Abbildungen der Seite
[blocks in formation]

Acacius, Bishop of Amida, ransoms Persian

captives, 1664

Acadia, in North America, 3017

Academy, French, founded, 2970, 3026

Acanthus, 906

Acarnania, 707

Achæa, 709, 152, 1028

Achæans, 713, 722, 755
Achæan League, 1021-1028
Achæa Phthiotis, 706

Achæmenes, King of Persia, 484

Achaia, 709

Achilles, 718

Achioli, capture of, 2777

Achmet, the astronomer, 1879, 2052
Achmet I., Sultan of Turkey, 3056
Achmet II., Sultan of Turkey, 3064
Achmet III., Sultan of Turkey, 3083
Achmet Aga, 3457

Acre, battles of, 2067

siege of, by Bonaparte, 3425

siege and capture of, by the British, 3564, 3574

siege and capture of, by the Egyptians, 3572

siege and capture of, by the English and

French Crusaders, 2067

siege and capture of, by the Seljuk Turks, 2072

Acropolis of Athens, 729, 942

Actium, battle of, 1314

Adalbert, Bishop of Bremen, 1935

Adalbert, Count of Tuscany, 1914

Adaluald, 1540

Adam, 24

Adams, Charles Francis, 4092, 4132, 4144,

4145, 4182

Adams, John, 3203, 3216, 3239, 3973, 3983,


death of, 4047

Adams, John Quincy, 4030, 4044, 4045-4049

Adams, Samuel, 3213, 3229

Adashef, Alexis, 3047

Addington, 3351, 3432

Addison, Joseph, 3509
Adelaide of Savoy, 3014
Adhed, Khalif, 1875

Adherbal, 1247, 1248
Adiabêne, 1437

Adigrat, battle of, 3894

Aditi, 622

Adlercreutz, General, 3460

Adlersparre, Lieutenant-Colonel, 3460 Admetus, King of Mollossia, 841 Admetus, King of Thessaly, 726

cattle of, 728

Adolf, Count of Nassau, 2103, 2104
Adolphus, 1507

Adolphus Frederick, of Sweden, 3148
Adonis, 730

Adorno, Antoniotto, 2580
Adrapan, city of, 452, 453
Adrian, 1421-1423

Adrianople, battle of, 1498, 1499
capture of, by the Russians, 3541
Peace of, 3541

Adrian I., Pope, 1888

Adrian II., Pope, 1909

Adrian VI., Pope, character of, 2572–2574 forms coalition against Francis I., 2573 reforms of, 2572

Ediles, 1150

Egea, city of, 958

Egean Sea, 703

Ægina, 753, 849

Egos-Potamos, battle of, 884 Ægusa, battle of, 1201

Elia Capitolina, 1422

Emilianus, 1447

Emilius, 1204

Emilius Paulus, 1027, 1228

triumph of, 1368-1370

Æmilius Paulus, another, 1213, 1214

Eneas, 1124

Eniania, 707

Æolians, 713, 756

Eolus, 714, 733, 737, 748

Æqui, 1122

Equians, 1122

Æropus, 959

Eschines, 999, 1011

Æschylus, 929

Æsop, 804

Etius, 1508, 1509

Ætolia, 707

Ætolian League, 1022-1026, 1224, 1225 Etolians, 714

Afghanistan, dynasties of, in India, 2494

invasions of Persia, 2490-2493

civil war in, 3796

Great Britain's wars with, 3564, 3792, 3794, 3795

insurrection in, against the British, 3564, 3794

British invasion of, 3564, 3792 Affra, Archbishop of Paris, 3592 Africa, 431, 1197, 1234, 1346

development of British territories in, 3809

Exarchate of, 1576 partition of, 3807 proper, 1234

recent events in, 3800, 3801, 3807, 3809,

3811, 3812, 3815, 3816, 3818-3831, 3837, 3893-3895

Africa, East, suppression of slave trade in, 3812

Africa, North, 431, 432

conquest of, by the Saracens, 1036, 1039 geography of, 431

divisions of, 431, 432

Africa, South, critical questions in, 4450-4470 discovery of gold in, 4455

mineral resources of, 4455-4458

Africa, West, defeat of Sofas in, 3812
French campaign in, 3856

Agag, 392

Agamemnon, 718, 719

Aga Mohammed Khan, 2493

Agana, temple at, 130

Aganippe, fountain of, 738

Agassiz, Louis J. R., 3954
Agatho, 932

Agathocles, 442, 443, 1188

Agesilaus, King of Sparta, 528, 895-925

Agesipolis, 900, 906

Ages, government in prehistoric, 33 Agilan, 1529

Agilulf, 1540

Agincourt, battle of, 2181, 2182, 2325, 2326

Agis, I., 865, 894

Agis II., 998

Agis III., 1022

Aglaia, 739

Agnadello, battle of, 2557

Agni, 622, 624

Agobard, Bishop of Lyons, 294
Agora, the Athenian, 834

Agra, description of, 2500, 2501

Agrarian Laws, 1151, 1171, 1239, 1243 Agricola, Cenius Julius, 1412

Agriculture, Egyptian, 73-75

in Babylonia, 285

in England in the 18th century, 3326 in Mexico, 2536

of the Hebrews, 415

of the Saracens, 1876
Agri Decumates, 1347, 1348
Agrigentum, siege of, 1196
Agrippa, 1312, 1314, 1388
Agrippa, Herod, 1086

Agrippa, Menenius, 1149, 1401, 1402
Agrippina, 1394
Aguirre, 3700

Ahab, King of Israel, 401
Ahaz, King of Judah, 407
Ahaziah, King of Israel, 405
Ahaziah, King of Judah, 405
Ahmed, 1874

Ahmed Eyoub Pasha, 3740, 3744
Ahmed Shah, 2511

Ahriman (see Angra-Mainyus), 581-611
Ahura-Mazda, 581-611

Aidan, 1560

Aix-la-Chapelle, Charlemagne's capital, 1895,


Congress of, 3524 description of, 1897

Peace of, in 1668, 2983

Peace of, in 1748, 3111, 3112

Akbab, 1839

Akbar, 2497-2502

government of, 2499, 2500

laws of, 2499

literature and learning under, 2499

Akbar Khan, 3564

Akenside, Mark, 3510

Ak-Palanka, capture of, 3752

Akulgo, capture of, 3574

Alabama, admission of, 4036

readmission of, 4237

secession of, 4119

Alabama, Confederate vessel, battle between

Kearsarge and, 4205, 4206

Aladja-Dagh, battles of, 3748

Alamandarus, 1690, 1699, 1721

Al Amin, 1851

Alan, Count of Brittany, 2135

Alaric the Goth, 1504, 1506

Alaric II., 1528

Alaska, description of, 4235, 4236

disputes with Great Britain about, 4267 purchase of, 4235

Alba Longa, 1116

Albania, insurrection in, 3772
Albany, Duke of, 2376, 2377

Albany, John, Duke of, 2703, 2704
Albany, New York, settlement of, 2940
Albemarle, Duke of, 2877

Albemarle, Earl of, 3136

Albemarle, the ram, destruction of, 4192 Alberic, 1915

Alberoni, Cardinal, 3083, 3084

Albert I., of Germany, 2104, 2107, 2112, 2113 Albert II., of Germany, 2121

Albert, Archduke of Austria, 2743

Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, marriage of, 3655

Albert, Elector, Archbishop of Mayence, 2596 Albertus Magnus, 2052

Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, prince consort of Queen Victoria, 3563

Albert the Bear, territories of, 2083
Albert the Uncourteous, 2104
Albigenses, and Pope Innocent III., 2075

atrocities of war against the, 2075-2082
crusade against the, 2074-2082

end of the war against the, 2082
heresy of, 2075

sect of, 2074

Albinus, Clodius, 1435

Albion, 1337

Alboin, 1538, 1539

Albret, Jeanne d', Queen of Navarre, 2747– 2751, 2756, 2757

Albuquerque, Dom Alfonso, in India, 25232525

Alcæus, 796

Alcantara, battle of, 2724

Alcazarquivir, battle of, 2723, 2724
Alcetas, 959

Alcibiades, 868-883, 936
Alcman, 795

Alcuin, 1899, 2052

Alderson, Colonel Alfred Hervey, 4504

Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 3962

Alecto, 739

Alemanni, home of the, 1522

Alençon, Duke d', 2576

Alençon, Duchess of, 2577

Aleppo, conquest of, by the Saracens, 1818

Alert, war vessel, 4017

Alexander Balas, 1034, 1035

Alexander de Medici, 2387

Alexander, of Bulgaria, 3907

abdication of, 5916
Alexander, of Epirus, 1021
Alexander, of Macedon, 829
Alexander, of Pheræ, 919-926
Alexander I., of Russia, 3432

annexes Georgia to Russia, 3455
at Frankfort-on-the-Main, 3490
at Paris, 3494

meeting between Napoleon and, 3455
sympathy of, for Greece, 3536

Alexander II., of Russia, 3621

anniversary celebration of, 3784
assassination of, 3785, 3786

attempted assassinations of, 3781-3783
declares Russia's position with Turkey,

government of, 3643

rejects overtures of peace from allied powers, 3621

Alexander III., of Russia, accession of, 3786 rigorous measures of, 3790, 3791 reforms of, 3791

Alexander I., of Scotland, 2364

Alexander II., of Scotland, 2366, 2367

Alexander III., of Scotland, 2367-2369

Alexander I., of Servia, 3911

Alexander Nevski, Grand Duke of Russia, 2428

Alexander II., Pope, 1937

Alexander VI., Pope, 2388, 2486, 2548, 2549,

2592, 2595, 2629

crimes of, 2388

death of, 2388

granting of indulgences by, 2595 Alexander VII., Pope, 2981

Alexander Severus, 1440-1442
Alexander, son of Europus, 989
Alexander the Great, 982-1004
at the battle of Arbela, 995
career of, 982-1004
character of, 1003

conquest of Persia by, 995

conquests of, 982-1004

cuts the Gordian Knot, 987, 988
death of, 1002.

division of empire of, 1009

dissolution of empire of, 1004-1010 habits of, 1003

in Egypt, 993, 994

in India, 1000

invasion of Asia by, 985

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