Abbildungen der Seite
[blocks in formation]

embosomed in the, 370.

home is on the, 483.

in the lowest, 193.
malice to conceal, 193.
not loud, but, 104.

on his front engraven, 187.
philosophy, 177.
potations pottle, 131.
sleep faileth on men, 611.
spirits from the vasty, 64.
tipple in the, 171.
versed in books, 204.
yet clear, 175.
Deeper than all speech, 568.

than plummet, 23, 24.
Deep-mouthed welcome, 531.
Deer a shade, the, 482.

let the strucken, 119.
mice and such small, 127.

Defamed by every charlatan, 586.
Defect, cause of this, 114.

fine by, 293.

Defective comes by cause, 114.
Defence, admit of no, 246.

in war a weak, 237.
millions for, 427.

Defend me from my friends, 656.
your departed friend, 239.

Defer, madness to, 277-

not till to-morrow, 272.

Defiance in their eye, 370.
Deformed, I know that, 32.
unfinished, 75.

Defunct bodies, 225.
Degenerate days, 314.

Degree, all in the, 289.

curs of low, 376.

Degrees, grows up by, 157.
ill habits gather by, 241.
prohibited, of kin, 230.
scorning the base, 90.
Deified by our own spirits, 441.
Deity offended, 421.
Dejected never, 291.
Dejection do we sink as low, 440.
Delay, amorous, 194.
law's, 116.

reproved each dull, 372.
Delays are dangerous, 243-

have dangerous ends, 72.
Deliberates, woman that, 265.
Deliberation sat, 187.

Delicate creatures, call these, 133.
Delicious land, done for this, 513.
Delight and dole, 107.

he drank, 417-

in love, if there's, 272.

in others' misfortunes, 223.
lap me in, 545-
mounted in, 440.

my ever new, 196.
over-payment of, 462.

paint the meadows with, 36.
phantom of, she was a, 439.
she's my, 249.

to pass away the time, 75.
turn, into a sacrifice, 164.
with liberty, to enjoy, 15.
Delightful studies, air of, 218.
task, 327.

Delights, all you vain, 155.
that witchingly instil, 329.

to scorn, 211.

violent, these, 86.

Delphian vales, the, 546.
Delphos, steep of, 216.

Delusion, a mockery, 486.

Delusive vain and hollow, 595.

Demd damp moist body, 588.

horrid grind, 588.
Demi-paradise, 59.
Democratie, fierce, 204.
Democrats, d-d, 535.

Demosthenes, fall below, 428.
Den, beard the lion in his, 490.
Denied, who comes to be, 154, 321.
Denmark, it may be so in, 113.

something is rotten in, 111.
Deny, heart would fain, 104.
Depart, loth to, 257,

Deplore thee, we will not, 505.
Depressed with cares, 319.
Depth, far beyond my, 79.

in philosophy, 141.

in whose calm, 551.

of woe, bliss must gain by,348. Depths and shoals of honour, 79.

Degrees, fine by, 257.

Derby dilly, 433-

Descant amorous, 194.
Descent and fall, adverse, 186.

claims of long, 579.
Describe the undescribable, 519.
Description, beggared all, 130.
Desdemona would incline, 130.
Desert blossom as the rose, 629.
fountain in the, 526.

my dwelling-place, 520.
of a thousand lines, 305.
of the mind, 522.

use every man after his, 115.
wildernesses, 207.

Deserted at his utmost need, 233.
Deserts, his, are small, 180.

idle and antres vast, 129.
Deserve the precious bane, 185.
Desire, bloom of young, 354-

fierce, liveth not in, 488.
kindle soft, 234.

nurse of young, 387.
this fond, 266.

Desired, no more to be, 11.
Desires of the mind, 145.
Desk's dead wood, 468.

Desolate, no one so utterly, 574-

none are so, 514.

Desolation, abomination of, 636.
Despair, black, 538.

depth of some divine, 583.
fiercer by, 186.
hurried question of, 524.
infinite, and wrath, 193.
message of, 482.
nympholepsy of fond, 519.
of getting out, 171.
our final hope is flat, 186.
reason would, 348.

that slumbered, 192.
wasting in, 159.

Despairing, sweeter for thee, 424.

Despatch is the soul of business,
Despatchful looks, 197.

Desperate steps, 400.

Despised, I like to be, 387.

Despond, slough of, 245.


Despondency and madness, 441.

Destined page, 430.

Destiny, leaves of, 173.

[blocks in formation]

Devil a monk was he, 7.

as a roaring lion, 644.
builds a chapel, 165, 255, 680.
can cite Scripture, 40.
did grin, 472.
dread the, 438.
drives, 51, 670.
eat with the, 670.

give the, his due, 61, 668.

go poor, 350.

go to the, 344.
God or, 236.

hath power to assume, 115.
how the, they got there, 302.
hunting for one female, 238.
in all his quiver, 536.
laughing, in his sneer, 525.
let us call thee, 132.

of all that dread the, 438.
renounce the, 645.
resist the, 644.

sends cooks, 669.

shame the, 64, 678.

stood abashed, 196.

take the hindmost, 667.

the eternal, 89.

to pay, 503.

to serve the, 552.
was sick, 7.

wear black, let the, 119.
when most I play the, 75.
with devil damned, 188.
Devilish deeds excused, 194.
Devils must print, 503.
Devise, wit! write, pen, 34.
Devotion, mother of, 242, 671.
to something afar, 540.
Devotion's visage, 116.
Devour, whom he may, 644.
Devoutly to be wished, 116.
Dew, chaste as morning, 280.
diamonds in their infant, 242.
glistening with, 195.
like a silent, 168.
liquid, of youth, 109.
morning, 240.

of sleep, timely, 195.
on the mountain, 491.
resolve itself into a, 108.
upon a thought, like, 533.
walks o'er the, 107.

washed with morning, 492.
wombe of morning, 14.
Dew-drop from lion's mane, 81.
Dews, brushing away the, 359.
mother of, 327:

of summer nights, 403.
of the evening, 325.
Dewy eve. from noon to, 185.
Diadem of snow, 529.

Diadem, precious, stole, 120.
Dial, figures on a, 569.

from his poke, 46.

to the sun, 230, 284.
Diamond, great rough, 324.

me no diamonds, 682.
Diamonds, bright as young, 242.
cut diamonds, 667.
Dian's temple, hangs on, 81.
Diana of the Ephesians, 639.
Diana's foresters, 60.

Diapason closing full in man, 240.
Dice were human bones, 530.
Dicers' oaths, false as, 121.
Dickens, what the, 26, 680.
Dictynna good-man Dull, 35.
Die a bachelor, I would, 31.
a dry death, 22.

and endow a college, 294.
and go we know not where, 28.
at the top like that tree, 262.
because a woman's fair, 159.
before I wake, 604.

but once, we can, 266,
dare to, or bear to live, 290.
hazard of the, 77.
here in a rage, 262.

in a great cause, 530.

in an inn, 351.

in the last ditch, 655.
in yon rich sky, 582.
is landing on

shore, 272.

some silent

let us do or, 422, 672.
nature broke the, 527.
not born to, 546.

not willingly let it, 218.
of a rose, 286.

taught us how to, 317.
to, is gain, 642.

who tell us Love can, 462.
with harness on our back, 106.
without or this or that. 294.
young, whom the godslove, 534.
Died in freedom's cause, 464.

thought thou couldst have, 549.
Dies and makes no sign, 72.
Diet, sober in your, 321.
Difference, oh the, to me, 438.

wear your rue with a, 122.
Different, like but oh! how, 443.
Difficele, latin was no more, 224.
Difficulties, choice of, 368.

knowledge under, 543.
Difficulty and labour hard, 191.
Diffused knowledge, 430.
Digest, mark and inwardly, 645.
of anarchy, 382.
Digestion bred, from pure, 196.
wait on appetite, 101.

| Diggeth a pit, whoso, 623.
Dignified by the doer's deed, 50.
Dignifies humanity, 567.
Dignity, in every gesture, 199
of crimes, reach the, 412.
of history, 364.

Diligent in his business, 622.
Dim and perilous way, 436.
eclipse, in, 184.
religious light, 215.
the sweet look, 574-

with childish tears, 454-
with the mist of years, 514.
Diminished heads, hide their, 192.
Dine, that jurymen may, 300.
Dining, thought of, 374.
Dinner lubricates business, 413.

of herbs, better is a, 620.
Dire was the noise of conflict, 198.
Directs the storm, 267.
Dirge in marriage, 107.

is sung by forms unseen, 366.
Dirt, loss of, 147.

was trumps, 469.
Disagree, men only, 188.
Disappointed unanel'd, 112.
Disastrous chances, 129.

twilight, 184.

Discharge, no, in that war, 625.
Disciplined inaction, 430.
Discontent, nights in pensive, 15.
winter of our, 73.

Discord, brayed horrible, 198.
from civil, flow, 267.

harmony not understood, 287.
Discords sting through Burns, 590.

straining harsh, 87.

Discourse, bid me, 139.

kind of dumb, 23.

more sweet, 188.
most eloquent music, 120.
of reason, 108.
of the elders, 631.
such large, 122.
voluble is his, 35.
Discreetest best, 200.
Discreetly blot, 180.

Discretion is the better part of

valour, 66, 667.

Disease, young, 288.
Diseased nature, 63.
Diseases desperate grown, 122.

extreme, 599.

Disguise, scandal in, 306.

thyself as thou wilt, 351.
Disguises, troublesome, 195.
Dish, butter in a lordly, 609.
Dishonourable graves, 89.
Disinheriting countenance, 415.
Dislike, hesitate, 302.

Dislimns the rack, 137.
Dismal tidings, convey'd the, 373.

treatise rouse, 105.
Dismissing the doctor, 426.
Disobedience, man's first, 182.
Disorder, most admired, 102.
sweet, in the dress, 168.
Dispaires, comfortlesse, 12.
Dispensations and gifts, 227.
Displaced the mirth, 102.
Disposer of other men's stuff, 148.
Disposition, shake our, 111.
Dispraise or blame, 206.

other men's, 175-
Dispraised no small praise, 203.
Dispute, could we forbear, 180.
Disputing, itch of, 149.
Disrespect, luxury of, 456.
Dissect, creatures you, 292.
Dissemble, right to, 417.
Dissension between hearts, 496.
Dissent, dissidence of, 381.
Dissevering power, 210.
Dissipation without pleasure, 389.
Dissonance, barbarous, 209.
Distance, frozen by, 447.

lends enchantment, 481.
notes by, more sweet, 366.
smooth at a, 172.
Distant spires, ye, 353.
Trojans, 314.

views of happiness, 172.
Distemper, of no, died, 243.
Distilled damnation, 431.
Distinct as the billows, 478.
Distinction between virtue, 343.
Distinguish and divide, 224.
Distraction, waft me from, 517.
Distressed, griefs of the, 337.

in mind body or estate, 645.
Distressful bread, with, 71.

stroke of my youth, 130.
Distrest by poverty, 339.
Distrusting, heart, 373.
Ditch, die in the last, 655.
Ditto to Mr. Burke, 381.
Diver, adventure of the, 578.
Divide, distinguish and, 224.
Divided duty, perceive a, 130.

united yet, 390.
we fall, 565.

Dividends, incarnation of fat, 544.
Dividing we fall, by, 404.
Divina natura, 142.

Divine enchanting ravishment,

[blocks in formation]

Divine, kill a sound, 396.
makes drudgery, 163.
philosophy, 209, 585.
the spirit of man is, 523.
to forgive, 299.
too, to love, 546.
vision and faculty, 458.
woman may be made, 444.
Divineness, participation of, 145.
Diviner air, 443.

Diviner's theme, glad, 235.
Divinity doth hedge a king, 122.
in odd numbers, 26.
sacred and inspired, 145.
that shapes our ends, 125.
that stirs within us, 266.
Division of a battle, 128.
Do good by stealth, 304.
or die, let us, 672.
well and right, 165.
what I pleased, 11.

what I will with mine, 635.
Dock the tail of Rhyme, 590.
Doctor, after death the, 165.
dismissing the, 426.

Fell, I do not love thee, 255.
shook his head, 320.
Doctors disagree, when, 294.
Doctrine from women's eyes, 35.
not for the, 297.

orthodox, prove their, 225.
sanctified by truth, 451.
Doctrines clear, what makes, 230.
Does well acts nobly, 278.
Doff it for shame, 56.

Dog, and bay the moon, 93.
faithful, his, 286.

his Highness's, 310.

hunts in dreams like a, 580.
is thy servant a, 611.
is turned to his vomit, 644.
it was that died, 376.
let no, bark, 39.
living, better, 625.
love me love my, 674.
mine enemy's, 128.

shall bear him company, 286.
smarts, this, 333.

something better than his, 580.
to gain his private ends, 376.
whose, are you, 310.
will have his day, 124.
word to throw at a, 45.
Dogs bark at me, 75.

between two, 72.
delight to bark and bite, 270.
eat of the crumbs, 635.
fighting in the streets, 333.
little, and all, 127.

of war, let slip the, 92.

Dogs, throw physic to the, 105.
Doing or suffering, 183.
Doit, beggarly last, 394.
Dole, delight and, 107.
happy man be his, 26.
Doleful sound, 270.
Dolphin, dies like the, 518.
Dol, hins, pleased to see the, 322.
Dolphin-chamber, in my, 67.
Dome, him of the western, 236.
of many coloured glass, 539.
of thought, 514.
Domestic happiness, 392.

joy, smooth current of, 339.
Dominations princedoms, 197.
Dominions sun never sets in, 509.

toll in our, 57.

Done quickly, if it were, 97.

we may compute what's, 420.
what's, is done, 101.
when it is, 97.

with so much ease, 234-
Don't see it, 670.
Doom, the crack of, 103.

had an early, 559-

regardless of their, 353.
Doomed for a certain term, 111.
Door, at mine hostess', 56.

beside a human, 437-
clicked behind the, 373.
shall we shut the, 332.
shut shut the, 301.



Doorkeeper, rather be
Doors, infernal, 190.
Dorian mood of flutes, 184.
Dost thou love life, 336.

Dotage, streams of, 337.
Dotes yet doubts, 133.

Doting with age, pyramids, 221.
Double cherry, like to a, 38.

debt to pay, 373.

double toil and trouble, 102.
surely you'll grow, 453.
Doublet, fashion of a, 31.
Doubling his pleasures, 434.
Doubly dying, 488.

feel ourselves alone, 489.
Doubt, faith in honest, 586.
loop to hang a, on, 134.
never, I love, 114.
never stand to, 169.
once in, to be, 133.

that the sun doth move, 114.
the equivocation, 105.
thou the stars are fire, 114.
truth to be a liar, 114.
⚫who read to, 494.

win the trick in, 657.

Doubts, our, are traitors, 27.
saucy, and fears, 101.

Dough, my cake is, 50.
Douglas in his hall, 490.

like, conquer, 368.
Douglass tender and true, 603.
Dove, burnished, 580.

found no rest, 608.

gently as any sucking, 37.
more of the serpent than, 21.
springs of, 437-

wings like a, 616.
Dove-cote, eagle in a, 82.
Doves, harmless as, 634.
moan of, 583.

Dowagers for deans, 582.
Down among the dead men, 349.
bed of, thrice driven, 130.

he that is, 227, 245.


grant you I was, 66.
on your knees, 49.

thou climbing sorrow, 126.
to the dust with them, 502.
will not go, 677.
Downcast modesty, 328.
Downs, all in the, 319.

unhabitable, 260.
Doxy, another man's, 660.
Drab, cursing like a very, 115.
Drachenfels, crag of, 516.
Drag the slow barge, 403.
Dragon, evening, 206.

St. George and the, 56.
Drags at each remove, 369.
its slow length, 298.
Drained by fevered lips, 551.
Drames go by conthraries, 566.
Drank, judicious, 308.

Drapery of his couch, 556.
Draught, bitter, 351.
Draughts, shallow, 296.

Draw men as they ought to be, 374
Drawers, chest of, by day, 373.
Draws us with a hair, 241, 300.
Dread and fear of kings, 43.

of all who wrong, 570.
of something after death, 116.
the Devil, bane of all that, 438.
whence this secret, 266.
Dreadful reckoning, 318.

urs, those, 590.
Dream, a hideous, 90.

all night without a stir, 547-
consecration and Poet's, 456.
forgotten, 441.

hope is but the, 256.
life is but an empty, 573.
love's young, 498.

of home, 502.

of things that were, 514.
old men's, 235.
perchance to, 116.

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