Abbildungen der Seite

Soul through my lips, 579.

to dare the will to do, 491.
to keep, pray the Lord my,604.
tocsin of the, 534.
tumult of the, 443.

unction to your, 121.
under the ribs of death, 209.
uneasy and confin'd, 286.
unlettered, 34.

unto his captain Christ, 60.
was like a star, 449.
white as heaven, 157.
whiteness of his, 516.
who would force the, 452.
why shrinks the, 266.
within her eyes, 529.
Soul's calm sunshine, 290.
dark cottage, 179.
sincere desire, 479.

Soul-animating strains, 446.
Souls are ripened, 409.
as free, 524.
assembled, 174.

corporations have no, 10.
flight of common, 379.
jewel of their, 132.
made of fire, 284.

of fearful adversaries, 74-
reaches of our, 111.
such harmony in, 44.
sympathy with sounds, in, 394.
that try men's, 407.
that were forfeit once, 28.
to souls, 568.

two, with a single thought, 597.
we loved, 587.

whose sudden visitations, 568.
Sound an echo to the sense, 298.
and fury, 105.

born of murmuring, 440.
dirge-like, 444-

doleful, 270.

harmonious, 198.

harsh in, 81.

jarring, 190.

most melodious, 14.

of a knell, 400.

of hammer, 394.

of revelry by night, 515.

of the church-going bell, 400.

of thunder, 188.

of woman's praise, 563.
persuasive, 271.

same, is in my ears, 454.
soothed with the, 233.
sweet is every, 583.
the clarion, 494:
the loud timbrel, 50
the trumpet, 253.
uncertain, 641.

[blocks in formation]

rural, 390.

sympathy with, 394-

Sour, every sweet its, 602.
grapes, have eaten, 630.
Tofty and, So.

misfortune's Look, 87.
Source of all my bliss, 374-
of human offspring, 195.
of sympathetic tears, 354-
Sour-complexioned man, 161.
South and south-west side, 224-
full of the warm, 547-
like the sweet, 52.
Sovereign among soldiers, 342.
here lies our, 249.

law sits empress, 411.
of sighs and groans, 35.
o'er transmuted ill, 337-
reason, noble and most, 117.
when I forget my, 389.
Sovereignest thing on earth, 61.
Sovereigns, sceptred, 529.
Sow for him build for him, 441.
like to reap, as you, 229.
wrong, by the ear, 681.
Soweth, whatsoever a man, 642.
Space and time, annihilate but, 306.
Spacious firmament on high, 267.
Spade a spade, call a, 651.
Spades emblems of untimely

graves, 393.
Spain's chivalry, 536.
Spake as a child, 641.

the seraph Abdiel, 198.
Span, less than a, 146.

life is but a, 604.

Spangled heavens, 267.
Spangling the wave, 493.
Spanish fleet canst not see, 415.
or neat's leather, 228.

Spare Fast, 214.

my aching sight, 356.
the rod, 228, 677.
Spared a better man, 66.
Spark, human, is left, 309.
illustrious, 397.

of heavenly flame, 311.
of that immortal fire, 523.
vocal, instinct with music, 438.
Sparkled was exhal'd, 280.
Sparkling with a brook, 537.
Sparks fly upward, as the, 611.

Sparks of fire, 167.

of fury, 322.
Sparrow, caters for the, 45.
fall of a, 125.

fall or hero perish, 285.
Speak by the card, 123.
daggers to her, 120.
if any, 92.

in public on the stage, 428.
it profanely, not to, 118.
let him now, 646.

low if you speak love, 30.
me fair in death, 43.
more in a minute, 86.

of me as I am, 136.

right on, 93.

something good, 164.

too coldly, 501.

Spent them not in toys, 177.
what we, 605.

Sperit, never drink no, 594.
Sphere of our sorrow, 540.

two stars in one, 66.
Sphere-descended maid, 366.
Spheres, shake the, 233.
music of the, 674.

stars shot mad y from, 37.
start from their, 112.
Spice of life, 392.

Spick and span new, 677.
Spicy nut-brown ale, 213.
Spider, like a subtle, 286.
Spider's touch, 286.

Spiders, lately had two, 263.
Spies come not single, 122.

Spin, toil not neither do they, 633.

Speaker, Mr., shall we shut the Spins, Lord Fanny, 304.

door, 332.

no other, So.

Speaking things they ought not,

thought him still, 199.
Spear, Ithuriel with his, 196.

to equal the tallest pine, 183.
Spears into pruning-hooks, 628.
Special providence, 125.

wonder, without our, 102.

Spectacle of human happiness, 467.
Spectacles of books, 244.

on nose, 48.

Spectatum veniunt, 3.

Spectre-doubts, dispel ye, 482.
Speculation in those eyes, 102.
Speech be always with grace, 642.
day unto day uttereth, 614.
is divine, 677-

is silvern, 677.
is truth, 489.

poetry of, 519.
rude am I in my, 129.
thought deeper than, 568.
thought is, 489.

to conceal thoughts, 657.
true use of, 283, 379.
wed itself with, 584.

Speeches, men's charitable, 146.
Speed, add wings to thy, 189.
be wise with, 283.
the going guest, 304.
the parting guest, 315.
the soft intercourse, 309.
to-day, 15.

Speke he never so rudely, 3.
Spell, trance or breathed, 216.
Spells, lime-twigs of his, 20).
Spend another such a night, 75.
to, to give to want, 15.
Spenser, a little nearer, 174.

Spinsters and knitters, 53.
Spires whose silent finger, 460.

ye distant, 353-

Spirit, Brutus will start a, 89.
chased, are with more, 41.
clear, doth raise, 211.
Creator drew his, 240.
ditties of no tone, 518.
extravagant and erring, 107.
fairer, 317.
giveth life, 641.

hies to his confine, 107.

holiday-rejoicing, 468.
humble tranquil, 176.

ill, have so fair a house, 23.
independence, 367.

is willing, 636.

meek and quiet, 644.
motions of his, 44.

no, dare stir abroad, 107.

of a youth, 137.

of health, 111.

of heaviness, 630.

of liberty, 381.

of man is divine, 523.
of my dream, 527.
of self-sacrifice, 455.
of wine, 132.
of youth, 140.
one of the, 592.

or more welcome shade, 317.
pard-like, 539.

present in, 640.
rest perturbed, 113.
shall return unto God, 627.
strongest and fiercest, 186.
that fought in heaven, 186.
the accusing, 350.

the least erected, 185.
thy father's, III.

to bathe in fiery floods, 28.

Spirit, vexation of, 624.
walks of every day, 278.
with one fair, 520.

wounded, who can bear, 621.
Spiriting, do my, gently, 22.
Spirits are not finely touched, 27.
choice and master, 91.
deified by our own, 441.
either sex assume, 184.
from the vasty deep, 64.
of great events, 476.
of just men, 643.
of the wise, 67.

twain have crossed, 600.
Spirit-stirring drum, 134.

Spiritual creatures, millions of, 195.
grace, 646.
Spit in my face, 63.

they will, 49.

Spite, in erring reason's, 287.
in learned doctor's, 545.
of my teeth, 671.

[blocks in formation]

of nature, 181.

of time, 358.

to the victors belong the, 537.
Sponge, drink no more than a, 6.
Spoon, must have a long, 670.
Spoons, count our, 343.
Sport an hour, 501.

not worth the candle, 165.
tedious as work, 61.
that wrinkled care, 213.
to have the engineer, 121.
with Amaryllis, 211.
Sports of children, 369.
Sports like these, 369.
Sporus feel, can, 303.
Spot is cursed, 441.

of this dim, 206.
out damned, 104.

which men call earth, 206.
Spots of sunny openings, 537.
quadrangular, 393.
Spread his sweet leaves, 82.
the thin oar, 289.
yourselves, 37.
Spreading himself, 615.

Spreads his light wings, 309.
Spring, come gentle, 327.

comes slowly up, 471.
companions of the, 409.
from haunted, 216.
full of sweet days, 163.
infants of the, 109.
of love, 24, 470.

of woes, 314-
Pierian, 296.

unlocks the flowers, 505.
visit the mouldering urn, 402
Springes to catch woodcocks, 110.
Springs, joys delicious, 513.
Spring-times harbinger, 158.
Spriting, do my, gently, 22.
Spur, fame is the, 211.

to prick the sides, 98.
Spurned by the young, 555.
Spurs the lated traveller, 101.
Squadron in the field, 128.
Squat like a toad, 195.

Squeak and gibber, 107.

Squeaking wry-necked fife, 41.

Stabbed with a white wench's
black eye, 85.

Staff of life, 262.

of this broken reed, 629.

stay and the, 247.
thy rod and thy, 614.
Stage, agree on the, 414.

all the world's a, 47.
found only on the, 534-
frets his hour upon the, 105.
natural on the, 375.

played upon a, 54.

poor degraded, 544.

speak in public on the, 428.
the earth a, 174

veteran on the, 337-
well-trod, 214.

where man must play a part,39.
wonder of our, 152.
Stagers, old cunning, 228.
Stagirite, stout, 468.
Stain, incapable of, 186.

like a wound, 383.
my man's cheeks, 126.
Stains the white radiance, 540.
Stairs, I came up, 272.

kick me down, 417.

Stake, honour's at the, 122.
Stakes were thrones, 530
Stale flat and unprofitable, 108.
Stalk, four red roses on a, 76.

withering on the, 454.
Stalked off reluctant, 326.
Stalled ox and hatred, 620.
Stamford fair, bullocks at, 68.
Stamp of fate, 314.

Stand and wait, 217.

before mean men, 622.

not upon the order, 102.
still my steed, 575.
Standard of the man, 271.
Standing on this pleasant lea, 445
pond, mantle like a, 39.
pool, mantle of the, 126.
upon the vantage ground, 141.
with reluctant feet, 575.
Stanhope's pencil writ, 284.
Stands on tiptoe, religion, 164.
Scotland where it did, 104.
So, the statue, 328.
upon a slippery place, 57.
Stanley, on, 490.

Sir Hubert, 425.
Stanza, who pens a, 301.
Staple of his argument, 36.
Star, bright particular, 51.

constant as the northern, 91.
desire of the moth for the,


every fixed, 34.
fair as a, 437-
for every state, 559.
in bigness as a, 191.
man is his own, 154.
of dawn, a later, 438.

of empire, westward the, 273.
of peace return, 484.

of smallest magnitude, 191.

of the unconquered will, 574.
our life's, 457-


perfect as a, 596.
soul was like a, 449.
stay the morning, 473.
that bids the shepherd,
that ushers in the even, 140.
twinkling of a, 229.
Star-chamber matter, 25.
Starers, stupid, 291.
Star-eyed science, 482.

Starlight, glittering, 195.
Star-like eyes, 158.
Starry cope of heaven, 196.

Galileo with his woes, 519.
girdle of the year, 482.
Star-spangled banner, 536.
Star-y-pointing pyramid, 216.
Stars, battlements bore, 459.

beauty of a thousand, 20.
beneath the, 281.
blesses his, 265.

cut him out in little, 86.

doubt thou the, are fire, 114.
fairest of, 197.

fault is not in our, 89.

fell like, 478.

glows in the, 287.


Stars hide their diminished heads,

your diminished rays,295.
innumerable as the, 198.
in empty night, 479.
in spite of their, 226.
kings are like, 538.
morning, sang together, 613.
of glory, 541.

of midnight, 440.
of morning, 198.
repairing, other, 199.
sentinel, 485.
shall fade, 266.

shooting, attend thee, 167.
shot madly, 37.

start from their spheres, 112.
that round her burn, 268.
two, keep not their motion, 66.
unutterably bright, 538.
Start of the majestic world, 89.
were more in fault, 256.
straining upon the, 70.

Started like a guilty thing, 107.
Startles at destruction, 266.
Starts, by, 'twas wild, 366.
everything by, 236.

Starve in ice, 189.

State, eruption to our, 106.
falling with a falling, 313.
for every star, 559.
great plot of, 232.
high and palmy, 107.
man at his best, 615.
of life, duty in that, 646.
of war by nature, 260.
pillar of, 187.

with nothing, 40.

ruin or rule the, 235.

some service, done the, 136.
thousand years to form a, 515.

waits on greatest, 139.

what constitutes a, 411.

with the storms of, 80.
without a King, 558.

State's collected will, 411.

States dissevered discordant, 507.
move slowly, 146.

saved without the sword, 565.
Statesman and buffoon, 236.

too nice for a, 374.
Station, private, 266.
Statue grows, more the, 599.

that enchants the world, 328.
Statue-like repose, 587.
Stature undepressed in size, 450.
Stay and the staff, 247.
oh stay, 497.
to wish her, 199.
Steal a few hours, 498.

Steal a shive, 82.

as gypsies do, 414.

away their brains, 132.
away your hearts, 93.
convey the wise it call, 25.
from the world, 311.
immortal blessing, 86.
my thunder, 254.

us from ourselves away, 306.
Stealing and giving odour, 52.
Steals from the thief, 130.

who, my purse, 132.
Steal.h, do rood by, 304.
Steam, unconquered, 403.
Steam-engine in trousers, 465.
Steed, farewell the neighing, 134.
stand still my, 575-

that knows his rider, 515.
threatens steed, 70.
Steeds, mounting barbed, 74.
to water, 138.
Steel, as with triple, 188.

foemen worthy of their, 492.
grapple with hooks of, 110.
grapple with hoops of, 110.
heart is true as, 38.
in complete, 72, 111.
locked up in, 72.

my man is true as, 86.
strings of, 120.

Steep and thorny way, 109.
bog or, 191.
my senses, 68.
of Delphos, 216.
of fame, 402.
Steeped me in poverty, 135.
to the lips in misery, 578.
Steeple, looking at the, 532.
Steepy mountains, 20.
Steer, happily to, 291.
Stem, moulded on one, 38.
Stenches, two-and-seventy, 475.
Step above the sublime, 407.
aside is human, 420.

[blocks in formation]

Stern Ruin's ploughshare, 420.
Sternest good-night, 99.
Sterte out of his slepe to, 3.
Stick, fell like the, 407.

fist instead of, 224.
Sticking-place, screw your cour-
age to the, 98.
Stiff in opinions, 236.

thwack, with many a, 226.
Stiffen the sinews, 70.

Still achieving still pursuing, 573-
an angel appear, 275.
as night, 187.

beginning never ending, 234.
destroying fighting still, 234-
govern thou my song, 198.
in thy right hand, 79.
small voice, 611.

the wonder grew, 373.
to be neat, 151.

waters, beside the, 614.
Stile, sitting on the, 58.
Stillness and the night, 44
modest, 70.

Sting, death where is thy, 312.
thee twice, 42.
Stinger, that is a, 678.
Stinks, well defined, 475.
Stir as life were in 't, 105.
fretful, unprofitable, 442.
more thou it, 11.

of the great Babel, 393.
smoke and, 206.

the fire, 392.
Stoic of the woods, 485.
Stoicism, the Romans call it, 265.
Stock of harmless pleasure, 341.
Stolen, not wanting what is, 134-

the heart of a maiden, 498.
waters are sweet, 619.
Stomach, my, is not good, 9.
of unbounded, 8o.
Stomach's sake, wine for thy, 643.
Stone to beauty grew, 571.

fling but a, 322.

leave no, unturned, 648.
lucky escape for the, 408.
many a rich, 153.

rolling, gathers no moss, 7.
set in the silver sea, 59.
tell where I lie, 311.

the builders refused, 618.
underneath this, doth lie, 151.
unhewn and cold, 599.

violet by a mossy, 437.
walls do not a prison make,


Stones, inestimable, 76.
of Rome to rise, 93.

of worth, like, 140.

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