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Letters from the Missions.

Zulu Mission.

INFORMATION has been received, though the details are wholly wanting, of a revival at Umvoti, Mr. Goodenough's station, where Mr. Russell and Mr. Wilcox had been aiding in a series of evangelistic meetings. It is said that over 100 persons have expressed a desire to begin the Christian life and that there is a marked awakening among the Christians. Mr. Harris reports that a number of persons at Umtwalume are desiring to connect themselves with the church. Progress is also noted at Ifafa and Amahlongwa. Mr. Harris expresses the hope that a church may before long be organized at Idududu. Mr. and Mrs. Dorward are now alone at Umsunduzi, Mr. Tyler's old station, and they find their work very attractive. Mr. Dorward writes:

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"I enjoy preaching to these people here as I think I never enjoyed preaching in America. For one thing, they are attentive listeners. I feel that I have their ears. They manifest interest, and some truth, we may be sure, will be caught and held. Often they will speak of something that was in a sermon a week or more after it was uttered. Then they are so ignorant so very needy — and some seem to be really hungering and thirsting for the bread and water of lifeconsciously hungry and thirsty. I see that in the eager faces that lean forward to listen while I speak. That is inspiration enough for any one. To me there is something lovable about the people in spite of their dark skin and darker ways. There is something very attractive about the Christian native, especially of the riper sort.

Many of the people here come a long way to church, and I find it has been the custom to have the Sunday services one after the other with only a brief interval between each, say fifteen or twenty minutes. First comes Sabbath-school, then preaching service, then a service conducted by

one of the people. At this last service they usually take the subject of the sermon they have just heard and talk about it a while. Then after a hymn and a few prayers, they go to their homes. I like very much that way of talking over the sermon. The singing in church distresses us somewhat, it is often so discordant, but we hope to cure that in time, with a little instruction. An organ is much needed."

East Central African Mission.


MR. AND MRS. OUSLEY reached Kambini, September 26, Messrs. Wilcox and Thompson going on by the same steamer to look for a site for a new station of the mission in northern Gazaland. In a letter from Miss Jones, of Kambini, she says:

"We have had a good school during the whole term, with forty-eight enrolled scholars, thirty-four of them living in the 'Home.' Twenty-eight of these were here nearly all the term. So you can only imagine how busy I was kept in managing, clothing, and boarding so many children. But I could not turn any away when they came and asked to stay here to study. There were ten girls among the number. Every child had just a little more than nature's dress on, and my hands grew tired trying to provide clothing for so many. But it was a great pleasure to feel that the good Lord placed so many children in my hands to be taught of Him and of His love to all the children of men.

"I have had splendid health all the while, and I have not lost a single hour from my work on account of illness since Mr. and Mrs. Ousley left for America. It is such a comfort to teach these children! They have been very kind to each other and obedient to the rules and regulations of the Kambini Home.'

"Twenty-one of the boarders remain here during the vacation. As they did

not wish to go home, I would not compel them. They do the same amount of work, and then play. I took the girls' house for a dining-room for all. The children and I built a shed to cook under, and put the girls in my kitchen to sleep. I am anxiously looking forward to the time when we shall have a boarding school here. We have the children, and now we want a building for them. May we not have it before the close of 1892?

"My Zulu assistants have given me valuable aid during the term. I do not know what I would have done without them, for we have all been quite busy.

"The young Christians who were baptized by Mr. Wilcox are walking in the right direction and are earnestly trying to trust the Lord. We have organized a Y. P. S. C. E. and a Temperance Society combined, with the name of Band of Hope of Kambini.' We hold a service every Sabbath afternoon. We take the pledge and wear a badge of blue and white ribbons. We have also a sunrise prayer-meeting Sabbath mornings, which all are invited to attend, but it is not compulsory. It is well attended, almost every one being in his or her place at the appointed hour. We begin early and close soon after sunrise. There is also a noon service on the Sabbath, quite well attended by the people. I try to speak to them as well as I can. There is an earnest Christian spirit among the young people, and several have risen for prayers lately. They are beginning to select some one of their own number to lead the Endeavor meetings. But I am always present to direct them."

West Central African Mission.


A MAIL reached Boston from this mission December 1. We are sorry to report that on account of protracted ill-health Mr. Cotton, who seems unable to endure the high altitude of the stations of the mission, is obliged to plan to leave for America. The work at Bailundu is

in prosperous condition. Mr. Woodside

finds that the native young men are making much progress in the art of building, and are now able to relieve the missionaries from much burdensome work. Smallpox had been prevailing at Bailundu, and the work of vaccinating not only members of the mission but the natives has been going on. Mr. Stover writes:

Mrs. Stover took some virus and went to the village a day or two ago and vaccinated about thirty children. The smallpox is all about us, but has not appeared at Chilume as yet. Substantially all of the adults have had it, and all children over ten years of age. So we hope by vaccinating all under that age to escape the scourge here. Nearly all of the men and boys of the village are gone, and many of our own lads have been absent, but still my smallest congregation on Sabbath morning has numbered sixty. The village work has been broken up more or less, however.


“One boy has just come here from the group of villages to which Moses and Joseph are going, who says he has come to learn to read, which means that he is interested in the truth which he has heard. And he is staying on in spite of the fact that we have not much work to give him just now. Two other boys have come from Nunda's village, about fifteen miles distant, making nine in all from the same family. Nunda's elder brother (cousin) complains that there are only two boys left in their family at home. Nunda said in reply, I would not care if the whole village came here and built." These last two boys have been called home once, but they ran away and came back again. Nunda's uncle called here one Sunday, as he was passing, and Nunda entertained him by telling him Bible stories and showing him pictures. His uncle asked if those were the words they were taught in school (church). Nunda told him yes, and invited him to the afternoon service. He said, 'May be if I go in I shall get caught too, like the rest of you.' Upon being assured that he would be perfectly free to come out when he chose, he ventured in and

ex- greatly increased, and their purse-strings opened widely for the assisting of this glorious work."

stayed through the service, and pressed himself as highly pleased by what he heard, but, like many others, thought he was too old to begin to live up to the truth."


We reported last month that Mr. and Mrs. Lee reached Chisamba August 20. Their journey from the coast inland was very comfortable. Mr. Lee writes:

"From Bailundu to Chisamba took up a week, traveling by easy stages. We had several African thunderstorms during that time, but being well equipped for such emergencies, did not suffer from them, terrific though they were. Our arrival at Chisamba was a real ovation, by Mr. Currie, his boys, and Chisambites, and as we were both in the best of health and spirits we much enjoyed it. It made us feel that not only were we glad to have arrived safely at our African home, but also that our arrival was hailed with delight by all interested. I should have said that in addition to taking a good supply of wholesome food from Benguella, we were unusually fortunate in being able to buy plenty of chickens, eggs, sweet potatoes, and bananas on the road. At Ocipeta the chief presented us, on our visiting his ombala (head village), with a fine goat, so that ourselves and men might have a feast of fresh meat.

"I wish I could give you some idea of the changes wrought in this station during my absence, but to do justice to that subject will require another letter. All I can now say is that, though I expected great improvement and progress and had heard reports of much that had been done, I had no idea that I should find such grand signs of thorough progress as I have witnessed. I could not have believed it possible for one man to have accomplished what Mr. Currie has succeeded in doing. If our friends at home could only see with their own eyes the progress made in building, draining, gardening, in the school and evangelistic work, and in the large medical work, their hearts would go up to God in joyful praise and thankfulness, their appreciation of Mr. Currie would be

European Turkey Mission.


MR. LOCKE, of Philippopolis, reports a visit he had made with his wife at some nine or ten places, having been gone from his station a little over three weeks. Under date of November 4, he says:

"We spent our first Sabbath in Haskano, where we have now a licensed preacher. The work seems to be prospering; the church, which numbered twenty-five at its organization, two or three years ago, now numbering forty-five, The church building has become too small, and had just been enlarged by pushing out an end, so as now to accommodate 150 to 180. The cost of enlargement has been borne by the friends themselves. We next crossed the river Maritsa and spent two nights in Merichleri. Here a parsonage has been erected and partly finished. It is to serve for the preacher, having a room for a teacher or Bible-woman, and a room which we missionaries can feel free to occupy when we visit the place. The new parsonage may serve as a model for other buildings. It has already been copied by one man in the village, who has put a board floor into his house.

"Our second Sabbath was spent in Yamboul, having an audience of 150. We spent four or five days here, going for a day and two nights out to the village of Kayaluderi. We then went to Sliven, where we spent our third Sabbath, and thence returned home via Yeni, Zagora, Eski Zagora, and Kosanluk. Several of the places had never been visited by Mrs. Locke.

"It was a busy time for the men, whom I found mostly at their shops, or in meeting tent. My wife had opportunity to visit some eighty homes. We were well received and entertained, and had abundant opportunity to see how the gospel opens.

the hearts and homes of people. We saw in one or more places a plenty of cold shoulders because we are what we are.

"I saw once more how strong are the influences of a Christian education and home training. I saw it in the sad lapse of some who had been in our school for from nine to eleven years, who on going home had married, left off their Protestantism, and assumed their former place and position as orthodox or nothingarians, and so seemed to be not only lost, but silent (if such a thing were possible) opposers of the work. To fall in with the popular current is one thing, but to be rooted and grounded,' that is quite another. It seems marvelous how one can live and apparently stand like a rock for years; be an active, aggressive worker in Christian service, and then go and marry a man of the world, cut one's self off from one's former course of life, and so live! It seems like a living death."

Western Turkey Mission.


MR. MCNAUGHTON gives an account of the dedication, on October 18, of the new church edifice at Manisa, erected by the Greek Alliance. Of this building Mr. McNaughton says:

"The old mission property, at Manisa, was divided last year to more conveniently meet the needs of both Greeks and Armenians. Since the change was effected we have had harmony and peace and a fair degree of coöperation. At the time of the division the Greek Alliance promised to build a chapel, and nobly have they fulfilled their promise. Without even the inspiring presence and counsel of Dr. Constantine, who was then lying ill, the pastor and brethren went to work in the most commendable way, and built an exceedingly pretty little church.

"From an architectural standpoint it is simple, being a rectangular building. Its dimensions are 50 by 30 feet. The whole edifice and surroundings present an

appearance of simplicity, comfort, beauty, and exquisite taste.

“The pastor and brethren deserve the greatest credit for the work they have so well accomplished. It was a work of

sacrifice and love. Almost all the work was done by the brethren, among whom are some first-class tradesmen. By doing the work themselves they were able to economize and by laboring fourteen and sixteen hours a day they rapidly pushed on the work to completion. They have given nobly of their means, yet have made provision for friends to participate in the privilege of having some part in the erection of so useful and needful a building. A debt of a few hundred dollars rests on the church, and any gifts toward the liquidating of this debt will be most gratefully received. This debt is especially felt on account of their recent irreparable loss in the death of Dr. Constantine, who, had he lived, would doubtless have found means of clearing away the debt."

At the dedication of the church, held on Sunday, the seating capacity of the church was taxed to the utmost. Mr. Brooks, of Constantinople, who years ago had labored long in Manisa, gave the principal dedicatory address, followed by others, including some native Greeks. The Lord's Supper, which was observed at the twilight hour, closed what Mr. McNaughton describes as an exceedingly profitable and pleasant day that none of us shall ever forget." Mr. McNaughton refers to the severe blow which has befallen the Greek Alliance in the death of Dr. Constantine. It is hard to see how his place can be filled.

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Madura Mission.


MR. HAZEN, of Mana-Madura, sends an interesting account of what has been done in his district by catechists and teachers, and of the pressure that is upon them on account of the high prices of food. Since his letter was written, as we learn from other sources, abundant rain

has fallen throughout the Madura district, and though high prices still prevail, there is no fear of a famine. Mr. Hazen says: "Our catechists and teachers are having a hard time to live on account of the high prices of grain. Many are in debt and are appealing to us for help.

"In some parts of India rain has fallen, but in Madura district only a few showers -in Mana-Madura absolutely none, so that the land everywhere looks as if it had been burned over. Wherever I go my eye is met by immense stretches of sand. Many wells are dry, so that whole villages have to go one and two miles daily for water.

"As the people have no work and consequently are idle in their villages, we have found it a splendid time for itinerary work. All have plenty of time to hear, and they listen well. We have done more itinerary work than in any previous year. I have been able to do lately what I have long desired, namely, to explore the vast unoccupied territory north of Mana-Madura and east of Melur. The catechists of both stations met at a central point and we had a grand time, putting in fourteen days of hard work. We found the whole territory forty miles east from our station and forty miles north from the other (the two being twenty-seven miles apart) thickly dotted with villages everywhere, some of them with five, ten, fifteen, and twenty thousand inhabitants, and yet not a single catechist or teacher in the whole region. It made my heart ache to think of such destitution. I have called for volunteers to go and occupy the land. As yet only one has responded.


The work is attended with some difficulties. In the first place, it is far away from all Christians. It is a lonely place for a Christian to live in. In times of sickness he gets no help from the heathen. In the second place, the people are rich and bigoted and do not take kindly to the gospel. As in our Saviour's time, so now, to the poor is the gospel especially welcome.

"In occupying such destitute regions wise, discreet, hard-working, godly men

are needed. We need men full of faith and the Holy Ghost, who have a passion for souls; but such are as rare here as at home. Oh, for more consecration, more faith, and more wrestling prayer!"

North China Mission.


Dr. Sheffield, who has just returned to China, wrote October I : —

"I reached Tung-cho on Friday evenng, and found over fifty students already arrived, ready to enter school the following Monday. I had to begin at once to make provision for them. I have been obliged to enlarge the schoolroom to dining-room. The theological rooms are give greater seating capacity, and also the brought into use for the winter, as we are not to have a class the present year. If I had been on the ground, I should have urged the brethren at the different stations to trim very closely in sending up boys to the school, on account of our very limited accommodations, but it is important to have material to work upon if we contemplate enlarging the school. The most of the boys and young men are of good promise. The advanced class consists of six pupils. Mr. Goodrich teaches them in evidences of Christianity and in trigonometry. I have one class in mental philosophy and another in international law. These young men will be pretty well fitted for the Theological School the coming year."


Miss Morrill wrote from Pao-ting-fu, September 14:—

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