Tim. THAT ness, V. CHAT nature being fick of man's unkind Should yet be hungry! Common mother, thou Whose womb unmeasurable, and infinite breast Teems, and feeds all; oh thou! whose self-fame mettle Dit (Whereof thy proud child, arrogant man, is puft) 10 Never presented-O, a root-dear thanks! Dry up thy harrow'd veins, and plough-torn leas, Whereof ingrateful man with liqu'rish draughts And morsels unctious, greases his pure mind, That from it all confideration flips. SCENE VI. Enter Apemantus. More man? plague! plague! Apem. I was directed hither. Men report, Thou doft affect my manners, and doft use them. * Let it no more bring out ingrateful Man.] This is an absurd Reading. Shakespear Wrote, bring out to ingrateful Man, i. e. Fruits for his Suftinence and Support; but let it rather teem with Monsters to his Destruction. VOL. VII. I Tim. Tim. 'Tis then, because thou dost not keep a dog Whom I would imitate; consumption catch thee! Apem. This is in thee a nature but affected, A poor unmanly melancholy, sprung place ? This flave-like habit, and these looks of care? So long a mad-man, now a fool. What, think'st thou, brook, Candied with ice, cawdle thy morning tafte Tim. A fool of thee; depart. Tim. I hate thee worse. Apem. Why? Tim. Thou flatt'rest misery. Apem. I flatter not; but say, thou art a caitiff. Tim. Why doft thou feek me out? Apem. To vex three. Tim. Always a villain's office, or a fool's. Doft please thyself in't? Apem. If thou didst put this four cold habit on To caftigate thy pride, 'twere well; but thou Doft it enforcedly: thou'dst Courtier be, Wert thou not beggar. Willing mifery Outlives incertain pomp; is crown'd before : The one is filling still, never complete; The other, at high with: Best states, contentless, Have a distracted and most wretched being; Worse than the worst, content. Thou shouldst defire to die, being miferable. Tim. Not by his breath, that is more miferable. Thou art a flave, whom fortune's tender arm With favour never claspt; but bred a dog. Hadst thou, like us, from our first swath proceeded Through sweet degrees that this brief world affords, To such as may the paffive drugs of it Freely command; thou wouldst have plung'd thy felf In general riot, melted down thy youth In different beds of luft, and never learn'd The mouths, the tongues, the eyes, the hearts of men At duty, more than I could frame employments; That numberless upon me stuck, as leaves Do on the oak; have with one winter's brush Fall'n from their boughs, and left me open, bare For every storm that blows. I to bear this, That never knew but better, is some burden. Thy nature did commence in suff'rance, time Hath made thee hard in't. Why shouldst thou hate men? What haft thou given? Apem. Art thou proud yet? Were all the wealth I have, shut up in thee, [Eating a root. Apem. Here, I will mend thy feaft. thine. Tim. 'Tis not well mended so, it is but botcht; If not, I would it were. Apem. What would'st thou have to Athens? Tim. Thee thither in a whirlwind; if thou wilt, Tell them there, I have gold; look, so I have. Tim. The best and trueft: For here it fleeps, and does no hired harm. Where feed'st thou o'days, Apemantus ? 1 Apem. Where my stomach finds meat; or rather, where I eat it. art Tim. 'Would poison were obedient, and knew my mind! Apem. Where would'st thou send it? Tim. To fauce thy dishes. Apem. The middle of humanity thou never kneweft, but the extremity of both ends. When thou wast in in thy gilt, and thy perfume, they mockt thee for too much curiosity; in thy rags thou knowest none, but art despis'd for the contrary. There's a medlar for thee, eat it. k e Tim. On what I hate I feed not. Apem. Doft hate a medlar? Tim. Ay, though it look like thee. Apem. An th' hadst hated medlers sooner, thou What man should'st have loved thyself better now. Tim. Who, without those means thou talk'st of, didft thou ever know beloved? Apem. Myfelf. Tim. I understand thee, thou hadst some means to keep a dog. Apem. What things in the world canst thou nearest compare to thy flatterers? Tim. Women nearest; but men, men, are the things themselves. What wouldst thou do with the world, Apemantus, if it lay in thy power? Apem. Give it the beasts, to be rid of the men. Tim. Wouldst thou have thyself fall in the confufion of men, or remain a beast with the beasts? Apem. Ay, Timon. Tim. A beastly ambition, which the Gods grant thee to attain to! If thou wert a lion, the fox would beguile thee; if thou wert a lamb, the fox would eat thee; if thou wert the fox, the lion would suspect thee, when, peradventure, thou wert accus'd by the afs; if thou wert the ass, thy dulness would torment thee; and still thou liv'dst but as a break I3 faft |