INDEPENDENCE--INFIDELITY. The life of life, that to the banquet high 159 Thomson's Liberty. I praise you much, ye meek and patient pair, Cowper's Task, b. 4 INFIDELITY. Had she not fallen thus, Oh! ten thousand worlds Could ne'er have balanced her; for Heaven is in her, And joys which I must never dream of more. Lee's Casar Borgia. I can forgive A foe, but not a mistress, and a friend : Is stabb'd by her own guards. Dryden's All for Love. Fatally fair they are, and in their smiles The graces, little loves, and young desires inhabit; For they are false, luxurious in their appetites, Rowe's Fair Penitent, a. 1, s. 1. Are these the pleasures of unlawful love? Of empty joys and visionary bliss! Frowde's Philotas. O gilded curse! More fair than rosy morn when first she smiles O'er the dew-brighten'd verdure of the spring! But more deceitful, tyrannous, and fell, Than syrens, tempests, and devouring flames! Smollett's Regicide. Who robs me of my wealth, To yield the full repayment-but the villain Of penitence itself cannot repair. Hawkins's Cymbeline. Thou tremblest least I curse thee, tremble not— While his cold corse doth bleach beneath her towers. Maturin's Bertram, a. 2, s. 3. In want, and war, and peril, Things that would thrill the hearer's blood to tell of, My heart grew human when I thought of thee- ܕ܂ A despot's vengeance, a false country's curses, Shakes his pursuers' darts-across their path One dart alone took aim, thy hand did barb it. Ibid. O wretched is the dame, to whom the sound "Your lord will soon return," no pleasure brings. Another daughter dries a father's tears; Ibid. Ibid. a. 4. s. 2. Thou must live amid a hissing world, A thing that mothers warn their daughters from, Whom when the good do name, they tell their beads, Three things a wise man will not trust, The wind, the sunshine of an April day, And woman's plighted faith. I have beheld The weathercock upon the steeple point Steady from morn till eve, and I have seen Ibid. 162 INFIDELITY-INGRATITUDE-INNOCENCE. The bees go forth upon an April morn, Secure the sunshine will not end in showers; INGRATITUDE. Southey's Madoc. I served thee fifteen hard campaigns, And pitched thy standard in these foreign fields; By me thy greatness grew; thy years grew with it; But thy ingratitude out-grew them both. Dryden's Don Sebastian. I could stand upright Against the tyranny of age and fortune; Denham's Sophy. He that's ungrateful, has no guilt but one; Young's Busiris, a. 2. The wretch whom gratitude once fails to bind, Frowde's Philotas. All should unite to punish the ungrateful : Thomson's Coriolanus, a. 1, s. 4. If there be a crime Of deeper dye than all the guilty train Of human vices, 'tis ingratitude. Brooke's Earl of Warwick, INNOCENCE, My innocence Shall stand triumphant, and your malice serve But for a trumpet, to proclaim my conquest; Nor shall you, though you do the worst fate can, Massinger and Field's Fatal Dowry. There is no courage, but in innocence; No constancy, but in an honest cause. Southern's Fate of Capua. I am arm'd with innocence, Less penetrable than the steel-ribb'd coats That harness round thy warriors. Madden's Themistocles. Against the head which innocence secures, Turn'd backwards by the pow'rful breath of heav'n. Dr. Johnson's Irene. So pray'd they innocent, and to their thoughts Milton's Paradise Lost, b. 5. Only add Deeds to thy knowledge answerable, add faith, INVENTION. Ibid, b. 12. Th' invention all admir'd, and each, how he Impossible. Ibid. b. 6. |