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Enprinted in Flete

strete at the sygne


gladde & ioyous, & eche of us herin confort other. Alwaye prayfynge & magnyfyenge the name of oure lorde, to whome be laude and honoure endlefly. Amen.

¶ Thus endeth this lamentable mornynge. En

of the sonne by prynted at London in Flete ftrete at the fygne of the i fonne by Wynkyn de Worde.

Wynkyn de


[Device of Wynkyn de Worde.]





The fermon of Iohan the byffhop of Rochefter made agayn the pernicyous doctryn of Martin luuther within the octaues of the afcenfyon by the affingnement of the mooft reuerend father 5 in god the lord Thomas Cardinall of Yorke & Legate ex latere from our holy father the pope.



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[* A ij] When the Com

*¶ Quum venerit paracletus quem ego mittam vobis fpiritum veritatis qui a patre procedit forter is come, He ille teftimonium perhibebit de1 me.

Thefe wordes be the wordes of our fauyour Chrift Iefu in the gofpell of Iohan. and red in the feruyce of this prefent fonday. thus2 moche to fay in englyffhe. whan the comforter fhall come. whom I fhall fende vnto you the spyryte of trouthe that yffueth from my 15 father. he fhall bere wytneffe of me.

[merged small][ocr errors]

shall bear witness of Me.

Words of our gospel, read in the

Saviour in John's

service of this

present Sunday.

day is clear,

Ull often whan the daye is Often, when the
clere & the fonne fhyneth
bryght ryfeth in fome quar- riseth a thick

ter of the heuen a thyk

blacke clowde. that darketh3

al the face of the heuen. &

fhadoweth from vs the clere


black cloud,

that darketh all

the face of the


lyght of the fonne. and stirreth a hideous

tempest and

ftereth an hydeous tempeft. & maketh a grete lyght- maketh a great

lightning, and

25 nynge. and thonderyth terrybly. fo that the weyke thundereth ter

1 de 1556. om. 1521.

2 Thefe bee the wordes of the Ghofpel of this daye, taken out of the .xv. of S. Iohn, and bee thus 1556.

3 darkenethe 1556.


ribly, so that

weak souls be put in great fear.

So in the church,

faith hath long

been clear,

hath risen many a


foules. and feble hertes be put in a grete fere & made almoft defperate for lacke of comforte.

¶ In lyke maner it is in the chyrche of chrift. whan

when the light of the lyght of fayth (that shyneth. from the spyrytuall fonne almyghty god) hathe ben clere & bryght a good 5 feafon. hathe ryfen many a tyme fome blacke clowde of herefy. & ftered fuche a tempeft & made fuche a lyghtnynge and fo terribly thonderyd that many a weyke foule hath myfcaryed therby.

time some black

cloud of heresy,

and stirred such a tempest, that

many a weak soul
hath miscarried

Such clouds were


[* A ij, back] Jo. Wicliff,

with other moo,

who sore tem

¶ Suche a clowde loo was Arrius, whiche ftered fo 10 greate a tempeft that many yeres after it1 vexyd the chirche of chrift. And after hym came many other lyke clowdes. as Macedonius. Neftorius. Eutices. Eluidius 2. Donatus. Iouinianus. Pellagius. Ioan'nes wiccliff. with other moo. which fore tempefted the chyrche. 15 pested the church. euery3 of them for his tyme. Suche heretykes faynt Iude in his epiftole calleth nubes fine aqua. que a vento circumferuntur. that is to faye, clowdes withouten the moyfture of grace. whiche be moued with the blaft of wycked fpyrytes. And nowe fuche another 20 clowde is rayfed a lofte. oon Martyn luther a frere, the whiche hath stered a myghty ftorme and tempeft in the chirche. and hath fhadowed the clere lyght of many

St Jude calls them clouds

without the
moisture of

Now such an-
other cloud is
raised aloft, one
Martin Luther
a frere,

from him a

perilous light

ning of wrong


who maketh issue fcryptures of god. & he maketh yffue from hym a perylous lyghtnynge. that is to faye a falfe lyght of 25 understanding of Wrong vnderftandynge of fcriptures. which pafeth not from the fpiryte of trouth. but from the spiryt of errour. and from the fpyryte of this tempeft of this 8 mooft perilous herefye. Ferthermore he terrybly thonderyth agaynft the popes authoryte. agaynft the generall con- 30 celles. agaynft the tradycyons and ordynaunces left vnto vs by the apoftles. agaynft the doctryne of the fathers. & doctours of the chirche. Our fauiour chrift therfore


against the pope's
against general

councils and tra-

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