Abbildungen der Seite

ey-general fhould fee the ordinances arrets touching the non-refidence of hbibops and bishops carried into execu: and report to the chambers in a fortwhat he had done in the matter." Paris, March 6. The affair of the s and unfortunate Proteftant, John who was broken upon the wheel at loufe [xxiv. 428.] about two years in confequence of the fuicide of one fons, whom he was falfely accufed aving put to death himself, was fome ths ago brought before the council ate at Versailles, at which were preMt the minifters of state, the chancelThe cafe was reported by of de Crofne, mafter of requests, with impartiality of an upright judge, the racy of one perfectly well informed, that affecting eloquence that the ful circumftances of this unparallel ory fo naturally dictate to a humane After a long examination of this affair, it appeared with the clearidence, that the fon of John Calas never formed the most diftant notion aning Roman Catholic; that he had ged himself in a fit of melancholy; the aged father and mother knew thing of the matter until they found dead, to their inexpreffible furprise forrow; that they had been remarkfor the excellence of their charac during the space of forty years and wards that they had lived at Thoulouse, had been peculiarly eminent for their ntal tendernels; and that befides the ates of natural affection, (which forms a ftrong prefumption of the innoe of this aged and worthy father), By circumstance concurred to clear of the horrid crime for which he was to death in the most painful and ignois manner by the parliament of suloufe. In confequence of this, the mbers of the council unanimously ated in forming a refolution, by which parliament of Thouloufe was ordered send them an account of the proceedagainst John Calas, and the reafons heir fevere and bloody fentence. The gave his royal approbation to this ution of the council, and all thofe were not deaf to the voice of humaand juftice, (and who had beheld juft fentiments of horror, in the parent of Thoulouse, falfehood and cruelarmed and fet on by bigotry, to inta widow and five children in the ft diftrefs, by the murder of a father

and a husband committed under the form of law), hoped to fee fatisfaction made to the memory of Calas, and thereby fome comfort ad ministred to his afflicted family. It was at least imagined, that the parlia ment of Thouloufe would have been called to justify their conduct before the tribunal of their fovereign, and to clear themselves in the eyes of Europe, and of the human race, who are all interested in this unparallelled caufe. It was hoped that the members of this parliament, who condemned, without proof, to the rack and wheel, a father for murdering his fon, and the infamous theriff David, who infulted upon the wheel this aged and innocent father expiring under the rage of monkish bigotry, would have been obliged to acknowledge their temerity and precipitation at leaft, and to make honourable amends to the afflicted family, by confefling, that they were deceived by monks and falfe witneffes, and by granting their protection (if it would be accepted) to the children they have rendered fatherlefs by an unjust judgment. All this was expected. Several pamphlets have been published at Paris, demanding juftice, and yet hitherto juftice has been suspended, and the voice of humanity has pleaded in vain for innocent blood. The infinuations of monks and bigots have, it is to be feared, stopped the execution of justice, and been employed to perfuade a humane monarch, that it was more expedient to abandon the caufe of an innocent; Calvinift who had been unjustly broken on the wheel, than expofe eight counfel lors of Thouloufe to the flame of acknowledging, that they had been miftaken. A new inftance this of the spirit of a Popish government, and its horrid influ ence, even in a country whofe inhabitants (excepting thofe of Thouloufe) are natu rally inclined to humanity and clemency.

I except Thouloufe, because the dark, gloomy, and cruel effects of fuperftition and bigotry reign there in a particular manner, and have given a barbarous and fanguinary caft to the temper of its inhabitants, naturally tinged with Spanish feverity. Voltaire tells, in his last production, that the inhabitants of Thouloule thanked God publicly for the affallination of Henry IV.; and it is well known they have an annual feftival, on which they celebrate, in the most pompous manner, by proceffions, bonfires, and other demonftrations of joy, the anniversary of ⚫ Traite fur la tolerance.



that glorious day in which four thousand Proteftants, their fellow-citizens, were maffacred, without distinction of age or fex, in their city. The year 1762, in which Calas was executed, was the fecular year of that horrible maffacre; and as the festival above mentioned was juft approaching, when this unfortunate man was caft into prifon, Voltaire thinks that this circumstance might have contributed to his condemnation. It was, indeed, agreeable to the fpirit of fuch a holiday to have a Proteftant victim to facrifice to the fanguinary genius of Popery. I fhall conclude this letter by obferving, that as the tears of the widow Calas, and her fatherless children, have made their way to the throne, the humanity and juftice of the King are engaged to give both her and Europe fatisfaction for this horrid deed, (or, to use Voltaire's expression), for this barbarous murder committed at Touloufe by the fword of juftice."

"London, March 6. Letters from Paris advise, that the lieutenant-criminal had conducted to Brie, near that city, fourteen perfons condemned to be burnt there, for having poisoned the cattle of that can ton; and that preparations were making for the trial of feveral others concerned in that infernal practice."

According to the public papers, the infection among the horned cattle in fome places has much abated, in confequence of hanging four or five onions about the necks of the beafts, directly after they are taken ill, and will not eat. Thofe onions draw the infection out, and look the next day as if they had been boiled. This application is to be repeated feveral times, and the onions which have been used, are to be buried deep in the earth. In a few days after the application, the cattle are taken with a running at the nofe, which carries off the diftemper. It is alfo proper, during the process, to hang up fome onions in the diftempered cattle's ftables. As to affairs in ITALY, Paoli, general of the CORSICAN malecontents, has taken the caftle of Figari in that island, on the fea-coaft; and reduced Calvi, another maritime place, to great ftraits, through want of provifions. Letters from Leghorn, of Feb. 7. exprefs great furprife at the little care taken by the GENOESE, to preferve their feveral pofts in Corfica, which they obferve can be accounted for only by the certainty they have of being affifted in the recovery of them by a fo reign force, or their being in treaty with

fome other power to give up the its dominion.

In regard to SPAIN we have t following articles.

"Madrid, Feb. 28. Our minift fy in feeing the land-forces kept plete, and in augmenting the and at the fame time do not negl regards our trade. It is for th that our court has made treaties northern powers, which have to furnish us with a certain numbe of war in cafe of need."

"London, March 15 They w Cadiz, that near a hundred religi lately imbarked at that port, an fome veffels bound for America, th eft part of them brethren of the ted order of Jesuits, who are going a happier fortune in a diftant com "London, March 15. A hi from Cadiz for Buenos Ayres the on board of which were about eigh fuits."

We have received the following in relation to NORTH AMERICA. "Landon, March 8. Since our have been in poffeffion of the gulf ver of St Lawrence, they have dik a very valuable whale fishery there was unknown to the French. Up discovery, the people of New E fitted out ten veflels, of near 100 tu den each, for that fishery, in 176 had fuch fuccefs, that in 1762 the out fifty vellels for the fame purpale year were employed upwards of and we are affured a ftill larger will be employed the en fuing feafo quantity of whalebone imported New England within these two ye already reduced that commodity from to 350 1. the tun.”

Quebec, Oct. 28. We had yefte vifit from an Indian chief, the lach the Chriftian Hurons, and his They were neatly dreffed, and spoke French. The fachem is a man of and probity; and, what you would ly believe, is well bred. He is means a bigot; and, if proper method ufed, might eafily be made entirely lith. I made a fhift to inufter a litt French, to make him fenfible, tha English are free, though under a that we are governed by just laws own making, to which the King b is fubject, as well as his people. S ing of the French King, he thoug called him (the fachem) one of bis

1: which his eyes fparkled, and he wth forme indignation, That the Inwere not governed by French, but free all over the world He told us, wald gladly cross the great lake, to Te great King, if the general would leave. I doubt we are apt to

He the Indians too much."

gentleman lately returned from the INDIES, who was very curious in fervat ons there, informs, that fome ago there was a republic of Jews at od of Patna, capital of the kingdom Bahar, who were once fo numerous, 12ty could reckon about 60,000 fabut are now reduced to 4000. They femagogue near the nabob's palace, ich their records are kept, engraven perplates in Hebrew characters; fo Hoke Jews pretend they can fhew wa hiftory from the reign of Nebuezzar to the prefeut time. They themselves to be of the tribe of wch, a part of which was, by order at baughty conqueror, carried to the euterly province of his large empire, extended to the Indus; from whence Hews removed to the Ganges; and joney 20,000 of them travelled three years after theifetting out Babylon. An abstract of their hifto been translated from the Hebrew, may perhaps be of ufe to the learned. & London, April 5. The following an is publiched by authority of the En of the Eat-India company.

mity, a war with Coffim Aly was unavoidable. Meff. Amyatt and Hay were recalled, and measures were taken at the prefidency, to carry it on in the most effectual manner. Mr Amyatt having taken leave of the nabob the 24th of June, and received the ufual paffports, he fet out in boats for Calcutta, accompanied with Meff. Amphlett, Wollaston, Cooper; and Dr Crooke; (Meff. Hay and and Hutchinson; Lieut' Jones, Gordon, and Gulfton remaining with the nabob as hoftages). As the boats were paffing the city of Moorfhedabad, they were attacked on the 3d of July by a number of troops, affembled for that purpofe, on both fides the river, and fome of the gentlemen were killed in the boats. Mr Amyatt immediately landed with a few Seapoys, which he forbid to fire, and endeavoured to make the enemy's troops underftand that he was furnished with the na bob's paffports, and had no defign of committing any hoftilities: but the enemy's horfe advancing, fome of the Scapoys fired, notwithstanding Mr Amyatt's orders; and a gemost of the fmall party who were with him, neral confufion enfuing, that gentleman, and

were cut to pieces.

By the faid letters it further appears, That Mr Ellis and his council at Patna, having, with the approbation of Capt. Carstairs, agreed to attack that city early in the morning of the 25th of June, it was accordingly executed and carried; that they were in entire poffeffion of the city for four hours, the Moorish governor and most of his people having fled as far as Cutwa; that he there came to a refolution to return, and attempt to regain the city, and having got in at the water-fide gate of the fort, he fucceeded in Eaft-India House, April 4. 1764. difpofieffing our troops, owing to the EuroI the company's thip Royal George, peans and Seapoys being meftly difperfed in which arrived at Spithead from Bengal plundering: That upon their retiring into rft inftant, the court of directors have the factory, on account of this difpiritedness letters from that prefidency, to the of the men, and a great defertion among the ing purport: That the difputes be- Seapoys, it was found impracticable to make the company's fervants there, and the any ftand there; and a refolution was theresabob, Coffim Aly Cawn, had been fore taken to proceed to Sujah Dowla's counactive of fuch animofities and jealoufies try; that they accordingly croffed the river part of the latter, that it was judged the 26th in the evening, and met with no teceffary to use every means to allay obftruction until they paffed Churpa; that For this purpose Mess. Amyatt and then they were attacked on the 30th by two gentlemen of the council, were de- the Phouidar, with about 2000 men, whom to wait upon the nabob, with inftruc- they eafily routed; but he being that evenendeavour to adjust the differences ing joined from Budgepore with 4 or 500 ■ amicable manner. They accordingly Seapoys, and five or fix field pieces, he atsad at Mongheer, the place of his refi- tacked the party on the next evening, the rft , on the 12th of May, and had many of July, and entirely routed them, the Euferences with him; in which he evidently ropeans having quitted their ranks at the first med a great aversenefs to an accommoda- onfct; that in the whole there were about on the terms offered to him. About fifty Europeans killed, and about eight or me, a fupply of 500 ftands of arms,, nine officers, amongst the laft Capt. Carftairs, o Patna, was ftopped by the nabob's who was killed by a cannon-ball in the morn , and other acts of hoftility were coming of the rft; that on the fecend Mr Ellis, ; and affair, being come to an extre with the officers and private men, were taken Tel. XXVI.



prifoners, and by the last advices were all at Mongheer, excepting Capt. Wilfon, Enfigns Mackay and Armstrong, Mr Anderfon furgeon, and Mr Peter Campbell, who then re mained prifoners at Patna.

Upon thefe and other acts of hostility against feveral of the company's fettlements committed by Coflim Aly, it was determined to declare war against him, and to restore the former nabob, Meer Jaffier, to the fubahfhip, upon his entering into a new treaty with the company. War was accordingly declared, and an advantageous treaty was concluded; the most material articles whereof are a confirmation of his former treaty, and alfo of the provinces of Burdwan, Nidnapoor, and Chittagong, granted by the late nabob Coffim Aly, engaging to give thirty lacks [xx.38.) of rupees to defray the expences and lofs accruing to the company from the war, and engaging alfo to reimburse the amount of private perfons loffes.

Meer Jaffier fet out a few days after to join the army under Major Adams, which was then on its march towards Moorfhedabad. The first action which happened, was on the 16th of July, oppofite to Cutwa, on the Coffimbuzar fide of the river. The Major having croffed the army the night before, in the morning came up with a large body of the enemy's troops, who were strongly posted to oppofe his progress to the city; and having attacked them, they were routed, after a fmall refiftance, and with an inconfiderable lofs on our fide. A detached party, under the command of Capt. Long, at the fame time poffeffed themselves of the fort of Cutwa, on the other fide of the river; and all the artillery they had there, as well as what they had brought into the field, fell into our hands. In this action Mahomed Tucky Cawn, who, it is faid, commanded the attack on Mr Amyatt's party, was mortally wounded, and died a few days after.

The good effects of this fuccefs were difplayed in the cafy conqueft that followed of the city of Moorfhedabad, which the army entered with a trifling oppofition the 24th at night. Here the Major eftablished and proclaimed the Nabob Meer Jafficr in due form, and halted fome days to refresh the army.

remarkable bravery of the officers and m the enemy fuftained a total defeat. The on our fide was not so considerable as m have been expected from fo fevere an act confifting only of fix officers and 40 E peans, and 292 Seapoys and black horse, ed and wounded. On the fide of the my, a great number of men were killed wounded, 23 pieces of cannon, and 2 150 boats laden with military and o ftores, taken. Amongst these last were fo all the artillery, and most of the Patna tachment's stores; and within fome day ter the action, between 60 and 70 of men who were taken prisoners at Patna, had been engaged by foul means and fa ferve the enemy's guns, returned to thei lours.

On the 28th of July, the Major continued his march towards Mongheer; and on the 2d of August, having arrived near a place called Sooty, at the head of the Coflimbuzar river, a very obftinate engagement enfued with a numerous army of the enemy's beft troops and artillery, who there occupied a very ftrong and advantageous poft. The ftand that they made was refolute and uncommon for troops of this country, having clofely engaged our forces for no less than four hours. However, by the intrepidity and good conduct of Major Adams, and the

Immediately after this battle the N advanced with the army near to Rajama bout three or four miles from which plac enemy had thrown up a strong intrench from the hills to the river, and for the cing of which, it was judged moft prope infuring the fafety of the troops, to car regular approaches. Every thing having accordingly prepared, the works were b upon the 29th of Auguft, and continue the 5th of September, when the Major ved upon an affault; which was executed very little lofs, and their whole works in our possession that morning. This fu we have great reafon to believe, will be five of the fate of the war, as the e feemed to repofe their chief confidence i ftrength of thefe works, and now by the of them are deprived of all fupplies of fion from the province of Bengal, wh entirely fecured to us.

Major Adams, in his letters, whe gives an account of his feveral engage with the enemy, has given juft prai Major Carnac, Major Knox, and othe cers who have diftinguifhed themfelv well as to the officers and troops in ge for their gallant behaviour. To Majo nac he afcribes particular merit, for t gorous attack which he led against the body of the enemy in the general ach the 2d of Auguft, and which made ti impreflion, contributing thereby in meafure to the victory we had obt The fame juftice is due to Major A which he has done to the officers and under his command, and the highest is due to him from the company for hi conduct in this campaign, which has attended with extraordinary difficultie fatigues, on account of the rainy feafor the badnefs of the roads; and in whic his ability in forming the plans of att fuch manner to take every advantage tuation of the enemy admitted, he ha red the fuccefs of his operations wi


March 1764.

mlleft lots of men poffible; and to which Holt valuable qualification, he adds a cooland intrepidity unthaken in the midst of

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Governor Vanfittart, after the close of the oregoing advices, writes, that as the friends the gentlemen prifoners with the late naCoflim Ally, would be anxious to have certain account of them, he tranfmitted tropy of a letter to Maj. Adams from Meff. is and Hay, dated at Patna, the 4th of Ocher laft, mentioning, that the number of rifoners was forty-nine, who were taking fures for the purchase of their deliverance the Major's nearer approach towards Patthat officer was alfo endeavouring to efto deireable an event. The Governor dds, as Meff. Ellis and Hay take notice of death of Capt. Turner only, it was premed that all the rest were well. Gov. Vansart afterwards advifes the reduction of gheer on the 11th of October by the , without the lofs of one man before

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Go. Vanfittart further acquaints the court
directors, in a letter dated Oct. 8. 1763,
if the war fhould not be brought to a
ful end, he will stay in Bengal till the
wing year at all risks; although it is the
on of the phyficians he is very incapable
ping through another hot feafon; but if
ubles fhould be fo far quieted that he
leave the company's poffeffions in fafety,
hopes to be in London about September

The court of directors having a due fenfe
the gallant behaviour and great services of
Carnac, as noticed in the before-men-
ed advices, have unanimously agreed to
te him to the command of the company's
es in Bengal.


mary of the proceedings at the general courts of the proprietors of East-India ftock.

HE first general court, held Feb. 27. was opened by Sir Francis Gofling; declared, the business of their meeting be, to inquire into the prefent condition the company's affairs abroad; to endeato difcover the causes of the misfortunes had happened at Bengal; to learn what had been taken by the directors to rey thefe misfortunes; and their reafons difmiffing many of their old fervants, appointing a gentleman seventh in counat Bombay, to be governor at Bengal, in eference to another gentleman who fhould arly have fucceeded to that trust.

The firft inquiry naturally brought on the ulation in favour of Coffim Aly Cawn, ich was afcribed principally to Governor fittart, in direct oppofition to the advice This council; in vindication of which mea

fure many papers were produced and read,
All which were
and others called for, tending to lay open its
pernicious confequences.
read, and much time was taken up in tedious
and trifling debates, which ended in nothing

The management of the company's fer-
vants at Calcutta came next to be examined,
and many papers were produced relating to
the demand of the majority of the council of
exorbitant fums from the new Nabob, on fri-
volous and unjuft pretenees, with the Gover-
nor's protest against them, the Nabob's refu-
fal, and the reafons for his non-compliance;
from which nothing more could be gathered,
but that the council meant to obtain as many
exemptions from duties as poffible, and even
to trade for themfelves duty-free, and add a
profit to their own gains, by covering the
goods of other merchants.

The undue preference in the appointment of the company's principal fervants came next before the court, in which the friends of thofe promoted, and those rejected, exerted themfelves with equal zeal, and much recrimination; but those who had only the company's intereft at heart, could easily perceive, that to reinstate the company's affairs, and to remedy the disorders that had happened, other men and other measures were neceffary; and this naturally led many of the most temperate among them to caft their eyes on their former deliverer, Lord Clive, as the only perfon that could restore the credit of the company in that distant part of the world, give weight to their measures, and reconcile the differences of a divided council. At a fubfequent meeting a motion was accordingly made, That Lord Clive be requested to take upon him the prefidency of Bengal, and the command of the military forces there, upon his arrival in that province. Upon which his Lordship stood up, and faid, That if matters could be fettled, fo that he could proceed with vigour, fupported by a friendly and united direction, he would again ftand forth in their service, and ufe his beft abilities to recover their affairs. In confequence of this favourable declaration, a refolution was formed on the preceding motion, and a letter was fent in form to his Lordship, fignifying the fame. To which his Lordship returned a fuitable anfwer. This letter, and the antwer to it, was the fubject of another meeting; when fome very warm altercations paried between his Lordship and the deputy-chairman, which at last terminated, on the part of the latter, with expreffions of the greatest cordiality of the fincerity of which, however, his Lordship expreffed fome doubt; and went even fo far as to intimate, that it was indifferent to him who were in the direction, provided one gentleman was not in it; and that the court might confider, whether it

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