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This is the day which the | Lord hath | made: we will rejoice and be | glad in | it.


Canticle for Easter.

dead: and become the

CHRIST is rísen | from the first | fruits of | them that | slept :

For sínce by man came | death: by man came álso the resurrection | of the | dead.

If we believe: that Jésus | died and | rose a- gain,

Even so them álso who | sleep in Jesus: wíll | God bring with | Him.

Christ being raised from the dead | dieth no | more: death hath no móre do- | minion | over | Him;

For in that He died, He díed unto | sin | once: but in that He líveth, He | liveth | unto God.

Likewise reckon ye also yourselves | dead unto | sin: but alive unto God through | Jesus | Christ our Lord. Set your afféction on | things a- | bove: nót on | things on the | earth.

Fór | ye are dead: and your life is | hid with | Christ in God.

When Christ who is our life | shall ap- | pear: then shall ye álso ap- pear with | Him in | glory.


Canticle for Ascension Day.

THOU art gone up on high, Thou hast led captivity captive, and received | gifts for | men: yea, even for Thine enemies that the Lord | God might | dwell a- | mong them.

The Lord gave the word: gréat was the company of the preachers.

How beautiful are the feet of them that préach the | gospel of peace: and bríng glad | tidings of | good | things.

Their sound is gone out into | all | lands: and their wórds into the | ends | of the world.

Let áll the angels of God: wór-ship | Him.


(And Psalms 15, 24.)


O GIVE thanks unto the Lord, and cáll up- on His | name: tell the people what | things | He hath | done.

O let your sóngs be of | Him, and | praise Him: and let your talking be of | all His | wondrous | works. Seek the Lord | and His | strength : séek His | face for ever- more.

The Lord gave the word: and great was the cómpany of those who | published | it.

His salvation is nígh unto | those who | fear Him: that glóry may | dwell | in the land.

Mercy and trúth are | met to- | gether: ríghteousness and peace have | kissed each other.

Truth shall flourish | on the earth: and ríghteousness shall look | down from | heaven.

The Lord will give strength | unto His | people: the Lord will give unto His | people the blessing of peace. Blessed are the people whose strength is from | Thee and in whóse | heart are | Thy | ways.

Teach us to do Thy will, for Thóu | art our | God: O let Thy good Spirit lead us | into the paths of | righteousness.


Trinity Sunday.

HEAR | O | Israel: the Lord our God is one | Lord.

And thou shalt love the Lord thy Gód with | all thine | heart and with all thy sóul | and with | all thy might.

Worthy is the Lámb | that was slain: to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and stréngth, and | honour, and glory, and | blessing.

Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power be unto Him that sítteth up- | on the ❘ throne: and únto the Lamb forever and | ever.

O the depth | of the | riches: bóth of the | wisdom and | knowledge of | God.

How unséarchable | are His | judgments: and His wáys | past | finding | out.

For who hath known the mind of the | Lord: ór | who hath been His | counsellor ?

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WE praise | Thee, O God: we acknowledge | Thee to be the Lord.

All the earth doth | worship | Thee: thé | Father | ever-lasting.

To Thee all ángels | cry a- | loud: the heavens and | all the powers there- | in.

To Thee, Chérubim and | Seraph- | im: cón- | tinual- | ly do cry,

Holy Holy Holy: Lórd | God of | Saba- | oth; Heaven and earth are | full: óf the majesty | of Thy glory.

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The glorious cómpany | of the a- | postles: práise | - Thee.

The goodly féllowship of the prophets: práise | - | - | Thee.

The noble army of martyrs: práise--| Thee. The holy Church throughout | all the | world: dóth] ac-knowledge | Thee;

The Fá- | - | ther: óf an | in- | finite | majesty. Thine honour- | able | true: ánd | on- | ly | Son. Álso the Holy Ghost: thé | Com- | fort- | er. Thóu | art the | King: óf | glo- | ry, O | Christ. Thou art the éver- | lasting | Son: thé | Son of the Father.

When Thou tookest upon Thée to de- | liver | man: Thou didst nót ab- | hor his | low estate.

When Thou hadst overcome the | sharpness of death: Thou didst open the kingdom of | heaven_to | all be- lievers.

Thou sittest at the right hand of God: ín the | glory of the Father.

Wé believe that | Thou shált | come to | be our Judge.

We therefore práy Thee | help Thy servants: whom Thou hast redeemed | with Thy | precious | blood.

Make them to be númbered | with Thy | saints: ín glory ever- | lasting.

O Lord save Thy | people: ánd | bless Thine | heritage.

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Góv- |-ern | them: ánd | lift them | up for | ever. Dáy by day: wé | magni- | fy | Thee;

Ánd we worship Thy | name: éver | world | with

out end.

Vouch-safe, O Lord: to keep us this day with-out | sin.

O Lord, have mercy up- | on us: háve | mer- | cy up- on us.

O Lord, let Thy mércy | lighten up- | on us: ás our | trust is in Thee.

O Lord, in Thée | have I | trusted: lét me | never | be con- founded.



Lo! at length the | true | Light: light for every mán ¦ born into the world;

Kindling the face of thém | that receive it; till they become the sons of | God.

Cease blinding glóries | of the | heavens: whích | none could see and live!

Cease gross dárkness | of the earth: where the ríghteous put forth their | hands and fear! |

The veil betwéen is taken a way: ánd the mingling day-spring | comes;

No longer is the dwelling of eternal lífe too | bright a- | bove: and the périshable | world too | dark be- | low.

The Son of God hath | dwelt a- | mong us: fúll of | grace and truth.

The Son of Mán has gone | up on | high: made perfect through suffering | for the holy of | holies.

Hé | is our | peace: giving us access by óne | spirit | to the Father;

No more strangers and | exiles: but fellow-citizens with the saints | and of the | household of | God.

O Lord Almighty! we had said of | Thee: “Thy thoughts are not as | our | thoughts";

But Thou hast looked on us as with the píty | of a | man and raised ús to | think the | thoughts of God.

We had said, "Our righteousness reacheth nót

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