PATIENCE. Thy injuries would teach Patience to blaspheme: Beaumont's Double Marriage. Patience! preach it to the winds, To roaring seas, or raging fires! the knaves That teach it, laugh at you when you believe 'em. But patience is the virtue of an ass, Otway's Orphan. That trots beneath his burden, and is quiet. Lansdown's Hercio Love. Preach patience to the sea, when jarring winds. And if your reasons mitigate her fury, My soul will be as calm. Smith's Princess of Parma. Those who bear misfortunes over meekly Do but persuade mankind that they and want And so to it they leave them. Joanna Baillie's Rayner, a. 1, s. 1. O ye cold hearted, frozen, formalists! Young's Night Thoughts, n. 4. Ev'n the best must own, Patience, and resignation, are the pillars Ibid, n. 8. PATRIOTISM. Judge me not ungentle, Of manners rude, and insolent of speech, My zeal flows warm and eager from my tongue. Rowe's Jane Shore. Greatly unfortunate, he fights the cause them. Addison's Cato. A people Who cannot find in their own proper force To fight, In a just cause, and for our country's glory, Havard's Regulus. Our country's welfare is our first concern, In that dread hour my country's guard I stood, Ibid. Maturin's Bertram, a. 4, s. 2. This love of thine For an ungrateful and tyrannic soil Byron's Two Foscari, a. 3, s. 1. Calendaro. But if we fail Bertuccio. They never fail who die In a great cause: the block may soak their gore; Their heads may sodden in the sun; their limbs Be strung to city gates and castle walls— But still their spirit walks abroad. Though years Elapse, and others share as dark a doom, They but augment the deep and sweeping thoughts Which o'erpower all others, and conduct The world at last to freedom. Byron's Doge of Venice, a. 2, s. 2. While in the radiant front, superior shines Thomson's Seasons-Summer. Who, firmly good in a corrupted state, Ibid-Winter. In public life severe, To virtue still inexorably firm; But when, beneath his low illustrious roof, Sweet peace and happy wisdom smooth'd his brow, Not friendship softer was, nor love more kind. Ibid. He alone Remains unshaken. Rising he displays The souls of patriots; while his brow supports Glover's Leonidas. Of patriots bursting with heroic rage, Cowper's Task, b. 4. But the age of virtuous politics is past, I see thee weep, ar I thine are honest tears, Ibid. Ibid. b. 6. PEACE. Long peace, I find, But nurses dangerous humours up to strength, Licence and wanton rage, which war alone Can purge away. Mallet's Mustapha. Now no more the drum Provokes to arms, or trumpet's clangour shrill Uninterrupt'd! Philips's Cider, b. 2. That prince, and that alone, is truly great, Young's Night Thoughts, n. 6. O beauteous peace! Sweet union of a state! what else but thou Gives safety, strength, and glory to a people? Thomson. 248 PEACE PERFECTION-PERSEVERANCE. Oh, Peace! thou source, and soul of social life; Thomson's Britannia. Oh first of human blessings! and supreme! Nature, in her productions, slow, aspires Ibid. Somervile's Chase, b. 1. So slow The growth of what is excellent, so hard Cowper's Task, b. 1. PERSEVERANCE. He who flies, In war or peace, who his great purpose yields, But he who labours firm and gains his point, Perseverance is a Roman virtue, That wins each godlike act, and plucks success Havard's Regulus. |