Abbildungen der Seite

Bro. Brown was a fireman for about fourteen months, and was a charter member of 651, being a member of the Order less than three months. This is a warning to the firemen to get lined up, as we know not at what moment we will pass the last mile-post. He leaves a widow, two children, a mother, two sisters and three brothers, besides a host of friends, to mourn his loss. It is hard to part with a friend so active in life, but let us try and be fervent in our belief that things attributed to the hand of God are for the best-He who doeth all things well. We trust with a bright headlight trimmed and burning he will enter that heavenly city where pain, death and parting are no more.

The remains of Bro. Brown were taken charge of by the B. of L. F. and the funeral was under the auspices of the Brotherhood. The remains were taken to Lewiston, N. Y., on a special train for burial. The pall-bearers were J. C. Mons, Chas. Williams, L. J. Mullaney, John Diehl, James Mendler and C. E. Maybee. The floral offerings were of the most beautiful designs and were in abundance. The lodge sent the emblem of the Order, as near as it could be made in flowers. There were also other beautiful designs sent by the B. of L. E., B. of R. T., O. R. C.. and Wilson Tent K. O. T. M., in which Bro. Brown was a member. First Vice-President D. F. Maroney and Gen. Master Mechanic B. A. Billingham also paid their last respects by sending a beautiful wreath of flowers. How nice it is to have officers who are so kind to their employes.

While the loss of our brother can not be fully estimated, may the members of Lodge 651, with the calmness of the masculine mind, refuse to deem it a loss, but, guided by principles of equity, grant that final card of withdrawal which advances their brother to a higher degree, and is embellished with these significant words: "Dead, my brother, but not forgotten," and as the gentle winds steal up the pathway to the door, methinks it whispers that fraternal and beautiful tribute: "Green be the turf around thee,

Our friend of many days;
None knew thee but to respect thee,
None knew thee but to praise."

LODGE 45. (O. C. Hill, Little Rock, Ark.) Again has the grim reaper, Death, visited our midst and brought sorrow and sadness to several homes where there

had been sunshine and happiness. On May 2d, about 6 a. m., Bro. Harry McGowan, who had been braking on our road for quite awhile, met with an accident that caused his death at 10 a. m., surrounded by relatives. Bro. McGowan was loved by all who knew him. To the aged father and mother, brothers and sisters and other relatives, we the brothers of 45, B. of L. F., and sisters of 80, L. S., extend our heartfelt sympathy in this, their bereavement, but let us bow in humble submission to Him who doeth all things well. To his mother, who is a sister of 80, L. S., I will say that in the loss of her noble son we lose a noble brother. He always had a smile and a good word for all.

On May 4th, at 2 p. m., a large number of the brothers formed in line and marched from our lodge room to the family residence. There we all got into carriages and were driven to the Catholic Church, of which Bro. McGowan was a member, where services were held. We then went to the cemetery, and after services by his church there were services by the B. of L. F. and the A. O. U. W., of which he was also a member, and our beloved brother was laid to rest. The floral offerings were very beautiful and showed the high esteem in which our brother was held. We wish, through the columns of our Magazine, to thank those who sent them. We wish also to thank the brothers of Lodge 304, B. of L. F., for the kind and brotherly assistance the members extended to our brother; also to thank Bros. J. E. Sullivan, of Lodge 529, and F. Coleman, of Lodge 382, for their kindness. We also extend our thanks to the brothers of Division 182 of the B. of L. E. for their kind attention. The A. O. U. W. Lodge 13 was well represented, which showed the esteem in which Bro. McGowan was held in that order. The funeral was one of the largest held in Little Rock for a long time.

Brothers, good old 45 is still at her old tricks. Since January 1st we have initiated 21 members, and up to today (May 5th) we have applications on file and prospects are good for more. Bros. L. P. Priem and H. Hickman turned Professor Billy loose on six candidates last night. If you were to ask one of the new brothers what he thinks of it, he will tell you, "I got mine."

Sisters of Primrose Lodge 80, L. S., the brothers of Lodge 45 wish to thank you, through our Magazine, for the beautiful altar cloth which you presented us

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LODGE 536—(Charles Diescher. Mt. Carmel, Ill.) We are in a very prosperous condition, having initiated seven applicants in the last two meetings, and

nearly 200 doesn't take more interest in having a voice in the Magazine.

There is no doubt but that 77 is one of the leading lodges of the Order, being represented in the Grand Lodge by Bro. Murphy; on the other hand, some of our members are holding prominent offices in the city of Denver.

We are preparing to give our candidates a warm reception, as we have

will have six for next meeting day, and just purchased a new set of paraphernalia

are receiving applications right along. Six of our brothers have withdrawn since the first day of the year on account of joining the B. of L. E., but we have filled the vacancy and are gaining in numbers.

We have good meetings and the boys are deeply interested. 'Health has been excellent among our members. We have never lost a member by death nor had any disabled since the organization of our lodge, May, 1898.

We have a new goat, and he certainly gives the boys a good ride down the line. at least this is what the candidates state. He is a noble fellow, has had plenty of exercise lately and has his eyes open for new members. Just at present work is somewhat slack, but nevertheless the boys are not disheartened, and are enjoy ing themselves, and we are increasing in numbers. We have plenty of timber to increase our membership, and are doing our utmost by urging the boys to join. Some of the boys have that "tired feeling" on lodge days, but I suppose there will come a time some day when they will attend.

As our regular election of officers is near at hand, brothers, let us carefully select the best men for the official roster. Men who take good interest in lodge work and who attend meetings regularly, and then our lodges will be successful in all undertakings.

As a closing paragraph, will state that Lodge 536 extends its best wishes to the Grand Lodge and the Brotherhood fraternity.

LODGE 77-(Member, Denver, Col.) On looking over the correspondence columns of the Magazine I fail to notice any article pertaining to 77. It seems that the boys of this lodge are not of a literary turn of mind, but are more addicted to the use of the scoop than that of the pen, so I thought I would break the ice and inform the readers of the Magazine that 77 is still in existence. It is astonishing that a lodge having a membership of

and have organized two teams to contest in doing the work. We are initiating on an average of eight candidates a month, but on account of some members withdrawing and joining the B. of L. E. and transferring to other lodges, it keeps the boys hustling to hold their own. We have a number of candidates in sight, but slack business seems to keep them from sending in their names.

But don't forget, boys, that we have got a real goat, and that he has the same name as our lodge, "Rocky Mountain." If you want to have a good time just visit 77 some night when we have a candidate. We had six visiting members one night recently, and the candidates not showing up, Bros. Rogers and Wallace volunteered to act. We showed the visitors a touch of high life, of which they were well pleased.

We wish to announce that our last annual ball cleared us $160.

Lodge 333-(Mrs. Geo. A. Middleton, Manasquan, N. J.) The more than interesting May number of the Magazine was read with great delight. I look for the Magazine and enjoy its contents as well as any fashion book or periodical that I read. However, I often wonder, and have looked in vain for any news of 333. How is it? Being a woman, and not allowed to be a member of said Order, I am acquainted through kindly letters only with Bro. Howerter, of 333, who often writes to my husband when he is ill and confined to the house. His cheerful, fraternal letters have led me to believe that he is a good all-around Brotherhood man, and I often wish we had the pleasure of being better acquainted with the members and their wives. I hope you will kindly place this letter in some little nook of your good Magazine, so some one of 333 will read it, and will send a few lines and not let other lodges get ahead of them in correspondence, which only increases good fellowship and adds interest to the Magazine.

The Home Account.


The following donations were received at the Home for Aged and Disabled Railway Employes for the month of April,

1904 :

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Order of Owls 4..

Bro. L. Lalonde, 183 B. of R. T. James Costello, 270 O. R. C... Mat Madison, 45 B. of R. T. (former inmate of Home)... Grand total....

$117 50

47 50 78 00 118 75 431 10

92 00 79 85 35 40

2.00 50 1 00

5.00 .$1,008 60 Miscellaneous.-J. S. McCoy, Master of Lodge 4 B. of R. T., box of cigars; Lodge 150 L. S. to B. of L. F., box of groceries and magazines; Bro. L. C. Duffee, Lodge 68 B. R. T., bundle of reading matter; Bro. Frank Mead, Lodge 375 B. R. T., bundle of magazines; E. D. Rayner, Lodge 375 B. R. T., package of books; Edward Dailey, of West Chicago, box of canned fruit and clothing. Respectfully submitted, JOHN O'KEEFE, Secretary and Treasurer, R. R. M. H.

Addresses Wanted.

Requests have reached this office to publish notices inquiring for the present addresses or any information concerning the following persons. Information should be sent to the persons specified in the notice:

George Montgomery.-Was a member of Lodge 175 B. of L. F. He left Newark, Ohio, on the 27th day of last January. Had been engaged in selling tickets

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is about 30 years of age; height, 5 feet 10 inches; weight, about 160 pounds; hair, dark. Is a rather smooth talker and a sociable man. Would request all B. of L. F. brothers to keep a sharp lookout for him, and should they run across him, please notify J. I. Dollison, Secretary Lodge 175 B. of L. F., 36 Vine street, Newark, Ohio.

Geo. D. Buck.-When last heard of was in Colorado Springs, Col. At one time was a fireman out of Raton, N. M., but quit about a year ago. He does not belong to the Brotherhood. He weighs about 200 pounds. Any information as to his present whereabouts will be appreciated by Jule F. Wood, Raton, N. M.

Pat Horan.-Is Irish and speaks broken English. Smokes a pipe. He quit his position about three months ago and when last heard of was knocking fires on the "Frisco" in Kansas City. He does not belong to the Brotherhood. Any one knowing his present whereabouts will please communicate with Jule F. Wood, Raton, N. M.

O. O. Reynolds.-Was promoted on the Colorado and Southern Railroad at Trinidad, Colo. He fired there awhile and joined the Brotherhood, but never paid any dues. He quit this place about a year ago and went South. He is dark complexioned, having black hair, eyes and mustache, and is heavy set. Is a good machinist helper. Any information concerning him will be greatly appreciated by Jule F. Wood, Raton, N. M.

W. D. Gladden.-Is a railroad man and was hostler at Little Rock, Ark., at one time. He left that city quite a while ago and has not been heard of since. Any information concerning him will be greatly appreciated by his personal friend, Henry Cullen, 107 and 109 North Main street, Little Rock, Ark.

George Russell Earl.-Was at one time a member of Lodge 107 B. of L. F., at Galion, Ohio. Any one knowing his present whereabouts kindly communicate with Jesse C. Earl, 502 North Francisco street, Chicago, Ill.

Lost Traveling Cards, Etc.

This office has been notified of the loss of the following traveling cards, receipts, etc., and the request is made that all members be on the lookout for them. Should they be discovered in the possession of persons not entitled to them they should be retained and forwarded to the owner or to the Secretary of the lodge which issued same:

Traveling card and receipt belonging to F. A. Dodge, member of Lodge 485, B. of L. F., who is working for the Oregon Short Line, was lost April 11th some where around the yard at Salt Lake City, Utah. If found please return to F. A. Dodge, Grand Pacific Hotel, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Traveling card belonging to J. M. Speery, member of Lodge 173, B. of L. F., was lost near Hillyard, Washington, on the Great Northern Railroad. If found please return to J. M. Speery, Marion, Ohio.

Pocketbook, card, receipts and clearances were stolen from E. E. Ealer, a member of Lodge 529, B. of L. F., Mena, Ark., on April 13, 1904. If presented, please take up and send to E. E. Ealer, care of U. P. Hotel, Ogden, Utah.

Traveling card for quarter ending June 30, 1904, and a receipt and order for the work was mailed to Chas. Schrock, a member of Lodge 64, B. of L. F., by Carl E. Wood, Secretary. Same never reached destination. If found by any one of the brothers please return to Carl E. Wood. Secretary Lodge 64, B. of L. F., 2918 East First street, Sioux City, Iowa.

Traveling card and receipt for quarter ending June 30, 1904, belonging to Charles D. Flickinger, member of Lodge 141, B. of L. F., was lost on the 29th of April, either in Crestline, Ohio, or between Crestline and Ft. Wayne, Ind., on the Pennsylvania Railroad. If found please return to Charles D. Flickinger, 818 Eliza street, Ft. Wayne, Ind.

Traveling card for quarter ending June 30, 1904, belonging to F. W. Foster, member of Lodge 594, B. of L. F., was lost recently. If found please return to H. S. Sage, Secretary of Lodge 594, B. of L. F., 335 South street, Grand Junction, Colo.

Balls and Entertainments.

Courteous invitations have been received at this office to attend the following balls and entertainments. The Grand Lodge force returns thanks and wish all an enjoyable and successful time:

Lodges 15 L. S. and 10 B. of L. F.-May party, at Trostler's Annex, Cleveland, Ohio, Wednesday evening, May 4. 1904.


The following persons desire to acknowledge receipt of payment of claims and to express their gratitude to the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, as an organization, and to the individual members for kindness and courtesies extended:

Mrs. Sarah Phibbs, Sarnia, Ontario.
Annie E. Crimmel, Altoona, Pa.
Mrs. Lizzie Haas, Jackson, Tenn.

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Beneficiary Statement

PEORIA, ILL., May 1, 1904.

The following is a statement of receipts in the Beneficiary Department for the month of April, 1904:



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[blocks in formation]

207 75 199 149 00 265 247 25 331 97 75 397 54 75 463 137 00 529 192 50 595 46 00
118 25 200 85 00 266 177 75 332
398 74 00 464 137 50 530 146 50 596 126 50
178 25 201 291 00 267 130 50 333 263 25 399 91 75 465 267 75 531 98 75 597 87 25
36 25 202:164 00 268 42 50 334 195 50 400 178 50 466 127 25 532 63 25 598
114 00 203 219 25 269 124 75 335 57 25 401 240 00 467
79 00 599
346 00 204 147 50 270 147 50 336 96 00 402
240 75 205 115 75 271 92 00 337 279 50 403
365 50 206 60 25 272 55 50 338 146 25 404
391 25 207 201 25 273 166 25 339 62 00 405
214 75 208 68 75 274 93 00 340 116 00 406 54 50 472 259 75 538
278 50 209:149 50 275 250 75 341 153 25 407 148 00 473

66 75 533

65 75 468

36 00 469

34 50 534
78 00 535

68 75 66 75 600 82 50

601 134 25

81 00 470 157 00 536

471 38 50 537

69 25 602 124 25 76 50 603 68 25 99 25 604 28 00

12 308 25

78 119 50 144

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[blocks in formation]

30 50 210 57 75 276 176 75 342 157 50 408 159 00 474 93 50 540 167 50 606 42 75
227 50 211 232 75 277 103 00 343)
409 132 00 475 112 75 541 94 75 607
410 166 00 476 60 75 542 122 00 608
159 00 213 168 25 279 69 25 345 137 75 411 172 00 477
147 75 214 272 75 280 118 50 346 23 00 412 144 75 478 209 50 544 130 75 610
699 50 215 316 25 281, 180 00 347 93 00 413 40 00 479 79 50 545 99 25 611 50 75
226 75 216 100 75 282 24 00 348 109 25 414 118 25 480 34 00 546 43 50 612 70 25
82 50 217
283 116 75 349 349 75 415 102 25 481 184 50 547 80 25 613 73 00
182 75 218 221 50 284 511 75 350 89 25 416 145 00 482 130 50 548 43 00 614 184 50
119 25 219 398 00 285 328 50 351 27 50 417 77 00 483 57 00 549 117 50 615 71 75
130 75 220 481 75 286
352 104 50 418 298 75 484 138 00 550 83 00 616 63 50
108 25 221 171 75 287 709 25 353 89 00 419 100 00 485 762 50 551 111 25 617 74 75
173 50 222 172 00 288 93 25 354 163 00 420 85 25 486 80 00 552 142 50 618 41 00
74 50 223 194 50 289 158 00 355 172 50 421 62 75 487 16 25 553 80 00 619 171 00
80 50 224 65 25 290 107 50 356 190 75 422 95 50 488 61 50 554 69 00 620 53 75
146 50 225 54 00 291 108 50 357 69 75 423 48 00 489 120 25 555 50 00 621 45 00
143 00 226 272 25 292 44 50 358 88 00 424 105 00 490,166 75 556 78 25 622 129 50
38 25 227 61 75 293 81 75 359 61 75 425 84 25 491 61 50 557 162 00 623 113 75
380 75 228 410 25 294 152 50 360 95 00 426 254 00 492 203 50 558 129 00 624 87 50
120 25 229 276 50 295 215 00 361 93 00 427 62 25 493 114 00 559 80 50 625 58 25
96 50 230 578 50 296 162 50 362 70 50 428 73 75 494 130 75 560 54 25 626
56 00 231 364 75 297 161 25 363 394 50 429 145 50 495 70 00 561 101 50 627
273 00 232 201 75 298 152 75 364 102 25 430 142 75 496 59 75 562 197 50 628
233 139 75 299

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365 58 00 431 108 75 497 128 25 563 142 75 629 109 25 234 102 25 300 150 00 366 67 50 432 187 25 498 98 25 564 67 25 630 45 75 324 50 235 374 75 301 94 25 367 127 25 433 499 39 50 565 58 75 631 80 50 108 00 236 386 25 302 270 25 368 94 00 434 115 50 500 82 75 566 125 25 632 54 00 106 25 237 372 75 303 100 00 369 127 50 435 86 00 501 567 107 75 633 79 75

37 00

37 182 50 103 163 50 169 38 90 50 104 149 75 170 39 94 25 105 81 25 171 40 292 75 106 66 00 172 41 7 25 107 205 25 173 42 34 00 108 140 00 174 43 162 75 109 184 50 175 44 232 25 110)


88 75 238 247 25 304 253 00 370 34 00 436 213 25 502 188 75 568 92 50 634 201 25 225 00 239 157 75 305 67 50 371 122 25 437 31 75 503 127 75 569 126 00 635 1039 00 240 316 25 306 257 75 372 132 50 438 85 50 504 34 00 570 42 00 636 39 75 349 75 241 283 00 307 147 00 373 113 75 439 77 25 505 69 75 571 120 25 637 65 75 156 00 242 308 66 50 374 210 75 440 179 00 506 120 50 572 34 25 638 72 00 45 397 00 111183 25 177 152 75 243 95 00 309 348 50 375 81 50 441 150 00 507 80 25 573 104 75 639 49 25 46 57 75 112 61 50 178 288 25 244 145 00 310 198 25 376 87 50 442 94 75 508 205 75 574 101 50 640 56 50 47 239 50 113 137 50 179 114 75 245 117 75 311 114 75 377 155 50 443 140 50 509 72 25 575 81 25 641 25 00 48 265 25 114 180 12 00 246 145 75 312 171 00 378 444 225 50 510 183 50 576 44 50 642 49 68 00 115 45 75 181 33 75 247 307 25 313 78 25 379 211 00 445 79 75 511 145 25 577 86 00 643 25 00 50 44 75 116] 182 291 25 248 263 50 314 186 00 380 26 00 446 243 50 512 73 50 578 88 00 644 38 75 197 50 249 166 50 315 110 25 381 164 25 447 64 50 513 120 50 579 70 25 645 57 00 129 50 250 166 75 316 221 75 382 114 001448 541 00 514 79 50 580 12 00 646) 74 25 251 249 50 317 62 25 383 139 75 449 236 75 515 134 00 581 21 00 647 47 50 15 00 252 292 25 318 266 50 384 130 00 450 170 00 516 79 75 582 113 00 648 8) 25 86 00 253 213 50 319 124 75 385 79 75 451 108 75 517| 583 55 50 649 21 75 299 25 254 127 00 320 73 25 386 28 00 452 96 75 518 36 25 584 650 44 25 208 501255 92 25 321 75 25 387 66 00 453 36 00 519 144 50 585 109 00 651 56 25 19 50 256 102 00 322 64 75 388 146 50 454 152 25 520 40 50 586: 652 43 00 218 75 257 86 50 323 70 50 389 114 50 455 168 00 521 102 75 587 106 25 653 63 50 304 50 258 43 50 324 100 75 390 149 25 456 111 50 522 148 00 588 39 50,654 37 50 67 50 259 75 75 325 106 50 391/156 00 457 130 75 523, 102 00 589 54 25 655 62 100 50 128 85 25 194 353 50 260 156 25 326 240 25 392 209 00 458 33 25 524 26 75 590 200 00,656, 40 00 63 147 25 129 250 75 195 115 25 261 41 50 327,194 00 393 148 25 459 48 25 525 64 25 591 106 75 64 217 75 130 294 50 196 262 177 75 328 91 25 394) 95 75 526 26 00 592 50 25 65 192 25 131 52 00 197 104 75 263 136 75 329 40 75 395 107 25 461 95 00 527 118 00 593 54 75 66 142 50 132 123 75 198 269 25,264 71 50 330 202 00 396 155 75 462 150 00 528 112 75,594 108 50)

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