Have, sure, more lack of reason. What would As I, thus wrong'd, hence unbelieved go ! Duke. I know you'ld fain be gone. officer ! you say? Isab. I am the sister of one Claudio, Condemn'd upon the act of fornication To lose his head; condemn'd by Angelo: I, in probation of a sisterhood, Was sent to by my brother; one Lucio As then the messenger, Lucio. An 120 70 To prison with her! Shall we thus permit That's I, an't like your grace: I came to her from Claudio, and desired her Το try her gracious fortune with Lord Angelo For her poor brother's pardon. Isab. That's he indeed. Duke. You were not bid to speak. Lucio. No, my good lord; Nor wish'd to hold my peace. Duke. I wish you now, then; Pray you, take note of it: and when you have 80 A business for yourself, pray heaven you then Be perfect. Lucio. I warrant your honour. Duke. The warrant's for yourself; take heed to't. Isab. This gentleman told somewhat of my tale, Lucio. Right. Duke. It may be right; but you are i' the wrong To speak before your time. Proceed. Isab. I went Isab. One that I would were here, Friar Lodowick. Duke. A ghostly father, belike. Who knows that Lodowick? Lucio. My lord, I know him; 'tis a meddling friar ; I do not like the man: had he been lay, my lord, For certain words he spake against your grace your retirement, I had swinged him soundly. Duke. Words against me! this is a good friar, In belike! 131 And to set on this wretched woman here I saw them at the prison: a saucy friar, Fri. P. Blessed be your royal grace! 140 I have stood by, my lord, and I have heard Lucio. My lord, most villanously; believe it. Fri. P. Well, he in time may come to clear himself; Good friar, let's hear it. [Isabella is carried off guarded; and Mariana comes forward. Do you not smile at this, Lord Angelo? Until my husband bid me. Duke. What, are you married? Duke. Are you a maid? Mari. No, my lord. 170 Lucio. Well, my lord. Duke. This is no witness for Lord Angelo. Mari. Now I come to't, my lord: She that accuses him of fornication, In self-same manner doth accuse my husband, Ang. Charges she more than me? 191 Not that I know. 200 Duke. No? you say your husband. Mari. Why, just, my lord, and that is Angelo, Who thinks he knows that he ne'er knew my body, But knows he thinks that he knows Isabel's. Ang. This is a strange abuse. Let's see thy face. Mari. My husband bids me; now I will unmask. [Unveiling. This is that face, thou cruel Angelo, Which once thou sworest was worth the looking on; This is the hand which, with a vow'd contract, Duke. Know you this woman? Lucie. Carnally, she says. Duke. Sirrah, no more! Lucio. Enough, my lord. In levity: since which time of five years 220 Or else for ever be confixed here, Though they would swear down each particular .saint, Were testimonies against his worth and credit Fri. P. Would he were here, my lord! for he indeed Hath set the women on to this complaint: 250 Duke. Go do it instantly. [Exit Provost. And you, my noble and well-warranted cousin, Whom it concerns to hear this matter forth, Do with your injuries as seems you best, In any chastisement: I for a while will leave you; But stir not you till you have well determined Upon these slanderers. Escal. My lord, we'll do it throughly. 260 [Exit Duke. Signior Lucio, did not you say you knew that Friar Lodowick to be a dishonest person? Lucio. Cucullus non facit monachum:' honest in nothing but in his clothes; and one that hath spoke most villanous speeches of the duke. Escal. We shall entreat you to abide here till he come and enforce them against him: we shall find this friar a notable fellow. word. Lucio. As any in Vienna, on my Escal. Call that same Isabel here once again: I would speak with her. [Exit an Attendant.] Pray you, my lord, give me leave to question; you shall see how I'll handle her. Lucio. Not better than he, by her own report. Escal. Say you? Lucio. Marry, sir, I think, if you handled her privately, she would sooner confess: perchance, publicly, she'll be ashamed. Escal. I will go darkly to work with her. Lucio. That's the way; for women are light at midnight. 281 I never spake with her, saw her, nor heard from her, Re-enter OFFICERS with ISABELLA; and PROUpon my faith and honour. Mari. Noble prince, As there comes light from heaven and words from breath, As there is sense in truth and truth in virtue, 230 VOST with the DUKE in his friar's habit. Look you speak justly. Duke. Boldly, at least. But, O, poor souls, Come you to seek the lamb here of the fox? 300 Good night to your redress! Is the duke gone? Then is your cause gone too. The duke's unjust, Thus to retort your manifest appeal, And put your trial in the villain's mouth Which here you come to accuse. Lucio. This is the rascal; this is he I spoke of. Escal. Why, thou unreverend and unhallow'd friar, Is't not enough thou hast suborn'd these women To accuse this worthy man, but, in foul mouth And in the witness of his proper ear, 310 To call him villain? and then to glance from him To the duke himself, to tax him with injustice? Take him hence; to the rack with him! We'll touse you Joint by joint, but we will know his purpose. Duke. Be not so hot; the duke Escal. Slander to the state! Away with him to prison ! Ang. What can you vouch against him, Signior Lucio? Is this the man that you did tell us of? Lucio. 'Tis he, my lord. Come hither, goodman baldpate: do you know me? Duke. I remember you, sir, by the sound of your voice: I met you at the prison, in the absence of the duke. Lucio. O, did you so? And do you remember what you said of the duke? Duke. Most notedly, sir. Lucio. Do you so, sir? And was the duke a fleshmonger, a fool, and a coward, as you then reported him to be? Duke. You must, sir, change persons with me, ere you make that my report: you, indeed, spoke so of him; and much more, much worse. 341 Lucio. O thou damnable fellow! Did not I pluck thee by the nose for thy speeches? Duke. I protest I love the duke as I love myself. Ang Hark, how the villain would close now, after his treasonable abuses! Escal. Such a fellow is not to be talked withal. Away with him to prison! Where is the provost? Away with him to prison ! lay bolts enough upon him: let him speak no more. Away with those giglots too, and with the other confederate companion ! Duke. [To Provost] Stay, sir; stay awhile. Ang. What, resists he? Help him, Lucio. Lucio. Come, sir; come, sir; come, sir; foh, sir! Why, you bald-pated, lying rascal, you must be hooded, must you? Show your knave's visage, with a pox to you! show your sheep-biting face, and be hanged an hour! Will't not off? 360 [Pulls off the friar's hood, and discovers the Duke. Duke. Thou art the first knave that e'er madest a duke: First, provost, let me bail these gentle three. [To Lucio] Sneak not away, sir; for the friar and you Must have a word anon. Lay hold on him. We'll borrow place of him. [To Angelo] Sir, by your leave. Hast thou or word, or wit, or impudence, O my dread lord, 370 When I perceive your grace, like power divine, But let my trial be mine own confession: Come hither, Mariana. Duke. Go take her hence, and marry her instantly. Do you the office, friar; which consummate, Than at the strangeness of it. O, give me pardon, That life is better life, past fearing death, Than that which lives to fear: make it your A due sincerity govern'd his deeds, 420 We do condemn thee to the very block Consenting to the safeguard of your honour, Although by confiscation they are ours, Mari. O my dear lord, 430 I crave no other, nor no better man. Duke. Never crave him; we are definitive. Mari. Gentle my liege,- [Kneeling. Duke. You do but lose your labour. Away with him to death! [To Lucio] Now, sir, to you. Mari. O my good lord! Sweet Isabel, take my part; Lend me your knees, and all my life to come Duke. Against all sense you do importune her: Should she kneel down in mercy of this fact, Her brother's ghost his paved bed would break, And take her hence in horror. Mari. Isabel, 441 Sweet Isabel, do yet but kneel by me; 450 Till he did look on me: since it is so, Let him not die. My brother had but justice, His act did not o'ertake his bad intent, Your suit's unprofitable; stand up, I have bethought me of another fault. 460 Prov. Prov. No, my good lord; it was by private message. Duke. For which I do discharge you of your office: Give up your keys. Prov. 470 Pardon me, noble lord: I thought it was a fault, but knew it not; Yet did repent me, after more advice: For testimony whereof, one in the prison, That should by private order else have died, I have reserved alive. Duke. Prov. His name is Barnardine. Duke. I would thou hadst done so by Claudio. Go fetch him hither; let me look upon him. [Exit Provost. What's he? Escal. I am sorry, one so learned and so wise As you, Lord Angelo, have still appear'd, Should slip so grossly, both in the heat of blood, And lack of temper'd judgement afterward. Ang. I am sorry that such sorrow I pro cure : And so deep sticks it in my penitent heart 480 That I crave death more willingly than mercy; 'Tis my deserving, and I do entreat it. Re-enter PROVOST, with BARNARDINE, CLAUDIO muffled, and Juliet. Duke. Prov. Which is that Barnardine? This, my lord. But, for those earthly faults, I quit them all; Prov. This is another prisoner that I saved, Who should have died when Claudio lost his head; As like almost to Claudio as himself. He is my brother too: but fitter time for that. 500 made you a duke: good my lord, do not recompense me in making me a cuckold. Duke. Upon mine honour, thou.shalt marry her. Thy slanders I forgive; and therewithal Look that you love your wife; her worth worth Remit thy other forfeits. Take him to prison; One all of luxury, an ass, a madman; Lucio. 'Faith, my lord, I spoke it but according to the trick. If you will hang me for it, you may; but I had rather it would please you I might be whipt. Duke. Whipt first, sir, and hanged after. Proclaim it, provost, round about the city, Is any woman wrong'd by this lewd fellow, As I have heard him swear himself there's one Whom he begot with child, let her appear, Lucio. I beseech your highness, do not marry me to a whore. Your highness said even now, And see our pleasure herein executed. 530 [Exeunt Officers with Lucio. She, Claudio, that you wrong'd, look you restore. Joy to you, Mariana! Love her, Angelo: I have confess'd her and I know her virtue. Thanks, good friend Escalus, for thy much good ness: 540 There's more behind that is more gratulate. |