England, with all thy faults, I love thee still, Where English minds and manners may be found, Cowper's Task, b. 2. To shake thy senate, and from heights sublime As Thee therefore still, blame-worthy as thou art, Fails for the craving hunger of the state, ENVY. Ibid. Ibid, b. 5. Yet much is talk'd of bliss; it is the art Young's Revenge, a. 2. Base envy withers at another's joy, Thomson's Seasons-Spring. EQUALITY. Who can in reason then or right assume Milton's Paradise Lost, b. 5. . EVENING. See the descending sun, Scatt'ring his beams about him as he sinks, And gilded heaven above, and seas beneath, With paint, no mortal pencil can express. Hopkins' Pyrrhus. This as I guess should be th' appointed time : Joanna Baillie's Ethwald, pt. 2, a. 5, s. 3. The sun Declin'd was hasting now, with prone career Milton's Paradise Lost, b. 4. In the western sky, the downward sun Looks out, effulgent, from amid the flush Of broken clouds, gay-shifting to his beam. Thomson's Seasons-Spring. The sun has lost his rage: his downward orb Lights up the clouds, those beauteous robes of heaven, Ibid-Summer. Now the soft hour Of walking comes: for him who lonely loves The harmony to others. Thomson's Seasons-Summer. Cowper's Task, b. 4. EXECUTION. See they suffer death; But in their deaths remember they are men: Strain not the laws, to make their tortures grievous. Addison's Cato. Slave, do thine office! Strike as I struck the foe! Strike as I would Have struck those tyrants! Strike deep as my curse! Strike-and but once! Byron's Doge of Venice, a. 5, s. 3. EXILE. Yes, yes! from out the herd, like a mark'd deer, They drive the poor distraught. The storms of heaven Beat on him gaping hinds stare at his woe; : And no one stops to bid heav'n speed his way. Joanna Baillie's Ethwald, a. 5, s. 1. Ah! you never yet Were far away from Venice, never saw Seem'd ploughing deep into your heart; you never Of them and theirs, awoke and found them not. O unexpected stroke, worse than of death! That must be mortal to us both. Milton's Paradise Lost, b. 11. Some natural tears they dropt, but wip'd them soon; Unhappy he! who from the first of joys, Ibid. b. 12. Amid this world of death. Day after day, A mournful eye, and down his dying heart Sinks helpless. Thomson's Seasons-Summer. And the bark sets sail; And he is gone from all he loves for ever! To be called up, when, in his lonely hours Rogers's Italy. EXPERIENCE. 'Tis war that forms the prince: 'Tis hardship, toil; 'Tis sleepless nights, and never-resting days; 'Tis pain, 'tis danger, 'tis affronted death; 'Tis equal fate for all, and changing fortune; That rear the mind to glory, that inspire The noblest virtues, and the gentlest manners. Thomson's Agamemnon. 'Tis greatly wise to talk with our past hours; Young's Night Thoughts, n. 2. Much had he read, Much more had seen: he studied from the life, And in th' original perus'd mankind. Armstrong's Art of Preserving Health, b. 4. EXTRAVAGANCE. We sacrifice to dress, till household joys Where peace and hospitality might reign. Cowper's Task, b. 2. Mansions once Knew their own masters, and laborious hinds Sells the last scantling, and transfers the price |