Critical and Analytical Dissertation on the Names of Persons.

Towards the end of the present month, Dr. Roche will publish, the first Number of a New Series of Ancient Irish Melodies, with appropriate words; and with Symphonies and Accompani ments for the Pianoforte.

The History of Stamford, in Lincolnshire, comprising its ancient and modern state, to which is added an account of St. Martin's, Stamford Baron, and Great and Little Wothorpe, în Northamptonshire, is now in the press, and will shortly be published by Mr. Dra-. kard, of Stamford. The work, although in a great measure compiled from former historians, contains several new and interesting documents, and will be embellished with a number of excellent engravings.

In the press, The Bridal of Caölchairn and other poems, by John Hay Allan.

During the ensuing month will be published, Travels in the Interior of Southern Africa. By William J. Burchell, Esq. With an entirely new map, and numerous other engravings, from the author's own drawings. In 4to. Mr. Burchell's Researches in the Interior of Africa, during five Years, over 1,500 miles of ground, besides numberless lateral excursions, have produced a multitude of discoveries and observations which have never yet been laid before the public.

Nearly ready, Political Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain. By Alexander de Humboldt; with Physical Sections and Maps, founded on Astronomical Observations, and Trigonometrical and Barometrical Measurements.-Translated from the original French, by John Black. The Third Edition. In 4 vols. 8vo.

In the press, Lectures on the Elements of Botany. Part I.-Containing the anatomy and physiology of those organs on which the growth and preser vation of the plant depend: with the explanations of the terminology connected with these parts. Illustrated with marginal cuts and copper-plates. By Anthony Todd Thomson, F. L.S. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, &c. &c. In 8vo. Vol. I.

In the press, the History of the Destruction of Jerusalem; as connected with the Scriptural Prophecies. By the Rev. George Wilkins, A.M. The third edition. In 1 vol. 12mo.

Conversations on Mineralogy: with plates engraved by Mr. and Miss Lowry, from original drawings in 2 vols. 12mo.

In the press, Europe; or, a general survey of the present situation of the principal powers. With conjectures on their future prospects. By a Citizen of the United States. In 8vo.

In the press, Considerations on the Subject of Calvinism, and a short Treatise on Regeneration; designed for the use of such as feel interested in the inquiry, whether Calvinism be or be not the doctrine of the Bible, and of the Church of England. By William Bruce Knight, A.M.

In the press, Two Years Residence in the Settlement in the English Prairie, in the Illinois Country, United States; with an account of its animal and vegetable productions, agriculture, &c. &c. A description of the principal towns, villages, &c. &c. With the habits and

customs of the Back-woodsmen. By John Woods.

A Third Volume of the Remains of Henry Kirke White. Selected from his Letters and other MSS., with prefatory remarks by Robert Southey, Esq. Illustrated with engravings, after drawings by R. Westall, R. A. &c.

A second edition of Leifchild's Lectures on the Beatitudes, and a third edition of the first volume of Sketches of Sermons, are in the press.

In the course of the present month will be published, the Elements of SelfImprovement; or, a familiar view of the intellectual powers and moral cha racteristics of human nature: princi

pally adapted for young persons entering into active life. By Rev. Tho. Finch, of Harlow, in ! vol. 12mo.

In the press, Cœur de Lion, or the Third Crusade, a poem in sixteen books. By Eleanor Anne Porden, author of the Veils; the Arctic Expeditions, &c. in 2 vols. 8vo.

In the press, Collections towards a History of Ancient Institutions, Customs, Discoveries in Science, and Mechanical Inventions. Selected and abridged from the Beytrage zur Geschichte der Erfindungen of professor Beckman of the University of Göttengen, with various important additions. In 2 vols. 12mo,


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The Principles of Medicine, on the plan of the Baconian Philosophy, Vol. I., on febrile and inflammatory Diseases. By R. D. Hamilton. 8vo. 9s.

Essays on Surgery and Midwifery; with practical Observations and select Cases. By James Barlow, Surgeon. 8vo. 12s.


The Works of John Playfair, Esq. late Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh, &c. &c. With a Memoir of the Author. 4 vol. 8vo, 21. 12s. 6d.

The Story of Pigou; a Malay Boy: containing all the Incidents and Anecdotes of his real Life; collected together, and arranged for the Instruction of Young Persons. By W. Gardiner, late Master of the Sydney and Aylburton Grammar School; Author of the Fortnight's Visit, &c. in one volume, 18mo, embellished with an highly finished Frontispiece by Freeman; from an original Design by Cruikshank. Price 2s. halfbound.

Essays, Moral, Philosophical, and Stomachical, on the important Science of Good Living. Dedicated to the Right Worshipful the Court of Aldermen. By Launcelot Sturgeon, Esq. Fellow of the Beef-steak Club, and an Honorary Mem◄ ber of several Foreign Pic Nics, &c. &c. 12mo, 7s. 6d. boards.

A new Dictionary of Anecdotes, illustrative of Character and Events; from Genuine Sources. By George Ramsay. Sve. 15s.

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The Martyr of Antioch: a Dramatic Poem. By the Rev. H. H. Milman, Professor of Poetry in the University of Oxford. 8vo. 8s. 6d.

The Thane of Fife: a Poem. By William Tennant, author of Anster Fair, and other Poems. 8vo. 8s.

Italy a Poem. Part the First. Contents: The Lake of Geneva-The Great St. Bernard-The Descent-JorasseMargaret De Tours-The Alps-Como

-Bergamo - Italy -Venice- LuigiSt. Mark's Place-The Brides of Venice-Foscori-Arqua-Ginevra-Florence-Don Garzia. f.cap. 8vo. 7s.

The Templar. 12mo. 5s.

Specimens of the German Lyric Poets; consisting of Translations in Verse from the Works of Burger, Goethe, Jacobi, Klopstock, Schiller, &c. &c. interspersed with Biographical Notices, and ornamented with wood engravings by the first artists. 8vo. 10s. 6d.

The Widow's Tale, and other Poems. By the Author of Ellen Fitzarthur, a Metrical Tale. f.cap. 8vo. 6s. 6d.


The Rev. Robert Hall's Letter, occasioned by a review of his Apology for the Freedom of the Press in the Christian Guardian. With an Appendix containing that Review. 6d.

Letters of Junius. With Preliminary Dissertations and Copious Notes, by Atticus Secundus. With seven portraits and vignette title. 18mo. 6s.

An Appeal to the Public in Defence of the Spitalfields' Act: with Remarks on the Causes which have led to the miseries and moral deterioration of the Poor. By William Hale. 8vo. 2s.


The Old Testament, arranged on the

Basis of Lightfoot's Chronicle, in Historical and Chronological Order,, in such manner, that the books, chapters, psalms, prophecies, &c. may be read as one connected history, in the very words of the authorized translation, To the above are added six indexes. By the Rev. George Townsend, M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. 2. vols. 8vo. 11. Is.

A Summary of Christian Faith and Practice, confirmed by reference to the Text of Holy Scripture; compared with the Liturgy, Articles, and Homilies of the Church of England; and illustrated by extracts from the chief of those works which received the sanction of public authority from the time of the Reformation to the final revision of the established Formularies. By the Rev. E. J. Burrow, D.D. F.R. and L.S. 3 vols. 12mo. 11. 1s.

The Village Preacher, a Collection of short, plain Sermons; partly original, partly selected, and adapted to Village Instruction. By a Clergyman of the Church of England. Vol. II. 12mo. 5s.

Sixteen Village Sermons, on certain Parts of the Christian Character. By the Rev. Edward Berens, A.M. 12mo. 4s.

Sketches of (100) Sermons, preached to Congregations, in various Parts of the United Kingdom, and on the European Continent: furnished by their respective Authors. Vol. II. 12mo. 4s.

Cottage Lectures. By Joseph Joues. M.A. No. I. (To be continued monthly.) 1d.

A Treatise on the Gospel Constitution. By the late Rev. W. Bennet. To which is prefixed, a Short Account of the Life and Writings of the Author, comprising correspondence with Rev. Rob. Hall, Andrew Fuller, &c. By N. K. Pugsley. 8vo. 8s.

The Protestant Reformation vindicated: a Sermon preached at Preston. By Joseph Fletcher, M.A. 1s.

Religion Simplified; or answers in verse to important religious questions, with Scripture proofs. By a Friend to Sunday Schools. 3d.

Joyful Anticipations: a Sermon occasioned by the death of Mrs. Sloper. By S. Sleigh, Salisbury. 8vo. 1s.

Infaut Hosannas: a Sermon containing many particulars in the life and death of a Sunday School child. By S. Sleigh. 12mo. 6d.


A Description of the Island of St. Michael, comprising an Account of its Geological Structure; with remarks on the other Azores, or Western Islands: originally communicated to the Linnæan Society of New England. By John Webster, M.D. Corr. Sec. L.S. N.E. royal 8vo. with numerous maps and plates, 13s. (Imported from Boston.)

A Description of the Shetland Islands; comprising an account of their geology, scenery, antiquities, and superstitions. By Samuel Hibbert, M.D. M.F.S.E. &c, With maps and plates, 4to. 31. 3s.

Illustrations of the History, Manners, Customs, Arts, Sciences, and Litera ́ture of Japan; selected from Japanese manuscripts and printed works, by M. Titsingh, formerly Chief Agent of the Dutch East Company at Nangasaki; and accompanied with many coloured engravings, faithfully copied from original Japanese paintings and designs. royal 4to. 21. 18s.

Views of Society and Manners in America, in a Series of Letters from that Country to a Friend in England, during 1818, 19, and 20. By Francis Wright. 8vo. 12s.



FOR APRIL, 1822.

Art. I. Memoires Historiques, Politiques, et Litteraires sur le Royaume de Naples. Par M. Le Comte Gregoire Orloff. Senateur de l'Empire de Russie. Publié avec des Notes et Additions. Par Amaury Duval. 5 Tom. Paris. 1821.

THERE seem to be two modes of writing and of studying history. The obvious and beaten track is that which leads us along over the chronological series, to pause at the great and pregnant incidents, and to treasure them in the memory as matters of immediate or of future meditation. The other course is, to catch the spirit and character of successive ages, as they are imbodied in institutions, polities, and manners. But general and comprehensive histories presenting the order of events with clearness and fidelity, require and presuppose quick and penetrating understandings in those who undertake to read them. Enabled by right habits of intellectual culture to think for themselves, there are many minds which will derive from the facts that are presented to them, all that is instructive or useful, without having recourse to the subsidiary reasonings of other minds and other understandings. A more numerous class of readers, however, require something more. Wholly unable to arrest the fleeting and rapid succession of events, as it moves along, and throws its passing shadows on the stream of time,-needing something more than naked recitals, to supply them with materials of thinking, they find the aid of those historic disquisitions in which the task is removed from their shoulders, and not merely a train of reflection awakened in their minds, but specific reflections actually provided for them, indispensably needful. Necessity, therefore, has gradually introduced into this department of letters, a machinery wholly unknown in the first stages of historical writing. Å simple process is at hand to extract the philosophy of history for those who are unable to extract it for themselves; and our kind neighbours the French have greatly facilitated the histoVol. XVII. N. S.

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