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Whereupon, Refolved, that as the above overture embraces objects of high importance to the interefts of religion; and this General Affembly do not find themselves in a situation to take the neceffary measures refpecting them, they lie over for confideration until the meeting of the next General Affembly, to which we would earnestly recommend, that the fubject be duly confidered, and acted upon: And that the Presbyteries inftruct their commiffioners refpecting the measures which they may think advifeable to be adopted.

In confequence of a fuggeftion made by the committee of miffions, the Affembly,

Refolved, That the members of the faid committee, refident in or near the city of Philadelphia, be increased to ten; and that one other member be added from each Synod, making in the whole feventeen. An election being held, the following persons were chosen and appointed to form the committee of miffions for the enfuing year, viz. in Philadelphia and the vicinity the Revd. Drs. Samuel Blair and Ashbel Green; the Revd. Meffrs. Philip Milledoler, Jacob J. Janeway, and George Potts; Dr. Elias Boudinot; Meffrs. John Connelly, Robert Smith, Ebenezer Hazard and William Haflet: of the Synod of Albany, The Revd. Jonas Coe: of the Synod of New York and New Jersey, the Revd. Dr. Alexander McWhorter; of the Synod of Philadelphia, the Revd. Dr. Robert Davidfon; of the Synod of Pittsburg, the Revd. James Hughes; of the Synod of Virginia, the Revd. George Baxter; of the Synod of Kentucky, the Revd. James Blythe; and of the Synod of the Carolinas, the Revd. William C. Davis.

The Affembly renewed their order to presbyteries and individuals who have received, or fhall receive religious books for diftribution, to report annually to the standing committee of miffions, the diftribution made; the effects produced, and the books, if any, remaining on hand.

An enquiry was inftituted whether the presbyteries, belonging to the Synod of New York and New Jersey and the fynod of Philadelphia, have (agreeably to the recommendation of laft Af

fembly) made contributions for defraying the expences of commiffioners to the General Affembly, coming from the more distant parts of the country.

It appeared, in confequence, that fome of the Presbyteries conceiving themselves exempted from this contribution, by their great diftance from the ufual place of the Affembly's meeting, had not attempted to raise the funds contemplated: that others have recommended to their churches to make collections, but without effect; and that the Presbytery of Philadelphia alone, has efficiently complied with the order. By an extract from their minutes it appeared, that they have authorised the Affembly to draw on their treasurer, Ifaac Snowden, Jun. for the fum of 80 dollars, to be applied to the purpose aforefaid.

Refolved, That it be earnestly recommended to the presbyteries concerned, to make renewed efforts on this fubject, and report. to next Affembly.

WHEREAS, in and by the general regulation, refpecting reports from the inferior to the fuperior judicatories of the church, made by the General Affembly in the year 1803, it is prescribed, that on every fifth year, beginning, with the year 1805, the reports to the General Affembly from the fynods and presbyteries, besides their ufual details, fhall contain an account of the existing communicants in each Church; and of the number of perfons baptized the preceding year; diftinguifbing thofe who have been baptized in infancy, from those who have been baptized in adult years: And WHEREAS this important article, intended to mark the progress of our church, and its comparative condition at different periods, has been generally wanting in the reports to this Affembly;

Refolved, That it be, and it hereby is ftrictly enjoined on the fynods and presbyteries in connection with the General Assembly to take the most effectual measures, to bring forward complete and accurate reports, on this head, to the next Affembly.

Refolved, that this General Affembly be diffolved, and that the next General Affembly be required to meet, in the first prefbyterian church in the city of Philadelphia, on the third thursday in May next; at II o'clock, A. M.

Whereupon the moderator diffolved the Affembly, agreeably to the form prescribed in the constitution, Concluded with prayer.


Containing the collections paid into the Contingent Fund* of the General Affembly, fince the publication of last year: also the additions made to the Permanent Fund since the abstract given in the year 1803.

Published by order of the General Assembly

Payments into the


N. B. The names of the contributing churches are given (fo far as documents are furnished) with the fùm paid by each, annexed. The detail is confined to the churches belonging to the Synod of Albany, the Synod of New York and New Jersey, and the Synod of Philadelphia.-The Synods of Pittsburgh, of Virginia, and of the Carolinas, feverally conduct the miffionary bufinefs in a separate capacity. Therefore, the contributions of the churches under their care, pafs into the funds of thofe Synods respectively; and no account of them can be given in this publication. The churches in the Synod of Kentucky, being very re

"The General Affembly have two funds: the one termed the permanent fund is formed of the monies fubfcribed, and certain additional donations. The principal of this is kept entire, and the intereft only expended for miffionary and other religious ufes. The other is called the contingent fund: it is fupplied by the annual collections; the profits of the permanent fund &c. and is generally expended yearly for the fupport of miffionaries, the purchase of religious books for distribution, &c".


mote, and generally in a forming state, have not, as yet, made any remittances to the funds of the Affembly.

[blocks in formation]

Leaves total paid to Treasurer for the year paft,

The Presbytery of Hudson,

has paid for the year ending June 1ft. 1804; from

9 25

30 61

[blocks in formation]

For the year ending the firft of June inftant:

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

• The above appears to be the fum paid to the Treasurer, in behalf of the Prefbytery of New York, A report handed to the General Affembly, gives a more compleat detail of the fums contributed by the different churches. It varies the above items, but makes the aggragate fum not materially dif ferent.

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