Abbildungen der Seite

Man makes a death, 280.
makes his own stature, 281.
mark the perfect, 615.
marks the earth, 521.
may fish with the worm, 122.
may write at any time, 343.
melancholic distracted, 172.
memory of, 379.

mildest manner'd, 533.
mind of desultory, 390.
mind the standard of the, 271.
misery acquaints a, 23.
more sinned against, 126.
most senseless and fit, 31.
never is but always to be
blest, 286.

no, can lose what he never
had, 161.

no, see me more, 78.

no such, be trusted, 44.

no wiser for his learning, 160.
not good to be alone, 608.
not made for the Sabbath,

not passion's slave, 119.
noticeable, 437.

of a cheese-paring, 68.

of cheerful yesterdays, 461.

of knowledge, 143.

of mettle, 276.

of morals, 177.

of my kidney, 26.

of nasty ideas, 262.

of one book, 652.


peace and war, 229.

of pleasure a man of pains, 282.
of Ross, 295.

of such a feeble temper, 89.
of the world, 342.

of unbounded stomach, 80.
of unclean lips, 28.
of wisdom man of



of woe, not always a, 487.
old, to have so much blood,

[blocks in formation]

Man, scene of, 285.

seems the only growth, 369.
seven women hold of one, 628.
shall cast his idols, 628.
shall not live by bread, 633.
she knows her, 241.
should not be alone, 608.
so besy as he, 2.

so faint so spiritless, 66.
so much one, can do, 231.
so various, 236.
sorrows of a poor old, 413.
sour-complexioned, 161.
soweth that he reaps, 642.
spirit of, is divine, 523.
struggling in the storms, 313.
study of mankind is, 288.
take him for all in all, 108.
teach you more of, 453.
thankless inconsistent, 278.
that blushes, 281.

that endureth temptation, 644.
that hails you Tom, 400.

that hath a tongue, 24.

that hath friends, 621.
that hath no music, 44.

that is not passion's slave, 119.
that lays his hand, 429.
that meddles with cold iron,

that old, eloquent, 217.
the hermit sighed, 481.
the prudent, 620.

this is the state of, 78.
this was a, 94.
thou art the, 610.
thou pendulum, 519.
thoughtless, 278, 460.
to all the country dear, 372.
to dying men, 245.

to labour in his vocation, 61.
to mend God's work, 237.
too fond to rule, 302.
unclubable, 343.
under his fig-tree, 631.
vile, that mourns, 287.
virtuous and vicious, 289.
wants but little, 280, 375-
weigh the, not his title, 423.
well-bred, will not affront me,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


whose wish and care, 311.
wisdom born with a, 160.
wise in his own conceit, 623.
with a terrible name, 463.
with him was God or Devil,

with large gray eyes, 437.
with soul so dead, 488.
within this learned, 16.
without a tear, 485.
worth makes the, 290.

writing maketh an exact, 142.
written out of reputation, 255-
Man's best things, 566.

blood, whoso sheddeth, 608.
erring judgment, 296.
first disobedience, 182.
hand against him, 608.
heart deviseth, 621.
house his castle, 10.
illusion given, 501.
imperial race, 300.
ingratitude, 48.

inhumanity to man, 422.
love is a thing apart, 531.
most dark extremity, 493.
true touchstone, 157.
unconquerable mind, 448.
wickedness, 157:

work made manifest, 640.
Mandragora, not poppy nor, 133.
Mane, hand upon thy, 521.
Manhood, bone of, 381.

nor good fellowship, 61.
Manichean god, 394.
Mankind, cause of, 497.

deserve better of, 261.
from China to Peru, 336.
love a lover, 572.
meanest of, 291.
misfortunes of, 388.

proper study of, 288.

seduces all, 318.

subdues, 516.

think their little set, 412.

Mankind's concern, charity, 290.

epitome, 236.
wonder, 249.
Manliness of grief, 374.
Manly foe, give me the, 434.
Manna, tongue dropped, 186.
Manner born, to the, 110.

of men, after the, 639.

[blocks in formation]

Many-colour'd life, 338.
Many-headed monster, 154, 492.
multitude, 19.

Map me no maps, 682.
Mar what's well, 125.
Marathon, gray, 515.

looks on the sea, 533.
mountains look on, 533.
plain of, 341.

Marble, in dull cold, 79.
leapt to life, 546.

of her snowy breast, 180.
to retain, 12, 529.
to write it in, 8o.
wastes, more the, 599.
with his name, 295.
Marbles, mossy, rest, 589.
Marble-hearted fiend, 125.
Marcellus exiled feels, 291.
March, beware the Ides of, 88.
drought of, 1.

hare, mad as a, 673.

is o'er the mountain waves,

[blocks in formation]

Mare, gray, the better horse, 669.
Margin, meadow of, 415.
Mariners of England, 483.
Marivaux, romances of, 361.
Mark, fellow of no, 64.

now how a plain tale, 63.
shining, 281.

the archer little meant, 493.
the marble, 295.

the perfect man, 615.
Marlborough's eyes, 337.
Marle, burning, 183.

Marmion, last words of, 490.
Marred the lofty line, 489.

Marriage an open question, 172.
dirge in, 107.

of true minds, 140.
tables, 108.

Marriage-bell. merry as a, 516.
Marriages, why so few are happy,


[blocks in formation]

Masters spread yourselves, 37.
Master-spirit embalmed, 220,
Master-spirits of this age, 91.
Mastery, strive for, 190.
Mastiff, greyhound, 127.
Mat half hung, 295.
Mated by the lion, 51.

Mathematics, men subtile in, 142.
Matin bell, 471.

to be near, 112.

Matter a little fire kindleth, 644.
conclusion of the, 627.
for a May morning, 54.
german to the, 125.
he that repeateth a, 621.
no, Berkeley said, 535.
root of the, 612.
such vile, 86.

will re-word, I the, 121.
more, with less art, 114.
wrecks of, 266.

Matters, may read strange, 96.
Mattock and the
grave, 280.
Maturest counsels dash, 186.
Maudlin poetess, 301.
Maxim in the schools, 261.
Scoundrel, 329.

Maxims, hoard of, 580.
May, chills the lap of, 369.
flowers, clouds that shed, 194
flowery meads in, 159.

I be there to see, 398.
merry month of, 139, 150.
morning, matter for a, 54.
of life, my, 104.

queen of the, 580.

wol have no slogardie, 3.
Mayde, meke as is a, 1.
May-pole in the strand, 332.
May-time and cheerful dawn, 439.
Maze, in fancy's, 303.

mighty, 285.
mirthful, 370.

Mazes, in wand'ring, lost, 188.
Meadow of margin, 415.

Meadows brown and sear, 557.

do paint the, with delight, 36.
trim with daisies, 213.

Meads in May, 159.

Mean, golden, 401, 669.

Meaner beauties of the night, 148.
Meanest flower that blows, 458.

floweret of the vale, 360.
of mankind, 291.

thing that feels, 441.

Meaning, blunders round about

[blocks in formation]

Means, not, but ends. 475.
of evil out of good, 183.
to be of note, 137.
to do ill deeds, 58.
to live, save, 23.
unto an end, 569.
whereby I live. 43.
Measure for law, 160.

of an unmade grave, 87.
of my days, 615.
sighed to, 439.
to tread a. 36.

your mind's height, 578.
Measured by my soul, 271.
many a mile, 36.
phrase, 441.
Measureless content, 99.
Measures, delightful, 74.
life in short, 151.
Lydian, 233.

not men, 377.
Meat, God sends, 669.

I cannot eat but little, 9.
mock the, it feeds on, 133.
mouth and the, 7.

or drink, 157-
upon what, 89.

Meats, funeral baked, 108.

Mecca saddens, 328.

Meccas of the mind, 546.

Mechanic slaves, 137.

Mechanized automaton, 538.

Meddles with cold iron, 226.

Meddling, every fool will be, 621.
Mede, floures in the, 5.
Medes and Persians, 631.
Med'cinable gum, 136.
Medicine for the soul, 649.

miserable have no other, 28.
thee to that sweet sleep, 134.
Medicines to make me love, 62.
Meditate the thankless muse, 211.
Meditation, maiden, 37.
Meditative spleen, 459.
Medium, no cold, 315.

Meed of some melodious tear, 211.

Meek and gentle, I am, 91.

and quiet spirit, 644.
nature's comment, 450.
patient spirit, 176.

Meek-eyed Morn, 327.
Meet again, if we do, 94.
in her aspect, 526.
it is, I set it down, 113.
like a pleasant thought, 439.
mortality, 202.

nurse for a poetic child, 489.
the sun in his coming, 508.
thee at thy coming, (29.
Meeting, broke the good, 102.

Meeting of gentle lights, 166.
Meets the ear, more than, 215.
Meke as is a mayde, 1.
Melancholic distracted man, 172.
Melancholy, charm in, 436.
chord in, 555-

days are come, 557.
green and yellow, 53.
main, amid the, 329.
marked him, 360.
moping, 202.

most musical most, 215.
of mine own, 49.
slow, unfriended, 369.
sweetest, 155.
train, 370.

waste, gray and, 556.
Mellow, goes to bed, 155.

too, for me, 321.

Mellowed to that tender light, 526.
Mellowing of occasion, 35.
year, before the, 211.

Melodie, foules maken, 1.

Melodies, heard, are sweet, 548.
the echoes, 474.

thousand, unheard, 434.
Melodious birds, 20.

sound, 14.

tear, 211.

Melody, blundering kind of, 236.
crack the voice of, 590.

falling in, 473.

of every grace, 170.

Melrose, fair, 487.

Melt and dispel ye, 482.

at others' woe, 312.

too solid flesh would, 108.
Melted into air, 23.

Melting mood, unused to the, 136.
Melts the mind to love, 233.
Member, tongue an unruly, 644.
Memorable epocha, 404.
Memories, set off his, 158.
Memory, bitter, 192.

dear, lost to sight to, 682.
dear son of, 216.
fond, 500.
for his jests, 416.
graves of, 479-
holds a seat, 113.
leaves of, 576.
morning-star of, 523.
name and, 146.

of all he stole, 307.

of man runneth not to the

contrary, 379.
of the just, 620.
pluck from the, 105.
silent shore of, 460.
sinner of his, 22.

Memory, table of my, 113.
throng into my, 207.
ventricle of, 35.
vibrates in the, 540.
Walton's heavenly, 452.
warder of the brain, 98.
Washington's awful, 463.
watches o'er, 482.
Men about me that are fat, 89.
after the manner of, 639.
all, are created equal, 405.
all, have their price, 268.
all honourable, 92.
and women players, 47.
are April when they woo, 49.
are but children, 242.
are we, 448.

are you good, and true, 31.
bad, combine, 380.

below and saints above, 487.
beneath the rule of, 565.
best of, 176.

bodies of unburied, 172.
busy hum of, 213.

by losing rendered sager, 529.
callen daisies, 5.

cause that wit is in other, 67.
cheerful ways of, 191.
companies of, 231.
comprehend all vagrom, 31.
cradled into poetry, 539.
crowd of common, 169.
crueltie and ambition of, 13.
daily do not knowing what, 32.
dare do what men may, 32.
December when they wed, 49.
deeds are, 340.
do a-land, 137.

down among the dead, 349.
draw, as they ought to be, 374.
drink, reasons why, 250.
evil that, do, 92.

from the chimney-corner, 19.
gods and godlike, 515.
gratitude of most, 223.
great nature made us, 593.
happy breed of, 59.

have died not for love, 49.
have lost their reason, 92.
histories make, wise, 142.
impious, bear sway, 266.
in the catalogue, go for, 101.
justifiable to, 205.

justify the ways of God to,


let but thy wicked, 178.
lives of great, 573.
living to be brave, 219.
masters of their fates, 89.
may live fools, 280.

Men may read strange matters, 96.
measures not, 377-
met each other, 238.
midst the shock of, 514.
modest, are dumb, 426.
most infamous, 387.
moulded out of faults, 30.
must be taught, 299.
my brothers, 581.
of inward light, 230.
of letters, 342.

of renowned virtue, 220.
of sense approved, 298.
of wit will condescend, 261.
only disagree, 188.
philosophy makes, grave, 142.
quit yourselves like, 610.
reach of ordinary, 441.
ready booted and spurred, 248.
relished by the wisest, 364.
rich, rule the law, 370.

rise on stepping stones, 584.
roll of common, 63.

schemes of mice and, 420.
science that, lere, 5.

shame to, 188.

shiver when thou art named,
sleek-headed, 89.
smile no more, 318.
Socrates the wisest of, 204.
some to business take, 293.
some to pleasure take, 293.
such, are dangerous, 89.
suspect your tale, 320.
talk only to conceal their
mind, 283.

tall, had empty heads, 144.
tastes of, so various, 362.
tell them they are, 353.
that are ruined, 384.

that can render a reason, 623.
that fishes gnawed upon, 76.
the workers, 581.
think all men mortal, 278.
this blunder, in, 412.
three good, un hanged, 62.
tide in the affairs of, 94.
to be of one mind, 647.
tongues of dying, 58.
twelve good, 543.
twelve honest, 318.
two strong, 314.
ways of, 315.

we petty, walk under, 89.
were deceivers ever, 31.
which never were, 50.

who can hear the Decalogue,

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