Abbildungen der Seite
[blocks in formation]

glut. III. 9.

go. IV. 408.

[ocr errors]

- XI. 143.

go by. VI. 387.

go to the world. VI. 214.
go under. VI. 291.
go your gait. XIV. 246.

God and Saint George. X. 685.
God before. IX. 386.
God 'illd you. XV. 261.
God 'ild yon. VI. 107, 161.
God fave the mark. XIV. 462.
God warn us. VI. 127.
God yield. VII. 283.
goddefs-like. XIII. 569.
godfathers. XI. 186.
godlike feat. XI. 244.
God's a good man. IV. 494.
God's fonties. V. 428.
gold potable. IX. 202.
golden fire. XV. 120.
golden fleep. VIII. 436.
gone. XII. 25.
Gongarian. III. 332.
good. XI. 154, 170.
XII. 6.

good (a). III. 271.
good carriage. XIV. 378.

good cheap. VIII. 524.
good deed. VII. 12.
good den. VIII. 19.

good even. XI. 513.
good jer. III. 349.
good lady. XIII. 82.
good leave. VI. 11.

[ocr errors][merged small]

VIII. 24. 390.
X. 308.

good life. III. 111.

IV. 54.
good masters. VII. 196.
good morrow. XV. 503.
good name. XV. 520.

X. 551

good year. IX. 80.
gorbellied. VIII. 430.
gorged. VI. 501.
gofpiller. VII. 456.
gofs. III. 131.
goffips. III. 238.

goffomer. XIV. 230, 423-
government. V. 149.
X. 245.


goujeers. XIV. 270.


goujere. IV.
gourds. III. 339.
gouts. VII. 407.
grace. V. 70.
XIV. 274.

[ocr errors]

grace exact. XI. 258.
grace of kings. IX. 304.
graced. X. 635.
graceful. VII. 183.
gracious. III. 243.

IV. 501.
V. 470.
VIII. 110.
- XI. 289.

gracious filence. XII. 70.
grained. VII. 310.
XV. 230.

gramercy. XIII. 327.

grandfire phrafe. XIV. 367.
grange. IV. 293.

XV. 390.

grant. XII. 524.
grapple. VIII. 157.
XV. 51.

gratulate. IV. 386.
Gray Malkin. VII. 327.
grave. VIII. 278.

XI. 603.

grave charm. XII. 618.
grave man. XIV. 450.
graze. XV. 593.
great measure. IV. 397.
great morning. XI. 367.

XIII. 155.

[blocks in formation]

XII. 352.

griefs. III. 288.

XII. 470.

grievances. III. 263.
griping grief. XIV. 529.

grife. IV. 105.

XV. 428.

Griffel. VI. 458.
grize. XI. 585.

grofs and fcope. XV. 12.
grofsly. IX. 323.
groundlings. XV. 171.
grow to a point. V. 22.
growing. VII. 268.
growth. VII. 102,
grunt. XV. 161.

guard. IV. 283. 415.
... VIII. 125.
guard of fafety. XV. 493.
guarded. V. 433.
guerdon. IV. 541.
... V. 236.

guerdoned. X. 328.

Guiana. III. 337.

guilty to. VII. 158.

guiled. IV. 472.

Guinea hen. XV. 444.
Guinever. V. 254.

gules. XI. 591.

[blocks in formation]

XI. 230.
XIV. 427.

halcyon. XIV. 98.
half caps. XI. 528.
half faced. VIII. 405.
half faced groat. VIII, 12.
half kirtles. IX. 239.

pence. IV. 455.

hall! a hall. XIV. 381.
hallidom. III. 260.
Hallowmas. III. 194.
VIII. 323.

hand. VII. 441.
handleft. XI. 221.
hands not hearts. XV. 558.
handfaw. XV. 130.
handy dandy. XIV. 239.
hangers. XV. 335.
hangman. IV. 469.

happily. VI. 527.

XI. 147, 168.

happy. XI. 6.

XIII. 130.

happy man be his dole. III. 431.


VI. 418.


VII. 25.

happy time. XIV. 489.
haps. XV. 253.
hardiment. VIII. 397.
hare. VIII. 377.
hare lip. V. 170.
harlocks. XIV. 220.
harlot. VII. 305.
harlotry. VIII. 473.
harness. VII. 573.

XI. 492.
. XII. 609.
harp. VII. 508.
Harper. VII. 500.
harrows. XV. 9.
harryed. XII. 534.

hart of Greece. VI. 406.
harvest home. VIII. 391.

hafte poft hafte. XV. 403, 414.

Haftings, Lord. X. 584.
hatch. XI. 248.

XIII. 533.

have with you. X. 571.

-XV. 405.

having. III. 411.

VI. 99.

VII. 167, 351.

XI. 76.

XV. 618.

haviour. XIII. 119.

havock. XII. 328,

haught. VIII. 314.

haughty. IX. 577, 603, 610.

haunt. IX. 341.

X. 259.

hazard. IX. 298.

hay. XIV. 420.

head. VIII. 412.

[ocr errors][ocr errors]

IX. 319.

head and front. XV. 418.
health five fathom deep. XIV.

heaping friendships. VII. 105.
heard a bird fing. IX. 249.
hearied. XV. 67.

heart. XI. 28.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

heart burn. IV. 423.
heart in. XI. 492.
heart of heart. XI. 391.
heart of ten. VI. 465.
hearted. XV. 551.
hearted throne. XV. 449-
heave. XII. 82.
heaviness. XII. 639.
heavy night. XV. 622.
hebenon. XV. 77.
hedge. XI. 111.
XII. 355.

hefted. XIV. 127.
hefts. VII. 49.

heigh ho. XIV. 150.

height. IV. 511.
XI. 399.

heir. III. 253.
VIII. 251.

hell. VII. 277•

help. XV. 251.
hence. IX. 245.
henchman. V. 20.
hent. IV. 354.

- VII. 118.

. XV. 216.


herald. XIII. 489.

herb of grace. VI. 341.

XV. 277.

hereby. V. 206.

hereditary. XI. 528.

here's no vanity. VIII. 579..

hermits. VII. 384.

Herod. XV. 173.

Hefperides. XIII. 399.
heft. III. 89.
hey day. XV. 228.
Hey nonny. XIV. 163.
Hey no nonny. XV. 273.
hide fox. XV. 249.
Hieronymo. XIV. 157.
high. XV. 611.

high and low. VII. 185.
high fantastical. IV. 6.
high forehead. XIV. 395.
high men and low men. III. 340.
high noifes. XIV. 187.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

hold. V. 520.

- VII. 579.

- IX. 7.

- XII. 315.

hold, hold. VII. 377.
hold in. VIII. 422.
hold it. X. 572.

hold my hand, XII. 268.
hold rumour. VII. 517.
hold taking. XI. 500.
hold up thy hand. X. 120.
holds me. XV. 450.
holla. VI. 92.
hollow cell. XV. 550.
holy croffes. V. 525.
holy day terms. VIII. 392.
holy rood. X. 570.
home. VI. 354.
honeft. XV. 139.

honesty. XI. 532.
honey talks. XIII. 340.
honorificabilitudinitatibus. V.

honeft as fkin between brows.

IV. 493.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

hook and line. IX. 87.
Hop dance. XIV. 179.
hope. VII. 250.
XII. 460.

Hopkins, Nicholas. XI. 25.
hopes. VIII. 387.
horologe. XV. 485.
hot house. IV. 222.
hot livers. VIII. 467.
hough. VIL. 31.

hound of Crete. IX. 314.

houfe. XIV. 125.

housewife. XII. 640.

How. XIII. 558.

hoxes. VII. 30.

hugger mugger. XV. 265.
hull. IV. 35.
hulling. XL. 95.
human mortals. V.
humble. V. 364.
humorous. IX. 184.

[ocr errors]


XIV. 395

humour. III. 317, 362.

[ocr errors]

V. 498.

humours. IX. 356.
humming. XIII. 493.
Hundred merry tales. IV. 429.
hundred pound. XIV. 92.
Hungarian. III. 332.
hungry beach. XII. 216.
hunt counter. IX. 30.

hunting in the evening. XI. 514. idly. VIII. 325.

hunts up. XIV. 483.

jealous. XIV. 54.

jeffes. XV. 532.

hurl. XII. 376.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

I. IX. 84.

I. and J.

- XIV. 461.

i' the hafte. XIV. 82.

I' the name of me. VII. 114.

Jack. III. 133, 349.

IV. 407.
VIII. 257.
- XII. 210, 580.

Jack a lent. III. 415, 494.

Jack o' the clock. VIII. 343-
X. 620.

Jack fauce. IX. 461.

Jacks. X. 489, 49°.
Jack and Jills. VI. 492.
jade. IX. 388.

jaded. X. 126.


XI. 125.

jar of the clock. VII. 13.
jauncing. VIII. 345.

jaunt. XIV.


jay. XIII. 121.

ice brook. XV. 650.

Iceland dog. IX. 311
idle. VII. 242.

. XV. 423.

idle and fond, XIV. 37.

jeft. VIII. 210.
jet. XIII. 110, 427.
jets. IV. 82.
Ifecks. VII. 18.

ignis fatuus. XIV. 157.

ignomy. IV. 265.

VIII. 528.

XI. 450.

XIII. 333.

ignorant. VII. 378.

XIII. 97, 104-

jig. XII. 361.



jig maker. XV. 183.
Ilion. XI. 394.

Ilium. XI. 225, 231.
ill. IX. 580.

ill inhabited. VI. 103.
ill nurtured. X. 18.
ill roasted egg. VI. 77.
I'll tell thee. XI. 377.
illuftrate. V. 248.
image. III. 472.

V. 247.
XIV. 291.

imaginary. IX. 265.
imagined. XV. 523,

imagined fpeed. V. 488.

imbare. IX. 283.

[blocks in formation]
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