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Printed by P. D. Hardy, (lute Bentham and Hardy,) Cecilia-street.


IT has been our custom to prefix at the termination of each year, a few sentences by way of preface to our closing Number, expressing our gratitude, and detailing for our readers any change that might be deemed expedient in our plans. We have every inclination to continue this habit, the more especially as some circumstances have arisen that seem to demand the Editors to address themselves more immediately to their friends, than could be admitted in any other manner, by the formality of the Editorial character. It is now above four years since our Magazine was commenced, under the influence of convictions that have received strength by time. Enabled to live longer, we believe, than any similar Irish publication-while we freely confess, that the execution of the CHRISTIAN EXAMINER has not been equal to our wishes, still we can safely say, that our conduct of that publication has been conscientiously conformed to the principles with which we originally concerted our plans.

Two circumstances have recently occurred, in which the prosperity of our Magazine was concerned, and by which we fear some of our friends were alienated. One connected with the movements of the political, the other with the sentiments of the religious world.

When at the close of the last, and the commencement of the present year, a strong political feeling agitated the country, and the utmost violence of party seemed to be displaying its fury equally among Protestants and Roman Catholics, we certainly endeavoured to separate ourselves and the cause of Protestantism from the agitations of political frenzy, which, as we apprehended, has but accelerated the dreaded event; and we answered the repeated application for advice, by stating, that we

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