Enter the corpse of KING HENRY the Sixth, Anne. Set down, set down your honourable If honour may be shrouded in a hearse, IO Lo, in these windows that let forth thy life, 20 May fright the hopeful mother at the view; 30 Glou. Stay, you that bear the corse, and set it down. Vouchsafe, divine perfection of a woman, Of these supposed evils, to give me leave, Anne. Vouchsafe, defused infection of a man, Some patient leisure to excuse myself. 80 Anne. Fouler than heart can think thee, thou canst make No excuse current, but to hang thyself. Glou. By such despair, I should accuse myself. Anne. And, by despairing, shouldst thou stand excused; Anne. What black magician conjures up this For doing worthy vengeance on thyself, fiend, To stop devoted charitable deeds? Glou. Villains, set down the corse; or, by I'll make a corse of him that disobeys. Gent. My lord, stand back, and let the coffin Which didst unworthy slaughter upon others. Why, then they are not dead: Anne. hand. 91 Anne. In thy foul throat thou liest: Queen Thy murderous falchion smoking in his blood; Glou. I was provoked by her slanderous tongue, Anne. Some dungeon. Glou. So will it, madam, till I lie with you. Glou. I know so. But, gentle Lady Anne, To leave this keen encounter of our wits, And fall somewhat into a slower method, Is not the causer of the timeless deaths Of these Plantagenets, Henry and Edward, As blameful as the executioner? Anne. Thou art the cause, and most accursed effect. 120 Glou. Your beauty was the cause of that effect; Your beauty, which did haunt me in my sleep To undertake the death of all the world, So I might live one hour in your sweet bosom. Anne. If I thought that, I tell thee, homicide, These nails should rend that beauty from my cheeks. Glou. These eyes could never endure sweet beauty's wreck; You should not blemish it, if I stood by: 130 Anne. Black night o'ershade thy day, and death thy life! Glou. Curse not thyself, fair creature; thou art both. Anne. I would I were, to be revenged on thee. Glou. It is a quarrel most unnatural, To be revenged on him that loveth you. Anne. It is a quarrel just and reasonable, To be revenged on him that slew my husband. Glou. He that bereft thee, lady, of thy husband, Did it to help thee to a better husband. Anne. His better doth not breathe upon the earth. 140 Glou. He lives that loves thee better than he could. Anne. Never hung poison on a fouler toad. Out of my sight! thou dost infect my eyes. Glou. Thine eyes, sweet lady, have infected mine. 150 Anne. Would they were basilisks, to strike thee dead! Glou. I would they were, that I might die at once; For now they kill me with a living death. Those eyes of thine from mine have drawn salt tears, 160 Shamed their aspect with store of childish drops: I never sued to friend nor enemy; My tongue could never learn sweet smoothing words; 170 But, now thy beauty is proposed my fee, [He lays his breast open: she offers at it with his sword. Nay, do not pause; for I did kill King Henry, But 'twas thy beauty that provoked me. Nay, now dispatch; 'twas I that stabb'd young Edward, 181 But 'twas thy heavenly face that set me on. [Here she lets fall the sword. Take up the sword again, or take up me. Anne. Arise, dissembler: though I wish thy death, I will not be the executioner. Glou. Then bid me kill myself, and I will do it. Anne. I have already. Glou. 191 Tush, that was in thy rage: That shall you know hereafter. nature. Anne. Glou. Anne. Glou. Anne. To take is not to give. Why dost thou spit at me? Anne. Would it were mortal poison, for thy sake! Glou. Never came poison from so sweet a place. All men, I hope, live so. Vouchsafe to wear this ring. 200 144 a Gent. Glou. Towards Chertsey, noble lord? 230 No, to White-Friars; there attend my And I nothing to back my suit at all, 240 251 Hath she forgot already that brave prince, 260 [Exit. SCENE III. The palace. Enter QUEEN ELIZABETH, LORD RIVERS, and LORD GREY. Riv. Have patience, madam: there's no doubt his majesty Will soon recover his accustom'd health. Grey. In that you brook it ill, it makes him worse: Therefore, for God's sake, entertain good comfort, And cheer his grace with quick and merry words. Q. Eliz. If he were dead, what would betide of me? Riv. No other harm but loss of such a lord. Q. Eliz. The loss of such a lord includes all harm. Grey. The heavens have bless'd you with a goodly son, To be your comforter when he is gone. ΤΟ Q. Eliz. Oh, he is young, and his minority Is put unto the trust of Richard Gloucester, A man that loves not me, nor none of you. Riv. Is it concluded he shall be protector? Q. Eliz. It is determined, not concluded yet: But so it must be, if the king miscarry. Enter BUCKINGHAM and DERBY. Grey. Here come the lords of Buckingham and Derby. Buck. Good time of day unto your royal grace! Der. God make your majesty joyful as you have been! Q. Eliz. The Countess Richmond, good my To your good prayers will scarcely say amen. 20 Der. I do beseech you, either not believe The envious slanders of her false accusers; Or, if she be accused in true report, Bear with her weakness, which, I think, proceeds From wayward sickness, and no grounded malice. Riv. Saw you the king to-day, my Lord of Derby? 30 Der. But now the Duke of Buckingham and I Are come from visiting his majesty. Q. Eliz. What likelihood of his amendment, lords? Buck. Madam, good hope; his grace speaks cheerfully. Did you Q. Eliz. God grant him health! confer with him? Buck. Madam, we did: he desires to make atonement Betwixt the Duke of Gloucester and your brothers, And betwixt them and my lord chamberlain ; And sent to warn them to his royal presence. Q. Eliz. Would all were well! but that will never be: I fear our happiness is at the highest. 40 Enter GLOUCESTER, HASTINGS, and DORSET. Glou. They do me wrong, and I will not endure it: Who are they that complain unto the king, 60 Cannot be quiet scarce a breathing-while, the matter. 70 That wrens make prey where eagles dare not perch: Since every Jack became a gentleman, Q. Eliz. Come, come, we know your meaning, brother Gloucester; You envy my advancement and my friends': Our brother is imprison'd by your means, Held in contempt; whilst many fair promotions 81 That scarce, some two days since, were worth a noble. Q. Eliz. By Him that raised me to this careful height From that contented hap which I enjoy'd, Against the Duke of Clarence, but have been My lord, you do me shameful injury, Falsely to draw me in these vile suspects. cause 90 Enter QUEEN MARGARET, behind. Small joy have I in being England's queen. Q. Mar. And lessen'd be that small, God, I beseech thee! Thy honour, state and seat is due to me. Glou. What! threat you me with telling of the king? Tell him, and spare not: look, what I have said I will avouch in presence of the king: I dare adventure to be sent to the Tower. 'Tis time to speak; my pains are quite forgot. Q. Mar. Out, devil! I remember them too well: 120 Thou slewest my husband Henry in the Tower, I was a pack-horse in his great affairs; Glou. In all which time Q. Mar. A murderous villain, and so still thou art. 140 Glou. You may deny that you were not the Or Edward's soft and pitiful, like mine: Of my Lord Hastings' late imprisonment. Riv. She may, my lord, for Glou. She may, Lord Rivers! why, who Thou cacodemon! there thy kingdom is. knows not so? She may do more, sir, than denying that: Riv. What, marry, may she? Glou. What, marry, may she! marry with a king, 100 Riv. My Lord of Gloucester, in those busy days Which here you urge to prove us enemies, 150 Q. Eliz. As little joy, my lord, as you suppose You should enjoy, were you this country's king, As little joy may you suppose in me, That I enjoy, being the queen thereof. Q. Mar. A little joy enjoys the queen thereof; For I am she, and altogether joyless. I can no longer hold me patient. [Advancing. Hear me, you wrangling pirates, that fall out In sharing that which you have pill'd from me! Which of you trembles not that looks on me? 160 If not, that, I being queen, you bow like subjects, Yet that, by you deposed, you quake like rebels? O gentle villain, do not turn away! Glou. Foul wrinkled witch, what makest thou in my sight? Q. Mar. marr'd; That will I make before I let thee go. Glou. Wert thou not banished on pain of death? But repetition of what thou hast Q. Mar. I was; but I do find more pain in banishment 170 Than death can yield me here by my abode. When thou didst crown his warlike brows with paper And with thy scorns drew'st rivers from his eyes, And then, to dry them, gavest the duke a clout Steep'd in the faultless blood of pretty Rutland, 201 If not by war, by surfeit die your king, 210 Die neither mother, wife, nor England's queen! Q. Mar. And leave out thee? stay, dog, for thou shalt hear me. 220 If heaven have any grievous plague in store Richard! Ha! 230 I call thee not. Glou. I cry thee mercy then, for I had thought That thou hadst call'd me all these bitter names. Q. Mar. Why, so I did; but look'd for no reply. O, let me make the period to my curse! Glou. 'Tis done by me, and ends in 'Margaret.' Q. Eliz. Thus have you breathed your curse against yourself. 240 Q. Mar. Poor painted queen, vain flourish of my fortune! Why strew'st thou sugar on that bottled spider, Hast. False-boding woman, end thy frantic |