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horns and seven heads, and Papal Rome as a little horn, with eyes like a man and a mouth speading great things, and the seven remaining kingdoms of the beast of the sea, each with a crown on his head, why should the people of the United States wonder if she also, is noticed by the Eternal in prophesy by the prophets and apostles?

He who in the beginning saw what his creatures would do, and also, the most suitable ways for regulation, chastisement or destruction for nonconformities to his ways; also he saw that in the latter days this government would arise, just as it has and for why; therefore John has described it in its rise and in its fall; and the Lord has ordered me to thus show it to you.


The Turks as a nation are the descendants of Ishmael, son of Abraham, by his Egyptian wife, Hagar, whom the Lord found in a perilous condition, and said of him, that he should become a great nation and different from other nations, and which they have always been. Babylon, Assyria, Egypt, Medo

Persia, Grecia, Rome, Europe, America, and others, have passed him by unnoticed. He dwelt alone, as it were, until of late, but now is now beginning to show himself a little, as if getting ready for the wonders which are coming and the judgments which are soon to be called forth; and the destruction of nations which ere long will come to pass, and when they least expect it.


Prior to the flood, no religions were spoken of but the sons of God-the church, and the children of men; but, in time they became one and put in their time drinking, gambling and pastimes, (similar to that we are doing in these days,) until the flood came and put an end to them and their fun, as to this life.


Paganism, Dragonic Necromancy, and Brahminism came into active existence. The people were not satisfied with their astronomical system of looking through the planets and constellations to the Creator, but substituted a system of beastly worship, in which they

corrupted themselves,

Nimrod, the first monarch of the world was deified by the Babylonians and worshiped in the tower which he built-which was converted into a temple called the Temple of Baal. It had eight stages, the least of which was two hundred yards square, and on the summit was a golden statue of Baal, of forty feet high. Also, two other statues of gold, and a golden table in a shrine.

The Egyptians deified HAM and built his temple in the sandy desert of Libya, three hundred miles from Egypt. Thither the Egyptians and Libyans went to worship him as their principal deity-Jupiter Ammon.

Thebes, in upper Egypt, was built on both sides of the Nile, and was much larger than Babylon. The principal temple was Kannak, which was over 2,000 years in building; it was a cluster of Temples; one was 1,108 feet long and 300 feet wide.

The Egyptians prided themselves in their splendid temples; feasts, beautiful paintings of their gods, and the grandeur of their kings. So, no wonder the political and religious heavens were hung in mourning when Egypt fell.

The white bull was one of their principal deities, and which Jeroboam brought into Israel, and caused the people to worship, as the Apes of Egypt.

The Egytians had many other inferior deities which they worshiped.


Buddhism took its rise from Buddha, of India, who professed to have come down from heaven, six hundred years before Christ, and for the ninth time; and to come again in the form of a white elephant. This religion was introduced into China thirty years after Christ and is the prevailing re-. ligion of the Chinese and Japanese.

The Buddhists include five millions as found in India, Ceylon, Burmah, Siam, Thibet, China and Japan. In Japan, was a city of ten thousand gods; and in Greece, in one city, were once worshiped thirty thousand gods.


Is from Mahommed, who descended from Ishmael, son of Abraham. and a native of Mecca, Arabia; he imbibed the notion of being

the last and great prophet spoken of by Moses, and professed to have ascended to the seventh heaven, and by the Eternal commissioned to force the people to an adherence to his system of religion and which he established by the sword.

This religion is called the false prophet in a certain sense, and its votaries are called Mahommedans; and of whom are 150,000,000 as found in Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, India, China and Hindoostan.


Spiritualism was practised in Babylon and Egypt as magical soothsaying. And when introduced into Israel was called witchcraft-necromancy-dealing with familiar spirits,--spirits of devils. In Greece it was called philosophy-Grecian philosophy-and modified by Epicurus as skepticism, and imbibed by the Jewish Sadducees, and known in France as infidelity and atheism, and some over thirty years ago in the United States it returned to its old Grecian name, philosophy, as spiritual philosophy. And in that name has and is spreading far and wide and has assumed different forms.

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