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unto | Thee: nór to the holy ones | of Thy | presence";

But Thou hast made one family | there and here: one living commúnion of | seen and un- ❘ seen.

We had said, "Thou layest men fast in éver- | lasting sleep" but lo! they sléep into | ever- | lasting | waking.


Blessed be the Lord God, that givéth | beauty for | ashes and the garment of práise | for the | spirit of | heaviness.

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WE praise Thée in Thy | power, O God: wé praise Thee in Thy | sanctity.

We praise Thee who réignest in the furthest | heavens we praise Thee who dwellest in our inmost souls, our Lord and | hidden | Comfort- | er.

No voice can dúly pro- | claim Thy | greatness: no heart can comprehend Thy goodness, O' Thou | Father of all our spirits.

The longings of the spírit are | inex- | haustible : only | Thou canst | fill the heart.

When it is empty, and | aching | for Thee: húngering and thirsting | for Thy | righteousness,

Thou visitest | it: with peace un- | speak- | able. With Thee there is no mísery to the dis- | tressed: but sorrow is hallowed, and | pain is sweetened.

And hardship is assúaged, and | fear is | calmed : for Thine own nature is blessedness, ánd Thou | makest Thy worshippers | blessed.

Yea, blessed | is Thy | presence: O' | Lord | most | holy !

Blessed is it to dwell with Thée | and to know Thee to rést on | Thee | and to serve Thee.

Blessed shall the nations be: whén | Thy glory is | recognized.

When all who love | Thee u- | nite: to succóur | and to raise the weak.

Strengthen us in life or death, in thís and in every | life to be Thine in déed, as we are Thine in | right.

To obey chéerfully, to strive loyally: to suffer méekly to enjoy thankfully.

So shall we love Thée | while we | live: ánd par- | take | of Thy | joy ;

And triumph over sórrow, and ful- | fil Thy | work: and be numbered with Thy sáints, and | die | on Thy | 1 bosom.



MARVELLOUS things of the Lord our God: have we heard and our | fathers have told us.

Repeat to their children His | ancient | praise: that the generátions may | set their | hope in God.

They that trust in the Lord, shall be as His | holy | hill: whích | cannot be re- | moved.

As the mountains are round a- | bout Je- | rusalem : so the Lord en- | compasseth | them for | ever.

The secret of the Lórd is with them that fear Him: in the time of trouble He hidéth | them in | His pa-vilion.

In the day-time He leadeth thém | with a cloud : and in the night | with a | light of | fire.

Though they fall, they shall not be útterly | cast | down for the Lord up-holdeth them with His


They shall not be afráid of | evil | tidings: fór their | times are in His hands.

Because their heart is not háughty nor their eyes lofty and they are quiet | as a weaned child;


Therefore He lifteth them | up and girdeth them with míght | though they | know it | not.

Commit thy way unto the Lord, wait | patiently | for Him: and thou shalt | never be for- | saken;

He will draw thee out of the | dark | waters: and shów | thee the path of life.

Who is among you that | feareth the | Lord: yet wálketh in | darkness, and | hath no | light?

Let him surely trúst | in the Lord: ánd | stay up-| on his God.

Lift up your eyes | to the heavens and look up- 1 on the | earth be- | neath;

The heavens shall vánish a- | way like smoke: and the earth shall wáx | old | like a garment; |

And they that | dwell there- | in: sháll | die in | like manner;

But the salvation of the Lórd shall be forever: ánd His righteousness | shall not | fail.



GLORIOUS things of thee are | spoken: Jerúsalem | city of our God.

Of thee it shall be said, Hére were the prophets | born: hére the Most High was known;

Look on the mountain | of His | holiness: a líght and | joy to the | whole | earth ;

Mark well her tówers, and con- | sider her | bulwarks that ye may tell ít to gener- ations to come. O Zíon that bringest good | tidings: lift úp thy | voice to every | age;

Let the watchmen crý | from thy palaces: Bé-| hold | —your ❘. God !

As a banner from thy walls, an énsign | from a- | far ís the testi- | mony of | Israel.

For dárkness | covered the earth and gróss | darkness the people;

But the Lord aróse as a | light up- | on thee: ánd His glory was seen up- on thee;

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Till the Gentiles cáme | to thy | light: and thy walls were called salvátion | and thy | gates | praise.

We will remember the days of old: the years of the right hand | of the | Most | High;

We will méditate on all His work: and wríte His law up- | on our hearts.

O Lord, Thou art a Gód that ❘ doest | wonders: Thou hast decláred Thy- | self a- | mong the people. Thy way is in the | sanctuary: who is so great a God as our | God?



HOLY is Thy name, O Lord, Thou art | God a- | lone: Thy glory is in the earth and héaven, and Thy | witness in all the nations.

Who hath not heard of Thee from the vision of Thy | prophets and met Thée in the secrets of the heart?

Our fathers have told ús Thy | wonders of | old: how Thou calledst them by the ténder | voice of the Son of Man.

And therein we tóo | weary and | listening: stíll | find our rest.

With Thee may we live as chíldren | with a | father :

lovéd with an ever- | lasting | love;

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Seeking not our ówn | will, but | Thine: that we may be perfect as | Thou | art | perfect.


Lay on us the cróss of others' | sorrows: if thus we may fulfil the healing | sufferings of Christ.

Remind us in every tróuble | of the | soul: that for this cause came we unto this | hour.

And when at last we commit our spírit | unto ! Thee: receive us into the higher | mansions of Thy | house.

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I WAS glad when my compánions | said unto me : Cóme, it is our | holy | day;

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Let us go into the house | of the Lord: let ús| take sweet counsel to- | gether;

Let our feet stand with- | in His | gates: and heart and voice give thanks | unto Him.

Blessed be the temple hállowed by His | name : pray for peace with- | in its | walls;

Peace to young and old that | enter | there: peace to every soul a | biding | there- | in.

For friends' and brethren's sake, I will néver | cease to say: Péace | be with- | in | thee!

What though for Him who filleth | heaven and | earth: there can bé no | dwelling | made with | hands ;

What though His way is in the deep, and His knówledge too wonderful | for us and before Him we are as children that | cannot | speak;

Yet, touched by the áltar's | living | glow: we léarn as an infant to | lisp His name,

And try the wings that | beat for His | refuge: and flée as a | bird | to the mountain.

O Lord, when we cry unto Thée | from the | deep: and wait for Thée as they that wait for the | morning;

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