Twenty of the Plays of Shakespeare: A midsommer nights dreame. 1600. A pleasant comedy of the merry wiues of Windsor. 1619. The merry wiues of Windsor. 1630. Much adoe about nothing. 1600. The comicall history of the merchant of Venice. 1600. Loues labour's lost. 1631

J. and R. Tonson, 1766

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Beliebte Passagen

Seite X-8 - Since nought so stockish, hard and full of rage, But music for the time doth change his nature. The man that hath no music in himself, Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, Is fit for treasons, stratagems and spoils ; The motions of his spirit are dull as night And his affections dark as Erebus : Let no such man be trusted.
Seite P-8 - The excellent History of the Merchant of Venice. With the extreme cruelty of Shylocke the lew towards the saide Merchant, in cutting a iust pound of his flesh. And the obtaining of Portia by the choyse of three caskets. Written by W. Shakespeare. Printed by J. Roberts, 1600.
Seite X-3 - Tell me where is fancy bred, Or in the heart or in the head? How begot, how nourished! Reply, reply. It is engendered in the eyes. With gazing fed ; and fancy dies In the cradle where it lies. Let us all ring fancy's knell : I'll begin it, — Ding, dong, bell.

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