Abbildungen der Seite

[Takes a shawl from her pocket.] This shawl, that I found last night in the chamber, on the couch of Monsieur there, to whom does it belong?

Edm. To Ernestine, of course.

Dame M. Not it, indeed, no, its owner is a person a great deal more grave, more precise, more cautious, than my poor child.-It belongs to Madame Gertrude.

Omnes. Madame Gertrude!

Dame M. Yes, to the virtuous, modest Madame Ger trude. I appeal to the honour of our new lord, if this is not the fact?

Ros. [Aside.] Good bye to Madame Gertrude's pretensions; the murder's coming out.

Ger. [Aside.] Fatal disclosure! I see that I have lost him.

Oli. [Advances on Gertrude's R.] Do you want any music, now? [Retires back. Ros. [Aside.] I am glad the discovery has been made without my agency; now I may be able to clear this poor Ernestine, without betraying Madame Gertrude's secret. Edmund, again let me assure you, Ernestine is innocent. [Ernestine appears at the window of the Mill. Edm. What proof have I of that?

Ros. What proof? ha! your own eyes. [Turns suddenly towards the Mill, and sees Ernestine.] Look! [Edmund &c. turn towards the Mill, and perceive, with horror, Ernestine, who has come out of the garret window, in her sleep, with a candle in her hand, and is walking along the gutter to the right; just as she gets to the extremity, and appears in danger of being dashed to pieces, she seems suddenly to recollect herself, and proceeds to the left, placing her foot on the board, which forms the awning of the wheel-it gives beneath her steps with a smart crash—she drops the candlestick and pauses for an instant—the wheel is turning rapidly round, and threatens to crush her to atoms, should she make a false step-Edmund is about to utter an exclamation of alarm, and fly to her assistance, when Rosambert puts his hand before his mouth and stops him.

Ros. Hold, hold! what would you do? A word, and you destroy her; silence, and she may escape.

[Edmund, Gertrude, Dame, &c. sink on their knees in terror, and offer up prayers for Ernestine's safety -she slowly, but safely, makes her way



the plank, and descends gradually by the ruined wall, a part of which gives beneath her feet; she then advances to the front of the Stage, c.; nothing being heard all the while but the cogs and mill-hopper and the roaring of the mill-stream.

Ern. He has deserted me, and gives his hand to another, and for ever forsakes his wretched, but innocent Ernestine. We should have been so happy, too-so dearly as I loved him-still, cruel as he is, he shall have my prayers! My poor ring, it is mine no longer; but he has not robbed me of all-the gift he gave me for remembrance! Alas, I needed none, for he is ever here ! [Laying her hand on her heart.] His image is graven on my heart! Yes, here is the bouquet. [Takes the bouquet from her bosom.] It has faded, like my fortune; its leaves have fallen, like my hopes; my tears may refresh it! no one sees me, there cannot be a crime in this. [Kisses the bouquet.-Bells are heard in the distance.] Hark! the bells! he is being united to another! [Falls on her knees.] Bless him! Bless him! May he be happy! There is no more happiness for me-no, only misery, misery. [In a subdued tone of half-stifled agony. Edm. [Supporting Ernestine.] Idiot! madman! that I have been! How could I ever doubt her?

Ros. Hush!

Ger. (L.) All envy, every unkind thought, yield to a love like this; take your promise-Edmund, I yield up all my claims, my hopes. Repair the injury you have wrought, and make her happy with your future love!

Edm. [Kneels by her.] I will, I will, cousin!-Yes, I can hold no longer. How has my heart been abused! Let me, with this ring, give back my love, my faith!

[Puts the ring on the finger of Ernestine, who appears lost in meditation.

Ros. [On Ernestine's R.] That is not all, there is something more yet to be done. Come hither, girls. [Two Girls, with the wreath, come, R.] And here, mother, these gifts must to their original purpose. [Gertrude and Dame Michaud, by Rosambert's direction, hastily attach the nuptial veil and wreath of white orange-flowers to the head of Ernestine.] Now, then, the wedding bouquet. [They attach the bouquet to her breast.] And now your hand in her's, Edmund. [Edmund takes her hand.] And now, then, musicians, strike up!

Oli. Ay, strike up, lads! all's right now! [Grand Flourish.-Ernestine awakes, and is, for a few moments, confused and lost in surprise.

Ern. What means all this? Is it not some deceitful dream? some trick to mock me! ah, Edmund! and at my feet-my mother, too? This bridal dress! my friends! Oh, no, it cannot be a dream! preserve me, heaven! Ah, ny ring! my ring! No, no! it is no dream; I am awake, am happy!

[Falls, with an hysterical cry of joy, into Edmund's arms. Edm. Yes, dearest Ernestine, it is indeed reality-all is cleared up!

Ros. Ay, Ernestine, our justification has been public and complete; we have been found not guilty!

Ger. And, whatever you may think, entirely to my satisfaction.

[All retire up but Rosambert and Madame Gertrude. Ros. I believe you-you are too pretty not to be good sometimes. And now, there only remains one thing. Poor Monsieur de Trop; eh, madame? I must not refuse the interest I pledged myself to exert for him. Eh, here he comes! and, for once in his life, not unwished for-he is not Mr. One-too-many this time.

Enter COLIN DE TROP hastily, R., with Bouquet, &c.

Col. (R.) Here I am, Madame Gertrude, here I am. I hope I'm not too late; I've run every step o'the way, and a pretty heat I'm in. I've got the bridal garter, and the veil, and the bouquet, and the wreath of orangeflowers, and-dear me, what a way I'm in.

Ros. (c.) You have come in good time, Monsieur de Trop; Madame Gertrude was waiting for you. I have performed my promise, I have spoken a good word for you-behold your bride.

[Presenting Madame Gertrude, who crosses to Colin. Col. Eh! what! is it indeed so? and an't you joking? Oh, dear me ! Am I to marry-am I to have a wife-am

I to be her husband? Madame Gertrude!

Ger. (L.) I must obey the orders of our new lord, Monsieur de Trop.

Col. Ah! I thought he'd do the business for me! [Embracing her, and afterwards seeming ready to faint at the boldness of the act.

Ros. All, then, is settled. Edmund, henceforth let

not sleep deceive you; be constant, and your happiness will be complete.

Ern. Sleeping or waking, if I still retain the good opinion of my friends, I shall be happy; but, if I should unfortunately have incurred their displeasure, I would wish never to have awakened again—

Your anger,
friends, would make me weep:
For the effect, then spare the cause;
Your frowns I would avoid in sleep,
And only wake to your applause.






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