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Toiling obedient, till long hours so spent
Produce exhaustion's slumber dull and deep.
The watcher's stroke,-bold-sudden-violent,—
Urges him from that lethargy of sleep,

And bids him wake to life,-to labour and to weep!

But the day hath its end. Forth then he hies
With jaded, faltering step, and brow of pain;
Creeps to that shed,-his home,-where happy lies
The sleeping babe that cannot toil for gain;
Where his remorseful mother tempts in vain
With the best portion of their frugal fare;
Too sick to eat too weary to complain-
He turns him idly from the untasted share,

Slumbering sinks down unfed, and mocks her useless care.

Weeping she lifts, and lays his heavy head
(With all a woman's grieving tenderness)
On the hard surface of his narrow bed;
Bends down to give a sad unfelt caress,
And turns away;-willing her God to bless,
That, weary as he is, he need not fight
Against that long-enduring bitterness,
The voluntary labour of the night,

But sweetly slumber on till day's returning light."



Address to Young Men.

MEN'S London, and it is a prominent feature in the Society's arrangements to have, "in some one or more districts of the metropolis, a sermon preached to young men on every Sabbath evening." Auxiliary Societies have THE objects of this Society are to afford been formed at Plymouth, at Exeter, and at you an opportunity of acquiring moral and Norwich; and it is intended to organize intellectual instruction by which your good societies of young men on scriptural principrinciples may be strengthened and your ples for the purpose of mutual improvement minds improved; of providing the means by and doing good, first in London; and then to which those whose principles are not yet hold out a helping hand to maintain correscorrupted, may be led to cherish Christian pondence with all who are willing to act on, benevolence and cultivate Christian activity; and carry out, our plans in their own and means for the recovery of those who cities, towns, and villages. The Periodihave wandered from the path of virtue. cal published by the Society, will be contiAlready have Young Men's Societies been nued monthly, and will be especially devoted formed in America, on the Continent, in to the discussion of questions in which England, Ireland, and Scotland. London young men are likely to feel most interested, now numbers among her best institutions namely, Religious, Literary, and Scientific several Young Men's Societies. But all the subjects; Correspondence opened with auxiother institutions of the kind, however excel- liary and kindred societies, and other valuable lent, (and with unfeigned pleasure we rejoice and interesting communications bearing in the good they have done and are doing,) | directly on the best means of promoting are more or less confined in their operations, | virtuous principle, and elevating the "standwhile the British and Foreign Young Men's ard of public feeling in favour of correct Society have chosen not only the metropolis, morals." It is intended to obtain as many not only the united kingdoms of England, rooms as circumstances may justify in the Ireland, and Scotland, but the world four districts into which the committee have as the sphere of their operations. This divided the metropolis, each room to contain Society was established only last July; since a Library, and in which Lectures on various which period 16,000 scripture handbills useful and popular subjects shall be delivered have been published; sermons have been to young men by gentlemen of talent. Moral preached to young men in every part of young men coming from the country, and

those leaving the family circle in town, may, by applying at the Society's office, be directed to comfortable accommodation in houses under the management of persons of piety and kind dispositions.


IT is high time that a resolute stand should be made against certain injurious and irrational social customs, which, so long as they prevail to their existing extent, present a truly formidable obstacle to the final triumph of temperance. The following are the customs to which we allude:

cause it is impossible that they can go into the market with the same advantage, or make their purchases on the same terms as though they were to be paid at an early period in the course of the day, but it is the origin of much of that revolting intemperance which is visible on the morning, and in fact during the whole course of Sunday. Were this custom abandoned, a very large proportion of the wages now squandered away in the tap-room or the gin-shop, would be devoted to the promotion of domestic comfort and peace.

The fifth custom is that of paying wages in public-houses. This custom is tantamount to an intolerable tax, both on the reThe first custom is that which prevails in sources and the morals of that part of the many respectable families, of giving ardent operative community which is cursed by its spirits to persons employed in occasional influence. When wages are paid in a publicdomestic services. By this agency, ruin-house, it is almost universally expected that ous habits of intemperance have frequently part of those wages should be spent, as it is callbeen formed in the cases of porters, char-ed, "for the good of the house;" and thus the women, &c.; and by the same agency, in-gross amount of those wages is not only matemperate propensities already contracted, terially reduced, but, in countless instances, have been fearfully established and increased.

the reign of intemperance is established, the individual character is depraved, and doThe second custom is that of offering mestic virtue and happiness are destroyed. drams, or producing spirituous liquors under The payment of wages late on Saturday a mistaken estimate of hospitality. Thus, nights, and the payment of wages in publicin many circles, if a friend make his ap-houses, are the means of accumulating a mass pearance, he must be dosed with ardent of guilt from which the mind recoils with spirits while he remains, he must be dosed dismay. with ardent spirits-when he takes his de- The sixth custom, which is confined of parture, he must be dosed with ardent course exclusively to working men, is that of spirits. Delusive hospitality! which puts connecting entrances into particular trades an enemy down a friend's throat to steal away or particular departments of trade, with drinkhis brains. Delusive hospitality! which, to ing bouts. Thus there are numerous "footobviate the imputation of niggardliness, en-ings," "fines," &c., which are almost always dangers the destruction of the body and the


The third custom is that of rendering every important occurrence in social life an occasion of drinking. In what numberless instances are births, baptisms, entering upon situations, liberation from apprenticeships, the forming of partnerships, the ratification of bargains, marriages, natal and matrimonial anniversaries, and even the celebration of the funeral rights of the dead-how often are all these events made, if not the scenes of absolute excess, at any rate the means of accelerating the progress and extending the influence of intemperance!

devoted to debauchery, and to the cherishing of the most ruinous habits of extravagance. This custom is associated with many others of a similar character, which our operative readers will immediately remember, and which we have no space at present to describe.

The seventh custom is that of holding the meetings of benefit societies, trade societies, literary societies, &c., &c., in taverns and public-houses. It is of the utmost importance to the temperance cause, and to the general good of the whole population of the country, that in London, and in all provincial towns, commodious buildings or apartments should be prepared, in which the members of these societies may regularly hold their meetings, without being compelled to throw away, upon the spirit-cask or the ale-barrel, that which might be infinitely more usefully employed.

The fourth custom is that of paying wages late on Saturday nights. Against this custom, which prevails to a deplorable extent both in London and the large provincial manufacturing towns, it is absolutely necessary that all the friends of the temperance The eighth custom is that of resorting, in cause should unanimously and incessantly almost every case of real or fancied ailment, protest. Not only is this custom injurious to the spirit-bottle. How general is the to the comfort of the working classes, be- practice of recommending and taking spirits

'And diamonds glitter on an anxious breast.' "Now, Julia, I am amazed!"

"Shame and remorse are the disturbers of my peace."

I was thunderstruck. What! that beautiful, gay, light-hearted creature wretched, and that on account of sin!

when there are pains in the stomach, or pains | Pope's-running through my mind the whole in the head, or pains in any other part of the evening; it was this: corporeal structure; when the individual is wet or when he is dry; when he suffers from cold or from heat; when he is either at home or abroad; whenever he is either elated or depressed; when he either wants an appetite or has gorged himself into indigestion. All this valetudinarian drinking cannot be too strongly condemned. Ardent spirit, it is true, may be used medicinally, but let it be recollected that in this case every man is not to be his own doctor; " or else an apology is directly afforded for the most inveterate spirit-drinkers in the world, for they will very readily declare that they never drink, except to "do themselves good!" Away with these 'Why, uncle," said she, "do I not know I am frivolous excuses for personal indulgence!-that the deepest waters run stillest? British and Foreign Temperance Advocate. satisfied. What a word that is! yes, satisfied. You cannot understand me, but by doing as the Psalmist recommends: 'Taste and see that the Lord is gracious.""


There are other causes of intemperance not noticed in the above. One of these is the silly and pernicious habit of drinking toasts at public dinners. The tables of the Lacedemonians are called by Plutarch, schools of sobriety, where the young were taught temper


But public dinners, among us-a refined and Christian nation—are little better than schools for teaching drinking. In the language of a popular journal of the day, we will add, that we are not so sanguine as to expect to see this venerable and vicious usage abated to any great degree, until society at large has undergone a change for the betteruntil a horror and contempt of dram-drinking has been inculcated in the moral training of the young. The old are pretty nearly hopeless: temperance associations must address themselves vigorously to the task of enforcing infant education-there a glorious field lies before them.


"ARE you happy?" said I to my niece. "No, uncle, I am only gay." "But you have friends, kind friends; choice books, and a taste for reading them: time cannot hang heavily on your hands."

"I know it would seem that I ought to be happy, but I am not. I seem to be afflicted by the troubles of my friends; but something prevents me from entering with full satisfaction into their joys."

"But your company is sought, and highly appreciated; and when I saw you last evening, glittering with jewels, and surrounded by admirers, you seemed to be happy."

"So I did seem happy, but I was not; and there was a line of poetry-I think it is

I was absent three weeks, and when I returned she was a devout Christian. I sought a renewal of our conversation. She seemed so grave, thought she could not be happy, and expressed my apprehension that she might be deluded.


1 sought God, and found it as she had said.

THE BLUSH OF MODESTY is nature's alarm at the approach of sin, and her testimony to the dignity of virtue.

SCHOOLS IN AMERICA. According to authentic accounts, the number of children in America, destitute of education, is about equal to that of the more fortunate who obtain it. More than 1,000,000 is stated to be the number of the former. Of these, 250,000 are to be found in Pennsylvania, 18,000 in the State of New York, and 13,000 also in the city of New York. In Indiana, it is contended, there are 22,000 children; and in Illinois, 20,000 who cannot read; and nearly the same number of full-grown persons in the same situation. New Jersey has 11,500 children without any kind of education; and in Kentucky, in 1833, about onethird of all the children were in the same lamentable condition.

FECUNDITY OF SCHOOLS.-M. Abrahamson, the great scholastic philanthropist of Denmark, who was the first to introduce the blessings of mutual instruction into that country, states a most interesting fact as connected with the spread of education, and, we cannot doubt, with the march of intellect. Out of a single school, founded in the early part of the year 1819, seven had sprung up before it closed; in 1820 the number had increased to 11; in 1821, to 15; in 1822, to 35: in 1823, to 244; in 1824, to 605; in 1825, to 1143; in 1826, to 1545; in 1827, to 2003; in 1828, to 2302; and at the end of 1829, to 2646.

London R. Needham, Printer, 1, Belle Sauvage-Yard, Ludgate-Hill.

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combined; and therefore the right exercise of it, must depend much on an accurate knowledge of those other elements of our condition.

To understand aright the various relations in which we severally stand, is the first element of true and prac- Let it further be considered, that tical wisdom. Our primary and chief for such influence, or power of affectrelation is, that to God our Creator-ing others to any extent, we are resout of it flow all others, in their se-ponsible. It is a talent committed to veral forms—and therefore it is said, us by the Creator and Disposer of all that "the fear of the Lord is the be- things. We are, in the very fact of ginning of wisdom;" that is, that the our receiving it, enjoying it, holding man who knows and fulfils his relation it, or transacting in any way with it, to his God, will be truly wise in all binding ourselves virtually as accountother relations of life, and fitted for able to Him for its use according to their discharge. its right end. That end is, the doing of good according to God's will; and if we seek not, or do not that good, we are accountable for the neglect or failure, and must in that state "fall into the hands of the living God," which in such circumstances must be a "fearful thing." Thus it is written, "To him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it

It is right also to contemplate the position which we occupy in the providence of God, and in reference to the world around us. For that position, besides its own native importance, involves also the foregoing relations; and it being occupied, not by chance, but by the will of God, for some specific end worthy of him who ruleth all, it becomes us to inquire is sin." into it, and keep it present to our This responsibility men in geminds in fulfilling our several rela-neral do not regard. There is a certions; that the knowledge of our posi- tain selfishness in fallen man, which tion may help to guide us in our discharge of duty.

leads him mainly to pursue after his own individual interests-and these There is besides this a certain hu- of a very low and temporary kindman influence, which each man pos- heedless of that influence which this sesses often unconsciously to him- pursuit of his may be exerting over self—and which, through the sympa- many around him, even to their prethies and circumstances of humanity, sent misery and future destruction; is continually diffusing itself around, or there is a certain inconsiderateness This influence results much from the where selfishness may not be so proconstitution of man, the relations of minent or evident, which leaves a man society, and his position in providence unconsciously, though not irresponsiVOL I.


bly, to overlook his relations and position in the world, " and to tie up in the napkin" that talent of influence with which he might have traded.

racter,—ever ready to begin and enter upon that which is new. Manhood often becomes jealous and distrustful, -or having taken up its path and pursuit, will seldom begin a new one, unless it can calculate results to the end ;-but youth, like the young bird, is for trying new flights, and is ever ready to plan and scheme, or to fall in with that which is devised for it, either for good or evil. How important that this inceptive tendency should be laid hold of, and directed in its aims and efforts!

To this latter snare YOUTH is peculiarly subject. Inconsiderateness is so generally found to be a characteristic of it, that a thoughtful, reflective, and considerate young man, is generally marked in his circle, and spoken of on that ground alone. The partial development of energy, unconsciousness of the effects and results of power, inexperience of how much is done by a little, and a certain native modesty of spirit, often combine in many a Christian youth, whose heart has been given to Christ, it is ever filling up the vacancies of in leading to the useless expen-human life, and supplying the places diture or retention of much useful of those that fall. If then the preenergy, or to the producing or confirming of a certain inconsiderateness as to the general welfare of the world, and honour of their Lord, while pursuing their several callings.

And yet youth is a season or stage of human life, peculiarly important and fitted for usefulness; one in which most good may be either done or undone. Let us briefly remind our youthful readers of some of those characteristics which peculiarly mark out the importance of that period of our existence.

Youth is formative;-like the twig that has sprung up, it is but taking its set, and forming its future character. Manhood is already steeped and cooled as metal that has been cast: youth is yet but in a molten state, and but streaming forth in its fervour into the moulds of human fashion and pursuit. How important then to lay hold of that which is yet waiting to take its shape, and ready to be moulded by circumstances and associations. We speak now not of the moral bias, but of the more natural temperament of youth!

Nor may we overlook that youth stands in a certain suppletory relation to the rest of human society ::—that is,

sent generation of manhood be comparatively good (which it is not), of how much importance that the suppletory ranks of youth-so soon to succeed the former, to fill their whole space in the world-be not only as good, but better than they! And if the present generation be evil, and like the old race of stiff-necked Israelites, doomed for their unbelief to perish in the wilderness, how tremendously important that the generation of those who are twenty years and under, should be a God-fearing and Christ-loving race; who shall take possession even of an earthly Canaan, in the Lord's name, and fill our cities, our villages, our mountains, and our plains, our warehouses, countinghouses, and banks, our shops, our marts, our wharfs, and our ships, our medical, legal, scientific and literary departments of pursuit, with successors, holy in their character, and blessed in their influence, and whose whole business shall be the Lord's service!

There is in youth too a certain buoyancy and sanguineness of temYouth too is of an inceptive cha-perament, which qualify it, under due

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