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Representative English Prose and Prose Writers--Notices Continued.

Prof. T. W. Bancroft, of Brown University, in "Modern Language Notes" says: "We conceive the leading excellences of the work to be the comprehensive plan which enables the author to have a firm hold upon the whole discussion; thoroughly assimilated material; an absence of all attempts to parade his learning, and a genuine sympathy with his subject. This attempt has, therefore, resulted in the production of a work which should speedily find its way into higher seminaries and colleges, wherever the need is felt of a comprehensive study of English prose authors."

From President Carter, of Williams College: "I am pleased with the plan of the book, and the execution seems to me to be thorough and accurate, and to show literary perception and sympathy to a marked degree."

Prof. Harrison, of Washington and Lee University, Va.: "I have examined the book with some care and find it an excellent manual, much simpler than Minto's, and better adapted to college use as well as more manageable than his. An intelligent teacher who guides the reading and English culture of his class with this book in his hand, cannot but secure good results. The style is concise and clear, the statements are accurate, and the method of analysis suggestive."

Rev. Prof. G. T. Shedd, Union Theological Seminary, N. Y. "It impresses me as a good manual for classes. The analy. ses are in the main discriminating, and the criticisms truthful. The influence of the book will be sound and wholesome."

President Shepherd, College of Charleston, S. C.: "I have examined Hunt's English Prose and Prose Writers with genuine pleasure, devoting myself to its investigation. It seems to me a sound and scholarly book, stimulating and suggestive."

Prof. Chas. F. Richardson, Dartmouth College, N. H.: "I think it is original, useful, and practical. As the best indication of my favorable opinion, I may say that I expect to use it with an elective division of seniors in our next academic year."

President D. J. Hill, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pa.: "The work combines in a marvelous degree a philosophical method, and a lucid and interesting

style. The plan of the book commends it to my judgment as including within the limits of a single term's study the subject of English prose."

Prof. H. L. Chapman, of Bowdoin College: "The purpose and the plan of the book are alike admirable, and it derives its value not more from Professor Hunt's evident familiarity with the field he traverses, than from his uniform candor and sobriety of judgment. The periods are wisely distinguished, and their characteristics well set forth, while in the treatment of representative writers he is suggestive, discriminating, and forcible. It is a helpful and stimulating book either for the class-room or for the study."

Prof. J. M. Garnett, University of Virginia: "I regard it as a careful piece of work, and think it will prove very useful as a text-book of English prose writers. I think that Prof. Hunt has well criticised the writers whom he discusses, and that his analysis of the style of each cannot fail to be very useful to students."

President Welling, of Columbian University, Washington: "So far as I have been able to examine the work, it seems to me that he has been equally happy in his selection of representative names and in defining the principles according to which the writers of English prose may be variously classified. In this way the whole body of English prose literature is passed under review in its most logical and expressive aspects. The classification by periods is logical because it is chronological, while the classification on the basis of forms and of literary consent and expression enables the author to portray the very body and spirit of English prose in its more typical illustrations."

Lutheran Quarterly says: "This is a thoroughly good book. The whole work has a practical value, and, while giving a more satisfactory view of English literature than most so-called histories of the subject, may serve students as an advanced work on rhetoric. The style is clear, temperate, and well-suited for didactic purposes. There is none of that affected brilliancy which is so often associated with indifference to truth and moral recklessness. Teachers of English literature, and pupils too, may take satisfaction in the marked tendency towards a more systematic presentation of the subject. Of this tendency the volume before us is one of the best illustrations."

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