ITALY. The promised land Lies at my feet in all its loveliness! To him who starts up from a terrible dream, JEALOUSY. Rogers's Italy. To doubt's an injury; to suspect a friend Lansdown's Heroic Love. Oh Jealousy! Thou bane of pleasing friendship, Rowe's Jane Shore, a. 3, s. 1. Jealousy, said'st thou? I disdain it :-No- Invites, and justifies the falsehood fear'd. Hill's Zara. Thou false seducer of our hearts, begone. C. Johnson's Sultaness. Passions, if great, though turn'd to their reverse, Young's Brothers, a. 4. I've seen and heard Enough, beyond suspicion's pale distrusts, Beckingham's Henry IV. of France. Oh! the pain of pains, Is when the fair one, whom our soul is fond of, Young's Busiris. O jealousy, each other passion's calm Thou king of torments! thou grand counterpoise Young's Revenge, a. 2. It is jealousy's peculiar nature To swell small things to great; nay, out of nought O Jealousy! thou most unnatural offspring Of a too tender parent! that in excess Thou tear'st the bosom whence thy nurture flows. Frowde's Philotas. O Jealousy! thou merciless destroyer, More cruel than the grave! what ravages Does thy wild war make in the noblest bosoms! Mallet's Euridice. Ten thousand furies lash my soul with whips, All other passions have their hour of thinking, And sweeps the soul in tempests. Francis's Constantine. See, his audacious face he turns to hers; Joanna Baillie's De Montford, a. 4, s. 2. Thou ugliest fiend of hell! thy deadly venom Hannah More's David and Goliah, pt. 1. Love unlibidinous reign'd, nor jealousy. Was understood, the injur'd lover's hell. Milton's Paradise Lost, b. 5. Then shall I be no more, And Adam wedded to another Eve, Shall live with her enjoying, I extinct; A death to think. Ibid, b. 9. But thro' the heart Should jealousy its venom once diffuse, Of livid gloom imagination wraps. Thomson's Seasons-Spring. Ten thousand fears Invented wild, ten thousand frantic views Ibid. JOY. There's not a slave, a shackled slave of mine, Were my whole life to come one heap of troubles, Lee's Mithridates. I cannot speak, tears so obstruct my words Otway's Caius Marius. Joys are for the gods; Man's common course of nature is distress: Young's Brothers, a. 5. A springing joy, A pleasure, which no language can express, An extasy, that mothers only feel, Plays round my heart, and brightens up my sorrow, Like gleams of sunshine in a low'ring sky. A. Philip's Distrest Mother. Well, there is yet one day of life before me, Joanna Baillie's Basil, a. 2, s. 2. From the sad years of life We sometimes do short hours, yea, minutes strike, Joanna Baillie's De Montford, a, 1, s. 1. O fleeting joys Of Paradise, dear bought with lasting woes! Milton's Paradise Lost, b. 10. KINDNESS. I would bring balm, and pour it in your wound, Cure your distemper'd mind, and heal your fortunes. Dryden's All for Love. Thy words have darted hope into my soul, And comfort dawns upon me. Southern's Disappointment. A willing heart adds feather to the heel, Joanna Baillie's De Montford, a. 3, s. 1. So cheer'd he his fair spouse, and she was cheer'd, From either eye, and wip'd them with her hair; Milton's Paradise Lost, b. 5. Generous as brave, Affection, kindness, the sweet offices Of love and duty, were to him as needful As his daily bread. KINGS. Rogers's Italy. Kings' titles commonly begin by force, Dryden's Spanish Friar. There like a statue thou hast stood besieg'd |