How vain are all hereditary honors, Shirley's Parricide. The honors of a name 'tis just to guard: With care transmit them down to other hands. Ibid. I've scann'd the actions of his daily life With all th' industrious malice of a foe; And nothing meets mine eye but deeds of honor. Hannah More's Daniel, pt. 1. HOPE. Hope is the fawning traitor of the mind, Which, while it cozens with a coloured friendship, Lee's Constantine. A beam of comfort, like the moon thro' clouds, Dryden's Love Triumphant. Multiplying wishes is a curse, Dryden's Secret Love. That keeps the mind perpetually awake. 'Tis the cruel artifice of fate, Thus to refine and vary on our woes, To raise us from despair, and gives us hopes, And make us doubly wretched. Trap's Abramule. To-day, in snow array'd, stern winter rules HUNTING. When huntsmen wind the merry horn, And from its covert starts the fearful prey; Who, warm'd with youth's blood in his swelling veins, Would, like a lifeless clod outstretch'd lie, Shut up from all the fair creation offers ? Joanna Baillie's Ethwald, a. 1, s. 1. Mark'd you that tawny hound, With stretched nostrils snuffing to the ground, My hoarse-sounding horn Invites thee to the chase, the sport of kings; Ibid. Somerville's Chase, b. I. In vain malignant steams and winter fogs In this delightful exercise to raise His drooping head, and cheer his heart with joy. Ibid. Once more, ye jovial train, your courage try, And each clean courser's speed. We scour along Oblivion to be wish'd. Ibid, b. 2. The morning sun, that gilds with trembling rays Ibid, b. 3. Know then, whatever cheerful and serene : And make our happiest state no tedious thing. : Armstrong's Art of Preserving Health, b. 4. When the heart is light With hope, all pleases, nothing comes amiss. HOSPITAL. Rogers's Italy. Immediately a place Before his eyes appear'd, sad, noisome, dark, Of ghastly spasm, or racking torture, qualms Dropsies, and asthmas, and joint-racking rheums. HUMILITY. He that will once give the Wall, shall be quickly thrust into the kennel. Chapman's May-day. Humility is eldest born of Virtue, And claims her birth-right at the throne of Heav'n. Murphy's Zobeide. Poor is the triumph o'er the timid hare ! Thomson's Seasons-Autumn. The cheerful morn Beams o'er the hills; go, mount th' exulting steed." Already, see, the deep-mouth'd bugles catch The tainted mazes; and, on eager sport Intent, with emulous impatience try Each doubtful trace. Or, if a nobler prey The vocal forest with the jovial horn. Armstrong's Art of Preserving Health, b. 3. HYPOCRISY. Ev'ry man in this age has not a soul Of chrystal, for all men to read their actions : Through men's hearts and faces are so far asunder That they hold no intelligence. Beaumont and Fletcher's Philaster, I, under fair pretence of friendly ends, Milton's Comus. Kings and priests are in a manner bound, For reverence sake, to be close hypocrites. Yet to be secret, makes not sin the less; Dryden's Amphytrion. They Can pray upon occasion, talk of Heaven, A villain, when he most seems kind, Otway's Orphan. Is most to be suspected. Lansdown's Jew of Venice. Thou hast prevaricated with thy friend, Thou hast betray'd me. Rowe's Lady Jane Grey, a. 2, s. 1. Were men t' appear themselves, Set free from customs that restrain our nature, Cibber's King John. The man who dares to dress misdeeds, And colour them with virtue's name, deserves A double punishment from gods and men. Ch. Johnson's Medæa. 'Tis not my talent to conceal my thoughts, Or carry smiles and sunshine in my face, When discontent sits heavy at my heart. Addison's Cato. |