Abbildungen der Seite

Men, modest, are dumb, 391.
most infamous, 353.
most wretched, 493.
moulded out of faults, 26.
must be taught, 278.
my brothers, 549.
nation of gallant, 350.
nobleness in other, 564.
observingly distil it out, 66.
of Boston, solid, 383.

of few words are the best, 65.
of honour and of cavaliers, 350.
of inward light, 219.

of most renowned virtue, 211.

of sense approve, 278.

of wit will condescend, 246.
old, shall dream dreams, 606.

only disagree of creatures rational,

ordinary sort of, 266.

philosophy makes, grave, 138.
poet still more a man than, 506.
port for, claret for boys, 317.
proper, as ever trod, 83.
propose, why don't the, 508.
put an enemy in their mouths, 128.
quit yourselves like, 587.

quotation is the parole of literary,

reach of ordinary, 406.

ready booted and spurred, 236.
relished by the wisest, 334.
rich, rule the law, 339.
right judgment of any,


rise on stepping stones, 551.
roll of common, 59.

sailors are but, 27.
schemes o' mice and, 385.
science that, lere, 4.
shame to, 183.

shiver when thou art named, 300.
should fear, strange that, 86.
shut doors against a setting sun, 82.
sit down to that nourishment, 31.
sleek-headed, 84.
smile no more, 294.

so are they all honourable, 87.
Socrates the wisest of, 197.
some to business take, 274.
some to pleasure take, 274.
spirits of just, made perfect, 616.
stand before mean, 598.
such, are dangerous, 84.
suspect your tale, 295.

talk only to conceal the mind, 266.
tall, had empty heads, 139.
tastes of, so various, 334.

tears of bearded, 449.

tell them they are, 325.
that are ruined, 351.

that be lothe to departe, 242.

Men that can render a reason, 599.
that fishes gnawed upon, 71.
the workers ever reaping, 549.
think all men mortal, 262.
this blunder, in, 376.

three good, unbanged, 58.
tide in the affairs of, 88.

titles are marks of honest, 266.

to be of one mind in an house, 619.
tongues of dying, 55.

twelve good, into a box, 497.
twelve honest, have decided, 299.
two strong, 290.

unlearned, of books, 266.
ways of, far from the, 291.
we are, my liege, 95.

we petty, walk under his legs, 84.
were deceivers ever, 28.
when bad, combine, 348.
which never were, 47.

which ordinary, are fit for, 121.
who can hear the Decalogue, 419.
who have failed in literature, 531.
who prefer any load of infamy, 429.
who their duties know, 373.
who will not act, 310.

whose heads do grow beneath their
shoulders, 126.

whose visages cream and mantle,

wiser by weakness, 175.
with erected look, 223.
women and Herveys, 629.

world knows nothing of its greatest,

worth a thousand, 452,

would be angels, 269.

wrong these holy, 471.
you and other, think, 83.
young, shall see visions, 606
young, think old men fcols, 15.
Men's bones, full of dead, 610.
business and bosoms, 137.
charitable speeches, 141.
daughters, words are, 314.
evil manners live in brass, 74.
judgments are a parcel, 183.
misery, became the cause of all, 18.
office to speak patience, 30.
smiles, there 's daggers in, 95.
souls, times that try, 370.
stuff, disposer of other, 143.

Mend God's work, man to, 223.
it or be rid on 't, 95.

your speech a little, 121.

Mended from that tongue, came, 286.

little said is soonest, 155.
nothing else but to be, 216.
Menial, pampered, 377.
Mention her, no we never, 508.
Mentioned not at all, than, 375.

Mentions hell to ears polite, 276.
Merchant, over polite, 464.
Merchants are princes, 604.

most do congregate, 37.

Mercie unto others show, 12.
Mercies of the wicked, 596.

Mercury can rise, Venus sets ere, 289.
like feathered, 61.

like the herald. 115.

Mercy and truth are met, 593.
become them as, does, 24.
ever hope to have, 12.
God all, is a God unjust, 264.
I to others show, 12, 288.

is above this sceptred sway, 40.
is nobility's true badge, 77.
is not strained, 39.
lovelier things have, 479.

nothing emboldens sin so much, 83.
of a rude stream, 73.
render the deeds of, 40.
seasons justice, 40.
shut the gates of, 329.
sighed farewell, 481.

sweet, is nobility's true badge, 77.
temper justice with, 195.

upon us miserable sinners, 618.
we do pray for, 40.

Mere, lady of the, 403.
Meridian of my glory, 73.
Merit, candle to thy, 307.
displays distinguished, 304.
envy will pursue, 278.
her, lessened yours, 323.
raised, by, 181.

sense of your great, 365.
spurns that patient, 111.
wins the soul, 280.
Merits, careless their, 340.

dumb on their own, 391.
handsomely allowed, 318.
to disclose, seek his, 330.
Mermaid, things done at the, 152.
Meroe Nilotic isle, 196.
Merrier man, a, 31.

more the, 645.

Merriment, flashes of, 119.
Merry and wise, 389, 641.
as a marriage-bell, 473.
as the day is long, 27.
boys are we, three, 151.
dancing drinking time, 226.
eat drink and be, 601, 611.

feast, great welcome makes a, 27.

fool to make me, 45.

heart goes all the day, 51.

I am not, 127.

in hall where beards wag all, 6.

let's be, 155.

meetings, changed to, 69.

Merry month of May, 145.
roundelay, 142.

when I hear sweet music, 41.
Message of despair, 442.

Messes, herbs and other country, 205.
Messmates hear a brother sailor, 337.
Met, no sooner, but they looked, 46.
't was in a crowd, 508.
Metal, breed for barren, 38.
more attractive, 113.
rang true, 566.
sonorous, 180.

Metaphor, betrayed into a, 497.
Metaphysic wit, high as, 215.
Meteor flag of England, 443.
harmless flaming, 174.
like a swift-fleeting, 429.
ray, fancy's, 388.
shone like a, 180.

streamed like

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streaming to the wind, 180.
Method in madness, 109.

in man's wickedness, 152.
of making a fortune, 331.
Methought I heard a voice, 94.
what pain it was to drown, 70.
Metre ballad-mongers, 60.

of an antique song, 135.
Mettle, a lad of, a good boy, 58.
grasp it like a man of, 261,
Mew, be a kitten and cry, 60.
the cat will, 120.

Mewing her mighty youth, 211.
Mice and rats and such small deer, 122.
best-laid schemes o', 385.
feet like little, 162.

fishermen appear like, 123.

Me-wards, affection 's strong to, 165.
Miching mallecho, this is, 113.
Mickle is the powerful grace, 80.
Midas me no Midas, 652.

Middle age on his bold visage, 450
of the night, vast and, 103.
wall of partition, 615.

Midnight brought on the dusky hour,


crew, Comus and his, 328.

dances and the public show, 289.

dead of, the noon of thought, 374.
flower, like the, 457.

gravity out of bed at, 59.

hags, secret black and, 98.
heard the chimes at, 64.
in the solemn, 557.
iron tongue of, 36.
murder, foul and, 327.
oil consumed, 295, 644.
revels by a forest side, 181.
shout and revelry, 199.
stars of, shall be dear, 405.

monarch scandalous and poor, 235. Mid-noon risen on, 191,

Midst of life we are in death, 619.
Midsummer madness, this is very, 50.
Midwife, she is the fairies, 78.
Mien carries more invitation, 252.

monster of so frightful, 271.
Might have been, it, 541.

honest man's aboon his, 388.
in their hour of, 455.
man of, 559.

say her body thought, 144.
try with all my, 446.
would not when he, 582.
Mightiest in the mightiest, 39.
Julius fell, 101.

Mighty above all things. 606.
ale a large quart, of, 2.
dead, converse with the, 302.
death, just and, 15.

fallen, how are the, 588.
fortress is our God, 571.
large bed, 259.

maze but not without a plan, 268.
minds of old, 425.

orb of song, 421.

all the proud and, have, 299.
shrine of the, 479.

state's decrees, mould a, 553.
workings, hum of, 503.
Mildest-mannered man, 487.
Milduess, ethereal, 301.
Mile, measured many a, 33.

Miles asunder, villain and he, 82.
twelve stout, 402.

Militia, rude, 227.

Milk, adversity's sweet, 81.

and honey, flowing with, 586.
and water, happy mixtures, 485.
of concord, sweet, 98.
of human kindness, 91.
of Paradise, drunk the, 436.
Milk-white before now purple, 34.
thorn, beneath the, 389.
Milky baldric of the skies, 498.
way, solar walk or, 269.
way i' the sky, 163.

Mill, brook that turns a, 401.
God's, grinds slow but sure, 161.
I wandered by the, 526.
more water glideth by the, 77.
much water goeth by the, 645.
Miller, there was a jolly, 354.
Miller's golden thumb, 2.

Millers thin, bone and skin two, 297.
Milliner, perfumed like a, 57.

Millinery, mass of, 554.

Million, pleased not the, 109.

Millions boast, dost thy, 174.
for defence, 392

in tears, leaves, 562.

of spiritual creatures, 189.
of surprises, 160.

Millions ready saddled and bridled,

think, perhaps makes, 488.
yet to be, thanks of, 500.
Mills of God grind slowly, 574.
Millstone hanged about his neck, 611.
hard as the nether, 591.

Milo's end, remember, 231.
Milton, faith and morals of, 413.
mute inglorious, 329,
round the path of, 410.
the divine, 421.
the sightless, 413.
to give a, birth, 356.
Milton's golden lyre, 334.
Mince the matter, 644.
Mincing, walking and, 603.
Mind, absence of, 431

as the, is pitched, 363.
be ye all of one, 617.
bettering of my,
bliss centres in the, 339.
body or estate, 618.

breathing from her face, 480.
but to my, 105.

clothed and in his right, 610.
dagger of the, 93.
desires of the, 140.

did minde his grace, never, 9.
diseased, minister to a, 99.
education forms the common, 273.
encyclopedic, 520.

eyes are in his, 437.
farewell the tranquil, 130.
fire from the, 473.

fleet is a glance of the, 358.
forbids to crave, 8.
gives to her, 323.

grateful, by owing owes not, 187.
how love exalts the, 226.
in ruins, the human, 496.
in the victor's, 251.
infirmity of noble, 203.
is its own place, 179.
is the lever of all things, 465.
large and fruitful, 139.

laugh that spoke the vacant, 340.
leafless desert of the, 479.
love looks with the, 34.
magic of the, 481.

man's unconquerable. 412.
march of the human, 349.
Meccas of the, 500.

misguide the, 276.

musing in his sulleia, 11.

narrowed his, 342.

noble, o'erthrown, 111.

nobler in the, to suffer, 110.

noblest, the best contentment has,

not by the cye but by the, 256.

Mind not to be changed, 179.

of desultory man, 359.

of man, in the, 407.

one, in an house, 619.
out of sight out of, 5, 9.
outbreak of a fiery, 108.
persuaded in his own, 613.
philosophic, 421.


philosophy inclineth a man's, 138.
pity melts the, to love, 225.
raise and erect the, 140.
sad thoughts to the, 416.
she had a frugal, 359.
standard of the man, 256.
suspicion haunts the guilty, 69.
talk only to conceal the, 266.
that builds for aye, 410.
that very fiery particle, 490.
time out of, 78.

to me a kingdom is, 8.
to me an empire is, 8.
to mind heart to heart, 448.
torture of the, 96.
unconquerable, 326, 412.
untutored, sees God in clouds, 269.
vacant, and body filled, 66.
vacant, is a mind distressed, 357.
visage in his, 126.

were weight, if, 413.
what I am taught, 446.

Mind's construction in the face, 90.
eye Horatio, in my, 103.
height, measure your, 557.
Mindful what it cost, ever, 401.
Minds, admiration of weak, 196.
are not ever craving, 382.
balm of hurt, 94.
innocent and quiet, 172.
led captive, 196.
marriage of true, 136.
of old, the mighty, 425.

of some of our statesmen, 462.
powers which impress our, 416.
that have nothing to confer, 403.
Mine be a cot beside the hill, 401.
be the breezy hill, 366.
ease in mine inn, 60, 644.
enemy's dog, 124.

eye seeth thee, 591.

fairy of the, 200.

host of the Garter, 22.

own, do what I will with, 609.

own familiar friend, 619.

own, an ill-favoured thing but, 46.

what is yours is, 27.

Mines for coal and salt, 501.
Mingle mingle mingle, 580.
Minions of the moon, 57.

Minister, no, so sore, 282.

one fair spirit for
thou flaming, 131.



[blocks in formation]

Minnows, Triton of the, 76.
Minor pants for twenty-one, 282.
Minstrel, no, raptures swell, 448.

ring the fuller, in, 553.
Minstrelsy, brayed with, 82.
Mint and anise, tithe of, 609.

of phrases in his brain, 31.
Minuet in Ariadne, 379.
Minute, speak more in a, 80.
suppliance of a, 104.
Minutes, in forty, 31.

what damned, 129.

Miracle instead of wit, 267.
Miraculous organ, with most, 110.
Mire, learning will be cast into the 350.
Mirror, honest wife's truest, 393.
in that just, 264.
thou glorious, 478.

up to nature, to hold the, 112,
warped, to a gaping age, 499.
Mirrors of the gigantic shadows, 494.
Mirth and fun grew fast,

and innocence, 485.
and tears, humblest, 409.
can into folly glide, 452.
displaced the, 97.

in funeral dirge in marriage, 102.
limit of becoming, 31.

May's new-fangled, 31.
mixed wisdom with, 342.
of its December, 518,

string attuned to, 512.

that after no repenting draws, 208.
Misapplied, virtue turns vice being, 80.
Misbegotten knaves, 59.

Mischief, in every deed of, 355.

hand to execute any,

it means, 113.

Satan finds some, 254.


Miserable comforters are ye all, 590.

have no other medicine, 25.

night, I have passed a, 70.
sinners, mercy upon us, 618.
to be weak is, 178.

Miseries, in shallows and in, 88.
Miser's pensioner, 419.

treasure, unsunned heaps of, 200.
Misery acquaints a man, 20.

all men's, became the cause of, 18.
child of, baptized in tears, 372.
distant, cold to, 355.

had worn him to the bones, 82.

half our, from our foibles, 376.
he gave to, all he had, 330.
is at hand, 570.

poets in their, dead, 406.

Misery, steeped to the lips in, 540.

Vow an eternal, together, 237.
Misery's darkest cavern, 312.
Misfortune made the throne her seat,

Misfortune's book, writ in sour, 82.
Misfortunes, bear another's, 290.
delight in others', 352.

of mankind, 355.
Misgivings, blank, 420.

Misled by fancy's meteor ray, 388.
Mislike me not for my complexion, 38.
Misquote, enough learning to, 470.
Mist is dispelled when a woman ap-
pears, 294.

obscures, no, 424.

of years, dim with the, 472.
resembles rain, as, 537.
Mistake, you lie under a, 494.

Mistletoe hung in the castle hall, 509.
Mistress of her art, 385.

of herself, 275.

such, such Nan, 6.

Misty mountain-tops, 81.
Misused wine, poison of, 199.

Mithridates, half, 522.

Mixture of earth's mould, 199.

Mixtures of more happy days, 485.
Moan of doves, 551.

Moat defensive to a house, 55.
Mob of gentlemen, 283.
Mock a broken charm, 434.

at sin, fools make a, 596.
the air with idle state, 327.
the meat it feeds on, 129.

Mocked himself, smiles as if he, 84.
Mocker, wine is a, 597.
Mockery and a snare, 454.
king of snow, 56.

of woe, bear about the, 289.
unreal, hence, 97.

Mocking the air with colours
spread, 54.

Mocks me with the view, 838.

Mode of the lyre, each, 462.
Model of the barren earth, 56.
Moderate haste, one with, 103.

Modesty of nature, o'erstep not, 112.

pure and vestal, 81.
Moles and to the bats, 603.
Molly, was true to his, 281.
Moment, face some awful, 418.
give to God each. 307.
improve each, as it flies, 312
pith and, enterprises of, 111.
show, how little can a, 408.
to decide, 564.
Moment's ornament, 404.
Momentary bliss, 325.
Moments make the year, 267.
Monarch, does not misbecome a, 334.
love could teach a, 331.
of all I survey, 358.

of mountains, 484.
of the vine, 132.

once uncovered sat, 306
scandalous and poor, 235.
the throned, 39.

Monarchies, mightiest, 182.

Monarchs, change perplexes, 180.
fate of mighty, 301.

seldom sigh in vain, 449.
Monarchy, trappings of a. 315.
Monastic brotherhood, 421.

Monday, betwixt Saturday and, 245.

Money cannot buy, blessing that, 158.

comes withal, 47.

in thy purse, put, 126.

means and content, that wants, 45.
much, as 't will bring, 218.

of fools, words the, 155.

perish with thee, 612.

placed for show, books and, 220.
still get, boy, 149.

the love of, root of all evil, 616.
Mongrel mastiff, 123.

puppy whelp and hound, 343.
Monie a blunder free us, 385.
idly Monk, the devil a, would be, 572.
Monks of old, I envy the, 530.
Monmouth, river at, 67.
Monopoly of fame, 170.

the rancour of your tongue, 296.
Moderation is the silken string, 146.
Modern instances, wise saws and, 44.
Modes of faith, 271.

Modest front of this floor, 169.

men are dumb, 391.

pride and coy submission, 188.
stillness and humility, 65.
the quip, 46.

zealous yet, 366.

Modesty, bounds of, 82.

downcast, revealed, 302.

grace and blush of, 115.

is a candle to thy merit, 307.

Monster, faultless, 236.

custom who all sense doth eat, 116.
green-eyed, it is the, 129.
London, 174

many-headed, 149, 283, 451, 644.
vice is a, 271.

Monstrous, every fault seeming, 45.

tail our cat has got, 244.

Mont Blanc is the monarch, 484.
Month, a little, 103

laughter for a, 58.

march stout once a, 227.
more than he will stand to in
of leaves and roses, 562.
of May, in the merry, 145.
Months that have not an R, 629.

a, 80.

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