Abbildungen der Seite

of wretches than at prefent appear upon her lifts, never difgraced or dishonoured her interefts.--You will not require a moment to reflect that I mean thofe venal and fhameless ecclefiaftics, who have of late, in fuch numbers, and with fuch uncovered countenances, prostituted the facred writings, openly and avowedly retailing them for profit in periodical publications.-Avowedly, I fay; for their advertisements plainly prove it. One recommends his Bible for its CHEAPNESS; another for the Elegance of the Print, the Excellence of the Engravings, or the Beauty of the Paper. A third follicits your custom by a Royal, or Imperial Tale, or from dedicating, by Permiffion, to a Prince in Pettycoats. A fourth affects a display of learning, and, to prove it, gives you a string of Dutch and German commentators, from whofe ingenious labours he propofes to furnish you with improvement and delight. A filth, modeftly and wifely fparing a difplay of his own learning, would engage your attention by collecting the MS. fcraps of men who had acquired confiderable reputation in different provinces of literature, but who, like the immortal Newton, when they commenced divines, only pioved that they had the weakness of men.A fixth, or poffibly a fixteenth, for indeed the number is not eafy to be ascertained, after having been palpably guilty of one pious fraud, as palpably engages in another; and having acquired fome popularity amongft poor fanatics, fecks an addi tional contribution from them, by loading the facred writings with the mifinterpretations of ignorance, and the cant of enthufiafm.

I am no advocate for the interpofition of the civil power in fuch matters, but as it has been called in to the affiftance of religion, in cafes where it was much less liable to fuffer, I am aftonifhed to fee this prottitution of every thing that is moft facred allowed without cenfure or reftraint. I am aftonifhed even to fee the public fo patient under the grofs impofitions which thefe compilers exercife upon them:-for their honefty, in general, keeps pace with their abilities; and when they have drawn in the unwary to fubfcribe to their wretched publications, by repeated affurances that they fhall not exceed fuch a number, they are de termined to bring the word of God to the best market, and fcruple not to extend it to twice the number propofed.

It is with the utmoft indignation I have long beheld this fcandalous practice, and I am convinced, that, for the honour and interest of religion, you will do every thing in your power to discountenance it.'

There is no occafion for any comment on the foregoing letter; nor is this the first complaint we have heard, on the fubject: fee Review, Vol. XXX.. p. 44.

Art. 15. Proceedings of a Court-martial, on the Trial of Lieut. Gov. Philip Thickneffe; held at the fudge-advocate-genei al's Office at the Horfe-guards, July 3d, 1765; and continued by Adjournments, to the 9th of the fame Month, &c. 4to. Is. Williams. Of eight charges exhibited against Mr. Thickneffe, at this trial, te was acquitted of fix. The two of which he was found guilty, are, 1. Supporting and countenancing the foldiers of the company of Invalids doing duty within the garriton of Landguard Fort, in difobeying their commiffioned officers, and depriving fuch officers of their necellary command and authority.' 2. Enjoining the commiffioned officers do ing duty in the faid gairifon, not to countenance or fhew any favour to

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each other;-in violation of an exprefs order for promoting harmony among the officers of the faid garrison.'

In refpect of the above articles, whereof the defendant was convicted, the court adjudged, That he be publicly and feverely reprimanded, in fuch manner as his Majefty fhall be pleased to direct.'

Art. 16. Obfervations on the Growth and Culture of Vines and Olives: the Production of Silk: the Prefervation of Fruits. Written at the Requeft of the Earl of Shaftesbury, to whom it is infcribed, by Mr. John Locke. Now firft printed from the original Manufcript, in the Poffeffion of the present Earl of Shaftesbury. Small 8vo, elegantly printed, by Richardfon and Clark, for W. Sandby. Pr. Is. 6d.

Every production of a pen fo truly refpectable, as that of our most excellent LOCKE, cannot fail of proving highly acceptable to the public. The value of this little tract, however, will depend lefs on its Author's great reputation as a philofopher, than on the general usefulnefs of the fubjects to which it relates. The culture of vires, olives, &c. will, indeed, appear to thofe who do not confider thofe articles in a commercial view, to be of fmall benefit to this country; but if we reflect on the advantages which may poffibly be drawn from them, to our American colonies, and confequently to our felves, we fhall then behold them in a very different light :-towards which the Editor of these obfervations hath directed our attention, in a fhort but very fenfible preface. No union, as he juftly remarks, is fo firm and lafting, as that which is founded on the folid basis of a mutual intereft.' However populous and great,' continues he, however industrious and rich, the fettlements in the vaft continent of America may hereafter become, this, the mother country, may for ever be connected with it more intimately than with the fouthern nation, by encouraging the growth and produce of vines and olives, filk and fruits, which cannot advantageoufly be raifed in England and found policy will always engage the fubjects in England and America not to be rivals in trade, by fetting up fach manufactures in one country, as muft neceffarily distress the other.'

As to the inftructions given, by Mr. Locke, for the culture of vines and olives, the production of filk, and the prefervation of fuch fruits as are dried by the fun, or in ovens, we do not think it neceffary to enter into particulars: thofe whom curiofity or intereft may induce to enquire farther into thefe fubjects, will readily have recourfe to the Obfervations themselves.

Art. 17. The Midnight Spy; or, a View of the Tranfactions of London and Westminster, from the Hours of Ten in the Evening, till Five in the Morning; exhibiting a great Variety of Scenes in high and low Life, with the Characters of fome well-known nocturnal Adventurers, of both Sexes, &c. &c. 12mo. 2s. Cooke. The public have been often edified and entertained with a variety of thefe Spies, who pretend to fpy out and difcover who and who's together, in every dark and fecret corner. This fon or grandfon of Ned Ward, undertakes to conduct his readers to all the round houtes, night-houses, bagnios, gaming-tables, routs, and other places of midnight refort:—-a most useful guide! and of almoft as much confequence to fociety as an Italian Cice one.

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Art. 18. An Examination of Mr. Kenrick's Review of Mr. Johnfon's Edition of Shakespeare. 8vo. Is. 6d. Johnfton.

That Mr. Kenrick attacked the editor of Shakespeare in fuch a manner as juflly gave offence to every candid reader, is a truth which we believe very few will difpute. For this he has been frequently reprehended by feveral of the learned editor's friends; whofe faint and diftant efforts, however, feem to have indicated their fear of coming to clofe quarters with this furious combatant: but, in the present Examiner, we think he Hath indeed met with his match, in every respect.

If Mr. K. hath grofsly treated Mr Johnfon,-in return, our anonymous Author does not fpare Mr. K. but falls on without mercy, retorting on him, as the aggreffor in this fcandalous controverfy, all his virulence and outrage.But what hath Shakespeare to do, in this chimney-fweeper's warfare? Can the difficulties in his immortal writings be folved, and his obfcurities illuftrated, no where but in St. Giles's? -For shame,

gentlemen! If ye are ambitious of being regarded as gentlemen, do not continue to difgrace the name of literature by fuch unlettered behaviour! What will the learned abroad, think ye, conclude, if they fhould chance to hear of your illiberal altercations,-what, but that the literati of this country, inftead of quaffing infpiration at the pure fpring of Helicon, had inebriated themfelves in the filthy kennels of Grubftreet? Art. 19. A Narrative of the extraordinary Effects of a Medicine well known all over Europe, by the Name of Le Lievre's Beaume de Vie; to which is prefixed an Account of its Nature and Operation; wherein all the Objections made to it, by the ignorant and interefied, are fully refuted, and its Efficacy, in a Variety of Dif cafes, juftified on the most reasonable Principles. With an Address to the Public, from the Proprietors in this Country; and many extraordinary and well-attefted Cafes, fince its firft Publication here. 8vo. Is. Nicoll, &c.

Many extraordinary and well-attefted cafes! Let us, by all means, attend to thefe atteftations-Not one to be found, in all the pamphlet: if by that term is meant, a declaration on oath, or the teftimony of a competent witnefs, or fome eligible kind of collateral evidence. Nothing of this fort, however, appears in this collection of miraculous cures. Mr. G. of Chiswick, indeed, and Mr. H. of St. Paul's church-yard, with J. L Efq; of Gray's Inn, and a number of other initial gentlemen, tell us of the wondrous relief they found, in their respective moft grie vous diforders;-but who are Meffis. G, H, and L?-Oh! your pardon, Gentlemen, we may hear farther of your extraordinary and allattefied cafes,' by enquiring of Mr. N. or Mr. B. the venders of the allpowerful Beaume de Vie. -Doubtlefs the word of an honeft tradefman, efpecially a bookfeller, ought to be taken; and we queftion not but Mr. N's word, or Mr. B.'s, may be as good as their bond: nevertheless, we can by no means reit fatisfied with fuch kind of atteftations.

Art. 20. The Life of Mr. James Quin, Comedian. With the Hif tory of the Stage, from his commencing Altar, to his Retreat to Bath, &c. &c. 12mo. Is. 6d. Bladon.

Mr. Quin's he does not afford many extraordinary incidents; but


fuch as it did afford, are made the most of, by this his anonymous Biographer who has eked out the fubject, and made himself amends for its barrenness, by anecdotes of other theatrical heroes (and fome heroines too) collected from Cibber's and Victor's hiftories of the stage. Art. 21. Quin's Fels; or the Facetious Man's Pocket-companion. Containing every Species of Wit, Humour, Repartee, &c. &c. 12mo. 16. 6d. Bladon.

It is customary, on the demife of any genius, remarkable for wit or humour, for a certain clafs of compilers to publish The Jefts of the faid departed genius. Accordingly, Mr. Quin's Jefts now make their appearance: ufhered to the favourable notice of the public, by an introduction, in which the Editor affures his readers, that he has inferted nothing grofs or indecent; nothing that might offend the chafteft or most delicate ear.'-The gentleman was himself, perhaps, too much a wit, to remember every thing contained in his collection. Or, pollibly, his ideas of delicacy and chastity may have been somewhat over-charged, by feeding too plentifully on the high-feafoned rarities and luscious fragments that fell from the table of this celebrated voluptuary.

Art. 22. An impartial View of English Agriculture, from permitting the Exportation of Corn, in the Year 1663, to the present Time. 4to. IS. Kearfly.

No fact is more felf-evident (fays this Writer) than that this country is entirely dependent on trade; which, in proportion to its increase, becomes of more importance to the ftate, and should not be incumbered or reftrained, but on the most mature confideration.-His profeffed defign is to fet before the public, the advantages received from encouraging the exportation of corn, and the imminent danger of stopping a trade, to which we have been beholden for plenty, little lefs than a century.→ The export-corn trade, is, he apprehends, the most valuable and beneficial trade we at prefent poffefs. It is all neat produce of this country, unalloyed with any foreign commodity.-Our ancestors, he fays, hoped to procure plenty, by prohibiting the exportation of corn but this, by preventing the fale, difcouraged the growth of grain, fo that it operated diametrically oppofite to their intention. In the year 1663, an act was paffed for permitting the exportation of corn, but incumbered with a heavy rate thereon. This was, in fome measure, alleviated by another act in 1670; by which means, agriculture was promoted, and grain became more plentiful-But what our Author calls the Magna Charta of English agriculture, was the act of 1 Will. & Mary, by which a Bounty 55. for every quarter of wheat exported, is allowed, when that grain does not exceed 48s. per quarter: and in proportion, for other forts of grain. The fuccefs of thefe ftatutes may appear (he fays) from this one circumftance, that although every other neceffary of life is become twice, or thrice, the price of that time, yet corn is on the average not half the price.' For before the exportation was permitted, wheat has often been five pounds a quarter: fo that while no more was grown than for home confumption, one unfavourable season made a scarcity, two, a famhe.


In the remainder of this pamphlet, the Author, (who is a frenuous defender of the neceflity of continuing the bounty, in its utmost latitude) brings a variety of arguments to fhew the inexpediency of stopping the

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exportation of grain at this time: and concludes with obferving, that the exportation has been for many years the fupport of the farmer; that the poor labourer depends on it for bread; that it brings immenfe fums annually into the kingdom; that. fo far from being fubject to famine, we have fince been always bleffed with plenty; and laftly, that the expor tation is fo interwoven with the whole fyitem of husbandry, that an infringement of this privilege may endanger the whole.'

Art. 23. A candid Examination of a Pamphlet, entitled, An impartial View of English Agriculture, from permitting the Exportation of Corn. 4to. 15. Wilkie.

This is intended as an answer to the last article; though it is by no means fo candid an examination thereof, as the title would imply. As to an affertion in the Impartial View, that the export corn-trade is the most valuable and beneficial trade we at prefent poffefs; he does not deny it, but alledges, as the true reafon thereof, that fuch quantities of corn have been exported with a Bounty, to fupport our rival manufacturers, that they have no longer occafion for any of our manufactures; confequently our artizans want employment, and when employed, cannot earn money fufficient to buy bread for their families.'

The former very high price of grain, brought (in the last article) as a proof of the great benefits now arifing from a bounty upon exportation; is accounted for, by this Writer, from the many inteftine wars which have heretofore raged in this nation, from whence thofe who ploughed and fowed the land, had but little profpect of a joyful reaping time. Thus the land was frequently turned into a wafte, for want of useful industrious hands to manure and improve it.'- A contrary caufe, as he next obferves, may produce a contrary effect: and therefore he afcribes the great plenty of corn raised in this nation for a century past, rather to the internal peace we have happily enjoyed, than to the bounty upon exportation.

He does not, however, venture to affert that this bounty was not a wife and falutary meature, at the time it was granted; but, as we have now tried it feventy-eight years, he wishes we might try to do without it one year or two, or at leaft limit it to that living price, four and fixpence a bufhel, or thirty-fix fhillings a quarter.' As this last propofal feems very rational, we heartily with it may be taken into confideration, by those who alone have the power to determine the point in difpute. We ourfelves have heard farmers declare, that even four fhillings a bufhel for wheat may be efteemed a living price: where then would be the hardfhip of limiting the bounty as ab ve propofed especially if a power of exportation were ftill allowed, after that, but without any bounty, till the price amounted to 48s. per quarter; and then abfolutely to cease of Curfe? This we should think more equitable, for all fides, than to lay a tax upon the public, by way of bounty, when our own poor cannot purchase a bufhel of wheat for lefs than fix fhlings-for fo far, at prefent, it is extended.

Art. 24. Au Hiflorical Account of the Life of Charles the Second, King of Great Britain. After the Manner of Mr. Bayle. Drawn from original Writers and State Papers. By William Harris, D. D. 8vo. 2 Vols. 105. Millar.

We have given our Readers ample fpecimens of Dr. Harris's hiftorical compilements

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