Abbildungen der Seite

the right and the duty of exercising a found discretion, which will confult the spirit, as well as the letter, of the law; which will fometimes forbid the exercise of power which is poffeffed; which will endeavour with equal caution to avoid the extremes of rigour and of laxnefs; which will yield fomething, yet not concede every thing, to circumftances; which, in a word, will recollect that power is given for edification, and not for deftruction, and endeavour to be guided by this rule. We hope, brethren, that in the exercise of this discretion, you may foon be able to re-establish the presbytery of Cumberland, and to restore to christian communion, and ministerial ufefulness, fome of its former members and licentiates, without facrificing either the doctrines, or the government of our church. Of this you muft judge; and we pray, that the great Head of the church may enable you fo to judge and act, as that the true and lasting interefts of his church, may really be promoted by your measures. Signed by order of the Affembly.

The Committee appointed to write an answer to the remonstrance of Meffrs. Samuel M'Adow, William Hodge, John Rankin, and William M'Gee, brought in the following anfwer, which, being amended, was adopted.


The Affembly have received your addrefs, in which you inform them, that the Synod of Kentucky have fufpended you from your minifterial office, and in which you request this Affembly to interpofe in your cafe without delay. The Affembly are grieved at finding, that any unhappy differences exift in that part of the church of Christ, in which you refide. The conduct of the presbytery of Cumberland in licenfing and ordaining a number of perfons not poffefling the qualifications required by our book of difcipline, and without explicit adoption of the Confeffion of Faith, appears to have been the origin of the evils of which you now complain. The Affembly are conftrained to exprefs their decided difapprobation of this conduct, as being highly irregular and unconflitutional; leading to the most dangerous confequences, in introducing into our church as teachers, illiterate men, and men of any religious principles, however erroneBut in-as-much as you have not regularly appealed to this Affembly, they do not confider themselves, as called on judicially to decide on your cafe. The Affembly have advised the Synod of Kentucky to review their proceedings with regard to you, and to their decifion we refer you.


We exhort you, brethren, to return to a ftrict and steady adher

ence to the conftitution of the Presbyterian Church, and that you fincerely endeavour to promote the peace and best interest of the Redeemer's kingdom.

The Committee appointed to report diftinct refolutions, on the feveral articles in the reports of the Committee of Miffions, which require the attention of the Affembly, reported the following refolutions, which, being amended, were adopted, viz.

Refolved, 1. That as the Rev. Jedediah Chapman continues in circumstances to render important miffionary fervices, but cannot fpecify any particular portion of his time, which he can devote to that object, he be furnished with a commiffion as a miffionary, without fixing the time of his fervice; and that, at the end of the year, he report to the Committee of Miffions, the time he shall have spent as fuch; which, after obtaining the approbation of the Committee, shall enfure to him the ufual allowance; it being understood that three months allowance is not to be exceeded.

2. That the presbytery of Columbia be authorized to employ, at the expense of the General Affembly, one miffionary (who may be a licentiate) for two months, in the region between Skenesborough and the Canada line, including the county of St. Lawrence; and to fend one of their own members to act as a miffionary for two months, on the fame route, also at the expenfe of the General Af fembly; the miffionaries to be commiffioned by the Committee of Miffions, and report to them, and that the allowance for their fervices fhall not exceed the customary allowance to miffionaries; that is to fay $33, 33 1-3 for each calendar month spent in the fervice.

3. That the like privilege be extended to the presbytery of Albany, under the fame conditions, and the miffionaries to be employed in the fame route.

4. That the Rev. William Clark be employed, for three months, under the direction of the Rev. Mr. Chapman.

5. That the Rev. John Lindsley be employed for two or (if he prefer it) for three months, in the new fettlements in the Holland purchase, and to go as far as the town of Erie.

6. That the presbytery of New-York be authorized to employ a miffionary, for two months, to be spent in the northern parts of the State of Pennsylvania, and the fouthern parts of the State of New-York, between the Delaware and Sufquehannah rivers: the miffionaries to be commiffioned by the Committee of Miffions, report to them, and be paid out of the funds of the General Affembly, at the rate ufually allowed to miffionaries.

7. That the Rev. Stephen Thompson be employed as a mission

ary, for two months, in the deftitute counties of Morris and Suffex in New-Jerfey, and the adjacent parts of New-York.

8. That the Rev. Dr. Thomas Read be employed for one month, and Mr. Bradford Marcy, for two months, in miffionary labours, from Duck creek in Kent, to Broad creek in Sussex, upon the peninfula, between Delaware and Chesapeak bays and the Ocean.

9. That the Rev. John H. Rice be eniployed, for three months, as a miffionary to the blacks in Charlotte county, Virginia, and parts adjacent.

10. That the Rev. James Mitchel be employed, for three months, in Montgomery and the adjacent counties in Virginia.

11. That Mr. John Chavis be employed three months, as, a miffionary to the blacks in North Carolina and Virginia, and that he be left at difcretion as to his route.

12. That the Rev. Robert Stuart and Samuel Finley be employed, each for three months, within the bounds of the late Cumberland presbytery; and that the Rev. David Rice spend three months either within the bounds of the said presbytery, or in the Miami country, as he may judge fit.

13. That the Rev. Samuel Scott of Weft Lexington prefbytery be employed, for three months, in the Indiana Territory, and particularly at Vincennes.

14. That the Rev. Gideon Blackburn be employed, for three months, as a' miffionary to the Cherokee Indians.

15. That the Rev. Joshua Wilfon of Baird's-town, be employ ed three months, at difcretion.

16. That the Rev. William Wick be employed as a miffionary, for three months, in New-Connecticut.

17. That five hundred dollars be appropriated for the use of the Hywaffee school, in the Cherokee country, for the current year. 18. That the truftees of the General Affembly be authorized and directed to pay, when the circumstances of the funds, during the course of the prefent year, will permit, two hundred dollars, to the Board of truft of the fynod of Pittsburgh, for the fupport of the Indian miffion, under their care; and, if it fhall appear confiftent with the state of the funds, after provision shall have been made to fatisfy, generally, the other appropriations for miffionary fervices, the committee of miffions and trustees of the Affembly be authorized and directed to apply one hundred dollars more toward promoting the important defign above mentioned.

19. That the Affembly direct, that all monies collected for the ufe of the General Affembly, or for the payment of miffionaries, appointed by the Affembly, be fent to the treasurer of the trustees of the General Affembly, in order to prevent confufion in the accounts of the truftees, by whom all payments must be made, according to Charter; and to enable them to ftate with precision to

the committee of miffions, the fums which can annually be appropriated to miffionary fervices.

20. That prefbyteries, which have not reported to the committee of miffions, relative to the diftribution of books*, agreeably to the order of last year (see printed extracts page 127,) make report.

The Affembly proceeded to take measures for fupplying the pulpits of the miffionaries, appointed for the préfent year, who have paftoral charges: Whereupon, Refolved,

That Mr. Stephen Thompfon and Mr. John M'Dowell be a committee to appoint fupplies for the pulpit of Mr. Stephen Thompfon :-that Dr. Thomas Read and Mr. John E, Latta, be a committee, to appoint fupplies for the pulpit of Dr. Read :-that Mr. Jofeph B. Lapfley and Mr. Gideon Blackburn, be a committee, to appoint fupplies for the pulpit of Mr. Blackburn:-that Mr. James Vans and Mr. Joshua L. Wilfon, be a committee to appoint fupplies for the pulpit of Mr. Wilfon :-that the presbytery of Erie appoint fupplies for the pulpit of Mr. Wick.

The following perfons were chofen and appointed to ferve, as a Standing Committee of Miffions, for the enfuing year, viz.

Of Philadelphia and the vicinity; Dr. Blair, Dr. Green, Mr. Alexander, Mr. Janeway, Mr. Potts, Mr. Wilson, Dr. Boudinot, Mr. Hazard, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Haflett, and Mr. Robert Smith: -Of the fynod of Albany, the Rev. Jonas Coe:

-Of the fynod of New-York and New-Jerfey, the Rev. Edward D. Griffin:

Of the fynod of Philadelphia, the Rev. Robert Cathcart: -Of the fynod of Pittsburgh, the Rev. James Hughes: -Of the fynod of Virginia, the Rev. Conrad Speece: -Of the fynod of Kentucky, the Rev. James Blythe: -and Of the fynod of the Carolinas, the Rev. William C. Davis. The Affembly, having elected their standing committee of miffions for the present year, did, and hereby do enjoin it on those members of faid committee, who live at a distance from the place, where the committee meet, to communicate to the committee in writing, any information on the fubject of miflions, which they may fuppofe will be ufeful, and efpecially within the bounds of that fynod, to which these distant members may feverally belong. On motion, Refolved,

That it be a standing order of the General Affembly, for the direction of the trustees of the Affembly, and the standing committee of miffions, that the milionaries feverally be allowed a month's

Some books remain with the Committee for distribution.

compenfation in advance, when the time, for which they are feverally employed, fhall exceed a month.

Refolved, That this General Affembly be diffolved; and that the next General Affembly be required to meet, in the First Pres byterian Church in the city of Philadelphia, on the third Thursday of May next, at 11 o'clock, A. M.

Whereupon the Moderator diffolved the Affembly, agreeably to the form prescribed in the Constitution.

Concluded with prayer.

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