Abbildungen der Seite

nalized by such munificent liberality as to enable Bráhmans, through the performance of meritorious ceremonies, to endanger the stability of the rank of Indra himself, the lord of heaven.

38. Analytically, 'Titan-foes of the earth;' and the foes of the Titans are the gods. The result is, 'terrestrial deities.'

39. See the note on the seventeenth stanza.

40. An explanation of this technicality will be seen in Colebrooke's Two Treatises on the Hindu Law of Inheritance, pp. 274 and 334. 41. S'ambhu is S'iva; Tarani is Súrya, or the sun.

42. Or the propitious: a name of S'iva.

43. The possessor of S'ri;' that is to say, Vishnu: S'rí, or Lakshmí, being his wife.

44. King Hridaya's daughter, probably. No mention of her is found


A note on this distich has been given above, after its original.

45. Or Murárí, etc.; 'the enemy of Mura:' an epithet of Vishņu, who slew a demon so called.

46. With the astrologers, this day is the next after that so called by the theogonists: for, according to the Padma-purána and the Brahmandapurana, the eleventh of the fortnight is the prime favorite of Vishnu, who is its regent. The second numeral of what I now read 12, at the end of the inscription, is very indistinct. To ensure certainty, it was, therefore, necessary to resort to computation. The result is, the satisfaction of knowing that the clerkly Jayagovinda' followed the astrologers. The date in the text answers to the fifth of June, A. D. 1667, N. S.


For convenience of reference, I subjoin a list of the tutelars of the days of the lunar fortnights; for both which they are the same.

[blocks in formation]

The pitri-gana, or bands of manes, preside over the conjunction.

47. The heroic measure, according to its prescribed scheme, is strophic. Yet, as regards the adjacent pairs of its verses, all material deviations from the canons laid down in the S'ruta-bodha-such as, when the fourth syllable is long, of elongating, at pleasure, the fifth-are confined, usually, if not universally, to the third hemistich. This is the case, for instance, throughout this inscription. Thus the first hemistich, conformably to the ancient rule, everywhere exhibiting an epitrite, in s'l. 1, 46, 47, 51, and 52, the third ends, after a long syllable, with a fourth pæon; in sl. 13 and 45, with a dispondee; and, in sl. 49, with a choriamb.

While usage allows greater freedom to at least the third hemistich of the heroic measure, in its latter half, than is accorded by the S'rutabodha, it refuses to avail itself of much of the liberty which that work silently permits in the first halves of the distichs generally. The middle syllables are not found to be a pyrrhic in any of them; and the closing two, in the second and fourth, are never an iamb.

M. Lancereau's section on the s'loka, though correctly representing the intent of his author, does not, therefore, give an account of actual custom. See his Sroutabodha, p. 26.

I here cite a portion of Professor Wilson's first description of the Anushṭubh measure, from p. 436 of the last edition of his Sanskrit Grammar: "In its most regular form, the first foot is any one except a tribrach; the second may be a dactyl, a tribrach, cretic, or anapast: the other two syllables are indifferently long or short." But the first foot is also forbidden to be a dactyl; since it is the concurrence of two short syllables as the second and third that is to be avoided. Again, in the second and fourth quarters of the stanza, the second foot may not be a dactyl or a cretic, where an amphibrach or an antibacchic has preceded. Nor are the final two syllables arbitrary. The seventh is never short, in the first and third hemistichs, unless the fourth is so; and, in the second and last hemistichs, it is, under no circumstances, long. Other corrections of the description just cited, and integrations of it, may be gathered from what has been said above. Nor is it intimated, by Professor Wilson, that the hemistichs of the half Anushṭubh are not uniform. It was, thus, ill-advised, in a German editor, to prefer the reading:

सुतं त्वमपि समाज सेव पुरुमवाप्नुहि.

Three of my MSS. of the S'ákuntala have ; which is, for more than one reason, most undoubtedly to be accepted. See Professor Bochtlingk's S'akuntala, pp. 41, 214, and 289. I have in vain searched the whole of Kálidása's works for a similar license. Moreover, the older form is Púru, not Puru. Professor Wilson says that "the first vowel of Puru is short." Translation of the Ṛig-veda, iii. 163, third foot-note. In the Vishnu-purána it is so; where, by the bye, Puru's brother is Úru, not Uru, contrarily to the learned translator. But we find Púru in the Bhagavata, and also in the Rig-veda; as Professor Wilson afterwards discovered. He does not, however, remark on his former error.

48. The Avitatha, Narkuṭaka, and Kokilaka contain the same number and the same disposition of feet: only the first has no cæsuras; and these pauses, in the last two, differ. Yet Sundara Upadhyaya, in his commentary on the Vritta-ratnúkara, the Sugama-vritti, says that the Narkutaka and Kokilaka are two names for one measure.


Colebrooke-Miscellaneous Essays, ii. 148-has inadvertently considered the Avitatha and Narkuṭaka to be identical. The stanza which he prints is of the former metre, a very uncommon" one, as he justly observes. In the Veda-stuti-Bhúgavata-purána, x, latter section, eighty-seventh chapter-a number of instances of it are to be seen, with one stanza in narkutaka and one in kokilaka.

Saugor, March, 1858.







Presented to the Society October 17, 1860.

THOUGH the kings mentioned in the memorials1 under notice have already been made known to the world, yet the statements which have been put forth concerning their connection and succession require to be rectified. Their names are subjoined. The comments which have been suggested with reference to them, as being by-matter, are added in the form of notes.

Bhoja Deva.
Udayáditya Deva.2
Naravarma Deva.
Yas'ovarma Deva.



Arjunavarma Deva. A.D. 1211-1215.

Devapála Deva was reigning, as I have brought to light in another paper, in the year 1353 of our era, at Dhára. This city had been the royal seat of the last Bhoja, about three hundred years before; and likewise that of Yas'ovarman, in 1143. Jayavarman dates one edict from Vardhamánapura; and Arjuna publishes another at Mandapa.5 But these two places may have served only for temporary residence."

The copper-plates containing the following inscriptions are deposited in the library of the Begum's school at Sehore in Bhopal, where I examined them in February of last year.


श्रोम् । नमः पुरुषार्थचूडामणये धर्माय ।

प्रतिबिम्बनिभाद् भूमेः कृत्वा साक्षात् प्रतिग्रहम् । जगदालादयन् दिश्याद् द्विजेन्द्रो मङ्गलानि वः ॥ १॥ जीवात् परशुराम सो क्षेत्रः क्षुषं राहतैः । सन्ध्यार्कबिम्बमेवोवदातुर्यस्येति ताम्रताम् ॥ २ ॥ येन मन्दोदरीबाष्पवारिभिः शमितो मृधे । प्राणेश्वरी वियोगाग्निः स रामः श्रेयसे ऽस्तु वः ॥३॥ भीमेनाऽपि धृता मूर्ध्नि यत्पादाः स युधिष्ठिरः । वंशानेन्दुना जीयात् स्वतुल्य इव निर्मितः ॥ ४ ॥ परमारकुलोत्तंसः कंसजिन्महिमा नृपः ।

श्रीभोजदेव इत्यासीन् ना सीरक्रान्तभूतलः ॥ ५ ॥


दिगुत्सङ्गतरङ्गिते ।

द्विषन्नृपयशःपुञ्जपुण्डरीकैर्निमीलितम् ॥ ६॥

ततो भूयादित्यो नित्योत्साहैककौतुकी ।

श्रसाधारणवीरश्रीरश्री हेतुर्विरोधिनाम् ॥ ७ ॥

महाकलहकल्पान्ते यस्योद्दामभिराशुगैः ।

कति नोन्मूलितास्तुङ्गा भूभृतः कटकोल्बणाः ॥ ८ ॥ तस्माच् छिन्नदिषन्ममी नवमी नराधिपः ॥ धर्माभ्युद्धरणे धीमानभूत सीमा महीभुजाम् ॥ १ ॥


प्रतिप्रभातं विप्रेभ्यो दत्तैग्रमपदैः स्वयम् । अनेकपदतां निन्ये धर्मेो येनैकपादपि ॥ १० ॥ तस्यानि यशोवर्मा पुत्रः क्षत्रियशेखरः । तस्मादजयवर्माऽभूद् जयश्रीविश्रुतः सुतः ॥ ११ ॥ तत्सूनुवरिमूर्धन्यो धन्योत्यत्तिरजायत । गुर्जरीच्छेदनिर्बन्धी विन्ध्यवमी महाभुजः ॥ १२ ॥ धारयोतया सार्धं दधाति स्म त्रिधारताम् । सांयुगीनस्य यस्यासित्रातुं लोकत्रयीमिव ॥ १३ ॥ तस्यामुष्यायणः पुत्रः सुत्राम श्रीरया / शिषत् । भूपः सुभटवर्मेति धर्मे तिष्ठन् महीतलम् ॥ १४ ॥ यस्य ज्वलति दिजेतुः प्रतापस्तपनयुतेः । दावाग्निच्छ्मनाऽद्यापि गर्जन् गुर्जरपत्तने ॥ १५ ॥ देवभूयं गते तस्मिन् नन्दनो र्जुनभूपतिः । दोस्ता धत्ते ऽधुना धात्रीवलयं वलयं यथा ॥ १६ ॥ बाललीलाहवे यस्य जयसिंहे पलाविते । दिक्पालहासव्याजेन यशो दिन विजृम्भितम् ॥ १७ ॥ काव्यगान्धर्वसर्वस्वनिधिना येन साम्प्रतम् । भारावतारणं देव्याश्चक्रे पुस्तकवीणयोः ॥ १८ ॥ येन त्रिविधवीरेण त्रिधा पल्लवितं यशः । धवलत्वं दधुत्रीणि जगन्ति कथमन्यथा ॥ ११ ॥

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