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examined by four rules; they must be adequate, appropriate, clear, concise."—" I find it very difficult to gird up the loins of my mind."-" Num. xxi., 'Much discouraged because of the way.' Discouragements. 1. Our own depravity. 2. Discordant opinions. 3. Unholy lives of professors, hypocrites, apostates, backsliders. 4. Multiplied afflictions." -"Never read for the sake of reading, but always with design."""Feet shod.' It is a dangerous thing for a soldier to be wounded in the feet-how can he stand, or resist, or escape? Take care of your feet. The wound may not be fatal, but your usefulness is at an end."-" Feb. 1816. Commentators. They are not to be despised, but I find it very dangerous to consult them too much."

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Spent the evening delightfully at home, translating 1 Tim. to the end. My translation of Timothy has been from Griesbach's text; compared the improved version, the version of 1729, Beausobre, and L'Enfant."

"I am greatly delighted with the labour of translating."-" Entering on 1 Cor. xii., I feel as if transported to the new world. Rocks, precipices, roaring water-falls, mountains of stupendous height, solitary deserts, no vestiges of human feet; or wrapt into Mercury, a planet near to the sun; or hurried to a planet that revolves some more distant sun. This would not be more strange than to be suddenly introduced into the Corinthian church to hear the spiritual men."—"Evening, preached at the bap


tism of six young women and three young men. "The baptism of John, whence was it?' The place was thronged; I went through the service comfortably. Baptizing occupied exactly five minutes."-" Our adorable Redeemer is both a sanctuary and a stumbling stone. (Matt. xi.) 'Revealed them to babes.' The sovereignty of God is displayed, not only in the blessings of his grace, as to degrees, manner, &c., but in the election of persons on whom he bestows the blessings; why the Galilean fishermen (babes) and not the Jerusalem doctors? (wise and learned.)”

"I felt remorse the other day in reflecting that though I have read the Greek Testament many times, I have never gone through the Old Testament in Hebrew."-"Lectured on Elements of Hebrew criticism."-"Lectured on Exodus, xv. ; I have gone through it grammatically, rhetorically, theologically, (if there be such a word.) Exceedingly hurried most of the day. Oh that I could rest in Christ."-"How good is the Lord to shine upon me in my weakness."-" Oh Lord, give me wisdom, tenderness, fidelity!" "I feel as if some revolution, or great concussion, were near. Prepare me, O my God!"

Christ is the

"The Lamb is the light thereof.' sun of the celestial city: 1. The sun has light in itself-so Christ. 2. The sun is seen in its own light-so Christ. 3. The sun diffuses a light on all other objects-so Christ."

"This is my birth-day, (forty-three.) Blessed

be my God who hath sustained me thus far. What shall I resolve to do? Resolved, in humble dependence on the aids of the Holy Spirit, that the remainder of my life shall be devoted to the study of the scriptures; and that all other studies shall be subservient to that."

"This has been a busy week; not quite so much hurried as the last; but I have not improved my acquaintance with the scriptures so much as I could wish."-" Preached, Matt. iii., and shewed that greater honour has been conferred on christian baptism than was conferred on any other divine ordinance; noticed the threefold miracle, (the parting skies, the symbolic dove, the articulate voice ;) the confirmation of the doctrine of the trinity. Inferred, 1. We should honour this ordinance. 2. We should lightly esteem the odium thrown upon it.”

"If a young man run away from his commission, like Jonah, will not a great fish swallow him up? If he break a hedge, will not a serpent bite him ?"

"The Spirit not straitened as we: 1. By time; 2. Space; 3. Degrees; 4. Decays; 5. Opposition."

"I find that the order of the house must be maintained with strictness, and in my own soul. 1. If I feel it hard to keep the line of duty, I shall find it harder to depart from it. 2. The further I go, the further I shall have to return, and the more difficult the return will be."

"Hebrew lessons till eleven. Then languished through the day; not without breathing many a

sigh towards Him whom my soul loveth. O Lord! thou knowest my weaknesses, my sorrows, my temptations. Help, Lord!"-" Divine liberality meets the objections of the humble supplicant. 1. God will give me nothing. Answer: 'He giveth to all.' 2. I have so much need of wisdom. Answer: 'He giveth liberally.' 3. I fear he will upbraid me with past folly and guilt, or present dulness. Answer: 'He upbraideth not.'

"Can ye not discern the signs of the times.' 1. Schools for all. 2. Bibles for all. 3. Missions for all. 4. Co-operation of all. Great Britain (never before so great) taking the lead in all! To be contemplated with humility, gratitude, zeal, benevolence."—" Michælis; he is a very lively, pleasant writer; makes too light of serious things in some places; an amazing acquaintance with Oriental learning, and, indeed, with general literature." and H- must read Chaldaic,



then Syriac, then Arabic."

"Wonderful:' In the constitution of his person -in the works of his power-in the love of his heart-in the depth of his sufferings-in the height of his glory."

"Study the attractive-what a charm in manner!"

"Dec. 27, 1816. Got to Enfield by eleven; found Mrs. C. in the house in which my father and mother lived so long. No words can express the emotions I felt in surveying the scenes of my child


hood and youth. Ebenezer! Inquired after many; many trees are removed; houses have vanished; railings taken down; many blooming faces now appear withered and wrinkled; some of the people did not know me, and some of them appeared to me as trees walking." "

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