Th' infernal serpent; he it was, whose guile, Stirr'd up with envy and revenge, deceiv'd The mother of mankind. Milton's Paradise Lost, b. 1. SEXTON. See yonder maker of the dead man's bed, Of hard unmeaning face, down which ne'er stole Digs thro' whole rows of kindred and acquaintance Shall do for him what he has done for thousands. Blair's Grave. SHAME. For often vice provok'd to shame, Borrows the colour of a virtuous deed. Thus libertines are chaste, and misers good, A coward valiant, and a priest sincere. Sewell's Sir Walter Raleigh. I can bear scorpion's stings, tread fields of fire, Be toss'd aloft through tracks of endless void, Joanna Baillie's Basil, a. 5, s. 2. SHEPHERD. The homely villager, the drudge of life, Who eats but as he toils, is happier far : Disturbs his hours; thoughtless he labours on, Thomson's Seasons.-Spring. rays Ibid.-Summer. Frequent in the sounding hall, they wake The rural gambol. Rustic mirth goes round; The simple joke that takes the shepherd's heart, Easily pleas'd; the long loud laugh, sincere ; The kiss, snatch'd hasty from the side-long maid, On purpose guardless, or pretending sleep : The leap, the slap, the haul; and, shook to notes Of native music, the respondent dance. Thus jocund fleets with them the winter night. Ibid.-Winter. SHIPWRECK. All, all, the storm Devour'd; and now, o'er his late envy'd fortune, Triumphant in his ruin. Wave high your torches on each crag and cliff- And let our deep-toned bell its loudest peal 'Twill be a comfort to the wretched souls Fresh hope may give them strength, and strength de- Rise o'er the breaker's surge that dashes o'er them; A piteous, fearful sight— Ibid. Ibid. On Scylla, or Charybdis (dangerous rocks!) Admits the sea in at the gaping side The crowding waves gush with impetuous rage, The mariners; death in their eyes appears, They stare, they rave, they pump, they swear, they pray; (Vain efforts!) still the battering waves rush in, Implacable, till, delug'd by the foam, The ship sinks foundering in the vast abyss. Philip's Splendid Shilling. SHOOTING. Thick around Thunders the sport of those, who with the gun, Thomson's Seasons-Winter. SLANDER. Where may a maiden live securely free, : Strongly above the battery of their tongues; Beaumont and Fletcher's Philaster. It is a busy talking world, That with licentious breath blows like the wind As freely on the palace, as the cottage. Rowe's Fair Penitent. Slander meets no regard from noble minds; Only the base believe, what the base only utter. Beller's Injured Innocence. Those who murder fame Kill more than life destroyers. Savage's Sir Thomas Overbury. 'Tis false! 'tis basely false ! What wretch could drop from his envenom'd tongue A tale so damn'd? It chokes my breath Joanna Baillie's De Monfort, a. 4, s. 2. When I am cold, when my pale sheeted corse Maturin's Bertram, a. 4, s. 2. He threw his sting into a poisonous libel, Byron's Doge of Venice, a. 1, s. 2. Does not the law of Heaven say blood for blood? The whisper'd tale, That, like the fabling Nile, no fountain knows. Soft-buzzing slander; silky moths, that eat The strife of little tongues, And coward insults of the base-born crowd. Ibid. Blair. |