Clo. Master Malvolio! Mal. Ay, good fool. Clo. Alas, sir, how fell you besides your five wits? Mal. Fool, there was never man so notoriously abused: I am as well in my wits, fool, as thou art. Clo. But as well? then you are mad, indeed, if you be no better in your wits than a fool. Mal. They have here propertied me; keep me in darkness, send ministers to me, asses, and do all they can to face me out of my wits. Clo. Advise you what you say; the minister is here. Malvolio, Malvolio, thy wits the heavens restore! endeavour thyself to sleep, and leave thy vain bibble babble. Mal. Sir Topas Clo. Maintain no words with him, good fellow. Who, I, sir? not I, sir. God b'wi'you, good sir Topas. Marry, amen. I will, sir, I will, Mal. Fool, fool, fool, I say, Clo. Alas, sir, be patient. What say you, sir? I am shent 3 for speaking to you. Mal. Good fool, help me to some light, and some paper; I tell thee, I am as well in my wits, as any man in Illyria. Clo. Well-a-day, - that you were, sir! Mal. By this hand I am: Good fool, some ink, paper, and light, and convey what I will set down to my lady; it shall advantage thee more than ever the bearing of letter did. Clo. I will help you to't. But tell me true, are you not mad indeed? or do you but counterfeit? Mal. Believe me, I am not; I tell thee true. Clo. Nay, I'll ne'er believe a madman, till I see his brains. I will fetch you light, and paper, and ink. Mal. Fool, I'll requite it in the highest degree: I pr'ythee, be gone. Clo. I am gone, sir, And anon, sir, Seb. This is the air; that is the glorious sun; Yet there he was; and there I found this credit 5, Or else the lady's mad; yet, if 'twere so, She could not sway her house, command her followers, Take, and give back, affairs and their despatch, With such a smooth, discreet, and stable bearing, As, I perceive, she does: there's something in't, That is deceivable. But here comes the lady. Enter OLIVIA and a Priest. Oli. Blame not this haste of mine: If you mean well, Now go with me, and with this holy man, That they may fairly note this act of mine! - And [Exeunt. ACT V. SCENE I.- The Street before Olivia's House. Enter Clown and FABIAN. Fab. Now, as thou lovest me, let me see his letter. Clo. Good master Fabian, grant me another request. Fab. Any thing. Clo. Do not desire to see this letter. Fab. That is, to give a dog, and, in recompense, desire my dog again. 3 Scolded, reprimanded. Enter DUKE, VIOLA, and Attendants. Duke. Belong you to the lady Olivia, friends? 4 A buffoon character in the old plays, and father of the modern harlequin. 6 Until. 5 Account. G Clo. Ay, sir; we are some of her trappings. Duke. I know thee well; How dost thou, my good fellow? Clo. Truly, sir, the better for my foes, and the worse for my friends. Duke. Just the contrary, the better for thy friends. Clo. No, sir, the worse. Duke. How can that be? Clo. Marry, sir, they praise me, and make an ass of me; now my foes tell me plainly I am an ass: so that by my foes, sir, I profit in the knowledge of myself; and by my friends I am abused: so that, conclusions to be as kisses, if your four negatives make your two affirmatives, why, then the worse for my friends, and the better for my foes. Duke. Why, this is excellent. Clo. By my troth, sir, no; though it please you to be one of my friends. Duke. Thou shalt not be the worse for me; there's gold. Clo. But that it would be double-dealing, sir, I would you could make it another. Duke. O, you give me ill counsel. Clo. Put your grace in your pocket, sir, for this once, and let your flesh and blood obey it. Duke. Well, I will be so much a sinner to be a double-dealer; there's another. Clo. Primo, secundo, tertio, is a good play; and the old saying is, the third pays for all: the triplex, sir, is a good tripping measure; or the bells of St. Bennet, sir, may put you in mind: One, two, three. Duke. You can fool no more money out of me at this throw if you will let your lady know, I am here to speak with her, and bring her along with you, it may awake my bounty further. Clo. Marry, sir, lullaby to your bounty till I come again. I go, sir; but I would not have you to think, that my desire of having is the sin of covetousness: but, as you say, sir, let your bounty take a nap, I will awake it anon. [Erit Clown. Enter ANTONIO and Officers. Vio. Here comes the man, sir, that did rescue me. For shallow draught, and bulk, unprizable; Cry'd fame and honour on him. - What's the matter? 1 Off. Orsino, this is that Antonio, That took the Phenix, and her fraught 7 from Candy; And this is he, that did the Tiger board, When your young nephew Titus lost his leg: Here in the streets, desperate of shame, and state, In private brabble did we apprehend him. Vio. He did me kindness, sir; drew on my side; But, in conclusion, put strange speech upon me, I know not what 'twas, but distraction. Duke. Notable pirate! thou salt-water thief! What foolish boldness brought thee to their mercies, Whom thou, in terms so bloody, and so dear, Hast made thine enemies ? Ant. 7 Freight. Orsino, noble sir, Be pleas'd that I shake off these names you give me ; Not half an hour before. Vio. How can this be? Duke. When came he to this town? Ant. To-day, my lord; and for three months before, (No interim, not a minute's vacancy,) Both day and night did we keep company. Enter OLIVIA and Attendants. Duke. Here comes the countess; now heaven walks on earth. But for thee, fellow, fellow, thy words are madness : Oli. What would my lord, but that he may not have, Wherein Olivia may seem serviceable? Duke. Gracious Olivia, Oli. Still so constant, lord. Duke. What! to perverseness? you uncivil lady, To whose ingrate and unauspicious altars Oli. Even what it please my lord, that shall become him. Duke. Why should I not, had I the heart to do it, Like to the Egyptian thief, at point of death, Kill what I love; a savage jealousy, That sometime savours nobly? - But hear me this: Since you to non-regardance cast my faith, And that I partly know the instrument That screws me from my true place in your favour, chief: Ay, husband; Can he that deny? Duke. Her husband, sirrah? Vio. No, my lord, not I. Oli. Alas, it is the baseness of thy fear, That makes thee strangle thy propriety: Fear not, Cesario, take thy fortunes up; Re-enter Attendant and Priest. Father, I charge thee, by thy reverence, Priest. A contract of eternal bond of love, Since when, my watch hath told me, toward my Sir And. He has broke my head across, and has given sir Toby a bloody coxcomb too: for the love of heaven, your help: I had rather than forty pound, I were at home. Oli. Who has done this, sir Andrew? Sir And. The count's gentleman, one Cesario : we took him for a coward, but he's the very devil incardinate. Duke. My gentleman, Cesario! Sir And. Od's lifelings, here he is : - You broke my head for nothing; and that that I did, I was set on to do't by sir Toby, Vio. Why do you speak to me? I never hurt you: You drew your sword upon me, without cause; But I bespake you fair, and hurt you not. Sir And. If a bloody coxcomb be a hurt, you have hurt me; I think, you set nothing by a bloody coxcomb. Enter Sir TOBY BELCH, drunk, led by the Clown. Here comes sir Toby halting, you shall hear more: but if he had not been in drink, he would have tickled you othergates 9 than he did. Duke. How now, gentleman? how is't with you? Sir To. That's all one; he has hurt me, and there's the end on't. Sot, did'st see Dick surgeon, sot? Clo. O he's drunk, sir Toby, an hour agone; his eyes were set at eight i'the morning. Sir To. Then he's a rogue, and a passy-measures pavin'; I hate a drunken rogue. Oli. Away with him: Who hath made this havock with them? Sir And. I'll help you, sir Toby, because we'll be dressed together. Sir To. Will you help an ass-head, and a coxcomb, and a knave? a thin-faced knave, a gull? Oli. Get him to bed, and let his hurt be look'd to. [Ereunt Clown, Sir Toby, and Sir ANDREW. Enter SEBASTIAN. Seb. I am sorry, madam, I have hurt your kins man; But had it been the brother of my blood, Duke. One face, one voice, one habit, and two persons; A natural perspective, that is, and is not. Ant. Sebastian are you? Seb. Fear'st thou that, Antonio? Ant. How have you made division of yourself?An apple, cleft in two, is not more twin Than these two creatures. Which is Sebastian? Oli. Most wonderful! Seb. Do I stand there? I never had a brother: Nor can there be that deity in my nature, Vio. Of Messaline: Sebastian was my father; If spirits can assume both form and suit, A spirit I am, indeed; But am in that dimension grossly clad, Vio. And died that day when Viola from her birth Had number'd thirteen years. Seb. O, that record is lively in my soul! 9 Otherways. 1 Serious dances, Of place, time, fortune, do cohere, and jump, I'll bring you to a captain in this town, Duke. This savours not much of distraction. Oli. See him deliver'd, Fabian; bring him hither. [Exit FABIAN. Where lie my maiden weeds; by whose gentle help My lord, so please you, these things further thought I was preserv'd, to serve this noble count: All the occurrence of my fortune since Hath been between this lady and this lord. Seb. So comes it, lady, you have been mistook : [TO OLIVIA. But nature to her bias drew in that. You would have been contracted to a maid; Nor are you therein, by my life, deceived, You are betroth'd both to a maid and man. So much against the mettle 4 of your sex, Duke. Be not amaz'd; right noble is his blood. - So far beneath your soft and tender breeding, If this be so, as yet the glass seems true, And let me see thee in thy woman's weeds. Vio. The captain, that did bring me first on shore, Hath my maid's garments: he, upon some action, Is now in durance; at Malvolio's suit, A gentleman, and follower of my lady's. And since you call'd me master for so long, A sister? you are she. Mal. Lady, you have. Pray you peruse that letter: You must not now deny it is your hand, Write from it, if you can, in hand, or phrase; Oli. He shall enlarge him; - Fetch Malvolio Or say, 'tis not your seal, nor your invention : Oli. Open it, and read it. delivers the madman: - By the Lord, madam, Oli. How now! art thou mad? Clo. No, madam, I do but read madness: an your ladyship will have it as it ought to be, you must allow vor.2 Oli. Pr'ythee, read i'thy right wits. Clo. So I do, madonna; but to read his right wits, is to read thus: therefore perpend 3, my princess, and give ear. Fab. [Reads.] By the Lord, madam, you wrong me, and the world shall know it: though you have put me into darkness, and given your drunken cousin rule over me, yet have I the benefit of my senses as well as your ladyship. I have your own letter that induced me to the semblance I put on; with the which I doubt not but to do myself much right, or You can say none of this: Well, grant it then, Why you have given me such clear lights of favour; Oli. Alas, Malvolio, this is not my writing, First told me, thou wast mad; then cam'st in smiling, * Voice. 3 Attend. some 4 Frame and constitution, 5 Fool. May rather pluck on laughter than revenge ; Oli. Alas, poor fool! how have they baffled thee! Clo. Why, some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrown upon them. I was one, sir, in this interlude; one sir Topas, sir; but that's all one: By the Lord, fool, I am not mad; - But do you remember? Madam, why laugh you at such a barren rascal? an you smile not, he's gagg'd: And thus the whirligig of time brings in his revenges. Mal. I'll be revenged on the whole pack of you. [Exit. Oli. He hath been most notoriously abus'd. Of our dear souls Mean time, sweet sister, 7 Shall serve. Cesario, come, For so you shall be, while you are a man : SONG. Clo. When that I was and a little tiny boy, But when I came, alas! to wive, |